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Chicago Spanking Review Special Series

The Humorama Spanking Cartoons!

#1 - Secretary Spanking #1

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secretary bends forward toward files as Boss draws back his hand Here we have another example of the art of Kirk Stiles. This time, a lecherous Mr. Atgood has apparently asked his unsuspecting secretary to look at the ledger files, promising her a big surprise if she does so. As she bends forward to look, Mr. Atgood draws back his hand to give her a big surprise indeed! Cute, but nowadays she'd probably have a surprise of her own (can you say "instant lawsuit"?).

This cartoon was taken from our copy of the February 1977 issue of Popular Jokes, but had been published earlier (see below).

secretary bends forward toward files as Boss draws back his hand

07/08/2011 Update: Here is another version, from the collection of Jeff Patton.

secretary bends forward toward files as Boss draws back his hand

06/22/2012 Update: From the October 1961 issue of Gee-Whiz (Web-Ed's collection, click to double-size).

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