Liberty Meadows' Brandy Gets Spanked

Frank Cho's Liberty Meadows certainly enjoys a fan following, but during the period it was syndicated Cho apparently encountered problems with the syndicate arising from its content. We say "apparently" because Cho often speaks with his tongue in cheek and we haven't had the time to thoroughly research this point. The interested reader is invited to look at some of the published collections (where Cho could do as he pleased) and decide for himself how much was lost during the strip's syndication days. (Link to Liberty Meadows).

Cho does well following in the "Good Girl Art" tradition, i.e. by drawing sexy women, something that has been going on in comics for a long time. We're well aware of the hazards to the art form in paying too much attention to trivial concerns (such as drawing women as if they were pin-ups instead of real human beings), but the fact is that much of the content of popular culture is determined by the tastes of adolescent boys, since they're the ones spending their money on the stuff. You can clearly see this tendency in the movies as well - in fact, we think the movies are worse off than comics - but we won't go further into that comparison here. Cho has drawn a number of Jungle Girls (you can seen an example here), and it's a great pity that as far as we know he has never shown one of them getting spanked.

Given Cho's proclivities, it's no surprise that Liberty Meadows featured a good-looking young woman, Brandy Carter, as its resident animal psychiatrist. We haven't read enough of the strip to be sure, but there seems to have been a storyline involving Brandy with an evil twin. Here we see Cho's representation of Not Evil (Good) Brandy spanking bad Brandy. This seems to have been his commentary on some of the disagreements he had with his editors at the syndicate rather than an actual episode of the strip, although we don't care since we're glad to have it!

bad brandy spanking

Posted by the Web-Ed on 08/27/2010. © Creators Syndicate

Now, like us, Doctor Cylon strongly believes that the best spankings take place on the bare bottom. Therefore, he made a few "adjustments" to the original drawing as we see here. As usual, the Doctor's prescription is right on the money!

bad brandy spanking

© Creators Syndicate

And finally, let's take a look at Frank Cho's original:

bad brandy spanking original version

© Creators Syndicate

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