"The Phantom" Spanking Question

Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
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* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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"The Phantom" Spanking Question

Post by Tanner »

I know of at least 4 Phantom comic strip spankings. He spanked 2 members of the Sky Band, the spankings of Queen Pera, and the spanking of the Marshall sisters I am familiar with.
But there is another that have seen at various sites. In it he is spanking a young woman and saying "a good spanking is the only thing I can think of. Your mother should have done it long ago."
But I have seen no other panels in the storyline, as to who she is and why she is being spanked. Anybody know more?
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Re: "The Phantom "spanking question

Post by web-ed »

First, for the curious who read this and haven't yet seen the panels Tanner is referring to, Queen Pera and the mystery woman can both be found right here in CSR.

Wish I had the answer to your question, Tanner - I have searched for more info on that mystery woman and come up empty. If anyone knows, let's hope they advise us. [04/18/2011 Update: all of these Phantom spankings have since been identified and dated. See below and Comics Gallery 2.]

Apart from the two Phantom spankings linked to above, I also have in my files the two Sky Band spankings (both color and B & W versions), a blonde in a leopard print dress getting the OTK treatment (this may not have come from the strip), and another double spanking (not the Sky Band one - could this be the Marshall sisters?)! I've been posting my strip stuff alphabetically, but maybe I shouldn't wait until I get to "P" to post these. What the heck - let's post smaller versions here and now:
Sky Band Spanking in Color
Sky Band Spanking in Color
phantom2.jpg (33 KiB) Viewed 9241 times
Two more turned over the Phantom's knee!
Two more turned over the Phantom's knee!
phantom_double_barrelled_spanking_small.jpg (20.68 KiB) Viewed 9241 times
Phantom spanks unknown blonde
Phantom spanks unknown blonde
phantom_color.jpg (20.76 KiB) Viewed 9241 times
-- Web-Ed
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Re: "The Phantom "spanking question

Post by Tanner »

The b & w panel is indeed the Marshall sisters. I hope you have another panel,the last one,its great. It shows the sisters driving away in an open jeep. The sister driving asks the other where they should go. The girl in the passenger seat, who is standing up leaning on the door answers "anyplace, quickly,where we don't have to sit down!" One of the best after-the-spanking scenes I have seen.
The spanking of the blonde is one I did not know about, so now there are five.
Strangely though I don't think there has been one where he spanked his girlfriend Diana Palmer. She would seem like an obvious choice.
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More on Spankings by The Phantom

Post by web-ed »

I've been doing more research on The Phantom in between the Great Golden Age Spanking Search, and I'd like to reveal some of my results.
  • First, Tanner originally started this topic by asking if there was more information on the "Your mother should have done it long ago" spanking. I'm glad to report I have finally identified the exact strip this scene came from and I have a copy in my files.
  • A reader in Sweden has identified the "Phantom Spanks Blonde" of this topic (Phantom Spanking #5 in Comics Gallery 2) as coming from a Swedish-language reprint of the strip. He sent me some exciting excerpts, and we'll soon be seeing how well Phantom (or Fantomen) can spank with Swedish word balloons!
  • He also sent me the missing Marshall Sisters panel where one of them is driving the jeep and other one refuses to sit down! On top of that, I had already come to the conclusion that the Marshall Sisters spanking occurred sometime in 1948, and this panel confirms it. Of course, we already have the spanking, but it would still be nice to find out more of the publication details.
  • I now have two more color versions of the "Jorge spanks Queen Pera" scene, one from the Swedish reader and one I found on my own.
  • Finally, I have another spanking given by Phantom, one we haven't seen before, although I don't have the original publication dates or much information except the spanking panel itself.
I'm planning to post all this as probably 1 new page and a number of updates to existing pages as soon as the current Comic Strip Spanking Series has concluded. We'll have a special Focus on the Phantom week.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: "The Phantom "spanking question

Post by jimc »

Wow, i never would of thought that you would be able to get information about spankings in comic strips or comic books from Sweden web-ed, as they are one of the the few countries that has banned spanking and while i am sure that spanking does still exist it is still amazing that you are able to get the information that you did. Ienjoy your post about it although i do have to say the spanking of Kayla in her Jungle girl outfit is one of my favorites. While i enjoy the others i do think that maybe the scan of Jorge spanking Pera to have been a better scan than most of the others. I am glad Tanner brought up the Phantom spankings and that you were able to find out as much as you did. Thanks everyone who did find the information for web-ed and for web-ed to take the time to code it and share it with us. Have a great day.
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Re: "The Phantom "spanking question

Post by willjohn »

I seem to remember in my childhood (back in the 1950s) when Phantom comic books were part of gift packs at Hoyts cinemas in Sydney one book where two girls identified as "the governor's daughters" were spanked side by side over the Phantom's knee. It was described as an "old fashioned double barrel spanking."

I wish I could forget the one where he spanked a fat prince.
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Re: "The Phantom "spanking question

Post by Tanner »

Don't know about "the governor's daughters" but the phrase "double-barrelled spanking" was used in the strip with the Marshall sisters. But they were not both shown over his knee at the same time.
Don't know about a "fat prince".
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Re: "The Phantom "spanking question

Post by willjohn »

Tanner wrote:Don't know about "the governor's daughters" but the phrase "double-barrelled spanking" was used in the strip with the Marshall sisters. But they were not both shown over his knee at the same time.
Don't know about a "fat prince".
He was a spoilt rajah or something who tried to obtain The Phantom's white horse "Hero"by nefarious means. It was in one of the later comics, probably late 1960s.
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The Spoiled Rajah

Post by web-ed »


I know exactly how you feel - I wish I could forget many of the M/M spankings I've run into during the Great Golden Age Comic-Book Spanking Search! Sometimes I wish I could wash my eyeballs with a soothing balm that would erase the images. Of course, in a way I've exacerbated the problem by posting some M/M scenes in the Weird Spankings series, but only the most humorous/least offensive (I hope).

By the way, welcome to the Forum!
-- Web-Ed
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Re: "The Phantom "spanking question

Post by willjohn »

Thanks mate.
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More on Phantom Spankings

Post by web-ed »

I've been researching this heavily lately to get prepared for Focus on The Phantom, a CSR special event that is now only two weeks away. I'm revising the current Phantom pages and coding some new ones. I've finally pinned down the exact dates for four of these wonderful scenes and have a fifth (the Marshall Sisters) narrowed down to somewhere in the first five months of 1948. The more I see of The Phantom, the better I like it. I'm thinking I should write a comparative essay on Lee Falk, Zack Mosley, and Roy Crane, as they are beginning to stand out as the three greatest creators of spanking scenes in comic strip form (maybe Joe Schuster should be included also). But that's for another day. Here, to whet everyone's appetite for Focus on The Phantom, is a lovely color piece I stumbled on last night, followed by what I hope to have ready by 04/29.

I found this on a "vanilla" Phantom board while researching the Marshall sisters. The thread had just gotten interesting (i.e. turned to the subject of spanking) when some killjoy posted "Please stop putting up this spanking stuff, it's making me uncomfortable and drawing the attention of sites devoted to sadism." I think he meant us. Anyway, that was the end of that.
Nice composite scene of The Phantom's various spankings, artist unknown.
Nice composite scene of The Phantom's various spankings, artist unknown.
fantomen_litho_bb.jpg (115 KiB) Viewed 5578 times
  • The "Your mother should have done it long ago" spanking - identified as coming from "Adventure in Algiers" (1938). I'm separating this one from the Queen Pera spankings. Also, I've found some new scans and a colorized version.
  • The Queen Pera spankings - there will now be separate pages for Phantom's and Jorge's warmings of Pera's bottom, with fresh, new scans of both, as well as the original color panel with Jorge. Identified as coming from 1946.
  • More Queen Pera spankings -Swedish-language versions, beautifully redrawn in full color, of both Phantom (2 panels) and Jorge (1 panel)! One of these was the basis for the "mystery panel" I posted earlier, but these are better-looking.
  • Still more Queen Pera spanking - fan art featuring Pera getting it on her bare bottom! Wonder how long it will be before Pera sits comfortably again?
  • Another Swedish-language spanking of an unknown girl!
  • An Italian-language spanking of a different unknown girl!
  • The Marshall Sisters - new scans showing the storyline leading up to the spankings, plus two new Swedish color panels! Now known to have appeared originally in early 1948.
  • The Sky Band double-spanking -new scans of the spanking panels, as well as what led up to them. Positively identified as 11/30/1941.
See it all right here on CSR, in two short weeks! 8-)
-- Web-Ed

Re: "The Phantom "spanking question

Post by daneldorado »

Bless your perverted little heart, web-ed... you really know your comic book spankings. The collage of "The Phantom" spankings you posted is just beautiful! (Coulda been a little bigger, tho.) My early youth was enriched by seeing these comic books in second printings, and of course I have seen some of the spanking panels posted throughout the spank pages on the Internet.

But... WHERE is the lovely panel showing The Phantom spanking a modern girl, a blonde, who is dressed in a leopard skin dress? I didn't see it in your collage. Did I miss it?

And I assume you've seen this one, right? I think I posted it a while back.


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Re: "The Phantom "spanking question

Post by Tanner »

Eagerly looking forward to Focus on the Phantom. That was a great collage, but did not recognize the girl on horseback with shorts on.
Don't think a girl spanked by the Phantom would care to ride horseback!
Happen to know what vanilla Phamtom site youn mentioned was? Would be curious to read what was said. Believe there are some Yahoo groups devoted to the Phantom. Trouble is, so many Yahoo groups get taken over by spammers, like so many of the spanking groups.
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Re: More on Phantom Spankings

Post by web-ed »

Yes, I've seen that delightful "Phantom spanks Wonder Woman" cartoon of yours before - a fantasy scene many have wanted to see! You're right about that composite being small - I generally shrink the size of pictures before attaching them here because I don't like sliders, especially horizontal ones. Anything over about 320 pixels in height generates a vertical slider (I forget what it is for the horizontal dimension). On the main site I can be more generous and allow 800 pixels width and 550 pixels height because screen resolutions of 1024 x 768 or greater will display a picture of these dimension on one screen without scrolling. The reason I use attachments is to get around the two-image limit that you and b00m are always running into (and which I can't change). But in this case, that isn't a problem since I've only got one image, so here's a larger version:

No, you didn't miss the lovely blonde girl in the collage; apparently the artist confined himself to scenes from the original strip. The blonde girl is now known to be Queen Pera, redrawn and wearing that leopard skin dress! That's one of the Swedish-language panels I have which is better than the one currently posted and which will make its appearance as part of Focus on The Phantom.


I think the girl wearing shorts on the horse is the Phantom's girlfriend, Diana. Her only connection to all this spanking would seem to be in the "Queen Pera" episode, in which she does appear, wearing shorts, and the Phantom does ride out with her on a horse. I'll send this page to you and Dan - I think it's a small enough file to attach to an email.

The vanilla site was, I believe, The Phantom Phorum. While trying to find the exact date in 1948 that the Marshall sisters spankings occurred, I reached a page on which someone had asked, with rather inelegant phrasing, whether "the Marshall sisters had ever gotten their asses whacked." :o Their internal search function may allow you to find the page I was on. It was a lively discussion with two good spanking pictures until, as I related earlier, some killjoy shut it down. I didn't have the time to browse it further, but I don't think the spammers have taken it over yet. This is a huge problem, as you note, which has resulted in this forum along with others going the only-members-may-post route.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: "The Phantom "spanking question

Post by Tanner »

Thanks for the page, it came through just fine. And thanks for all the work you put in here.
Haven't had a chance to go through the Phantom Phorum, have a feeling though they might have deleted that discussion.
What puzzles me though is that with all the spankings the Phantom dished out he seems never to have spanked his girlfriend Diana Palmer. Find that indeed strange, as she surely must have done something sometime to earn a spanking.
Maybe he could have decided that the shorts she was wearing in that story were too short and spanked her for that.
Maybe someone will do some fan art where he lowers Diana's shorts and spanks her on the bare bottom.

Re: "The Phantom "spanking question

Post by daneldorado »

Hiya Tanner...

I'm glad to see you are a fan of the Phantom's spanking adventures. I've been one since I saw the very first Phantom spanking, sometime in the 1950s. And it did seem to me that he was doing more spanking of pretty ladies than other superheros did, in the comics.

But alas, I must disagree with you on the subject of the Phantom spanking his pretty girlfriend Diana Palmer.

Apparently, you are from that school of men that want ALL pretty women to be turned over a man's knee and spanked soundly. While I agree that would make a pretty picture, the fact is that I want only DESERVING women to get their bottoms warmed. Otherwise, there is no balance in our universe.

If Diana should ever do anything "naughty," of course I would expect The Phantom to treat her to a super spanking, same as he has done with other pretty women. But if she remains virtuous and true to him, I don't see the need.

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Re: "The Phantom "spanking question

Post by web-ed »

On the earlier question, I think I found the exact panel of Diana riding out on her donkey that was used by the unknown collage artist. Here it is:
Diana rides out to find The Phantom
Diana rides out to find The Phantom
phantom_s014-09_diana_rides_out.jpg (91.08 KiB) Viewed 5518 times
This is part of the "Queen Pera" episode. Diana wants to make sure Pera hasn't turned The Phantom's head - little does she know that it's he who has turned Pera over his knee!

I think Dan has hit upon the reason there are no known spankings of Diana. Lee Falk understood the effectiveness of spanking as a method of humbling the arrogant and serving them their just desserts - in fact, I don't think any other comic strip artist understood this as well. He was also capable of doing a pure "bad girl punishment" kind of scene, like the early "Adventure in Algiers" spanking, which is less complicated psychologically. The Sky Band and Marshall Sisters spankings seem to be a combination of these two types. But the one kind of spanking that Falk does not do is the romantic "this is for your own good" kind.

Diana was always good and kind and true to her beloved, so she didn't deserve to get spanked the way The Phantom's spankees always did. Perhaps she was a bit headstrong, and this could have been the basis for a fine scene had Falk's mind worked that way. Diana could have gotten herself in danger by taking excessive risks, and The Phantom, out of love for her after rescuing her could have taken her in hand, scolding her gently and giving her a not-too-severe spanking, much like the famous Prince Valiant/Aleta episode of 1959. With a contrite attitude on her part and a big hug afterward, this could have made for an excellent romantic scene.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: "The Phantom "spanking question

Post by Tanner »

Like to clarify something a bit re Diana and spanking. I agree that she,or anyone, should not be spanked without cause. Its just that I am surprised she never screwed up or acted in some way that earned her a spanking. Like Dan said, she was always good and true. But a romantic 'its for your own good and I love you" spanking might have been nice.

Focus on the Phantom

Post by daneldorado »

Web-ed, you are the tops! The greatest spanking comics researcher on the planet!

I've just happily read your new display, "Focus on the Phantom." It shows us every extant panel of the superhero, "The Phantom," spanking naughty girls... including one that I had never seen before! This is a tremendous job, and one I never imagined I would see... but you did it!

You, sir, are a truly dedicated researcher. The only panel I had not seen before is the one where Count Jorge is spanking Queen Pera in Swedish. I never thought another country would go to the trouble of re-drawing that iconic panel, yet here it is! And you have posted it in a deservedly high quality. Wow!

The one and only thing that bothers me is a misconception of mine, that I've had all these years. All along, I thought the two girls -- one brunette, one blonde -- that were known as The Sky Band, were the same two girls that YOU now identify as The Marshall Sisters. Over the years, I thought the Phantom met up with them TWICE, with the same result as far as the girls' backsides are concerned. Guess not. But these are classic comic panels, and you have dealt with them superbly.

Long may you spank!

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Re: Focus on the Phantom

Post by Tanner »

Must heartily congratulate you on the Focus on the Phantom. Hip,hip,hooray!
Had never seen the two foreign language ones with the Phantom spanking the girl in the bar, or the girl explorer. Wonder what the stories behind them were, or if they are also somewhere in English.
Nice to see the story behind the first one, Adventure in Algiers. Had enquired about that one in an earlier post.Always nice to see a female involved in criminal activity, particularly that of a sneaky,conniving kind, get a good sound spanking. Too bad it couldnt have been bare bottom or at least on her panties, but guess that would not have flown in the comics of 1938.
Now, the question is,how do we top this? One suggestion-Doc Cylon having the Phantom meet up with some wild jungle girls, like Shanna, and have him "tame" them.
The Phantom spanking Shanna over that butt baring costume she wears-what a sight that would be!
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