R.I.P. Julius Zimmerman

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R.I.P. Julius Zimmerman

Post by web-ed »

Doctor Cylon recently passed along to me the sad news that Julius Zimmerman has died:

"On November 8th, 2017, Julius Zimmerman, the greatest erotic artist and a great influence and source of artistic inspiration to me as Doctor Cylon, has died from terminal cancer. He was 63.

'ZIMMERMAN also known as "Jay," age 63, passed away on November 4th after a brief illness. He was preceded in death by his loving parents, Shirley I. (nee Carter) and Julius E. Zimmerman Jr. and brother, Raymond D. He is survived by his brothers, Donald E. (Barbara), George W. (Deborah), and Richard L. (Pen) and sisters, Shirley A. Gober (Victor) and Sharon A. Z. Wilson (Peter) and many nieces and nephews. The family will hold private services.'"

Most regular CSR readers will be at least somewhat familiar with Zimmerman. He was a prolific and gifted artist whose published drawings must have exceeded 1,000 in number. It was only recently that I realized he had placed a gallery on Deviant Art back in 2011. Interested readers may follow the link provided, but should be aware that only a small part of Zimmerman's work is available there for reasons I will come back to momentarily.

I think the first Zimmerman drawing I encountered was of Supergirl, but before long (and before I even knew Doctor Cylon) I encountered this memorable Zimmerman/Cylon collaboration, the first of many:

Wonder Woman receives a well-deserved paddling, courtesy of Julius Zimmerman and Doctor Cylon (animation). WW is © DC Comics Inc.

Zimmerman did some spanking work although the vast majority of his output was non-spanking. However, he had several strengths that made his work extremely valuable to us spankos in general and of course to Dr. Cylon in particular: his female characters were sexy, had shapely bottoms, and were often posed bending over in good paddling position. In fact, we have a good example of that in this week's updates, but here's another in which corporal punishment was plainly on Zimmerman's mind:

"Punish" - © Julius Zimmerman

There were some problems, of course. Zimmerman often ventured into what can only be called hard-core pornography, sometimes too hard even for Doctor Cylon to cope with - a subject I'll say no more about. (But not always - there are some absolutely hilarious variations by the good Doctor on some of Zimmerman's more hard-core work, but unfortunately they cannot be posted on CSR as they violate our standard against explicit sexual acts). Even DeviantArt, a fairly broad-minded site with lots of bondage and spanking, could not house this part of Zimmerman's output, which was considerable.

And then there were his bosoms! I have always thought that unlike Bill Ward, who was obviously an influence on him, Zimmerman intended the oversized boobs he almost invariably drew to be humorous, whereas Ward took them as serious eroticism. "Punish" above is one example, with another, "Beach Bawl" below:

"Beach Bawl" Original drawing © Julius Zimmerman; coloring and animation by Doctor Cylon.

A bosom this large is comical, not erotic - at least I hope that's how Zimmerman saw things.

All in all, we are grateful to Zimmerman for having given us so much (usually helped by Doctor Cylon, of course), and CSR readers will be glad to know that there are many as-yet-unpublished Zimmerman/Cylon collaborations in our files, most of which will be posted over the next few years. A few that present copyright problems or contain explicit sexual acts or are simply too gratuitous in their female "exposure" will not be presented on CSR.

As we mentioned last week, Doctor Cylon's favorite drawing of all time to work on was this one of Zimmerman's, on which the good doctor devised many variations:

Original drawing © Julius Zimmerman; coloring and captioning by Doctor Cylon.

It is indeed the end of an era. Rest easily, Julius, and thank you for all you did for us. :cry:
-- Web-Ed
Posts: 2173
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Re: R.I.P. Julius Zimmerman

Post by willjohn »

We may never see his like again. Rest in peace, Julius.
Posts: 1499
Joined: Fri May 13, 2011 7:22 pm

Re: R.I.P. Julius Zimmerman

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

R.I. P Julius Zimmerman :(
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