Chicago Spanking Review

The Thin Man Goes Home - And Spanks His Wife!

Stage Screen and Television Gallery

spanking in ad for the thin man goes home

We complain a lot about Hollywood, usually with good reason, and particularly when they put out publicity stills featuring spankings for movies with no actual spanking scenes in them. In a few cases, however, the studios did the right thing, and put actual spankings into the movies themselves. Once such example was The Thin Man Goes Home (1945), a sequel to The Thin Man, which was itself a pretty good representative of the mystery genre (and which originated in book form, of course). Sequels are in general decidedly inferior to the original flick, and range from indifferent to awful (think of Battle For The Planet Of the Apes), but that is another matter entirely. Interestingly, this isn't a still picture but a drawing - and the artist managed to put a good deal of sexuality into it!

We don't remember too much about The Thin Man Goes Home, not having seen it for many years because most T.V. stations don't broadcast old black-and-white films any more, but we do remember a spanking scene very much like the one depicted in the ad: William Powell gives Myrna Loy several whacks using a rolled-up newspaper of all things. Dude - she's your wife, not the family dog! Next time, use your hand, or try a hairbrush or paddle!

artist's re-creation of the thin man spanking ad

[February 2010 Update] Here an unknown artist has re-created the spirit of the ad above. He changed a number of details as dictated by his artistic imagination, among them having William Powell without his jacket and using his hand, and Myrna Loy now receiving the spanks on her bare bottom, but both characters are posed essentially the same way as before. When we found this drawing, it was reversed - it's hard to imagine it was drawn that way, but the lettering on the door suggests it was. In any case, we flipped the image to make the comparison with the original ad easier.

hugob00m's colorization of thin man spanking ad

Posted by the Web-Ed on 12/30/2016.

12/30/2016 Update: CSR Resident Artist Hugob00m brought this beautiful colorization of the ad's artwork to everyone's attention (see Publicity Photos, Real and Fake). While we recognize that drawing in black & white media is certainly a legitimate artform, our general view is that color adds a great deal to most drawings while in no way detracting from the original qualities that were present. That is certainly the case here, and anyway, B00m suspects the colored version to be the original and the black & white to be photocopied from it. Thanks for digging this one up, B00m!

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