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* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
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Post by Tanner »

Probably you the Web-Ed already know about this wonderful site(ComicBookPlus) I came on a few days ago. What a treasury of pre-code Golden Age comics, most most before my time and most I have never heard of-wasn't even alive then! All categories, plus some newspaper comic strips and other materials.
They are very strict though about not permitting pirated material or copyright infringement, so no early Wonder Woman or other superhero or more well-known or recent comics.
Btw, how does that work here, not getting in trouble with copyrights? Know so many rights to various characters are owned by somebody. And doubtless some of them would not like to see their properties turn up on a spanking site!
Have not had a chance to systematically explore the site for spankings, but a random dip did turn up a Westerns spanking.
Wyatt Earp 05.
The spanking panel itself wasn't much- the spanker had his back turned toward the reader, but the young lady, Bonnie West, spoiled rich girl, showed that she badly needed a spanking the first panel she was introduced.
Also noticed there was a comic called Women Outlaws. One can only hope,as one of my favorite scenarios is women criminals and law violaters receiving sore-bottom justice!
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Re: ComicBookPlus

Post by web-ed »

Hi Tanner,

Yes, I found ComicBookPlus some time ago, but I can't remember how much research I've done there. You see, for the past two years I've had over 500 Golden Age comic books piled up waiting for me to go through them from Digital Comics Museum (many of these are from the conclusion of the JVJ Project). I've also been trying to track down the last handful of Humorama digests from the critical 1955-60 period. And I've found a few comic book spankings the hard way - catalogs, rumors, and lucky guesses. All that has left me precious little time for any additional searches. I hope to get back to ComicBookPlus some time, maybe even next year.

I will have to check on Wyatt Earp #5 - thanks for the tip and of course I'll present it here eventually (which means at least a year from now in all probability). There was a time when I became discouraged and stopped searching western comics, and perhaps that's how this one slipped by me. I'm not sure, and I don't skip westerns any more, but it sure is boring to go through issue after issue of Gabby Hayes Western and never find any spankings :( .

Women Outlaws - There is one known spanking that I posted back in 2011 - see Women Outlaws #2 on the main site. There were eight issues altogether of which I have searched five.

As to copyrights, this is a complicated question I delved into at length some years ago - see On the Question of Copyrights for the complete post.

Basically, I try to avoid problems at CSR with copyrighted material in two ways: I identify the copyright holder so there is no possible misunderstanding that I am claiming the copyright myself, and I depend on the legal doctrine of what is called Fair Use. This doctrine asserts that a limited use of copyrighted material is lawful for certain purposes, one of which is education. I consider the presentation of comic spankings to have educational value (I'm always going on at length with literary and social analysis :) ).

You will notice one key point: I never present copyrighted material in its entirety (a definite no-no under Fair Use), so Wonder Woman's spanking scenes are limited to the spanking panels and some surrounding material for context. Notice that with the romance comic spankings, many of which (not all!) are no longer under copyright, I sometimes present the entire story, especially if it's not more than 7 pages.

The other effect of copyrights is of course to inhibit what can be digitized and therefore relatively easily searched. Some examples of copyrighted material that is therefore hard to find and search (and that I'd really like to): Golden Age Archie, DC Silver Age romance comics, Timely (old Marvel) romance and teen comics (I've identified a spanking there but can't get the book). Even a few of Wonder Woman's Golden Age comics are still unavailable in reprint form at this late date. :(

Oh well - right now I've got far more material than time to post it all.
-- Web-Ed
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