The Return of Doctor Cylon

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The Return of Doctor Cylon

Post by web-ed »

This is a time for good news (and certainly no disrespect intended toward those observing the week of Easter - I'm not implying the Crucifixion was somehow a joyous occasion). Not only will Dan be returning to CSR shortly, but Doctor Cylon will be returning to work (despite aging eyes and hands) with a new computer. How I'm going to keep up with him once he starts rolling again is another matter - he's already sent me hundreds of new items I haven't classified yet - but I do hope and plan to start featuring his work again as soon as possible. Certainly we will see some of his super-hero stuff during Super Spanking Summer.


-- Web-Ed
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Re: The Return of Doctor Cylon

Post by willjohn »

That is something to look forward to. The good doctor improving the effects of spankings on the female derriere, :lol:
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Re: The Return of Doctor Cylon

Post by web-ed »

I received another communication from the good doctor (dated October, but I'm just getting to it now :roll: ) letting us know that he's still planning on returning to "active duty" soon. And in any case his many fans here on CSR can rest assured that my files are already stuffed with his work - over 1100 items taking up 565 MB! :o Even allowing for a few hundred duplicates and some unusable items, that's a lot of Doc Cylon material, and I will post it every chance I get.
-- Web-Ed
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Doctor Cylon Retires

Post by web-ed »

Some sad news with a bright side mixed in: Doctor Cylon has announced his retirement :cry: . I believe aging eyes and hands are the main reason, although he has also been plagued with computer problems. How he managed to do so much close-up work is a mystery to me: I did one piece of coloring in my life - of a black and white version of the famous "Batman spanks Marcia Monroe" panel (you can see it on the page in the main site) - and all that mousework was murder on the wrist (I switch mouse hands on alternate days, by the way, so my right wrist doesn't get carpal tunnel syndrome, which is a tip some may wish to follow). And Doc's stuff (including the animations) is all so well done!

And that brings us to the bright side: he has sent me 1,683 items to post :D ! Now some of these must be duplicates of one another or of the good Doctor's already-posted material, and some can't be used on CSR because of copyright issues or because of, say, Julius Zimmerman's unfortunate habit of sometimes venturing into sexually-explicit territory, but suppose even only 1000 can be presented - that is enough to run one per week for twenty years! :o

I think, therefore, that once I've sorted through the lot, a weekly Doctor Cylon feature like we often used to have is the only answer. I'll try to say a little more in December/January. And I hope to get us off to a good start with a whole month dedicated to his work which has done so much to help CSR maintain its unique status among spanking sites.

Will Doctor Cylon ever return to active duty once more? Only time will tell, but either way, CSR readers are going to be treated to some fine stuff ahead! :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: The Return of Doctor Cylon

Post by willjohn »

He will be missed. Goodbye and good luck, Doc.
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