cookie bumstead

Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
Forum rules
* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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cookie bumstead

Post by jimc »

Hi everyone, I was just over in the database and saw the old Cookie Bumstead spanking and I have wondered about Dagwood saying "Yeh" while spanking her. I saw the whole thing in a retro site on Tumblr and it now makes perfect sense. Unfortunately, that particular site now seems to have vanished and saying no longer available. So while I now know what happened I cannot tell anybody where to find it. But in a nutshell this is what happened. Dagwood comes home and Blondie tells Dagwood that Cookie has been a very naughty young lady and Dagwood takes Cookie to the other room. He sits down and starts telling her about the old days and at this point Cookie interrupts him and says "Daddy,can I just get my spanking and skip the lecture?" and then the next scene is the spanking with Dagwood saying "Yeh". This has been bothering me for years and I have finally solved it. I have seen the spanking (from the Spirit's site) that web-ed found and was glad he included it in the database and have always wondered about it as being somewhat unsatisfying as I did not know the backstory or had even seen the other part of the story. So while it may have been just my personal crusade I am glad I was able to find it. Have a great day.
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Re: cookie bumstead

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If only Blondie got spanked! wanted to always see That! :lol: I remember posting way back About broom Hilda being spanked ! I believe she got one in a comic strip back in the 80`s otk :?: :?:
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Re: cookie bumstead

Post by jimc »

yes Broom Hilda was spanked in several strips. I do not know the years, but there were several spankings to various characters in the strip. Though truth to tell I did not think Broomie was very spankable. Have a great day.
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Re: cookie bumstead

Post by Sweetspot »

This particular image of Cookie Bumstead being spanked by her father is an important one for me. The owner of the site, the eminent Web-Ed, has declared that Cookie Bumstead is at least 18 years old here - fine with me because it gives me a standard to go by when I'm in doubt as to whether or not a spankee in one of my comic strip discoveries is an adult. Of course the reason that's a concern to me - besides personal preference - is the fact that even as I write this post, if I lift my eyes a bit I see the prime directive right in front of me, "Nothing involving chil**** on the receiving end of spankings". So I find myself often doing a mental check using The Cookie Bumstead Rule as my guide for determining if an image is appropriate for the CSR Forum.

About this image: from August 31,1958
BlondieAugust31,1958.jpg (45.73 KiB) Viewed 5347 times
Chic Young and his successors must believe that if a gag is worth doing it's worth doing over and over again. There's a lot of spanking in Blondie [none of those involving Blondie getting spanked - unfortunately] and most of the spanking jokes have been repeated...ah repeatedly over the life of this almost ninety-year-old strip. I won't go into the details of that because I'm now scrupulously avoiding juvenile and especially male conversation :roll: But Cookie gets spanked maybe four or more times in this strip, including self-spanking, she's threatened at other times and actually begs for a spanking, as Jim noted, on other occasions. The above image concludes a story that involves Cookie and her young friend goading their respective father's into fist fighting each other in order to determine who's dad can indeed beat-up the other male parent. Spanking happens after their little plot is found out - mid-fight.

Just so the following posts don't seem confusing I want you all to know that I removed a particular image from this post because the age of the spankee was brought into question. At the end of it all I'm still not sure whether I should use Cookie Bumstead's August 1958 appearance as a guideline or not. The original purpose of The Ripples post was to give an example of how I applied the site's minimum age rule by setting Cookie Bumstead August 1958 appearance as the standard. There still seems to be considerable disagreement as to whether Cookie was a juvenile or not. Seeing her in the other panels of this particular strip I think not. But that being the case it makes no sense for me to be measuring the age of other characters against Cookie's "age" in August 1958 - just because someone else does see her as being potentially 18. That just makes me out as a hypocrite. From now on I'll use characters such as The Jackson Twins, Susie Q. Smith and Veronica Lodge for guidance since none of those girls seem to be controversial. :ugeek:
Last edited by Sweetspot on Thu Nov 09, 2017 9:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: cookie bumstead

Post by daneldorado »

Phil, I appreciate your posting the Cookie Bumstead spanking (which I had seen before), but only for completist purposes. As you know, Web-ed frowns on childhood spankings. Besides, Cookie is seen here as a pre-teen: all gangly arms and legs, and even though she is seen being spanked on her panties, there are absolutely NO erotic overtones. Besides, her left leg is missing from the toon.

I won't be downloading the toon from "The Ripples," for that one is totally and completely a child being spanked. I wonder how long it will take Web-ed to delete these two.

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Re: cookie bumstead

Post by Sweetspot »

Dan and all
I actually agree with you. In my own heart of hearts I think the Blondie strip definitely shows a minor being spanked and that The Ripples strip probably shows a minor being spanked although I don't know enough about the strip to state that for sure. I appreciate the comment and that's just what I was going for when I made this post, I wanted opinion on the two strips and also on whether I should continue to use my Cookie Bumstead Rule as my guide for determining whether or not a spankee is over 18. It wouldn't bother me at all if Web-Ed asked me to delete The Ripples strip images. Web-Ed set the standard in the first place and it's his site not mine. As for the Cookie Bumstead image, that same image as "enhanced" by The Spirit has been on the CSR main-site for 7 years: ... ookie.html So I guess he doesn't have a problem with it especially since he is assuming that Cookie was 18 years old at the time.[He can speak for himself though]

Pinning down 17 or 18 can be tricky since ages fluctuate a lot in the strips particularly with young people. Characters can move from pre-teen to adult, Army veteran and back again to being kids within the span of the life of a strip. For example Etta Kett, Diana Dean and Freckles McGoosey each reached adulthood only to return to school-age during their time in the funnies. I think the Cookie Bumstead of 2017 plays older than the Cookie of 1958 but you really do need to have long-term content sometimes ranging over decades right in front of you to understand the context of the strips. Many strips strive to keep ages constant but it can be hard from the vantage point of the 21st century to remember that the Jackson Twins, for example, are suppose to never age even though they celebrate numerous birthdays over the years from 1950-1974. So the whole point of the post was, a probably unnecessary, explanation of how I decide - in borderline cases, which images to keep and perhaps share and which to ignore. I try to be careful. Keep in mind that I don't see this as a porn site and I don't see vintage comic strips as being porn no matter who is getting spanked but I do understand why the site administrator wants to be cautious, running a fetish site can be tricky and motivation easily misunderstood by those on the outside looking in. While I look at most comic strips as historical footnotes others might consider the very same panels to have erotic content. Not to mention that the site certainly does have its share of flat-out erotic material - erotic to me anyway :D .

I'm just going to continue to have fun with the whole archiving business as my go-to and time consuming hobby. For the most part I just want to share my discoveries, in this great CSR setting, so they can be enjoyed by the entire 'spanking' community. I confess I can get a little academic sounding at times when I, for example, connect the dots over some small coincidence or distinction in these old comics. I can forget that not everyone is going to share my enthusiasm for spanking minutia especially if it goes off in a tangent that involves a juvenile or males. I don't mean to offend anyone and certainly not the loyal and in some case long-time followers of CSR. Trust me I'm as big a M/F enthusiast as the next guy but their is also an undeniable streak of a historian inside me as well that I let spill out at times - like with my survey of Poppa spanks.

Let me say thank you for reading my rant by sharing with you an illustration I just scanned off of a newspaper archive today. It's of a woman being spanked who is without question over 18...she is well-over eighteen. :lol: In fact most likely the oldest female I've ever seen as a bottom but I think a nice illustration none-the-less.
HandyHusbandsSeptember25,1949.jpg (161.08 KiB) Viewed 5338 times
handyHusbandsSeptember25,1949DETAIL.jpg (123.47 KiB) Viewed 5338 times
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Fun with Lil (sis) and Will Willets

Post by Sweetspot »

Poppa Spank May 2,1927. A surprisingly adult looking Will has an interesting conversation with his flapper girlfriend. As I inferred in the above post the strips could play fast and loose with a character's age. The need of the gag would often come before maintaining continuity.
OutOurWayMay2,1927.jpg (59.61 KiB) Viewed 5310 times
Lillian Willets and a very rare comic strip image of a young woman experiencing corner time punishment. The joke is they weren't fighting at all but Lil was giving Will a dancing lesson.
LillianWilletsCornerTimeJuly6,1930.jpg (115.09 KiB) Viewed 5310 times
Pop takes a swing at what turns out to be Will's rubber mouse novelty toy and ends up striking Lil by accident. Lil thinks she's safe from the "mouse" standing on that chair with her mother.
LillianWilletsDecember14,1947.jpg (41.4 KiB) Viewed 5310 times
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Re: cookie bumstead

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Like the new story about the 66 years old woman getting spanked by her husband :D :lol: :lol: no woman is too old for spanking :lol: :lol: THANKS! SweetSpot 8-)
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Blondie Spankings and The Age of Cookie Bumstead

Post by web-ed »

O.K., I'm awake now after posting this week's updates around 5:30 this morning, and I find we have to go over the child spanking question. I am just seeing this now, after 11 days, because my first job is to keep the weekly updates coming and my second is site maintenance, or keeping the lights on. Only after that do I get to read other people's posts on this board, which is why I'm often late to the party when Dan, Phil O., or Hugob00m post their work or Phil S. posts one of his discoveries.

I'm going to break this into several posts for reasons of length and clarity. First, I want to mention that Phil S. found four spankings in Blondie. Unfortunately, as he has said, it appears that Blondie herself was never spanked in the strip: (1) Blondie spanks Dagwood (this one may get posted eventually, without fanfare); (2) Dagwood spanks Alexander (this will be only in the DB, when I get to it); (3) Cookie spanks herself, which is an extremely odd story that should be discussed in a separate post; and (4) Dagwood and Mr. Clump spank their respective daughters (mentioned in Phil's post above, however, it is a completely different story line from 1951 that does not lead to the Spirit's image which I reproduce below:


Now I think that Cookie and Mr. Clump's daughter (whatever her name is) are definitely children in that strip, but the above image of Dagwood spanking Cookie comes from seven years later. Not that seven years have necessarily passed for the characters, but some time has certainly elapsed, and we now have to revisit my judgment (from 7 years ago, by coincidence) that Cookie could plausibly be 18. I have cropped the image to show what must have been taken from the panel prior to the actual spanking:


Cookie isn't as tall as Dagwood here, but she's as tall as some grown women. She's clearly a teen-ager and not a small child, but is she 18? My rule is to presume in cases of uncertainty that the spankee is 18 where such supposition is at least plausible; thus Betty, Veronica and Suzie (from Archie Comics) could be 17 or they could be 18 (Suzie might even be 19 or 20), so we go ahead and post their spankings on CSR. It would be a real shame not to.

Now Chic Young draws in a style less realistic than, say, Dan DeCarlo and the other Archie artists, and when you throw in that fact I think Cookie could be 18 in that drawing. Maybe Chic Young intended her to be younger, and maybe if I'd read all the Blondie strips from the 1950's (I haven't) I'd conclude she was 16, but based on that one panel, which is all I had, I think my conclusion was defensible.

O.K., I'm out of time here so I'll have to take up the rest of the controversy later.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: cookie bumstead

Post by willjohn »

Height means little, my older daughter was tall than many of her teachers before she was 12. No girl as flat chested as Cookie in that picture could possibly be 18.
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Re: cookie bumstead

Post by web-ed »

willjohn wrote:Height means little, my older daughter was tall than many of her teachers before she was 12. No girl as flat chested as Cookie in that picture could possibly be 18.
Certainly some girls are tall, and I did notice that Cookie has no apparent bosom, but then again, Young does not draw in a realistic style, and I'm not sure we're more justified in inferring from that she's a child any more than we should infer that Popeye has a serious deformity because he's drawn with enormous forearms. The question I ask myself is not "Can I prove beyond all shadow of a doubt that this girl is an adult?" but "Is it reasonable that she might be eighteen?"

You may be right about Cookie, Willjohn - it was a close call for me and maybe I got it wrong and shouldn't have posted it. (In a minute I'll try in another post to explain my policy and the reasons for it). CSR is an enormous site - it must be over 1400 pages by now. Each page that's out there represents an editorial decision to go forward and each item I chose not to print represents an editorial decision in the reverse direction, and I don't suppose anyone could make that many judgments without error. I always hesitate to suppress something because I know that it may not be available elsewhere or that if it is, CSR readers might not find it. Spiritworks is gone now, and CSR may be the last place on the web younger spankos who weren't surfing years ago could find that particular spanking panel - a point in favor of its posting here.
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Re: The "No Children" Policy Revisited

Post by web-ed »

Somewhere on this board I've explained this policy in the past, but when I searched using the box on the Home Page (everyone knows that you can confine the Google search to a single web site by using the correct code, and that I've got it built-in for you there, right?) all I got for my trouble was a warning from Google about child porn! Hope they don't report me to the government, because of course my only interest was that I had mentioned in the explanation I was trying to find that I didn't want anyone to draw the mistaken conclusion we were somehow eroticizing the spanking of children here, because that's something no one connected with CSR wants to do.

There is also the legal question, although despite a disturbingly-high conviction rate of something like 93% I doubt that a federal prosecutor could win a case based on spanking alone: prudence counsels us to steer well clear of anything that could get us into trouble, innocent or not. The old Artastic Forum had a lot of child-spanking stuff, and Anime OTK still does to this day, and no one is bothering them so probably no one would bother us either. But mostly it's the character of the site I'm worried about.

We have lots of erotic spanking material here, so my concern was that by presenting child spankings even though they were purely disciplinary, someone might get the wrong idea. And as a secondary matter, none of CSR's regular readers had any interest in child spankings anyway, so while I documented (and still document) them in the Data Base for legitimate research purposes there was no point in clogging up the gallery with the innumerable spankings of Nancy, Li'l Dot, Li'l Jinx, Katy Keene's sister, Imogene from Dixie Dugan, The Katzenjammer Kids, and so on.

Next I'll take up the question of the spanking from The Ripples, but I'm having trouble getting much information on the strip so it may be a day or two. Meanwhile, I'll have no time to visit any other thread on this board, so don't feel neglected if I don't respond to any other new posts for a while.
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Re: The Ripples

Post by web-ed »

One problem I had here was that I had never heard of the strip. Neither Don Markstein nor Maurice Horn even mention it, although I did find an entry on the cartoonist, George Clark, from another trusty source. Here are some examples I've dug up to help settle the question of our spankee's age:

The Ripples, Sept. 14, 1943 © News Syndicate Co. Inc.

February 10, 1946 © News Syndicate Co. Inc.

May 23, 1948 © News Syndicate Co. Inc.

To begin with, we can now positively identify the spanker and spankee as Mr. Ripple and his daughter, Kitchie.

In the first example from 1943, Kitchie is shown helping out in Dr. Dibbs' office and going on rounds with him, which seems an unusual job for a child. (In another that's not shown here, she goes out on a boat with him, which also seems odd if she weren't at least nearly grown). In the second, it's pretty obvious that she and her brother are just kids. Only in the third from 1948, seven years from the spanking strip, does she look a bit older and totes a boyfriend on her arm.

Of course, the real question is what she looks like in the spanking panel. Clark had a penchant for drawing very short and stout men as we see from the above examples, and the director could have been someone Kitchie's age. It's true that characters are not always depicted consistently nor age normally (the examples of Diana Dane and Etta Kett should be fresh in our memories) but I have to conclude that Kitchie is just a kid. She's got her hair in pigtails (I think), and what makes the scene worse is that she says "I'm hurt" rather than "It hurts" although the spanking is clearly for humorous purposes and no one could reasonably infer any erotic intent on Clark's part. As for Clark, he was a better artist than writer, for no competent scribe would have had Kitchie say "I'm hurt".

You did a great job in finding this, Phil, and while it's an interesting scene that's certainly going into the DB, and a case could be made for Kitchie being older than she looks, I think it would be best if it were removed or at least modified so we don't actually see Kitchie over the knee as we did with the spanking of Gertrude in Polly and Her Pals. The pre- and post-spanking panels are no problem.
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Re: Newspaper Examples

Post by web-ed »

And finally, Phil, thanks for presenting these - they were most interesting. I think that one with the elderly couple should get added to the Newspaper Spankings Series when we get around to it. :D
-- Web-Ed
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Re: cookie bumstead

Post by Sweetspot »

I'm just now seeing the several interesting replies to my post which in turn was a reply to a post from 2015 concerning Cookie Bumstead. I removed the image in question from The Ripples strip and left a brief explanation in its place so that the replies wouldn't totally confuse future readers.
Now a few "fun" images we can all agree :?: as being acceptable posts for CSR...

From the Philadelphia Inquirer August 24, 1941. There's more where this came from because the Inquirer ran a very interesting feature called Horace Mann's Family Life Problem for six years or so. Someone presented a family related issue and readers sent in their "solutions" for a ten dollar first prize. The family problems often came with an interesting photo for the sake of illustration.
PhiladelphiaInquirerAugust24,1941.jpg (44.91 KiB) Viewed 3690 times
To me fly swatters (and slippers) are rather nasty - better to use your hand, hairbrush, ruler, rolled up magazine...From Dec. 1, 1929 Vignettes of Life.
VignettesOfLifeDecember1,1929.jpg (63.95 KiB) Viewed 3690 times
Perhaps the oldest newspaper article containing an adult male spanking an adult female :?: from January 23, 1910 Oakland Tribune.
OaklandTribuneJanuary23,1910.png (54.39 KiB) Viewed 3690 times
Last edited by Sweetspot on Fri Nov 10, 2017 1:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: cookie bumstead

Post by »

Always love reading those old newspaper stories about spankings 8-) I`m :shock: :shock: to read about the young woman of eighteen thinking she too old for a spanking :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol: wives back in that time got spanked :twisted: :lol: :lol: you're right a fly swatter is messy he should have remove the cover and gave her a hard slap with his hand :lol: Nice find 8-)
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Re: Newspaper Spankings

Post by web-ed »

More find work, Phil :D ! You have turned up so much material that I think we're going to have to address the topic of Newspaper Spankings as soon as we're finished with the current Comic Strip Series. I haven't yet decided how to present this material, but I'm leaning toward a new gallery dedicated to this subject.
-- Web-Ed
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