Captain Woodshed

The cartoons of Dan Rivera. Reader comments strongly desired!
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Captain Woodshed

Post by daneldorado »


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Re: Captain Woodshed

Post by overbarrel49 »

Hi Dan,

I found the beginning of a newly colored Captain Woodshed :D . The first thing I did was check my "Dan" folder to make sure I already have the black and white version of this story, which I do :D . Even though I love the original black and white versions, I think you do them more justice when you color them. You always go to a great deal of trouble to make sure all the details are just right and I think the process of coloring them just makes all those details really pop ;) . The details in the clothing all stand out and especially the eyes of the characters :D . I couldn't resist looking at the entire story from the black and white version and I really like this story so I am looking forward to seeing the rest of the colored panels. Thanks for posting this for us :D . Thanks, Phil
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Re: Captain Woodshed

Post by daneldorado »

Thanks for the friendly comments, Phil. Like you, I too believe that color brings new life to these old black-and-white toons.

But the reason that these first two panels of Captain Woodshed showed up here, unadorned by my usual fatuous comments, is that they are the only two that I have been able to upload, thanks to a balky Photoshop system and a limping Apple computer. Not to worry, though. I plan to keep trying to upload the whole story, but I've been trying for almost a week now, and so far this is as far as I've gotten. Still gonna keep trying, though.

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Re: Captain Woodshed

Post by daneldorado »


Hmm, it looks like Image Titan is now trying to play nice. Here is the third panel of Captain Woodshed, with (maybe) more to come.

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Re: Captain Woodshed

Post by willjohn »

Naughty little girl gets in with gangsters and endangers her shapely little derriere.

Looks good in colour.
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Re: Captain Woodshed

Post by daneldorado »

Now it begins. A titanic spanking duel, with invaluable jewels as its secondary target. I guess you know what the principal target is, though. :D


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Re: Captain Woodshed

Post by willjohn »

It is pretty obvious what the principal target is. It is getting whacked as we speak!
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Re: Captain Woodshed

Post by overbarrel49 »

Hi Dan,

The first thing that pops out at me in panel 3 of the placement of her gun and it certainly gives us a pleasing view as she tries to go for it :D . BTW, I didn't find it at all surprising that you took this opportunity to show off her legs :lol: . I always appreciate all the details you include.....rings, bracelets, necklace and of course, the garter where she keeps her gun 8-) . I also noticed how you have enhanced the action in the second part of the panel by showing the necklace swinging ;) . I also like the facial expressions, which are an integral part of the this and show the emotions of the players. She is angry and determined but our hero is calm and confident 8-) .

Of course, those expressions have changed dramatically in the next panel :lol: . Our hero now has a smile of satisfaction as he delivers a spanking and an ultimatum to this naughty girl :D . In the mean time, she is still sounding tough but the tense position of her body and the shocked and distressed look on her face both tell a different story :lol: . I also like the camera angle you've used on this one :D . I'll be looking forward to seeing the rest of our story. Thanks, Phil
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Re: Captain Woodshed

Post by daneldorado »

The duel continues, but it's looking a tad one-sided....


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Re: Captain Woodshed

Post by willjohn »

He seems to be hitting both sides.
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Re: Captain Woodshed

Post by daneldorado »

And here is the grand finale. Thanks to overbarrel and willjohn, who posted comments to this Captain Woodshed.


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Re: Captain Woodshed

Post by willjohn »

That round seat would really be hot after that. It would be on fire! :oops:
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Re: Captain Woodshed

Post by daneldorado »

I agree that her bottom would be on fire. At the same time, I'm not sure if you and your friends have noticed the dichotomy in the two panels following the large double page that introduces the spanking. What I was intending to convey in these panels is the passage of time.

The first panel following the splash page showing the blonde crime moll being spanked by Capt. Woodshed and it show a slight reddening of the target area, but then in the panel immediately following it, the blonde's fanny is an angry shade of red. Obviously, this condition does not occur in only one or two minutes. Rather, a fully spanked bottom signifies a long, hard spanking. That is what the two adjecent panels cannot imply by themselves. So it is necessary to show the lady's bottom a fiery red, meaning it has been a lo-o-o-ong spanking to that point. And this dichotomy must be understood by the viewer. So, when she gives up and gives her tormentor the information he is asking for, it is because she is physically exhausted and thoroughly spanked.

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Re: Captain Woodshed

Post by overbarrel49 »

Hi Dan,

You and Willjohn have already discussed the passage of time in your 5th panel. To take this a step further, I think we have here another example of just what happens when a naughty girl is also stubborn 8-) . CW has already indicated that he's willing to keep spanking her until she tells him where the jewels are hidden but she stubbornly refuses, even knowing that she has no chance of escape. In the first part of the panel, her bottom is already starting to sting and tears are beginning to flow but she still refuses to give in. Of course, our hero has no problem continuing to spank her naughty bottom and even says "you need to be spanked anyway". :D . In the second part of the panel, she finally gives in, but not until her bottom is blistered. She's a typical, stubborn spankee who has to be spanked to submission :lol: .

In the last panel, I love the view we get of her, sobbing and subdued with a look of regret on her face as she tries to regain her composure. That's almost as good as the spanking itself 8-) . Of course, the drawing of her holding up her dress while she rubs her well spanked bottom is a nice view too :D . I love the gag in this one and also the expression of irritation on her face as she has to explain to our hero which hot seat she was referring to :lol: . Thanks for sharing this with us :D . Phil
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Re: Captain Woodshed

Post by daneldorado »

overbarrel wrote:

Of course, the drawing of her holding up her dress while she rubs her well spanked bottom is a nice view too :D . I love the gag in this one and also the expression of irritation on her face as she has to explain to our hero which hot seat she was referring to :lol: . Thanks for sharing this with us :D . Phil

Thanks again Phil, for your very generous comments about my Captain Woodshed. One extra note: In the very last panel, my intention was to have the thoroughly spanked girl glaring daggers at her tormentor. Just look at her eyes. Boy, if looks could kill, right?

I guess b00m and Web-ed are on vacation.

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Re: Captain Woodshed

Post by willjohn »

daneldorado wrote:I agree that her bottom would be on fire. At the same time, I'm not sure if you and your friends have noticed the dichotomy in the two panels following the large double page that introduces the spanking. What I was intending to convey in these panels is the passage of time.

The first panel following the splash page showing the blonde crime moll being spanked by Capt. Woodshed and it show a slight reddening of the target area, but then in the panel immediately following it, the blonde's fanny is an angry shade of red. Obviously, this condition does not occur in only one or two minutes. Rather, a fully spanked bottom signifies a long, hard spanking. That is what the two adjecent panels cannot imply by themselves. So it is necessary to show the lady's bottom a fiery red, meaning it has been a lo-o-o-ong spanking to that point. And this dichotomy must be understood by the viewer. So, when she gives up and gives her tormentor the information he is asking for, it is because she is physically exhausted and thoroughly spanked.

While she was referring to the burning sensation in her bottom The Captain was referring to the electric chair. Another nice touch.
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Re: Captain Woodshed and the Jewel Thieves

Post by web-ed »

daneldorado wrote:overbarrel wrote:
I guess b00m and Web-ed are on vacation.
Right you are, Dan! I have sneaked out of town to get a few days rest after having only 5 days off all year. And I had to spend so much time trying to get Homecoming Week done last week that once it was I had to stay away from CSR long enough to get to a lot of other things that had been neglected. (I can't speak for b00m, but remember he was having some issues posting not long ago).

But now I can take a few minutes to check out the color version of Captain Woodshed and the Jewel Thieves, a story I remember from a few years back. As I've said before, I think the color adds quite a bit without losing anything, and superheroes are almost synonymous with four-color (as they used to be) comics also.

Lots of good stuff here, most of which has already been commented on. I liked panel 6, in which CW deftly disarms the bad girl, pulling her arms up behind her head in a way which thrusts her bosom forward. The bosom can be neglected in a spanking story for obvious reasons, so it's nice to see it get some attention here.

The use of spanking as an interrogation tool gives us the opportunity for three full spanking panels, all featuring an ideal OTK position (very important) plus a rapidly reddening rear, which is great story construction! In fact, I think law enforcement should consider using spanking on those "hard case" female suspects who are simply too hardened to respond to lesser methods :lol: !

Finally, our happy ending: the bad girl finally surrenders, as every spankee eventually must, and gives up the goods. She got the "hot seat" all right, and well-deserved it was :D !

Thanks for giving us this colorized version of another adventure featuring that spanking super-hero, Captain Woodshed!
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Re: Captain Woodshed

Post by hugob00m »

I've not logged on a lot lately. I have a full-time retail job, AND I'm trying to fix up a house to move into. It seems like so much of the time, when I do log on, I get interrupted before I can finish a post.

Also... in the case of this story... I hate to say anything negative... but perhaps you'd rather have criticism than silence.

I really miss Captain Woodshed. I'd like to see a new Captain Woodshed story, but all I've seen recently are re-runs.

You did a nice job colorizing, but I've seen this story before. A lot of times.

I miss Captain Woodshed!
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Re: Captain Woodshed

Post by willjohn »

Good luck with your house, Boom.

If the bandit lady was a bird she would be what in Australia we call a "Red Bummed Bulbul."
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Re: Captain Woodshed

Post by web-ed »

hugob00m wrote:I've not logged on a lot lately. I have a full-time retail job, AND I'm trying to fix up a house to move into. It seems like so much of the time, when I do log on, I get interrupted before I can finish a post.

Also... in the case of this story... I hate to say anything negative... but perhaps you'd rather have criticism than silence.

I really miss Captain Woodshed. I'd like to see a new Captain Woodshed story, but all I've seen recently are re-runs.

You did a nice job colorizing, but I've seen this story before. A lot of times.

I miss Captain Woodshed!
I must admit, B00m, of all Dan's creations, I've always had a soft spot in my heart for Captain Woodshed also. I think it's likely that anyone into spanking and super-hero comics would feel that way, although possibly Spanky Sal has received more queries (that is, through search engines where the requestor was ultimately referred to CSR). I don't keep cumulative statistics from CSR's log tapes (what an idea!) so I can't be sure which feature is more popular. (OTKatie gets some queries, too, by the way, in case I've forgotten to mention that).

I can't help with your job in retail (a tough line of work) or your house (although I've done some remodeling). As for the trouble you're having once logged on, all I can say is that I haven't taken the board down for maintenance since June and hope I won't have to again until some time in 2017. However, as I have mentioned in the past, our board here is dependent on certain resources being available from CSR's host, and he may not give them a very high priority since they don't involve, for example, credit card transactions. If a resource becomes unavailable, for example when you've written a post, then you may not be able to actually update the tables (which is what uploading your post with the "Submit" button does). I can only suggest that in case of long posts, right click on the body and do a "SELECT ALL" followed by a "COPY" to ensure that your entire post is in your clipboard. Then if the board is unavailable, you can copy from your clipboard into a text document (use a word processor or Microsoft's Notepad to save the file). Then when the board becomes available again, copy from the document into the text window. :ugeek:
-- Web-Ed
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