Newspaper strip spankings

Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
Forum rules
* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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Newspaper strip spankings

Post by jimc »

[Title changed by Web-Ed 02/07/2010 to facilitate merging various posts under this topic]

Hi anybody remember a strip called the Jackson Twins. I think there was a spanking in there once or twice. also does anyone remember a comic book about teenagers taking over the town for a day the main charactor Jane Dribble was spanked by her father in the courthouse. This was about the same time as Archie, but the charactors were a little different. There were names like Peanut, corky and Jane herself was a blonde with a ponytail (like Betty Cooper in Archie) and i think the town was midville or something like that. it could have been set in either the 50's or 60's. Anyway i seem to remember one or two spankings in that one. There was a comic book called Debbi and it showed her spanked by her boyfriend (it was a dream about caveman times. Winnie Winkle spanked her daughter wendy in a strip in the late sixties about 1968 i believe it was about a teenage wendy thinking she could still be punished like a child. spanking, writing wendy is a bad girl on the blackboard and standing in the corner. The artist was martin branner and the color strip was excellent. Thanks for your time.
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Re: newspaper spanking

Post by web-ed »

You do come up with some tough questions - wish I had more answers.

The Jackson Twins - my lifetime spans a good part of this strip's run, but I don't remember it at all. Nor could I locate any references to spankings within it, but of course there could easily have been one.

a comic book about teenagers taking over the town for a day - I drew a complete blank with this one.

Winnie Winkle - sorry, I missed this one too. [Jan. 2011 update: this has been located and will soon be posted in Comics Gallery 2.]

Debbi - this one I at least remember. It was one of several "teen-interest" books published by DC in the sixties, along with "Swing with Scooter" and the infamous "Prez". Unfortunately, I never followed them at the time because a) comics had lousy distribution in my community, and b) I was more interested in the Super-hero and War books. I don't recall hearing about a spanking in it, but I'll make a note to do more research and maybe something will turn up. [Jan. 2011 update: found this one also, although it still isn't clear if it's the same Debbi as the one published by DC. Soon to be posted.]

Maybe someone else will have the answers. That's the advantage of these boards - its amazing what somebody, somewhere out there may know.
Date with Debbi #7.  Dig the groovy threads, man.
Date with Debbi #7. Dig the groovy threads, man.
date with debbi_07.jpg (130.8 KiB) Viewed 17253 times
-- Web-Ed
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Re: newspaper spanking

Post by jimc »

On the Wendy Winkle spanking if you look for images of martin branner that shows the comic in question. It is the small size and not the colored print that i saw, but it is still a spanking scene in comics( although the colored one was one of my favorites) On the Jackson Twins there were a couple of spanking threats one involving something called the Twin Switch where they were driving home and the classic line was "Hold it, It has suddenly become painfully clear what Twin switch meant. We were supposed to help mom with spring cleaning today." The end scene showed their mother standing in the kitchen with her sleeves rolled up and a switch in her hand. There were several with spanking threats as well. The one i thought i saw (the lost scene if you will )involved one of them running away and her mother saying something like just be glad i just gave you a birthday spanking and now for your sister (the other was over the lap) no true spanking but it was a unique image. There were actual spankings of the brother, but that was not my intrest. Debbie was spanked in a leopard skin outfit ( I have seen it posted somewhere, but i cannot remeber where. thanks for the reply. I hope you find it,it was an intresting position.
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newspaper strips

Post by jimc »

anybody remember the spanking in Steve Roper and Mike Nomad? (Mike Nomad had a woman otk at a stream)
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Re: newspaper strips

Post by jimc »

another i remember was phantom i seem to recall over the course of the strip at least 6 different women were spanked. Lee falk must have been a spanko as his other strip (mandrake) had at least 2 that i remember. Since we are on the subject of newspaper spankings strips who does the forum think was the best spanking artist?
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Re: newspaper strips

Post by web-ed »

Can't remember the spankings in Steve Roper or Mike Nomad, I'm afraid. [Jan. 2011 update: both of these were later located. Refer to Comics Gallery 2].

Lee Falk did have quite a few - two of the Phantom's spankings and one from Mandrake are in the Comics section. Don't know if he was a spanko or if he just liked to see the arrogant humbled, which was the common theme of those spankings of his I've seen. Too bad he didn't draw Wonder Woman! [Jan. 2011 update: there are now at least four spankings from Phantom and two from Mandrake. Later additions are in Comics Gallery 2; earlier pieces still in Comics Gallery 1.]

Who was the best spanking artist? Even if we confine ourselves just to strip artists, that's a tough call. Falk is certainly a possibility. Joe Schuster wasn't bad, based on his Superman (strip) spankings (he apparently drew some kinky stuff on the side, which may have helped). Will Eisner, in the Spirit? I think I'd eliminate Al Capp, for as good an artist as he was, his Li'l Abner spankings are always somewhat awkward-looking.

Maybe we should start a poll. I think any registered user can do this, so feel free, anyone, or perhaps I'll get around to it myself one of these days.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: newspaper strips

Post by jimc »

Actually i would think Roy Crane was the best strip artist with spankings in Captain Easy and Buzz sawyer and wash tubbs. Milton Caniff had a couple of spanking stories and mary worth, mark trail, smiling jack and kerry drake also had their share.
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Re: newspaper strips

Post by jimc »

i had seen the mike nomad spanking in an issue called spankobillia from Scarlet hills, a recent check of the site shows it is no longer there but someone may have seen it.
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Where to Find Them (newspaper strip spankings)

Post by web-ed »


Thanks for the info - your knowledge of these old strips is most impressive. I've tried to compile a listing below of where to find some of these for the benefit of our readers. If I find more of them in the future, I'll update this list.

Wash Tubbs and Captain Easy - I can't remember ever seeing these. [Note: I found these later. All either have been or will shortly be posted (Jan. 2011).]
Buz Sawyer - One here at CSR. [There is a possible second one I have in the files and am still investigating as of Jan. 2011.]
mary worth -No luck. [Note: I found these later also, and they were posted in Comics Gallery 2].
Mark Trail -I've seen this, but it may have been removed from wherever it was I found it. I may still have a copy - I'll have to check the archives. [Note: two from this strip were later located and posted in Comics Gallery 2].
Smilin' Jack - One at CSR here; 5 more at Chross Forum here. [Note: eight of these are now (Jan. 2011) posted in Comics Gallery 2, with an index.]
Kerry Drake - One here at CSR; there were others in the strip but I don't know if they've ever been posted anywhere. [Note: a second was later found and posted in Comics Gallery 2.]
-- Web-Ed
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Re: newspaper strips

Post by jimc »

wash tubbs was a femdom spanking i think. as for captain easy and buzz sawyer i get them confused sometimes/ as captain easy and buzz sawyer looked alot alike- and although there was lots of spanking (panels would run for several days) maybe there were only 4 women that were spanked (one of the best involved a woman called wolf girl and of course cobra which you featured.) mark trail had at least 2 that i am aware of. Mary worth over her span has also had at least 4 spankings that i know of( the intresting one about mary worth was that one was a young woman who was playing up to her uncle and he gave her a spanking for her efforts(this was actually the only one with mary worth herself in the strip) others involved other charactors (one was a much older woman getting a hairbrush spanking and another was a bbw getting spanked in a dressing room. The 4th was a child spanking that you do not want to discuss. But there is another topic to discuss. Who is the most spankable newspaper heroine. Blondie has always been one of my favorites although i also think Fritzi Ritz was a very spankable woman.
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Most Spankable Comic Strip Heroine

Post by web-ed »

Let's do a poll on this question. We need to specify the possible answers: Blondie (I have the well-circulated Blondie spanking by someone who imitated Chic Young's style very well, and I'll post it eventually), Fritzi Ritz, Daisy Mae, maybe Ellen Dolan (who, like Daisy Mae, really did get spanked - unless we want to restrict this to heroines who should have been spanked but weren't), probably not Tess Truehart, although Dick Tracy as the no-nonsense type would make a logical spanker. My knowledge of the old strips isn't that great - I don't have any reprints except for Li'l Abner and Prince Valiant (there's another possibility - Aleta). Can you suggest some others? We may be able to offer up to 10 alternatives (I forget what the limit is for polls). I would try to attach a small picture of each candidate, assuming I can find one.

Everyone - please feel free to help JimC and myself out here with your suggestions.

The winner of the poll will be added to the CSR commission list!
-- Web-Ed
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Re: newspaper strips

Post by jimc »

here's my list
1. Katy Keene (had her own comic strip and comic books-she was mostly spanker for her little sister, but she was indeed spankable)
2. Blondie (Has been spanked as mentioned above not actually but redone)
3. Aleta (Prince Valiant was actually spanked in one strip)
4. Fritzi Ritz (like Katy Keene more spanker for her niece Nancy, but a very spankable woman)
5. Brenda Starr (was actually spanked and there were a couple of other ones as well.)
6. Jackson Twins (hard to say on this one i thought i saw one,but have not been able to find it again(there were lots of threats though.) They did have i think both as strips and comic books
7. Daisy Mae (L'il Abner did indeed spank his bride once and there were several spankings in the strip although I thought Daisy Mae was the best)
8. Moonbeam Mcswine (another charactor from Dogpatch very well endowned.)
9. Abby Spencer (this is another of those current strips (Judge Parker and Sam Driver) always one of my spanking fantasies)
10. Moon Lass (From Dick Tracy although i lked Tess Trueheart i thought Moon Lass or the other female detective were more spankable.)
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Re: newspaper strips

Post by jimc »

Although i mentioned those 10 i do have to admit that almost every female charactor in the comics is spankable. and maybe the list should be for ones that were not spanked as opposed to the ones that have been spanked somehow already (Blondie,Aleta,Brenda Starr, Daisy Mae, Cobra, Wolf Girl) esp. since the winner of the poll is supposed to go on the commision wish list. With that in mind i change my list to this group of comic strip lovelies;(I'm greedy i know.)
Winnie Winkle, Miss Buxley in Beetle Bailey, Eve Jones (from the heart of Juliet Jones), any of the women in Apartment 3-G, Friday Foster, Millie Perkins from On Stage and i still would keep Katy Keene, Fritzi Ritz and Abby Spencer (although any of the women in that strip (Judge Parker) would be on any list that i made. Thanks
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newspaper strips - poll

Post by web-ed »

All good suggestions. I'll tell you what - let's wait a little while to see if anyone else has any ideas to contribute, then I'll set up the poll right after New Year's Day. I'm hoping we'll see some more traffic after the holidays.
-- Web-Ed
Bawdy Bard

Re: newspaper strips

Post by Bawdy Bard »

As a big fan of the comic strip genre I've noticed you've confined yourself to the older comic strips. Nothing wrong with the older strips of course, but what about the more recent strips? FBOW, Luann, Foxtrot or even Family Circus? All very spankable females within, which is why I've had a few done.

Or is this discussion not for parodies, but only for spankings that have actually appeared in the mainstream comicstrips themselves?
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Re: newspaper strips

Post by jimc »

Yes indeed all lovlies I have seen some of the parodies that you mention and thought they were very well done. Collegeboy has done a great series on FBOW, Luann and her mother (although the new girl Toni Daytona is very spankable as well.)(I think there was one of Knute spanking Crystal i seem to remember) The Foxtrot and Family Circle ones also were very well done. Hi and Lois had one as well. I was hoping someone would ask about these classics as they did fuel the imagination. i enjoyed the captions that all these parodies produced as well. Liberty Meadows produced a great one by Andy Price and i think there was one i saw of Trudi getting spanked as well. i liked the old ones as they had great artwork and they did have actual spanking scenes i would like to know if there are any other parody spanking that are out there that you remember or any new strips that did have spanking in them.
Bawdy Bard

Re: newspaper strips

Post by Bawdy Bard »

Collegeboy? Now I'm not trying to offend anybody here at all but who is Collegeboy? It's just that a lot of cartoons you seem to attribute to him sound a lot like the ones drawn by my good friend Kevin Karstens that were inspired by my ideas. Quick check. Is the one with Luann's Mom having her getting spanked by Hubby while Luann and her bro spy on them.
Bro:Better Mom then us.
Luann:Speak for yourself.

Of course if Collegeboy has just been posting them that's okay. I want my sick sense of humour to reach and corrupt as many innocent souls as possible.
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Re: newspaper strips

Post by web-ed »

Bawdy Bard wrote:As a big fan of the comic strip genre I've noticed you've confined yourself to the older comic strips. Nothing wrong with the older strips of course, but what about the more recent strips? FBOW, Luann, Foxtrot or even Family Circus? All very spankable females within, which is why I've had a few done.

Or is this discussion not for parodies, but only for spankings that have actually appeared in the mainstream comicstrips themselves?
Glad you've joined our Bulletin Board, BB - we welcome your input. To try to answer your questions, I think this discussion topic can include parodies as well as actual spankings from the strips, since we've had a few "here's who we'd like to see spanked" posts. In fact, I'd have put the poll here if I could have (but polls can't be put in replies).

As to the emphasis on older strips, the truth is that they're the only ones I'm familiar with since I haven't followed newspaper strips for many years. JimC may know the newer ones better than I, but I think he loves the old ones too. So any bias against newer strip characters was an unintentional byproduct of these factors.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: newspaper strips

Post by web-ed »

Bawdy Bard wrote:Collegeboy? Now I'm not trying to offend anybody here at all but who is Collegeboy? It's just that a lot of cartoons you seem to attribute to him sound a lot like the ones drawn by my good friend Kevin Karstens that were inspired by my ideas. Quick check. Is the one with Luann's Mom having her getting spanked by Hubby while Luann and her bro spy on them.
Bro:Better Mom then us.
Luann:Speak for yourself.

Of course if Collegeboy has just been posting them that's okay. I want my sick sense of humour to reach and corrupt as many innocent souls as possible.
BB - I know who Collegeboy is, but I can't settle the question. Of course I do have in my possession the fine Karstens/Bard cartoons you sent to me (including the Luann's Mom one mentioned above), and many of these will be posted on the site in months to come, but I don't have any of his at hand. I would like to post that one of Luann and a few others here so that JimC could take a look and let us know if they were the ones he had in mind, but I hesitate to do so for legal reasons.

Specifically, I have to be very careful about anything involving minors, even consensual spanking. While an actual criminal prosecution for child pornography would be unlikely, unjustified, and very tough for the State to win, the fact is Big Brother can afford to spend tens of thousands of dollars to prosecute someone while risking nothing, whereas I don't have thousands to spend defending myself while risking everything. This attitude may seem paranoid, but you may remember the infamous Friendly Frank's comic shop obscenity prosecution of about 20 years ago which took place in this very State (although a different county).

To protect myself, I avoid consensual spankings among obviously underage persons, and issue disclaimers where the participants' adulthood is at all questionable - even though these cartoons do not depict sexual acts and hence could not properly be considered child porn (or even adult porn) by any reasonable person. I believe I have to guard against the worst possible case - an over-zealous prosecutor who misunderstands or ignores the plain meaning of the relevant statutes - in order to be safe. I do have some adult/child discipline spankings, but very few, and I feel these are in a different category - surely no one could think spankings of Supertot or Dennis the Menace are kiddie porn.

Sorry for going on so long. I wanted everyone to understand why I make some of the editorial judgments I do regarding content at CSR, and also to provide some food for thought for anyone who creates or posts content on the web.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: newspaper strips

Post by jimc »

Collegeboy is an artist is his own right. FBOW inspired stories abound and are not being posted by him as being credited to anybody but him. His series ran in a yahoo group called BARED AFFAIR and is in ANIME OTK. i have seen the one where Luann's mother is being spanked by the father and i think The panel said something like i wish daddy would spank me like that in other spanking drawing art groups and i do not think i knew who the artist or the inspiration was. (So if you did inspire them or commision them well done and thank you) There have been any number of stories involving any of the comic strips that are parodies of any idea and it is hard to say whether or not anyone person inspired any of them. I thought it intresting that you considered Family Circus to be a new strip as it premiered in 1959 and some of the others were also in their 30's (FBOW premired in 1979; LUANN in 1985 and FOXTROT in 1988).
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