Revisiting Somebody's Stenoq

Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
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* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
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Revisiting Somebody's Stenoq

Post by Sweetspot »

Somebody's Stenog Sunday March 4, 1923 published in the Atlanta Constitution. Cam O'Flage's father has a low tolerance for his daughter putting on airs (being snobbish, high hatted, high and mighty). In particular he doesn't like her repeated attempts to bring about a paternal makeover.
Somebody's Stenog March 4, 1923 Atlanta Constitution #3.jpg
Somebody's Stenog March 4, 1923 Atlanta Constitution #3.jpg (43.69 KiB) Viewed 6644 times
Somebody's Stenog March 4, 1923 Camille jams her fashion magazine in her father's face, causing his pipe to fly out of his mouth.
Somebody's Stenog March 4, 1923 #2.jpg
Somebody's Stenog March 4, 1923 #2.jpg (40.04 KiB) Viewed 6644 times
Somebody's Stenog March 4, 1923 Frustrated by his daughter's disrespect, rudeness and haughty behavior he puts Cam across his lap for a well-earned spanking.
Somebody's Stenog March 4, 1923 Atlanta Constitution.jpg
Somebody's Stenog March 4, 1923 Atlanta Constitution.jpg (49.7 KiB) Viewed 6644 times
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Post by Sweetspot »

Somebody's Stenog July 19, 1922. Over the course of this long-running comic strip, writer-illustrator A. E. Hayward has Mr. O'flage compare his daughter to Queen Elizabeth at least a half-dozen times. The identity of this particular "Queen Elizabeth" has been previously discussed in the Forum. I do know that on one occasion Cam retorts her father's 'queen' remark by asking him if he is her "Sir Walter Raleigh", an obvious reference to the first Queen Elizabeth of England and an episode involving Walt placing his cloak across a puddle in order to keep his queen's feet dry. Father and daughter are at loggerheads over what constitutes good manners. Dad complaints about postage stamp size skirts and britches while Cam is more concerned with table manners. Papa wins this domestic debate, the old-fashion way, by going after Cam with his slipper.
Somebody's Stenog July 19, 1922.jpg
Somebody's Stenog July 19, 1922.jpg (37.72 KiB) Viewed 6642 times
Somebody's Stenog October 5, 1924 Brooklyn Daily Eagle. Mr. O'flage regards Camille's pronunciation of the word father as "fawthar" as being another display of pretentiousness. At this time, Winnie Winkle also addresses her pop as "fawthar" but Mr. Winkle doesn't seem to view that as a problem.
Somebody's Stenog October 5, 1924 Brooklyn Daily Eagle.jpg
Somebody's Stenog October 5, 1924 Brooklyn Daily Eagle.jpg (39.51 KiB) Viewed 6642 times
Somebody's Stenog August 23, 1925. We're reminded here that the Comic-strip Etta Kett contained a spanking scene every year from the mid to late 1930s. The set-up to this particular spanking is that Camille O'flage is competing in a national beauty pageant to be held "on the boardwalk" around Labor Day 1925. An obvious reference to the Miss America event. In due time Cam actually wins the competition. At this point, under the watchful care of her always doting mother, Cam is in 'rigorous' training. To Mr. O'flage all of this is just another example of Cam putting on one to many high and mighty ways. Mother is not amused, the puffy eyes and reddened skin that comes with a spanking is seen as a set back to her daughter's "beauty treatment".
Somebody's Stenog August 23, 1925.jpg
Somebody's Stenog August 23, 1925.jpg (83.4 KiB) Viewed 6642 times
Last edited by Sweetspot on Tue Dec 17, 2019 7:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Revisiting Somebody's Stenoq

Post by Sweetspot »

Somebody's Stenog November 5, 1923 Oshkosh Northwestern. Across the run of A.E. Hayward's Somebody's Stenog there are multiple spanking scenes. Stenographer, secretary, "amanuensis" Cam O'Flage is spanked both at home and work. Also spanked on panel but of little interest to us is Cam's faw-thar [by Camille], Cam's boss Sam Smithers, Smither's adult son and a couple of random juvenile males. Of higher interest to us are the spankings of Cam's best friend and co-worker Mary Doodle. Mary first appears in the strip one hundred years ago in the summer of 1919 when she is hired as a substitute while Cam goes on vacation. At first Mary Doodle, direct from "slinging hash" at a restaurant, is much taller than she soon becomes. Perhaps she is shortened in height for comic effect, to reduce the pretty-girl population at the office and/or simply to make it easier to put a dialogue balloon over her head. In this situation Mary takes a poke at Kitty Scratch the office vixen who is arguably the character in the strip most in need of a spanking. Although Miss Scratch apparently goes unspanked, she is roughly treated in other ways as here. The boss of the well-named Smithers Nut Company is Mr. Samuel Smithers who responds to Mary attacking Kitty with a spanking.
Somebody's Stenog November 5, 1923 Oshkosh Northwestern.jpg
Somebody's Stenog November 5, 1923 Oshkosh Northwestern.jpg (46.25 KiB) Viewed 6642 times
Somebody's Stenog November 6, 1923. Mary Doodle's response to being spanked at the office is to bring in her husky brother-in-law to exact a like measure of revenge against her boss.
Somebody's Stenog November 6, 1923.jpg
Somebody's Stenog November 6, 1923.jpg (75.9 KiB) Viewed 6642 times
Somebody's Stenog February 20, 1927. It's Cam who carelessly tosses down the banana peel but it's Mary who pays with a spanking. By 1927 A.E. Hayward's art is evolving and the title character has lost her sketchy bulbous head.
Somebody's Stenog February 20 1927 Mary D. & stranger.jpg
Somebody's Stenog February 20 1927 Mary D. & stranger.jpg (83.42 KiB) Viewed 6642 times
Last edited by Sweetspot on Sun Aug 11, 2019 9:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Revisiting Somebody's Stenoq

Post by willjohn »

Mary is economising. With Cam for a friend she does not need a foe. :shock:
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Re: Revisiting Somebody's Stenoq

Post by Sweetspot »

willjohn wrote:Mary is economising. With Cam for a friend she does not need a foe. :shock:
If there's any consolation to that situation, it's the fact that even though Cam is of the habit of getting her friends in trouble at least she doesn't always escape receiving well-deserved consequences of her own.

Somebody's Stenog August 7, 1932. It's Camille's on and off boy friend [who is also Mr. Smither's adult son] whose image is redacted by my sloppy digital brush strokes. The good news is that Cam O' Flage is next to be spanked and this time with a very solid looking ruler. BAW! :o
Somebody's Stenog August 7, 1932 You're Next_LI (2).jpg
Somebody's Stenog August 7, 1932 You're Next_LI (2).jpg (908.63 KiB) Viewed 6605 times
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Re: Revisiting Somebody's Stenoq

Post by Sweetspot »

This Somebody's Stenog scene is familiar to the readers of CSR, I'm including it here because as Sam Smithers spanks Camille O'Flage he let's her know that it's, "Just a little something your father must have neglected." But, in fact, we know better and now it's time -with two new posts- to take another and probably final look [for now] of Jim O'Flage disciplining his adult daughter.
Somebody's Stenog CSR.jpg
Somebody's Stenog CSR.jpg (76.92 KiB) Viewed 6604 times
Somebody's Stenog December 30, 1918 Evening Public Ledger, Philadelphia, PA. Evidently the home newspaper of A. E. Hayward had it own syndicate for distributing comics and other newspaper items. This syndicate is appropriately named The Public Ledger Co. Somebody's Stenog - known early on as Somebody's Stenographer - is introduced in the Evening Public Ledger on December 16, 1918. Just two weeks later Camille O'Flage receives her first spanking in the strip. It's an introduction to the theme that Jim O'Flage has little tolerance for his daughter's repeated attempts at social climbing or any "highfalutin'" behavior. Eventually Mr. O'Flage will all but disappear from the funny pages as Camille's boss Mr. Sam Smithers takes on more and more of a paternal role towards Cam.
Somebody's Stenog December 30, 1918.jpg
Somebody's Stenog December 30, 1918.jpg (28.55 KiB) Viewed 6604 times
Somebody's Stenog December 30, 1918. Mr. O'Flage mocks Cam "Deah girl" and spanks her to the point that her feet are kicking wildly, she is in obvious stress and no doubt being thoroughly reddened on her backside by the paternal hand. The final panel draws rare sympathy from me towards a spanked woman. Her face shows her complete humiliation and the physical suffering of her very painful experience. Camille is tear streaked and blushing - but not, we admit, completely repentant. ;)
Somebody's Stenog December 30, 1918 #2.jpg
Somebody's Stenog December 30, 1918 #2.jpg (48.16 KiB) Viewed 6604 times
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Re: Revisiting Somebody's Stenoq

Post by Sweetspot »

Somebody's Stenog January 18, 1919. I doubt that Camille lacks understanding of the point that her Pop brings up to her. It's only been a few weeks, after all, since he had put that particular parental threat into actual practice. Now it will be only a few weeks later that he is given cause to spank Cam once again. As drawn early in the life of the strip Jim O'Flage and Sam Smithers look like they could be twins. Another note of interest, given how many spankings Camille receives at home, is the fact that Hayward reveals early on that Cam has been working at the nut company for over five years! :)
Somebody's Stenog January 18, 1919.jpg
Somebody's Stenog January 18, 1919.jpg (113.12 KiB) Viewed 6603 times

Somebody's Stenog February 7, 1919 as published in the Evening Public Ledger in Philadelphia, PA. Camille finds a pair of dice in the bosses' desk and starts shooting craps with her co-workers in the office. Eventually an unknowing Mr. Smithers asks Cam to dispose of the dice. Her mother, searching, she says, for a nickel finds the condemning gambling apparatus in Cam's purse. Now Mr. O'Flage has a new reason [excuse?] to spank his daughter. Getting out of bed, Cam discovers that her parents are apparently hypocrites as she hears them shooting the dice downstairs.
Somebody's Stenog February 7, 1919 Public Ledger Philadelphia.jpg
Somebody's Stenog February 7, 1919 Public Ledger Philadelphia.jpg (30.71 KiB) Viewed 6603 times
Somebody's Stenog February 7, 1919 Detail.
Somebody's Stenog February 7, 1919 #2.jpg
Somebody's Stenog February 7, 1919 #2.jpg (44.87 KiB) Viewed 6603 times
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Re: Revisiting Somebody's Stenoq

Post by »

Nice Find 8-) 8-) wish spanking was still in comic today :lol:
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Re: Revisiting Somebody's Stenoq

Post by Sweetspot » wrote:Nice Find 8-) 8-) wish spanking was still in comic today :lol:
So true. I've been looking for M/F spanking clips from the funny pages since February 2016 and as far as I can tell, after all that searching, the last time there was an actual SHOWN spanking of an adult female IN THE MAINSTREAM ENGLISH LANGUAGE FUNNIES was in 1980 when Captain Easy spanked Miss Ritzingham in public. There were a few, "What you need is a good spanking" or "I'll take you over my knee" remarks in the '90s but not even a rubbed sore behind to be found. My research hasn't been exhaustive by any means but I would say the same results seem to be true for other large collections such as in SPK Comics or others looking in general for published spanking material such as Richard Windsor or Mainstream Spanking.
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