Reply to web-ed

The cartoons of Overbarrel. Reader comments strongly desired!

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Reply to web-ed

Post by overbarrel49 »

Hi web-ed and everyone'

Both here and at my blog I only posted my stories with both the pictures and the words. In the announcement email i also sent out a plain pic with no words. I can only sit at my computer a few minutes at a time these days but it occurred to me that I could probably post some of my plain pics at the Overbarrel blog. I don't intend to post all of them but I think I have posted over 100 of the ones I like best as I have had time.

Web-ed, I will try to reply to the note you left at my blog. You are right that I can't easily type any more. I can't talk and for a good while I have been using an I-pad with a program called "Verbally" to talk for me. I type in what I want to say and then hit the " Speak" button. In the last 2 weeks my doctors have sent 2 reps. around to show me computers with keyboards that I can also operate with my eyes, similar to what Steven Hawking had. My hands are becoming increasingly useless. Thanks for the kind words and good wishes .Phil

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Re: Reply to web-ed

Post by willjohn »

Sorry to hear of your condition, Phil. I can only wish you the best for your future.
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Re: Reply to web-ed

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Phil.
overbarrel49 wrote:You are right that I can't easily type any more. I can't talk and for a good while I have been using an I-pad with a program called "Verbally" to talk for me. I type in what I want to say and then hit the " Speak" button. In the last 2 weeks my doctors have sent 2 reps. around to show me computers with keyboards that I can also operate with my eyes, similar to what Steven Hawking had. My hands are becoming increasingly useless. Thanks for the kind words and good wishes .
I had read something on somebody's website that made me think you were at death's door. I'm glad to find out that that's not the case. On the other hand, I see you have some formidable obstacles to overcome. Best wishes for your success.
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Re: Reply to web-ed

Post by »

Sorry to hear you can`t talk or Type :( wishing you the best through this hard time Stay safe
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Re: Reply to web-ed

Post by daneldorado » I am sadder than sad, reading of your recent problems. How I wish you could be healthy and free again!

Truth be told, I too am suffering from some diseases of old age. I can no longer walk without using a cane, and now my wife does all the driving of our car. Guess I should be thankful that I can still visit stores and shops, except for those shuttered by the china virus. But I can still draw, within limits. I expect to continue to contribute to these pages, though at a reduced rate.

If you don't object -- or even if you DO -- I will include you, Phil Overbarrel, in my prayers. I am still an active Christian and I pray daily for the health and wellness of my friends. You are in that company now, too.

Some of my non-spanko friends have accused me of being hypocritical, professing to be a Christian while still enjoying fetish art. But if they could see my artwork, they would see that none -- ZERO -- of my pictures show any sexual activity taking place, and I never show a woman's bare breasts or her pubic hairs. No nipples and no bush. Yes, I may on occasion draw her outward curvatures, but nothing further.

God bless you, Phil. Keep on stroking.

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Re: Reply to web-ed

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Dan. It's good to see a post from you again.

Sorry to find out that you are suffering from the effects of old age, but it happens to all of us if we live long enough.

I believe you said once that you were 10 when Kiss Me. Kate came out as a movie. If so, that puts you at 10 years older than I am.

I'm also Christian, and will pray for you.

As for the "hypocrisy" of enjoying a spanking fetish while embracing the teachings of Jesus, I sometimes question whether I'm sinning, but I believe that God is gracious.
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