Chicago Spanking Review

Honor Eden, Spank 'er Often

Honor Eden is another of those less-than-famous strips which nonetheless had at least one spanking. Here we see the only one we know about, from its first year (June 15, 1960):

man spanks ballerina on stage from honor eden

© McClure Syndicate. Posted by the Web-Ed on 08/13/2010.

Nina the ballerina is being spanked on stage for hard-heartedness, apparently not in front of an audience though. An older man smoking a cigarette is the only witness to what is a pretty good spanking. The artist is Jack Sparling, who apart from Honor Eden did some other strip work and occasionally ventured into the realm of super-heroics. As a matter of fact, he did an excellent spanking scene in Mr. Rumbles, which we'll see at a future date.

page from x-men #30 drawn by Jack Sparling

From X-Men #30 (author's collection). © Marvel Comics Group.

Here we have a page he drew as a fill-in artist several years later for X-Men #30. Unfortunately, there was no spanking for Marvel Girl (shown here with Professor X) in this issue.

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