2018 Self-Evaluation Part 1 - CSR's Organization

Let us know what you think about the site - what we're doing right or wrong, what you'd like to see, and any questions you might have. We'll toss some of our own thoughts and opinions in as well, including notes on the Weekly Updates at the main site.
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2018 Self-Evaluation Part 1 - CSR's Organization

Post by web-ed »

As I said over on the 14th Anniversary topic, I'm going to write some short pieces about CSR this month beginning with this one about the site's basic organization. Burning the midnight oil like this risks making mistakes, but let's try it anyway. What do I mean by CSR's organization? I mean the site's basic structure and layout.

Back in 2004 I had to choose how everything would look and how the site would be navigated. At that time, web sites were still fairly primitive in design, and probably influenced by the Japanese spanking artist Kubota Taira's site I chose a radio button design, although I color-coded mine for easier identification. Nobody does that any more, and I did later add some navigational aides at the top and bottom of most pages, but I kept true to my ideal of simple HTML code that would allow my pages to quickly load. Of course I'm no artist and my graphics design skills are extremely limited, so CSR's pages are more functional than pretty to look at but we've managed since those pages feature lots of visual spanking material that would render a more striking design rather superfluous anyway. ;)

At this point, we're pretty much stuck with the design of most of the pages since renovating all of them would be an enormous task. The Home Page and the various gallery index pages could be remodeled, but I'd have to come up with a new design and I don't really have the time to undertake such a purely cosmetic project at this time. There are two exceptions: the video pages are going to have to be changed for technical reasons, which I'll take up another time, and one of the galleries is less unified than the others.

If you take the time to go through those various gallery index pages - Comics 1, Comics 2, Humor, etc. - you'll probably agree with me that they all make good organizational sense except one: the Picture Gallery. I really can't remember what I was thinking about when I created and named it, but whereas the other galleries all deal with specific types of visual spanking material, the Picture Gallery has always been a hodge-podge of items that just didn't fit anywhere else. For that reason, I intend to split it up, perhaps into these spanking categories:

Stage, Movies & Television
Art (excluding humor cartoons, which would remain in the "Humor" section)
Photographs (not from newspapers or magazines and not of an overtly humorous character)

If anyone has any suggestions about these or additional categories you think we could use, I'd love to hear them. I don't know when the renovation can begin; I've no time for it while the current Comic Strip Series is running but on the other hand we need to do something before trying to get to all of Phil S.'s newspaper stuff. Probably the change will be done very gradually with the old Picture Gallery remaining in place, perhaps with individual items being moved one by one, until all the new galleries have been completed. :)
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Re: 2014 Self-Evaluation Part 1 - CSR's Organization

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote: At this point, we're pretty much stuck with the design of most of the pages since renovating all of them would be an enormous task. The Home Page and the various gallery index pages could be remodeled, but I'd have to come up with a new design and I don't really have the time to undertake such a purely cosmetic project at this time. There are two exceptions: the video pages are going to have to be changed for technical reasons, which I'll take up another time, and one of the galleries is less unified than the others.
Hi web-ed,

In this day and time, things change so quickly that no matter how fast you update things, you're still going to be way behind. By the time you get a page renovated, a better way would have been invented. Personally, I am constantly behind. Hells bells, when I was in high school, electronic calculators hadn't even been invented yet and now I'm behind the times because I'm still using a desk top computer instead of doing everything on my phone :x . I also gave up on trying to keep up with Poser. I am using Michael and Victoria 3 for all my Poser characters. I think the new ones are version 8. Of course, each time you change versions, you have to buy all new clothes for them and none of the old poses I have saved will work anymore. It all changes too quickly for me to keep up with so I gave up trying and everyone will just have to settle for the older ones :lol: . I guess what I'm trying to say is that, if I were you, I wouldn't try to renovate anything unless it would make your life easier. I am happy with the site just as it is :D . Thanks, Phil
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Re: 2014 Self-Evaluation Part 1 - CSR's Organization

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Web-ed.

I'm with Phil O. I hope you don't make any drastic changes in your format. I'm used to the way you have them now.

...Unless it's something that makes your work easier. I don't want you to burn out like so many others have.
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Re: 2014 Self-Evaluation Part 1 - CSR's Organization

Post by web-ed »

Thanks, guys - no drastic changes are coming. The splitting of the Picture Gallery will hardly be noticeable since I imagine I'll use a very similar design for the new gallery indices. The video pages will have to change to use a new player, but they'll look the same as they do now. :)
-- Web-Ed
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