W.O.S.H. Club

Spanking in all media other than Comics. This includes single-panel cartoons since they are not technically sequential art.
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W.O.S.H. Club

Post by Sweetspot »

A contributor at The Library of Spanking Fiction named - or known as - Tiredny placed an interesting item in that site's Forum. I have, for several years now, been looking for the original source material that first mentions an alleged 1930s' organization called Wives Of Spanked Husbands Club or sometimes simply the Spanked Wives Club among other titles this group went by over the years. His or hers entry enabled me to link to a digital copy of the pertinent magazine. Liberty was a periodical with a decidedly conservative bent that was published from 1924-1950. Inside it was more in the format of one of the Hollywood centered magazines of the day then of Life or Time. The covers though, in the early years mostly by Leslie Thrasher, definitely followed the style of The Saturday Evening Post. Here's an example, the October 5, 1940 cover:
Liberty Magazine Cover October 1940.jpg
Liberty Magazine Cover October 1940.jpg (47.96 KiB) Viewed 7663 times
[My head says this co-ed stumbled due to skating and reading at the same time. My heart and hormones contend that she ran into a young man while being reckless and he responded by whacking her backside with that ruler, then she fell, further hurting her rear end. She seems to be staring at someone she blames for her predicament - but I digress ;) ]
The July 17, 1937 issue contained a nice M/F image that was illustrating a work of fiction; I found it through a search engine but I think Harry gets credit for scanning this one:
Liberty Magazine July 17, 1937.jpg
Liberty Magazine July 17, 1937.jpg (99.46 KiB) Viewed 7663 times
Now that I've provided a bit of the flavor of Liberty magazine I'm ready to get to the point. Let's take a closer look at 'W.O.S.H' and see what it was actually all about. The Liberty article as it appears below is complete but the format is quite different since I was unable to clip the original from the digital magazine.
Liberty Vol 13 No. 50
DECEMBER 12, 1936


Sioux City, Ia. — I am going to ask a favor for our club, and hope that you will grant it. I am a young married woman and I organized a club of twelve other married women between the ages of nineteen and forty. We call our club the W. O. S. H. Club — meaning wives of spanking husbands. Our husbands always spank us when we need it, and we admire them for it, and we know that clubs like ours will prevent many divorces.

Most all wives need to be spanked about every so often, and it really makes them like their husbands more and brings couples closer together and also makes home life something to be proud of. We expect to have thirty members by a month from now, and we always insist that they buy a Liberty before they come to the meetings, which are held once a week on Thursday or sometimes Friday.

It was through your magazine that we got interested in forming a club. We have voted to give three dollars to the lady, married or single, who sends us the best letter about spanking. After we decide which letter is best, we will send it to Vox Pop to be printed in Liberty, and the three dollars will be sent to the winner.

We hope you will help us, as we want all the information we can get about spanking. — Reta Rae.

[We receive quite a lot of letters about spanking— it seems to be in the air — and we feel sure Mrs. Rae will hear plenty on the subject. — Vox Pop Editor.]

A lot of interesting stuff here. Of course if such an club actually existed in Sioux City it would mean that an awful lot of spanking was going on in Iowa marriages in 1936 [that would most likely be true whether a spanking centered club existed or not] and that a group of women, who were dang proud of the fact their husband's spanked them, had formed said club :!:
Vox Pop was the name of a two page weekly feature in Liberty that seemed to be a combination letters to the editor and off-beat news. If Liberty did indeed ever publish a 'best letter about spanking' I've yet to see it. I like the fact that the editor says that the magazine receives 'a lot of letters about spanking'. I think writing letters is what spankos did before we had the internet as a playground.

More on W.O.S.H. Club history next time.
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Re: W.O.S.H. Club

Post by Sweetspot »

October 27, 1949 The topic at hand is wife-spanking, specifically a club formed in the mid-west in the 1930s for the purpose of the celebration of that particular art-form and the mutual support of the members and their spouses. :roll: Our illustration isn't directly related to the 'club' and in fact is more than a decade removed from our main subject; but let's face it a picture really is worth a thousand words. Without the art CSR would be a fairly dull, for many anyway, place to visit. :geek:
Wife-Beating weather October 27, 1949.jpg
Wife-Beating weather October 27, 1949.jpg (49.53 KiB) Viewed 7651 times
Charleston Daily Mail June 26, 1937 The Associated Press news gathering service has wired out a Spanked Wives Club story to their clients across the country. The story is picked up and modified by newspapers from coast to coast. Sioux City is in northwest Iowa, Sioux Falls is in southeast South Dakota [in between, appropriately enough, is Sioux Center, IA]. So much for the geography lesson, but be assured as the years go by some folks interested in the Spanked Wives Club - in its various iterations - will become confused by the datelines and similarity of the names. :?
SpankedWivesClub June 26, 1937 Charleston Daily Mail.jpg
SpankedWivesClub June 26, 1937 Charleston Daily Mail.jpg (101.01 KiB) Viewed 7651 times
New York Daily News June 26, 1937 On the same day that the story is published down in South Carolina the club makes the news in Manhattan! So on June 26, 1937 and the following few days readers all across the U.S. learn quite a few details about the club. No need for me to elaborate on what you can read in these clips. But be warned, please keep your club dues in your pocket until we learn more. ;)
SpankedWivesClubJune 26, 1937 NY, NY Daily News.jpg
SpankedWivesClubJune 26, 1937 NY, NY Daily News.jpg (101.4 KiB) Viewed 7651 times
Last edited by Sweetspot on Thu Sep 13, 2018 11:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: W.O.S.H. Club

Post by Sweetspot »

January 25, 1938 Sioux Falls, South Dakota The Wives Of Spanking Husbands club has expanded in several ways from the time they are first known to have gone public in last 1936. The claim is made by club 'sponsor' Rita Rae that there are now 59 such clubs across the nation and that an auxiliary club for spanked daughters is forming. This story ran in the club's own backyard in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The local journalist has made a few inquiries and let's us know that the club has been featured in Esquire magazine and that CBS radio network has asked the paper for more information. The folks at CBS were directed to Sioux City, IA. Perhaps the difficulty in obtaining direct contact with Mrs. Lane or Mrs. Rae, the writer concludes, is because both the junior and senior spanking clubs promise guaranteed confidentiality to their correspondences. Note the author of this item claims that the club was founded June 26, 1937 but, of course, we know better.
WOSH Club confusion January 25, 1938 Sioux Fall, SD.jpg
WOSH Club confusion January 25, 1938 Sioux Fall, SD.jpg (57.84 KiB) Viewed 7640 times
Philadelphia Inquirer Dear Lynn Hurley column March 6, 1960. If the club still existed into the 1960s potential membership was still plentiful for the main club and as seen below for the junior club as well.
DearLynnHurleyMarch6,1960_LI.jpg (869.16 KiB) Viewed 7640 times
July 9, 1941 Decatur, Illinois. Looking towards establishing a new generation of membership for WOSH an auxiliary is formed. It appears that in the pre-war years potential members can be easily found. Here's one example and I am assuming this young lady is 18 or older.
golfscene9July1941Decatur,IL.jpg (96.7 KiB) Viewed 7640 times
Last edited by Sweetspot on Tue Sep 11, 2018 5:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 409
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Re: W.O.S.H. Club

Post by Sweetspot »

Along with expansion came a certain amount of notoriety for the 'members' of Wives Of Spanking Husbands. Fortunately for us that notoriety took the form of a couple of nice drawings that appeared in the newspapers of the early 1940s. In both cases the art work is used to illustrate feature stories about odd clubs of the U.S. and certainly Wives Of Spanking Husbands would fit most people's definition of a rather unique or 'strange' organization.
Spank Wives Club October 25, 1942
SpankedWifeClubOctober25,1942DETAIL.jpg (59.1 KiB) Viewed 7636 times
In the story that accompanies the art work on October 25, 1942 the origin location of the club is credited to Sioux Falls, S.D. instead of the proper location of Sioux City, IA.
SpankedWivesClubOctober25,1942 (2).jpg
SpankedWivesClubOctober25,1942 (2).jpg (107.76 KiB) Viewed 7636 times
Minneapolis Star May 12, 1940
MinneapolisStarMay12,1940.jpg (108.93 KiB) Viewed 7636 times
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Re: W.O.S.H. Club

Post by Sweetspot »

The local newspaper of Sioux Fall, S.D. gets the final word [except yours, of course] on the subject of Wives Of Spanking Husbands, Wives of Modernistic Men, Daughters Of Spanking Fathers and now Spanking Husbands club. If you have the time, read this column and reach your own conclusion concerning the veracity of the existence of these social organizations. I'm just going to say that the imaginative author of these various letters to the editors of magazines and newspapers certainly had a nice run of publicity. I hope that he or she found their extensive efforts worth while. What say you? Did these clubs exist or was this a matter of 'fake news' depression years style?

April 4, 1939 Sioux Falls, South Dakota
WOSH Club investigated April 4, 1939 Sioux Falls, SD.jpg
WOSH Club investigated April 4, 1939 Sioux Falls, SD.jpg
WOSH Club investigated April 4, 1939 Sioux Falls, SD.jpg (371.45 KiB) Viewed 7635 times
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Re: W.O.S.H. Club

Post by Sweetspot »

Fake news or not as far as the Wives Of Spanking Husbands Club is concerned we are aware of a whole lot of M/F domestic spanking going on in pre-WWII U.S of A. and even through the war years. 8-) Examples follows:

September 8, 1940
SpankedWifeSept8,1940.jpg (72.07 KiB) Viewed 7635 times
May 27, 1944
WhyJoe![wife-drawing]May27,1944.jpg (57.92 KiB) Viewed 7635 times
March 24, 1945
Young Wife Dayton Herald March 24, 1945.jpg
Young Wife Dayton Herald March 24, 1945.jpg (50.99 KiB) Viewed 7635 times
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Re: W.O.S.H. Club

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

It :( that wife or girlfriend spanking stop!
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