Chicago Spanking Review

Fly-Swatter Spanking

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silly fly-swatter f/m spanking from an unknown italian-language comic

From an unknown comic. Posted by the Web-Ed on 01/21/2022.

This one looks so silly on its face we didn't even want to take the time to translate it from the Italian, but we finally relented:

"Obey or I'll peel your skin off!"

"Yes, whatever you want."

CAPTION: Without hesitation...

It reminds us a little of a strange, illegal television broadcast we saw years ago in which some prankster spoofed the short-lived Max Headroom series, in it receiving a bare-bottom spanking from a woman holding a fly-swatter - not exactly an effective implement. (The actual punishment for making an illegal television broadcast and jamming a licensee's signals in the U.S. is something like 1 year in prison and a $100,000 fine, so the prankster was risking more than a spanking).

F/M spankings, when taken seriously, always seem ridiculous to us, and the fly-swatter only makes things worse, but thus it stands for those who enjoy such things.

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