Humorama Spanking Cartoons

Spanking cartoons in the Humorama Digests and other men's magazines.
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Re: Oldies but Goodies

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:I've been digging deeper into my trove of spanking toons, and I found these two. I don't remember seeing either of them posted here before. I may be wrong, but take a look. The first is a rarity from Kirk Stiles.
hi Dan,

and of course the last line says S-P-A-N-K-M-E.........................good thing she's a little near sighted :lol: . i don't remember seeing this one before but i could be wrong.
daneldorado wrote:
The second cartoon, by a person who signs as "Bo Brown," is one of the more audacious toons I have ever seen. Maybe some of you are familiar with it, but I cannot remember seeing it here before.
this one i have seen before somewhere. i'm not familiar with Bo Brown but i can see that he has some interesting fantasies :D . he must be a nicer guy than i am too. i would have turned her over my lap and given her a birthday spanking all by myself. i will say that without exception all the potential spankers in this line appear to be "enthusiastic" about the prospect :lol: . thanks for posting these unusual spanking toons. phil
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Re: Oldies but Goodies

Post by web-ed »

Thanks for posting these, Dan. Since I obtained them last year, I thought I was the only spanko to have both of them in his possession, and while they haven't been posted on CSR yet, new scans of both are slated to appear in the coming months as part of the Humorama Series.

The Stiles cartoon is interesting because it uses the bending-over position as part of its gag, which Stiles did occasionally, but the spankee in this one is bending over furthest, giving our spanker-optometrist a fine target :) . Bo Brown did a number of Humorama cartoons over the years, but this is his only "spanker" as far as I know. A real pity, because Brown was a very good humorist, and this is one of the funniest spanking cartoons Humorama ever published. Its only drawbacks are no OTK positioning and no face on Miss Gulick, although another part of her anatomy is showcased nicely enough. Every time I look at those guys running eagerly into the office to take their turn whacking Miss Gulick's behind, I think of the CSR Forum gang here. :D

07/08/2012 Update: I later posted this altered version of the cartoon on the "CSR Feedback Forum", and since it's already out on the server it won't cost us anything more to look at it again here. I accidentally left Butch out when I noticed two of the men looked enough alike to be brothers, as you will see.
Last edited by web-ed on Sun Jul 08, 2012 11:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Add my altered version of the Bo Brown spanking cartoon.
-- Web-Ed

Re: Humorama Spanking Cartoons

Post by daneldorado »

Hiya Web-ed... Today I found this old "Herc" toon in my files. I could be wrong, but I don't believe it has been posted here yet. It isn't in your "Comics Galleries" or your other picture folders. Anyway, I couldn't find it. Enjoy!


I'm glad I found this today. I always like to see spanking pics when the spankee is enjoying the session as much as the spanker is, and here it looks as if this girl is really turned on by it. And I am turned on by it as well, since Herc has her appearing so very innocent, and so very shapely.

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Re: Herc's Cop Spanks Cartoon

Post by web-ed »

Nice scan of this cartoon, Dan, so thanks for posting it. As a matter of fact, I do have not one but three other versions of this cartoon already posted - all of them reversed and with slightly different captions from yours. Plus, I had one more version in my files with which I will update the page along with yours in the near future. Still no publication details on any of the versions yet.

It is getting hard to pick out a particular cartoon on the Humor Gallery index page because I now have 152 posted from Humorama alone! It will become somewhat easier to search for a given Humorama cartoon once I unveil the new Humorama Spanking Cartoon Data Base, which I will at the conclusion of the Humorama Series. The new DB will be searchable by cartoonist.
-- Web-Ed

Re: Humorama Spanking Cartoons

Post by daneldorado »

Web-ed wrote:

Nice scan of this cartoon, Dan, so thanks for posting it. As a matter of fact, I do have not one but three other versions of this cartoon already posted - all of them reversed and with slightly different captions from yours.

Sorry to disagree with you, Web-ed... but no, you do NOT have a proper copy of this cartoon posted to your site already. Let me explain:

Whoever took this charming Herc toon and reversed it probably did so in order to show the spanker using his right hand rather than his left. As a long time cartoonist of spanking pics, I have always known that right-handed spankers are more common than lefties, and indeed my old publisher at Spank Hard always insisted that I draw only right-handers doing the deed.

But people who just casually decide to reverse a cartoon almost never take into consideration all the facets that will be affected by that decision. One of them, of course, would be if there was lettering in the toon that would be rendered unreadable in reverse. But in this Herc drawing, there is an even more offensive drawback.

You see, traditionally police officers wear their badges over the left side of their chest. On Google, we find this statistic, at ... z23OXGfZJf:

While many ranking officers wear their badges on their belts, it's traditional for uniformed officers to wear their badges on the left side of their chests. This is even reflected in the fact that uniform shirts have extra support on that side of the chest with guiding points for securing the badge. This is symbolic of the oath that all police officers take, and the badge is worn over the heart to show that pledge.

At ... iform.html, we read:

Badges are worn on the left side of the chest. Many officers who have received departmental awards wear their commendation bars just over the badge.

There are several other entries, but you get the idea. The badge is always worn on the left side of the chest, never on the right side.

When the original mutilator switched the cartoon to make the cop a right-handed spanker, he or she neglected to change the badge also. So now you've got a deformed toon showing a cop with his badge on the wrong side of his uniform.

I like my scan better. Oh, and by the way, I have no bias against left-handed spankers... but the badge thing is kind of immutable.


Re: Humorama Spanking Cartoons

Post by daneldorado »

Hi again, Web-ed:

Apropros of my recent message stating that uniformed police officers always wear their badges over the left side of their chest, here are some earlier cartoons of mine that reinforce that tradition:



Hope you don't consider this overkill, but I can't tell you how much I want to honor that tradition.

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Re: Humorama Spanking Cartoons

Post by hugob00m »

Wow! Great find, Dan! All of the previous scans I had ever seen of this cartoon were reversed... and lacking some of the detail on the trim of the girl's panties. Whoever did the reverse neglected to fix the badge placement, but did at least turn the signature to be readable without a mirror.

Until you pointed it out, I had never noticed where police officers wear their their badges. I may have to check my O.T. Katie cartoons that have a cop in them to see if I did it wrong!
daneldorado wrote:Whoever took this charming Herc toon and reversed it probably did so in order to show the spanker using his right hand rather than his left. As a long time cartoonist of spanking pics, I have always known that right-handed spankers are more common than lefties, and indeed my old publisher at Spank Hard always insisted that I draw only right-handers doing the deed.
Maybe the editor was raised in a Catholic school. I never attended one, but I've heard some horror stories from some friends who did. A lot of teachers in the public schools didn't like lefties either. Fortunately, much of that bias has eased.
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Re: Herc's Cop Spanking Cartoon

Post by web-ed »

I hadn't really thought about it, but now that I check with my nearly-photographic memory, I realize you're right, Dan - every uniformed cop on television I have ever seen, from Highway Patrol to Dragnet to T.J. Hooker, does wear his badge on his left side. I probably should have picked up on this because of my Boy Scout days - the Badge of Rank was always worn on the LEFT front shirt pocket.

All three of the scans I have currently out there look alike because #'2 and #3 were clearly based on #1 - the only one available, I believe, until you posted this one. I have one more still in the files, and it's non-reversed, but it isn't as clear as yours. I will add both non-reversed versions to the page when I can.
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Re: Humorama Spanking Cartoons

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote: I'm glad I found this today. I always like to see spanking pics when the spankee is enjoying the session as much as the spanker is, and here it looks as if this girl is really turned on by it. And I am turned on by it as well, since Herc has her appearing so very innocent, and so very shapely.
hi Dan,

i'm glad you mentioned this since the spankee does indeed look like she's enjoying it. as a matter of fact, she seems so pleased it seems likely to me that our innocent, young spankee is smiling because her plan to get a spanking has worked so well :D . perhaps she couldn't get her dad to spank her so she just kept misbehaving until someone finally did take her in hand ;) .
daneldorado wrote: Badges are worn on the left side of the chest. Many officers who have received departmental awards wear their commendation bars just over the badge.
good proof reading Dan. i too knew that badges are worn on the left side but had completely missed that in the reversed ones web-ed has posted. in my defense though i may have been concentrating on other aspects of the toon :lol: .
daneldorado wrote:Whoever took this charming Herc toon and reversed it probably did so in order to show the spanker using his right hand rather than his left. As a long time cartoonist of spanking pics, I have always known that right-handed spankers are more common than lefties, and indeed my old publisher at Spank Hard always insisted that I draw only right-handers doing the deed.
i thought it was interesting that your old boss actually insisted that you draw the spankers right handed. as you mention, there are more right handed spankers because it is more common to be right handed. personally, i always have the spanker spanking with his right hand which seems more natural to me. it seems to me that there are a high percentage of spanking toons that are drawn with the spanker using his left hand though.................this one that you posted is an example of that. do you have any thoughts about why this would be so?? does anyone else have any thoughts about this? thanks, phil

Re: Humorama Spanking Cartoons

Post by daneldorado »

Phil wrote:

i thought it was interesting that your old boss actually insisted that you draw the spankers right handed. as you mention, there are more right handed spankers because it is more common to be right handed. personally, i always have the spanker spanking with his right hand which seems more natural to me. it seems to me that there are a high percentage of spanking toons that are drawn with the spanker using his left hand though.................this one that you posted is an example of that. do you have any thoughts about why this would be so?? does anyone else have any thoughts about this? thanks, phil

Interesting topic. If you follow the CBS program NCIS, you will be familiar with the competent but wordy "Doctor Mallard," played to perfection by the former "Man from U.N.C.L.E.", David McCallum. Dr. Mallard is the Medical Examiner attached to NCIS, and is known to spout off on esoteric subjects, quite a bit. In one episode, he proclaims that only nine (9) per cent of the people on the planet are left-handed, and that that percentage has remained steady through the years. Assuming that number is true in real life, you can see why most of the spanking pictures we see show right-handers doing the spanking.

But not always. Over the years, Superman has been involved in several spankings, and although he usually spanks with his right hand, there's a toon from a daily Superman comic strip in the 1930s where he spanks "Lil Danvers" with his left hand. Guess nothing is impossible for the Man of Steel. Dave Wolfe has also chimed in with a cartoon showing Superman spanking his young girl cousin, using his left hand.

In the venerable "Smilin' Jack" comic strip there's a scene showing the young brat "Cindy" getting spanked by Lone Jones, and he is using his left hand... although the majority of "Smilin' Jack" spankings were delivered by right-handers.

Remember "The Phantom?" There is a famous strip in which the Phantom is stranded on a deserted island with the two members of the Sky Band, both of them lovely but evil young women. I think this strip was first published in 1936 or 1937. He takes his time and spanks both of them... using his left hand, he spanks Sala, and a few minutes later he spanks her partner Margo with his right hand. Dude was ambidextrous. [These spankings originally appeared on Nov. 30, 1941 - Web-Ed]

I don't know what year The Phantom spanked Queen Pera, who had tried to have him kidnapped [Feb. 1946 - Web-Ed]. But he catches up to the lusty monarch and, while seated on the queen's own throne, he spanks her with his left hand. A day or so later, he and his girlfriend Diana escape Pera's kingdom, and Pera angrily orders the two of them followed and captured. But the queen's orders are denied. Why? She has angered her assistant, Count Jorge. He matter-of-factly puts the lovely monarch over his knee and gives her a second spanking... this time, with his right hand.

So, it seems that while most of the spankers we see in the comics are right-handers, there is no shortage of left-handers either.

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Re: Humorama Spanking Cartoons

Post by hugob00m »

daneldorado wrote:Dr. Mallard is the Medical Examiner attached to NCIS, and is known to spout off on esoteric subjects, quite a bit. In one episode, he proclaims that only nine (9) per cent of the people on the planet are left-handed, and that that percentage has remained steady through the years. Assuming that number is true in real life, you can see why most of the spanking pictures we see show right-handers doing the spanking.
There seem to be a disproportionate number of lefthanded spankers in the Humorama cartoons, and Mr. Goodman seemed not to object.

It's interesting that this topic was being discussed on Lefthanders' Day! (August 13th) And I forgot to celebrate! Last year I posted a little montage of lefthanded spankers from movies and stage. This year I didn't do anything! (Well, I suppose I probably put a pen in my left hand to sign something. I do that most days.)
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Spanking Southpaws

Post by web-ed »

I'm pretty sure the question of why so many left-handed spankers in cartoons has arisen before, but I didn't look it up just now. My guess would be that perhaps it's easier for the right-handed artist to visualize the spankee as she would appear over his own knee (head to the left). Once she's drawn in this position, the spanker would then have to be drawn spanking her left-handed or else using the wrong hand, which indeed we have seen many times. I personally don't mind seeing left-handed spankers for a very similar reason, since it makes it easier for me to imagine the spankee going over my own knee! :)
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How Many More Humorama Spanking Cartoons Are There?

Post by web-ed »

With the market for old Humorama digests having gone crazy because of about two people (yesterday an issue of Joker which should have been worth about $5.00 sold for $32.00!), there is almost no chance that I will be able to get any more before my stock of Humorama spanking cartoons runs out on Aug. 30. But as the Humorama Series, which I've been running every week since the beginning of 2011, comes to a "close", the obvious question to be asked is, "How many more Humorama spanking cartoons are still out there waiting to be discovered?" I spent some time trying to analyze this problem, and I'd like to share my results now for all you Humorama fans out there.

My basic method was to determine what proportion of digests through the prime years of 1955 - 1962 I had no access to, and then compute how many "spankers" they might contain. As of 07/05/2013, I had 138 of 300 issues including 7 belonging to Steve W, who had scanned any "spankers" in them and sent them to me. This leaves 162 “missing” issues! However, the situation isn't as bad as it might seem because Humorama reprinted the 1955 - 1962 cartoons, in most cases twice, and because of the efforts of three people: myself, Dan, and Mike (M.D.). First, Dan had picked up a number of these cartoons over the years which he has shared with us here on this forum. Second, Mike bought a lot of digests during the mid-to-late 60's, obtaining many "spankers" on their second appearance. Finally, I had first become acquainted with Humorama's "spankers" on their third appearance during the 70's, and I had a small number of these. I decided somewhat arbitrarily that Dan, Mike, and myself between us had probably found 2/3 of the cartoons not available from their first appearance.

Assuming one "spanker" per digest, this leaves us with 54 missing cartoons. But I had discovered 43 via the internet, bringing us down to 11, and Michael recently found two more, leaving 9. I'm going to suggest we just round that up to 10. Another factor that has to be considered is that Humorama started buying some new cartoons again during the 70's - five from Bill Wenzel are known. Bill Ward was still active, although Dan DeCarlo was working only at Archie Comics, Kirk Stiles had retired from active cartooning, and Homer Provence seems to have died in 1975.

So where does that leave us? I'd say we should expect to find about 10 more spanking cartoons from the "classic" period, most likely done by Ward, Stiles, and George Morrice, and an unknown number from the 70's, probably most of them by Wenzel but possibly some by Ward. I'd love to find an unknown one by DeCarlo but I don't think it will happen. I expect it will take years to find any significant proportion of these given current market conditions, the scarcity of certain titles like the revived Wink, and the presumed spotty distribution of Popular Jokes and Popular Cartoons in Humorama's later years. And were there any spankings in Humorama's military title Snafu? Inquiring minds want to know :) !

Needless to say, when any new Humorama "spankers" come to light, I'll dust off the old Humorama Series and add another episode to it.
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Re: Humorama Spanking Cartoons

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

thanks for the information on Humorama. i found it all interesting . it seems to me that estimating how many are still out there is a daunting task at best and i have to give you a tip of the hat for trying for us :D . i'll be watching for further updates on this matter as we go along. i had no idea that people were paying that much for these old mags and it makes me wonder just what they are doing with them? hopefully, the price will come down over time. in any case, thanks for doing all this for us :D . phil
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Re: Humorama Spanking Cartoons

Post by bobj7188 »

I'll add my thanks for your work collecting and sharing these cartoons. I also wondered what the person paying premium prices is doing with them. Two possibilities come to mind: 1) He (assuming the gender) is simply a collector with money. 2) He plans to profit from the purchases, in which case the cartoons may show up on a pay site. If the second is the case, then perhaps they will all become available in the near future. If the first, then perhaps contact could be made with the collector to see if he's willing to share.

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Re: Humorama Spanking Cartoons

Post by web-ed »

overbarrel49 wrote: i had no idea that people were paying that much for these old mags and it makes me wonder just what they are doing with them?
bobj7188 wrote:Two possibilities come to mind: 1) He (assuming the gender) is simply a collector with money. 2) He plans to profit from the purchases, in which case the cartoons may show up on a pay site.
My best guess is that we're dealing with someone who's recently discovered the digests and who has a lot of money. I don't think there's too much money to be made from recycling Humorama cartoons - I only know of two people who have tried to make any money by publishing ebook versions of the digests, and neither of us has been getting rich (yes, I'm one of them, with two volumes of the digests for sale and more to follow when I can prepare them). Right now, my plan is to liquidate most of my own collection while the prices remain high (except for a few gems like the one that has the first modern "spanker" and the one from 1957 with four "spankers"), and then use the cash (after spending part of it on trivia like eating) to buy some of the digests from the classic period 1955-1962 I didn't have before, and of course from the 1972-1983 period when some new "spankers" were published.
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Some Notes on the Classic Period of Humorama Spanking Cartoo

Post by web-ed »

Extensive research the past three years has revealed many interesting things about Humorama, and I'm continuing with it despite numerous obstacles, principally a shortage of some of these magazines at affordable prices. For instance, I can only prove the existence of one issue each of three titles (Wink, Quips, and Whiz-Bang) and can find none at all of Coffee Table, Eyeful of Fun, or Instant Laughs, even though there were promos for them in other Humorama magazines! And prices for the more common titles like Jest and Joker have gone through the roof. But one thing has become clear: Humorama had a "classic period" during which the vast majority of its 208 known spanking cartoons first saw print.

This classic period seems to have begun in 1955 - a search of available issues from 1954 has yet to produce a single "modern" spanking cartoon (i.e. one in which the OTK position is used). I had thought the period ran through 1962, but two recent discoveries suggest it was earlier.

First, I ran a lot of Joe Shuster spanking cartoons on CSR this year, one of two from Humorama and the rest from Nights of Horror and Continental over in the Picture Gallery. Now both of Shuster's Humorama "spankers" came from 1960, and in fact I haven't been able to find any of his cartoons in any Humorama digest after that time, despite the fact that Shuster needed money very badly as I noted during the Nights of Horror series. Also, having come into some digests from 1956 recently, I now realize that most of the cartoons I thought had premiered in 1961 had actually been printed for the first time in 1956, only 5 years before! The obvious conclusion is that Humorama started going reprint in 1961 and so the classic period ended in 1960. I'll have to update my recent article "Humorama: An Afterword", but I'll wait until I really have this nailed down.

1960 then was the pivotal year for Humorama in many ways: the prolific Jefferson Machamer (he must have contributed as many cartoons during the '50's as Bill Ward did, but alas no "spankers") passed away, Dan DeCarlo left to work exclusively over at Archie, and Joe Shuster began contributing - yet next year they went reprint! Why? I suspect it was mainly the accumulation of inventory combined with the fact that the publisher, Martin Goodman, must have believed the Humorama readership experienced a complete turn-over every five to seven years. Why he believed that is yet another mystery - was there some marketing research done? I wonder if we'll ever have the full answer. :?:
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A "lost" Ward cartoon?

Post by hugob00m »

I ran across this on ebay: ... SwaeRZMI0S

I don't think it's been featured here yet.
ward 31.jpg
ward 31.jpg (562.7 KiB) Viewed 7056 times
The lady's bottom is fully covered, but the way her dress drapes, it appears to be made of some thin slinky fabric that would allow her to feel the impact of the spanking. (And allow him to feel the firm curves of her buttocks!)

The gag of using expensive alcohol that was intended for drinking as a substitute for antifreeze was used by other cartoonists. I wonder if anyone ever did that?

I like this picture. It must've been one of Ward's earlier works. The woman's breasts are big, but not grotesquely so... and her backside definitely looks spankable!
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Re: Humorama Spanking Cartoons

Post by web-ed »

This cartoon is one of three by Ward that are known to me and which will be posted when the Humorama Series resumes. I believe I only discovered it myself last year and did not have a first-rate scan available since I couldn't afford the book (Comedy Nov. 1962). This one, however, raises some questions that the other two do not, so it is an interesting find.

First, it's from 1962, which is into Humorama's known reprint period. However, it is plain to anyone who looks at enough of their digests from the '60's that Ward was still contributing some new cartoons during this time. But until this one showed up, none of them were spankers - if this is indeed a new (1962) cartoon. The style is still like Ward of the late 50's, but then, 1962 isn't far removed from that time. If the cartoon did first appear during the "classic" period (1955-60), then it must have been among the 17 digests from that era I have never been able to locate. That is unlikely (given the number of known cartoons whose first appearance must, by a process of elimination, be in those 17 digests since they were not in any of the others) but possible. (There are a few other digests whose very existence has been questioned, at least by me).

If Ward did a new "spanker" in 1962 with his old editor, Abe Goodman, gone, then it raises the possibility that might still be some other (not many) undiscovered Ward "spankers" from the '60's, which is a pretty exciting thought. We know that Goodman loved the "spankers" but apparently his successors were cooler toward them, except perhaps near the end when they were being featured very prominently, perhaps in an attempt to boost sales.
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Wenzel cartoon better resolution.

Post by hugob00m »

This is one of my favorite Wenzel cartoons, and now I've found one at a better resolution!
Wenzel miss frenzy.jpg
Wenzel miss frenzy.jpg (616.06 KiB) Viewed 6852 times
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