More Comic Strips That Might Have Possibilities.

Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
Forum rules
* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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More Comic Strips That Might Have Possibilities.

Post by Tanner »

Many thanks for bringing back memories of so many comic strips Iread as a kid, like your recent Moon Mullin, a favorite of mine that ran in the Washington Post. Also read comics in the old Washington Star, which had a totally different comic strip lineup. They had Oakey Doaks and Kerry Drake which you have featured(though admit don't recall seeing the spankings).
Have a couple that your researchers might find of interest. One was called Penny which ran in the post, don't recall the artist.Penny was a teenage high school girl, a redhead, and doubtless got into difficulties that might earn her a parental spanking.
Since you have ran Jackson Twins and Archie comics material, assume its okay to mention another high schooler.
The other, that ran in the Star 1955-1962 was Long Sam another Al Capp creation, a Daisy Mae type character, complete with the ragged abbreviated costume. She was raised in the backwoods by her Maw", who tried to save her from the wiles of men.
No idea if any spankings occurred- but see much potential for Maw to dish out a good old-fashioned country switching!
There was another Star comic that featured another attractive nubile young woman but cannot think of its nane now. It was somewhat similar to Apartment 3-G which came later , in the 60s, and certainly had some eligible for spanking young ladies,
Just looked in up- It was The Heart of Juliet Jones. Juliet was the older of two daughters, with a widower father, who had to play mom to a sometimes bratty, irresponsible younger sister, Eve. The creator was Stan Drake.
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Re: More Comic Strips That Might Have Possibilities.

Post by jimc »

like you Tanner the Washington Post and the Evening Star were my newspapers ( i lived in Fairfax, Va) and i read all of the series that you mentioned. As i did hope to find spankings in them Penny was a great strip Apartment 3G and Heart of Juliet Jones all had some great storylines that i thought would have spankings as there were quite a few that did (Kerry Drake where i did see the Bootsie Belmont spanking, Winnie Winkle had the great Wendy Spanking; Lancelot was also in one of those papers and the Jackson twins double switch was in there. Thanks for bringing up some great memories of comic strips that i enjoyed as well. Have a great day.
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Re: More Comic Strips That Might Have Possibilities.

Post by web-ed »

Good to hear from you, Tanner, and thanks for your list of possibilities. :) Allow me to summarize:
  1. Penny - yes, it's certainly o.k. to discuss high-school girls!
  2. Long Sam - I think this one has come up in discussion before. Looks like a likely candidate!
  3. The Heart of Juliet Jones - can't remember this one, but it sounds like it has possibilities.
As far as I know there are no reprints for me to search, but CSR Chief Researcher Phil S. might be able to search the newspaper archives. I myself have had no time to try this because I still have over 500 Golden Age comics piled up waiting to be looked at.

I'm glad you're enjoying our current Comic Strip Series - I knew you would! - and I hope you'll like what Phil S. and I still have in store. We may be able to keep going until January, which would be two full years of comic strip spankings! :)

Jim - good to hear from you also. :D
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Re: More Comic Strips That Might Have Possibilities.

Post by Sweetspot »

web-ed wrote:As far as I know there are no reprints for me to search, but CSR Chief Researcher Phil S. might be able to search the newspaper archives. I myself have had no time to try this because I still have over 500 Golden Age comics piled up waiting to be looked at.
I appreciate the invitation. Tanner's post, directed to you, was just the kind of response to these comic strips that I hoped to create.

Penny is somewhat intriguing. She displays plenty of brat attitude and behavior but as far as spanking is concerned this comic fails miserably especially when compared to the content of such girl teen [or young adult] strips as Susie Q Smith, Oh,Diana, Etta Kett, Candy and the Jackson Twins.
Penny August 12, 1952. This daily has already been posted in Threats and Missed Opportunities. Through an old joke we see Mr. Pringle's attitude towards spanking his daughter. Reading this I was encouraged to look further into Penny knowing that the consequence for her bad behavior could possibly even probably be a spanking. Although we can't know for sure, but knowing Mr. Pringle's attitude towards applying the hairbrush where needed most, the strip offered several circumstances in which Penny being spanked was a distinct likelihood.
PennyAugust12,1952#2.jpg (34.47 KiB) Viewed 7900 times
Penny August 14, 1949 In this Sunday strip we see that Penny is willing to take misbehavior right to the edge! She repeatedly blows off her father's orders until he phrases his demand in such a way that she knows, from painful past experience, that it's either obedience or spanking! Also a good strip to visualize what Penny and her friend would look like across the knees of a boyfriend. ;)
PennyAugust14,1949.jpg (44.81 KiB) Viewed 7900 times

January 15, 1950 Here it's unacceptable to Mr. Pringle that Penny has tied up the phone all evening. It turns out that her friend is right upstairs! Whatever her punishment was it has left Penny in tears and sprawled on her stomach in bed. Penny describes what happened to her as her father exploding on her, leaving her in utter devastation. Her friend Peggy Jane suggests she run away from home. A teenage girl [especially a drama queen like Penny] can be sensitive to being disciplined by their father especially if their backside is sensitive about being repeatedly whacked!
PennyJanuary15,1950.jpg (37.83 KiB) Viewed 7900 times
Last edited by Sweetspot on Fri Aug 10, 2018 11:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: More Comic Strips That Might Have Possibilities.

Post by Sweetspot »

Penny February 8, 1951. Here logic dictates that a spanking takes place - especially logic as it was applied in 1951! :ugeek: What else but a spanking can we interpret as a "vital tragedy', a "great, grim tragedy" resulting in a, "sad, exotic air of stricken womanhood." Mr. Pringle's not chasing her in order to tell her she's grounded or to yell at her :x He has in mind for Penny a laying on of hands ceremony that will leave her pale rear-end looking like two eggs dyed deep red for Easter. Anyway, since she just seared the rear of her father's trousers, a spanking whould be the ultimate logical consequence wouldn't it? :P
PennyAndTheHotPantsFebraury8,1951.jpg (45.75 KiB) Viewed 7899 times
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Re: More Comic Strips That Might Have Possibilities.

Post by Sweetspot »

Long Sam looked like a strip with great possibilities from the moment I first laid eyes on it. Unfortunately to this point anyway I haven't been able to discover any connection with Long Sam and spanking. That doesn't mean a connection doesn't exist but that finding a reference to or even an actual spanking will take a more concerted effort. Perhaps Andre or another participant in this Forum will or has come up with something relevant?

The Heart of Juliet Jones March 19, 1953 If another comic strip oriented 'most in need of a spanking' poll were to be taken my vote would go to early 1950s Eve Jones. This particular series was one of the earliest T.H.O.J.J. dramas. It is typical of the early days of the strip in that Eve is the major antagonist of her sister, the long-suffering Juliet. Gig is a high school mathematics teacher and Eve is his under-achieving student. She must pass his class in order to get into a good college. Gig is also Juliet's fiancé. Eve tries to steal Gig from her sister and also uses her 'charms' on Gig in order to achieve -ah academic success :shock: Gig temporarily gives in to the conniving Eve but then quickly sees the error of his ways resulting in his leaving town rather than be disgraced if evidence of his having been kissed by a student ever came to light. Eve suffers no real consequences for her actions.
heartofJulietJonesMarch19,1953.jpg (36.92 KiB) Viewed 7898 times
The Heart of Juliet Jones March 19, 1953 DETAIL A good soap-opera certainly requires a good deal of naivety from the person being played for a fool. In this case Juliet insists that Gig tutor her sister in math thus leaving them alone for long stretches of time. But I guess betrayal is okay as long as Eve is just a little willful but has a lot of good in her.
HeartofJulietJonesMarch19,1953Detail.jpg (56.11 KiB) Viewed 7898 times
The Heart of Juliet Jones April 4, 1953 Gig fails to follow through on his earlier promise but instead merely threatens Eve once again.
HeartofJulietJonesApril4,1953.jpg (63.27 KiB) Viewed 7898 times
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Re: More Comic Strips That Might Have Possibilities.

Post by Tanner »

Thanks for the responses.The thread on Eve Jones and her crush on her tutor reminds me of am episode that ran in Apartment 3-G much later, maybe 80s.
A handsome college professor is tutoring a teenage girl who develops a huge crush on him and starts sending him unsigned letters with quite steamy and sensuous content.
He discovers it is her by having her write something on the blackboard and finding it matches her handwriting.
Quite upset, he tells her that if she was his daughter she'd be doing her assignments in a standing position!
She tells him that he wouldn't dare spank her, and he replies that right, paddles are for kids and she has been expressing some quite grown-up sentiments in her letters.
Don't remember more, whethet he continued to tutor her or not, but this would make a fine addition to Threats and Missed Opportunities if it could be found. A rare reference to spanking closer to present times.
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Re: More Comic Strips That Might Have Possibilities.

Post by Sweetspot »

Tanner wrote:A handsome college professor is tutoring a teenage girl who develops a huge crush on him and starts sending him unsigned letters with quite steamy and sensuous content. He discovers it is her by having her write something on the blackboard and finding it matches her handwriting. Quite upset, he tells her that if she was his daughter she'd be doing her assignments in a standing position! She tells him that he wouldn't dare spank her, and he replies that right, paddles are for kids and she has been expressing some quite grown-up sentiments in her letters.

Please let me know if you're referring to this sequence from 1980 Mary Worth. If not I'll be glad to kick in the door of Apartment 3G
and see what I can find.
Mary Worth November 7, 1980
MaryWorthNovember7,1980.jpg (36.74 KiB) Viewed 7882 times
Mary Worth November 8, 1980
MaryWorthNovember8,1980.jpg (48.45 KiB) Viewed 7882 times
Mary Worth November 20, 1980
MaryWorthNovember20,1980.jpg (32.71 KiB) Viewed 7882 times
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Re: More Comic Strips That Might Have Possibilities.

Post by Tanner »

My error. It was Mary Worth. Well, 1980 was a. long time ago.
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Re: More Comic Strips That Might Have Possibilities.

Post by jimc »

hi phil you certainly found some great ones PENNY had a few others one about gravity playing a role in her punishment she had skipped school and went to a movie and when she explained her route of coming to the conclusion (tossing a book up and if it came down she went tto a movie and skipped class orit stayed up she would go to class.Her father came up with a plan himself and his conclusion was the lighter came down she would be grounded and one other thing She thought in her thought balloon that this is going be one of my worst years for punishment i can see. I changed it to she would get a spanking when she got home as i thought that was a more logical punishment. Another showed her with her mother and she said something off panel about having more adult punishments then it showed her standing in the corner ( t put little pain stars on it to make it look more natural. There were several other threats in several other strips in Judge Parker Abbey Spencer one time threatened with a paddling as well as a few others earlier. i think there are countless strips that had spanking threats or oppurtunities thank you for finding all that you have. Havea great day.
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Re: More Comic Strips That Might Have Possibilities.

Post by Sweetspot »

jimc wrote:PENNY had a few others one about gravity playing a role in her punishment she had skipped school and went to a movie and when she explained her route of coming to the conclusion (tossing a book up and if it came down she went tto a movie and skipped class orit stayed up she would go to class.Her father came up with a plan himself and his conclusion was the lighter came down she would be grounded and one other thing She thought in her thought balloon that this is going be one of my worst years for punishment i can see. I changed it to she would get a spanking when she got home as i thought that was a more logical punishment. Another showed her with her mother and she said something off panel about having more adult punishments then it showed her standing in the corner ( t put little pain stars on it to make it look more natural. There were several other threats in several other strips in Judge Parker Abbey Spencer one time threatened with a paddling as well as a few others earlier.
I'm glad you're enjoying the series on spanking from the funny pages. The defying gravity gag you mention from Penny reminds of the old joke about the crooked deacon who took up the offering at church and then headed back to the 'counting room' with the collection plate. He then talks to God saying, " OK I'm going to toss this money up in the air whatever you don't want me to have you grab before it falls back down." :D I would certainly appreciate it if you would share the several creative reworks you mention taken from Penny PLEASE :D . I have thought Abbey Spencer would make a good candidate for a spanking. I couldn't find it using the word paddle, paddling or paddled associated with the words Judge Parker. Is there any more information you could share on that - mainly dialogue or narrowing down the date of publication?

The only funny pages drawing of a recently spanked female standing in the corner is this panel from Right Around Home published May 4, 1950. I think her name is Myrtle and I believe she is a bit younger than is of general interest to the readers of CSR but still of historical value.
Right Around Home May 4, 1950.jpg
Right Around Home May 4, 1950.jpg (64.89 KiB) Viewed 5540 times
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Re: More Comic Strips That Might Have Possibilities.

Post by jimc »

Hi Phil, i have lost my collection of altered comics ( many years ago when i moving and my collection was in the trunk of my car long story short rain 30 years of collecting gone in an instant) so i cannot help as far as dates or other pertinant information goes as i no longer have them. You have found some that i had and others i had not seen. So thanks for all your research. Texas Jim had some ideas and some of those have been incorporated in some of his stories so you might go through his site for a whole lotof information as well. As for the Sam Driver and Abby Spencer one it was a story about Abby buying a share in a wine-making company owned by her old college roomate and her friend said that Sam should paddle you for leaving him behind and Abby said he should, but i'll have him take me to dinner instead. There are several spankings in Judge Parker, but be forwarned they are not spankings that anyone at CSR would be intrested in (m/m and f/m) and while i do love the female charactors and think all of them are spankable (Abby Spencer; Neddy Spencer, Randy Parkers wife and Sam's secretary) i am not very excited about the writing of the strip and while i do read it for a look at the spankable charactor's i do not care for the stories themselves. Thanks for resharing some of memories of strips past. Have a great day.
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