Growing Pains-episode 3

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Re: Growing Pains-episode 3

Post by hugob00m »

In your latest installment, I see that Linda's second spanking continues... while anticipation builds for a THIRD one to take place! She's going to have to take pillows to her classes just to be able to sit! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And you've set the stage for Betty to get her bottomside warmed too. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And it looks like you have several other opportunities within this community for some young ladies (and at least two middle-aged ones to get spanked! Great story so far and greater potential for later!
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Re: Growing Pains-episode 3

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:In your latest installment, I see that Linda's second spanking continues... while anticipation builds for a THIRD one to take place! She's going to have to take pillows to her classes just to be able to sit! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hi Boom,

I do have more spankings planned for future episodes for Linda and others :D . I do like to set up future spankings during each episode and give some hints as to what's coming ;) . Fear not, though. I'll see to it that Linda's bottom gets ample rest between spankings after this one :lol: .
hugob00m wrote:And you've set the stage for Betty to get her bottomside warmed too. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I have indeed. What I've noticed is that my viewers seem to have a desire to see the older women to get spanked too......Betty, Marsha and of course, Shirley Holmes 8-) . Well, they are not alone and I also want to see that and I'm planning spankings for all of them in future episodes :D .
hugob00m wrote:And it looks like you have several other opportunities within this community for some young ladies (and at least two middle-aged ones to get spanked! Great story so far and greater potential for later!
I'm glad you're enjoying this story :D . Indeed I am setting up potential for many more spankings down the road, which is just what I had in mind. Now I'm wondering just how far I can take this and what spankings might happen that I haven't even thought of yet :lol: . Thanks, Phil
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Re: Growing Pains-episode 3

Post by web-ed »

I'm not sure which of the two, Linda or Young Phil, is going to reach his respective limit first, Linda with her stinging behind reaching her pain limit or Phil reaching his "arousal limit". There's only so much these young people can take :lol: !

Linda has learned one lesson - don't try to block Pete's hand! - and I think she's well on her way to learning another lesson, namely that she shouldn't wear transparent panties to school or do anything else that gets her spanked there, because Pete will give it to her at home if she does.

I'm not sure what lesson Young Phil is learning other than "Spanking girls is hot!" but at least he's continuing his education ;) .
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Re: Growing Pains-episode 3

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:I'm not sure which of the two, Linda or Young Phil, is going to reach his respective limit first, Linda with her stinging behind reaching her pain limit or Phil reaching his "arousal limit". There's only so much these young people can take :lol: !
Hi web-ed,

I'd say it's a toss up :lol: . I remember spanking my high school girl friend and there were times I wasn't sure what power it was that prevented me from creaming my jeans.....especially when we got to the point where spankings were given on her bare bottom :roll: . Of course, that was a different situation than Linda finds herself in now since, when I was spanking her, she was getting just as aroused as I was :D . Those spankings were usually shorter than I would have liked because, like you said, there's only so much young people can take :lol: .
web-ed wrote:Linda has learned one lesson - don't try to block Pete's hand! - and I think she's well on her way to learning another lesson, namely that she shouldn't wear transparent panties to school or do anything else that gets her spanked there, because Pete will give it to her at home if she does.
It's been my experience that girls are usually very stubborn so it's still unclear just how well she's learned any lessons. Personally, I think that stubbornness is a valid reason to give a girl a spanking in and of itself 8-) . You're probably right about Linda re learning not to block Pete's hand :lol: . Betty seems to think that she knew that and that it's just been too long since she's had a good spanking ;) .
web-ed wrote:I'm not sure what lesson Young Phil is learning other than "Spanking girls is hot!" but at least he's continuing his education ;) .
Phil has indeed learned that spanking girls is hot :lol: . Of course, he may have already suspected that but now he's sure which puts the future of Linda's bottom in question:D. Thanks, Phil
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Re: Growing Pains-episode 3

Post by overbarrel49 »

Hi everyone,

While Linda is promising to be good and Betty is wishing she had been, Phil seems to have a problem of his own :lol: . I hope you enjoy the new pic. Phil
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Re: Growing Pains-episode 3

Post by web-ed »

"Sizzling" indeed - that was some spanking! :D Of course, Linda really deserved it and (I'm going to be optimistic here) will be much the better for it in the future. But what if she starts backsliding? Pete is leaving town (on a business trip, one assumes) so who's going to handle the discipline chores at home while he's gone? This might be the time for Young Phil to "man up" and spank Linda if she acts up while her father's away. I'd love to see him spank Betty as well but that is psychologically unlikely - even I never spanked the mother of someone I knew when growing up. 8-)

But Betty is sure to get spanked somewhere along the way as our story continues... :)
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Re: Growing Pains-episode 3

Post by willjohn »

Young Phil has a short window of opportunity to escape while Pete packs. Perhaps he should forget Linda's arse for the moment and get his own into gear and depart the premises. :?
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Re: Growing Pains-episode 3

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:"Sizzling" indeed - that was some spanking! :D Of course, Linda really deserved it and (I'm going to be optimistic here) will be much the better for it in the future. But what if she starts backsliding? Pete is leaving town (on a business trip, one assumes) so who's going to handle the discipline chores at home while he's gone? This might be the time for Young Phil to "man up" and spank Linda if she acts up while her father's away. I'd love to see him spank Betty as well but that is psychologically unlikely - even I never spanked the mother of someone I knew when growing up. 8-)
Hi web-ed,

Linda's bottom is indeed sizzling :D . We have to remember here that she had already gotten a really good spanking only a couple hours before so Pete probably didn't have to work all that hard to blister her already sore bottom 8-) . In this particular scenario, Linda seems to learn very slowly so I think we can safely assume that she will need further discussions on this matter :D . These will be coming up in future episodes and Phil will be playing a prominent role 8-) . Speaking of Phil, I think he has his hands full just controlling Linda. Betty is Pete's problem and he'll be the one handling that situation. It's going to be a nervous week for Betty, knowing she's going to get a spanking but having to wait a whole week until Pete returns from his trip :lol: .
web-ed wrote:But Betty is sure to get spanked somewhere along the way as our story continues... :)
Betty's spanking is going to be the subject of a future episode. After all, I wouldn't want to slight her.....or Pete for that matter :lol: . Thanks, Phil
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Re: Growing Pains-episode 3

Post by overbarrel49 »

willjohn wrote:Young Phil has a short window of opportunity to escape while Pete packs. Perhaps he should forget Linda's arse for the moment and get his own into gear and depart the premises. :?
hi Willjohn-

Yeah, he probably should forget about Linda's well spanked bottom but I know that would be a difficult task for me, especially since she is, as Phil noted, Pointed right at him :lol: . I have confidence that he will escape in the nick of time 8-) . Thanks, Phil
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Re: Growing Pains-episode 3

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Exciting 8-) 8-) 8-) :D :D :D
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Re: Growing Pains-episode 3

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Phil.

This is a fun panel. It looks like the actual spanking is over for the time being... (FINALLY over, I'm sure Linda must be saying! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ) But she's still sprawled across Daddy's lap, with her bright red bottom on display! No wonder Phil has a problem keeping his composure! It looks like she still has at least one more spanking looming in her future... but she doesn't know about that yet! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

But, I have a feeling that, before she gets her next spanking, you'll be starting another episode, with another deserving young lady.
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Re: Growing Pains-episode 3

Post by overbarrel49 » wrote:Exciting 8-) 8-) 8-) :D :D :D
Hi Butch,

I'm glad you're enjoying it :D . Thanks, Phil
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Re: Growing Pains-episode 3

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:Hi, Phil.

This is a fun panel. It looks like the actual spanking is over for the time being... (FINALLY over, I'm sure Linda must be saying! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ) But she's still sprawled across Daddy's lap, with her bright red bottom on display! No wonder Phil has a problem keeping his composure! It looks like she still has at least one more spanking looming in her future... but she doesn't know about that yet! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hi Boom,

I'm glad you're enjoying this one :D . I think Pete figures it does a naughty girl good to be held OTK, with her freshly spanked bare bottom on display while she promises to be a good girl in the future 8-) . As near as I can tell, both Linda and Betty have a different opinion about that :lol: . As for Phil, I think he's doing the best he can under the circumstances :lol: . Linda does indeed still have at least one more spanking yet to go.....or maybe a lifetime of spankings 8-) .
hugob00m wrote:But, I have a feeling that, before she gets her next spanking, you'll be starting another episode, with another deserving young lady.
No doubt you're right about this. After all, I wouldn't want to get in a hurry ;) . Thanks, Phil
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Re: Growing Pains-episode 3

Post by daneldorado »

A scenario in which BOTH a lovely girl and her attractive mother get spanked is pretty rare in mainstream entertainment, but to guys like us a plot like that would command shouts of joy. The only comic strips that I've seen with that scenario are right here, in the Chicago Spanking Review... beginning with Phil's own masterwork, "One Good Turn". (Back around the start of this new century.)

Of course, the principal and perhaps ONLY mainstream movie that contains material like that is "McLintock!" (1963). If any of you youngsters know of another movie showing both daughter and mother getting spanked, please let us know.

So, now we have Overbarrel's magnum opus "Growing Pains", which also sets up a scenario in which BOTH ladies, Mom and Daughter, will have rosy red bottoms by the ending panel. Bravo Phil O!

Oops, just thought of another mainstream comic strip in which both Mama and her daughter get spanked: An episode of "Smilin' Jack," in which the dashing aviator of the title puts BOTH ladies over his lap at one and the same time!

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Re: Growing Pains-episode 3

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:A scenario in which BOTH a lovely girl and her attractive mother get spanked is pretty rare in mainstream entertainment, but to guys like us a plot like that would command shouts of joy. The only comic strips that I've seen with that scenario are right here, in the Chicago Spanking Review... beginning with Phil's own masterwork, "One Good Turn". (Back around the start of this new century.)
Hi Dan,

After your comment about "One Good Turn" being back about the turn of the century, I decided to go to the #5 toon group and check for sure. As it turns out, I posted the first panels on June 27, 2011 so it has been quite a while ;) . As you're probably aware, it's my theory that naughty girls never outgrow their need for a good spanking once in a while 8-) . In the case of "One Good Turn", Sara Ann gets spanked as soon as her dad finishes spanking Jennifer :D . Of course, it was Sara Ann's own fault for raising hell with her dad in front of all his friends :lol: .
daneldorado wrote:Of course, the principal and perhaps ONLY mainstream movie that contains material like that is "McLintock!" (1963). If any of you youngsters know of another movie showing both daughter and mother getting spanked, please let us know.
Even if there are others, "McLintock" will always be the one that comes to my mind :D .
daneldorado wrote: So, now we have Overbarrel's magnum opus "Growing Pains", which also sets up a scenario in which BOTH ladies, Mom and Daughter, will have rosy red bottoms by the ending panel. Bravo Phil O!
In the case of "Growing Pains" we've already seen Linda getting spanked twice and we will definitely be seeing Betty getting a spanking before it's all over. Actually Betty and Pete will be getting their very own episode for us to explore ;) . Of course, since Linda got 2 spankings, perhaps it's only fitting that Betty should get 2 spankings also 8-) . We'll see how things go. Thanks, Phil
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Re: Growing Pains-episode 3

Post by overbarrel49 »

Hi everyone,

Well, Linda's spanking is over. Let's check in and see the results :roll: . I hope you enjoy the new pic. Phil
still defiant?!?
still defiant?!?
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Re: Growing Pains-episode 3

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Hope Young Phil be around to see a mature woman getting it bare bottom :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Growing Pains-episode 3

Post by willjohn »

He would probably have to wait until Pete got back from his business trip.

I thought it was the other girl who had the see through knickers.
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Re: Growing Pains-episode 3

Post by Sweetspot »

So the plan, in Phil's head anyway, is that while Peter is taking care of Betty he will have the opportunity to spank Linda? I'm enjoying this sequence a great deal. In fact I'm a big fan of wild domestic scenarios...the crazier the better with odd combinations as long as it's male spanking female. I'm looking forward to what lies ahead.
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Re: Growing Pains-episode 3

Post by overbarrel49 » wrote:Hope Young Phil be around to see a mature woman getting it bare bottom :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hi Butch,

While this is an interesting idea, Phil will not be watching Betty get her spanking. You'll see why when we get that far along ;) . Thanks, Phil
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