Supe du Jour

The cartoons of Dan Rivera. Reader comments strongly desired!
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Supe du Jour

Post by daneldorado »

No, not SOUP du Jour, it's SUPE du Jour... as Superman decides to finally spank his snarky sweetie.

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Re: Supe du Jour

Post by willjohn »

Supe of the day followed by roasted rump.
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Re: Supe du Jour

Post by web-ed »

Now also available for viewing on its own page here.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Supe du Jour

Post by daneldorado »

Thanks again, Web-ed, for re-posting my toon showing Superman spanking his sometimes irritating enamorata, Lois Lane. You may be wondering, WHY I posted that toon, after having posted it once before, and then deleting the whole thing. Well, Nick, it all has to do with that thing we have discussed on this board, many times. And it's this: NOBODY comments. Nobody effin' CARES! You may think I am one of those people who can't stand rejection, but it isn't that. Rejection is bad, but I can handle that. What I really cannot stand is INDIFFERENCE.

Those of us who spend hours at our drawing boards, creating artwork for posting to CSR, do not do so in order to be IGNORED. What an insult that is! The first time I posted my Supe/Lois toon, I expected a lot of favorable comments. Yes, I have an ego. It comes with being an artist. But instead of a lot of comments, all I got was THREE one-line responses. ONE GODDAM LINE! If anyone is reading this, let them understand that ONE LINE is not a "response," it is essentially an insult! It is better to say nothing.

So, I deleted my Supe/Lois toon, although I sincerely felt it is some of my best work. After that, Nick, YOU came along and posted the same picture, saying it is now on "its own page here." Okay, I appreciate the thought. Yes, I thought someone should at least have the chance to see my drawing. The version you posted is the original, just as it came off the drawing board. But, like every artist I ever heard of, I like to "touch up" my finished work, trying to improve it... which is why my newest version has gotten rid of the gray in Lois' hair, and I have improved the folds on her skirt. Just little things.

I used to draw lengthy stories here, featuring such folks as Spanky Sal, Captain Woodshed, and Sam Swatt. I'm proud of those stories, but they never received the sort of accolades I felt they deserved. That is why, of late, I have reverted to drawing one-off cartoons that don't take much time to create. The Supe/Lois toon is one of them.

In sum, let me say that I admire Hugo B00m and Phil Overbarrel more than I can say, for continuing to supply this site with wonderful new spanking stories. They are truly inspired artists. I wish for them all the success their work deserves.

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Re: Supe du Jour

Post by web-ed »

I understand you feelings, Dan, and as you say, we've discussed this before. Maybe this board just doesn't get the traffic it should - it's hard for me to tell since the site's log only shows the number of entrances to the board and not where someone goes from there - and many of "them" could be robots. Or maybe because the spambots have forced me to take the extreme countermeasure of requiring people to email me before their memberships can be activated, we don't have as many members as we should. Remember that guests are not allowed to post - they have to be members and approved manually by me.

In theory we have 686 users, but some of them are probably inactive robots and others are people who signed up but haven't posted anything in years, if ever. Perhaps I should prune the members to get rid of old robots and others who have never posted, but all that would do is give us a more realistic estimate of how many active members we have. Let's face it: we never had as many active posters as Chross did on his now-inactive site, and if I were able to compile the statistics, I think we'd find that 90% of the posts in the past year were due to a very small number of people. Thus none of us can expect much of a response to anything we do here. It's disappointing to be sure, and how we deal with it is up to each of us as individuals.

Of course it's possible there are many "lurkers" who see what we do and simply don't want to join the board and respond - I didn't even have this board for the first five years of CSR's existence, only a rather pathetic "Letters Sections" which did in fact get a few responses. I think that's the likeliest explanation - people just don't want to respond, for whatever reason.
-- Web-Ed
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