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Latest News

Post by jimc »

yes the crdb does indeed sound like a daunting challege, but it also sounds very exciting. considering that there are 1000's of spanking panels from comics, men's magazines, family magazines, etc from all over the world it does seem to be an ongoing task. i am also curious how you would present it as many of the panels do not have an artist named like Archie seemed to have DSD, but there had to be other artists that had to draw the magazine as well. I do look forward to seeing it. Have a great day.
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Re: April News

Post by web-ed »

I'm going to limit the Comic Spanking Data Base to spankings from comic books and comic strips only. Single-panel cartoons from old men's magazines like the Humorama digests, or magazines like American Family or Saturday Evening Post, will be excluded. Spankings from strips like Prince Valiant, Kerry Drake, etc. will be included, although I currently lack detailed publication information for many of them. It's a close call, but I think that spankings from Penthouse's Oh Wicked Wanda (or Playboy's Little Annie Fanny, if there were any) should be included, even though they were painted and did not appear in newspapers, because they are basically in strip format.

As for the fun cartoons by Homer, DeCarlo, etc., they will not be in the Data Base, but of course I will be posting all of them that I can find in the Humor Section. This will keep the number of rows in the table down to an estimated 100 - 200 (currently it stands at 58).

As to how I will present the information, it will be in tabular form with columns for Title, Date, Spanker/Spankee, etc. I did not create a column for artist since as you note in many cases I would not know who they were. However, if I have the item in the CSR Comics Gallery, I will link to it from the DB, and of course the page will have the artist information if it is known to me. Also, I could always add the artist information in the COMMENTS column, although so far I have not done so consistently.

As an extra, fun feature, I have added at the bottom a DC vs Marvel Spanking Toteboard, which automatically keeps track of the number of spankings found from each publisher.

The DB and its front-end are currently working but I haven't installed a link from the main page yet. Here are some screen prints as a preview:
The CBDB with column headings.
The CBDB with column headings.
CBDB1.GIF (77.51 KiB) Viewed 14386 times
The DC vs Marvel Spanking Toteboard
The DC vs Marvel Spanking Toteboard
CBDB2.GIF (81.59 KiB) Viewed 14386 times
DC currently leads Marvel 23 spankings to 4; Marvel's going to have to get to work if they want to catch up!
-- Web-Ed
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Re: April News

Post by DRD »

There was a Little Annie Fanny spanking. She is otk getting a bare bottom spanking with hand and a comment from another girl says something about a bare hand spanking is disgusting and a whippy birch rod has more class. It was a party scene. I recently saw it on a blog but don't remember which one and I do remember seeing it in Playboy.
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Re: April News

Post by jimc »

Yes i thought the little annie fanny was indeed a great drawing as well as the many in wicked wanda so i am glad you are including them. There was this book called women of the comics and it did have several comics about spanking i lost the book and have not been able to find it again, but it was a great resource about artists. I know that there are several spankologists out there that could help you as well. There are several international ones (comic strips and comic books) that i hope you can find for the data base as these were also classics.
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Comic Book Spanking DB and Little Annie's Fanny

Post by web-ed »

Jim - thanks for your support, as always. All the strip spankings I got hold of thanks to you will of course be added to the DB as I post them in the Comics gallery.

DRD - thanks for letting me know about Little Annie Fanny's fanny getting spanked - although I have a number of back issues of Playboy :oops: (I swear I never read the articles), I haven't seen this. Now I'll BOLO (Be On the LookOut for) it on the 'net.
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Two New Comics Spankings

Post by web-ed »

Lyndal Ferguson sent me two items recently: an autographed copy of a spanking back cover he did for Mr. Monster's Triple Threat 3-D, and an original drawing of a post-spanking Catwoman! I don't think the Mr. Monster spanking has appeared anywhere on the 'net before, and the Catwoman drawing certainly hasn't, so I am very lucky to get these. The Mr. Monster spanking is slated to inaugurate the new Comics Gallery Page 2 at the end of the month; the Catwoman piece will appear sometime later, perhaps when I do another Bat-Family series.

Two goodies to really look forward to! :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: April News

Post by DRD » ... 2__en_.rar. I found this download link of Little Annie Fannie Strip pages and it contains the afore mentioned spanking amongst them.
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Little Annie Fanny

Post by web-ed »

Thanks so much - I'll look through these to find the spanking one and post it as soon as I can. I'm sure everyone will enjoy it! :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: April News

Post by jimc »

would you be using the strips from Carrie and there is this french strip artist called oscar that has a lot of spankings as well.
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Re: April News

Post by web-ed »

Carrie would count as a comic strip, although it strangely has very few words. I have the best of Carrie's canings already posted in the Comics Gallery and listed in the Comics DB (there were one or two others I didn't want to bother with, but maybe I should).

Oscar came to my attention a few weeks ago when he sent me an email. He posts frequently on the Artastic Forum. I'm not sure how much drawing he's doing at the current time - wish he would do some more super-hero stuff!
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June News

Post by web-ed »

Well, summer is here already, and it's time to plan for the season. I wish I had a lot of spankees in swimsuits, but alas, I don't. What I do have for June is four of "The Seven Spankings" and a Bondage Blowout by Eneg (don't worry - it's all spanking-related); we'll kick off July with a Bill Ward Blowout; in August - I may take a vacation! Here's a glimpse of what I've got in the files waiting to be posted:
  • 17 more alterations from Doctor Cylon, with more on the way when he finds the time to create them.
    14 new items for the Picture Gallery.
    Franco, one of the better-known F/M artists around, was kind enough to send me 8 examples of his work. My principal difficulty is figuring out what gallery to put them in. Like many if not most CSR readers, my interest in F/M is strictly academic - I can appreciate it in the abstract, but it has no erotic appeal. Still, there are certainly some readers who would like to see this well-drawn work, and I have some responsibility to them.
    75 more humorous pieces, including many by Ward, Stiles, DeCarlo, Morrice, Homer, and others. Some of these I haven't seen on any other spanking sites, so again, I feel it to be my duty to get them out there where everyone can enjoy them.
    200 files for the comics section! It's not really 200 separate spankings, because in some cases I might need 6 or 7 files for one page, but it's still a considerable amount.
O.K. - some of you might want to know why I'm apparently just sitting on all this material. The truth is that I'm getting it posted as quickly as I can. While I'm proud of the way CSR is organized, it's much more difficult to handle than a blog. I take pride in creating a separate page (usually) for each spanking drawing or picture, and for each page I have to write the HTML code myself. This comes after doing research (in some cases), thinking, and writing the copy. Occasionally I have to prepare thumbnail pictures or other altered versions of the visual material. In extreme cases, like Daredevil spanking Black Widow or Frontier Romances #1 (to be posted next week), this takes me 4 or 5 hours. I also have to update the relevant gallery pages, and (again usually) the code in the previous week's pages to make the "NEXT" links work. (Sometimes I code the "NEXT" links ahead of time, but when I do that, they don't lead anywhere for the first week, which could annoy some readers). Original comic book spankings must be inserted into the data base. Finally, the HOME page has to be updated each week.

Nor do I rest there: in my quest for more spanking material, I do web searches (including tough ones that don't use the word "spank"), run "ripping" programs (though I've pretty much stopped doing this), and read through comics scans. Recently, I've gone through hundreds of pages of Golden Age comics and come up with only one spanking (from A Moon, A Girl, Romance), but I will continue undeterred. So anyway, what I'm trying to say is, please be patient - I will get as much material out there as quickly as I can.

By the way, I forgot to mention that I've got some more real goodies in store, including an original post-spanking drawing of Catwoman by Lyndal Ferguson, a painting of the Enchantress giving the Valkyrie a swat with the flat of her own sword, and Hawkeye spanking The Scarlet Witch (at last)!
-- Web-Ed
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Re: June News

Post by jimc »

wow i had no idea it was that much work involved as you do seem to get it out in a timely fashion and it does seem so easy reading and navigating that i thought you did it fast. So big thanks web-ed for all the hard work you do to find and post all this information (i thought i was a spankologist like you and chross, but my efforts are nowhere near your results and finding the time to do it is nowhere near the time i can devote to it that you do.) I wish you well when you take your well-earned vacation in August and hope you find some other items while you are gone.
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Re: June News

Post by Tanner »

Your mention of spankees in swimsuits of course brings to mind a couple. Ava Gardner getting swatted in On the Beach, and Jane Powell in The Female Animal, 2 worthy movie spankings.
Somewhere I saw a spanking from some 1964 magazine called Thrilling Romances that showed a woman in a bathing suit getting spanked otk with the footgear of a wetsuit, an effective if unusual implement. Be great to find that one , especially with the story that went along with it.
I believe you already have a couple in the comics section, Smilin Jack and Mike Nomad, and of course that one from the 1973 romance comic, the one bikini spanking in comics I am aware of.
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Re: June News

Post by web-ed »

Jim - thanks for the kind words. I know that you and some others appreciate what I do, which makes a big difference to me. I just wish I had an audience of thousands (millions?).

Tanner - I've got one Smilin' Jack spanking posted with more to come, and the Mike Nomad is in my files waiting. I mentioned the Ava Gardner spanking once, but I don't have a screen print of the scene from On The Beach to post. Here's a different one of Ava Gardner, I think from The Killers:
The exotically beautiful Ava Gardner, in the 1940's.
The exotically beautiful Ava Gardner, in the 1940's.
Gardner, Ava (Killers, The)_04.jpg (48.88 KiB) Viewed 11234 times
I've never seen The Female Animal, but I'm sure it's worth a look. Maybe Chross has it on his movie data base. This one I did find a screen print of, and here it is:
George Nader spanks Jane Powell in The Female Animal.
George Nader spanks Jane Powell in The Female Animal.
jane_powell_spanked_by_geo_nader.jpg (26.41 KiB) Viewed 11234 times
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July 2010 News

Post by web-ed »

I decided to merge all the monthly news posts under the single topic, "Latest News". I suppose I originally intended to delete these bulletins as they became old, but then we started to see a lot of responses and I didn't want to delete them (although I did "orphan" a few of them by deleting one of my old posts). So we'll try it this way and see if it leaves the forum less cluttered.

We're kicking July off with the Bill Ward Blowout, but haven't decided exactly where to go from there. It's getting to be very difficult to update all 3 of CSR's principal galleries every week, so I may cut it down to 2 for a while. I've got a lot of stuff for both the Comics and Humor galleries that's burning a hole in my pocket, so I may concentrate on them for a while. Summer makes me think of Jungle Girl spankings, but unfortunately I don't have any, so next week I'm going for the closest things I have - spankings involving Conan, Tarzan, and Lara Croft. All of these have been seen before, although the Conan ones are not very well known. After that, I want to turn the spotlight on the spankings discovered not by me but by the new site, Spanking Panels. Look for it probably in a couple of weeks.

On the Humor front, I do have some new stuff from the big guys, DeCarlo, Stiles, and Homer. I would like to do a long series on each of these. I even have an amazing F/M spanking by Stiles - I'm amazed he did one and I'm amazed Abe Goodman of Humorama actually printed it. It's of historical interest, I suppose, although I really wish he'd reversed the roles!

Meanwhile, I'm continuing my laborious search through Golden Age comics. So far, I've only found two really good spankings - the one from A Moon, A Girl, Romance which has been seen before (although possibly not the color version), and the Firebrand one, which I posted last week. I had hoped for more from the Marvel Family, but so far all I found from them are previously undiscovered F/M and M/M ones. Here is a summary of my other research so far:
  • Plastic Man seemed a good bet to me too, but if I'd thought about it more I would have realized his zany antics would most likely lead to a comedic M/M spanking, which is exactly what I've found. I haven't seen it on the 'net before, and I'll post it in the next Weird Spankings series.
    Blackhawk seemed like a good bet, an adventure strip with plenty of bad women who deserved a spanking almost every issue! Yet I found nothing.
    Doll Man - he's really too small to get a female villain over his knee, but there were a lot of backup features in his mag, including Torchy, that make it worthwhile to check. So far, no soap...
    Bulletman - I always thought he was boring when Roy Thomas or somebody would trot him out for a guest appearance in a DC book, and going over his old comics hasn't changed my mind. I wish someone would spank Bulletgirl, but so far it hasn't happened. Eventually, I'll go through some more of these.
    Bill Battle - didn't come up with anything, but as there are now two known spankings from War comics, I'm staring to think they have some real spanking potential. Researching them may be difficult, however.
    Other Romance Comics - always spanking potential here. I've searched several titles to the extent possible (usually only a few issues of a given title) without finding anything new (except the A Moon, A Girl, Romance one, which was already known). I tried to enlist the help of the foremost Romance Comic collector in America, but my email address on him turned out to be no longer current.
That's it for now. I hope you're all having a good summer, and don't hesitate to post your thoughts on this forum.
-- Web-Ed
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August 2010 Plans

Post by web-ed »

August is a busy time for us as well as for other people, but we're going to keep updating if we can despite our own
few days of vacation and the fact that many readers may not have the time to catch up until September. At the top of
our agenda is simultaneously maintaining three separate series in Comics Gallery 2: old strips, romance and humor
books, and superheroes. We'll also be seeing more from Doctor Cylon, including some superhero stuff. So here's some of what we have planned for this month:

Strips: Flash Gordon, Honor Eden, Kerry Drake, Little Annie Fanny, Mandrake the Magician

Romance & Humor comic books: I Was A Flirt (love the title!), Little Al of the Secret Service (by way of Spiritworks)

Superheroes: 5 Bat-Spankings including an original Catwoman drawing by Lyndal Ferguson, Joker spanking Catwoman, and the only Batman Beyond spanking I've ever seen; Kid Eternity (a double-spanking of two villainesses); and 2 Teen Titans. I haven't coded any of the superhero stuff yet, so it's possible the series will have to extend into September.

And if that's not enough to satisfy you, I know that is planning a nice surprise with two spankings that have never before been seen on any spanking sites. I know what they are, and they're well worth seeing, so look for them later this month.
-- Web-Ed
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September 2010 Plans

Post by web-ed »

Back from my brief vacation, I've got spanking on my mind! First, I'm going to continue three separate series in Comics Gallery 2, to be updated simultaneously: old strips, romance/humor books, and superheroes. Second, I want to start updating the Humor Section again - some people are more interested in that than the comic-book stuff, and while comic-book spankings will always be most important to me, I want to provide a variety of materials so that there's something for everyone on the site. Here's what's on the September agenda:

Strips: Mandrake (postponed from August), Mark Trail #1 and #2.

Romance/Humor comic books: Bob & Swab, The Saint #5 (this is the last of The Seven Spankings), Charlton mini-series begins with Teen Confessions #49.

Superheroes: original Catwoman drawing by Lyndal Ferguson, Joker spanking Catwoman, the only Batman Beyond spanking I've ever seen, and 2 Teen Titans (all postponed from September; the Titans may extend into October).
-- Web-Ed
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