Chicago Spanking Review

Two Girl Caning

Art Gallery

two girls called before the headmistress

One girl gets the cane while a second prepares herself for the ordeal. Art by Adams. Originally appeared in Janus #38 (October 1975). Posted by the Web-Ed on 02/07/2014 (click to triple-size).

Here is a different take on a two-girl caning from the one we saw last time. This one was noted in our files to have come from Janus #38 (October 1975), which probably means the book once passed through our hands. We certainly don't scan too much from Janus, which is still a going concern, although we've often re-used Janus items that others have put out on the web, but something about this one must have struck us as out of the ordinary. The bending-over position isn't very well done, so perhaps the artist didn't have any first-hand experience with caning. Also, when impact is being indicated with effect lines as it is here, the implement should be in contact with the target area. It was probably his use of blacks that got our attention - we haven't seen anything like it from American cartoon or comics artists since maybe Frank Robbins, although the styles are not otherwise similar and Robbins is of course by far the better of the two artists. (Robbins did one known spanking, by the way, in the Johnny Hazard comic strip).

This artist signed the work "Adams" but we don't know anything more about him.

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