Stupid Cupid

Spanking Art not from Humorama or other Men's Magazines, and not from Comics
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Stupid Cupid

Post by daneldorado »

This pic is not about spanking per se, but I'm pretty sure most of you would like it. As always, I have no idea whether you have seen it before, but I did not find it on a spanking site, so maybe it is new to some of you.

The artist (can't make out his or her name, sorry) depicts the sad aftermath of a beautiful young lady's encounter with a cactus plant.


Others who have seen it say it looks as if the doctor is dealing not with cactus stickers, but with some other type of device... darts, maybe? Anyway, the quality of this art is excellent IMHO. Maybe some of you can provide background?

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Re: Stupid Cupid

Post by web-ed »

These "Behind in Jeopardy" illustrations as I call them are certainly interesting Dan, and we've seen quite a few of them on CSR, most recently last September with Susie, and we'll be seeing more of them again in the future. Now let's examine this painting (as it appears to be):

First, upon close inspection we can see from the fins that it is indeed darts and not cactus needles that are stuck in a rather unhappy place for the young lady. We can also see a valentine just next to her right wrist that says "Be mine" which seems a little strange. Perhaps Cupid's "arrows" have misfired - literally :lol: ! The signature reads "Bryan 2011" which I believe refers to Bryan Bustard - I'm giving the link to his LinkedIn profile since I hate Facebook and use it as little as possible, but I haven't had time to examine his profile there myself. I agree with you that he does seem to be a pretty good artist. He reminds me a little of Gil Elvgren, but perhaps that's the pretty-girl subject matter rather than his brushstrokes.

Searching for this image, I find that "Stupid Cupid" appeared on the now-defunct website back in 2014 but was probably uploaded the year before, in April of 2013. The site is archived on Wayback Machine, but it's likely that the particular page it was on was not saved. Apparently the site was dedicated to art and leisure in NYC, something like the New Yorker magazine (which I haven't read since the '60's) used to be.

By the way, I remember a "Stupid Cupid" sketch on the old Benny Hill Show.

How's that for service, Dan? ;)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Stupid Cupid

Post by daneldorado »

Wow, Web-ed! That is some great research you did, on that "Stupid Cupid" picture! You are a "super searcher" for sure!

I had never heard of the artist Bryan Bustard until you came up with his name. But now, after looking him up, I can see that he and I share more than a liking for pleasantly erotic pictures... he is a devout Catholic, and that is something I too try to be. On his website, Bustard shows that he has a strong Catholic Faith. He has created scores of spiritual paintings, many of them depicting the Holy Family, the Crucifixion, and the great saints. His subjects also include modern-day spiritual figures, for example Archbishop Sheen and Mother Teresa.

"Stupid Cupid" is a beautiful painting Bustard did in 2011, depicting a pretty girl being treated by a doctor who is removing stickers from her rear end. I was first informed that the stickers are cactus needles, but your research convinces me that they are not cacti, they are Cupid's arrows ("darts") that went astray. The girl has received a valentine card, so that gesture probably precipitated her present ordeal. The picture is meant to be funny -- and it IS -- but it is also playfully erotic. There may be some people who are offended by such a painting, but it is not indecent or pornographic... so it's just fine with me.

Thanks again, Web-ed, for the great research you did.

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Re: Stupid Cupid

Post by overbarrel49 »

Hi Dan and web-ed,

WOW! you gents did well on this one :D . I agree that this is indeed a very nice drawing so thanks to Dan for sharing it with's a good find :D . I'm usually pretty thorough about catching everything here at CSR when it's first posted but somehow I missed this until today. I seem to be having more of these senior moments.

Web-ed, you sure provided a wealth of information about this one in very short order. Your knowledge and skills have once again provided us with all the information we could want :D .

I have to agree with Dan that this is playfully erotic and I wonder if Cupid wasn't really stupid after all.......perhaps he was just trying to point out to the young lady's boyfriend where to apply his attentions to her :lol: . I have to figure that even Cupid knows when a naughty girl needs a spanking 8-) . Thanks, Phil
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