Lesser discussed heroines.

Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
Forum rules
* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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Re: Lesser discussed heroines.

Post by web-ed »

jimc wrote:ok i'm not sure i know who Ms. Marval is i have seen she-hulk, but i am not sure about Ms. Marval (as many of them seem to have the same name (Marval Girl, Captain Marval. Marval Maid, Mary Marval, Ms. marval etc.)
You're right - it is well nigh impossible to tell these players apart without a scorecard. So here's a scorecard! (For the Marvel Comics' "Marvel" characters, anyway - I figure you know the "Shazam" family pretty well).
1st appearance of Ms. Marvel, in Ms. Marvel #1
1st appearance of Ms. Marvel, in Ms. Marvel #1
ms_marvel_no_1_cover.jpg (89.01 KiB) Viewed 12582 times
Ms. Marvel makes her first appearance, in all her feminist glory.
Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell), the original on whom Ms. Marvel was based.
Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell), the original on whom Ms. Marvel was based.
captain_marvel_vol_1_30.jpg (47.05 KiB) Viewed 12582 times
The original Captain Marvel (2nd costume!), who was the alien Mar-Vell
Ms. Marvel's 2nd costume.
Ms. Marvel's 2nd costume.
ms_marvel_super.jpg (44.95 KiB) Viewed 12582 times
Ms. Marvel's 2nd costume. I like this one better - I think it was designed by the late Dave Cockrum, who had a real talent for costume design.
Ms. Marvel assumes the position.  Unfortunately, nobody had a paddle handy.
Ms. Marvel assumes the position. Unfortunately, nobody had a paddle handy.
ms_marvel_spankable.jpg (52.2 KiB) Viewed 12582 times
Here Ms. Marvel obligingly "assumes the position", but none of the other heroes present thought to bring their paddles. Pity. Captain America(Bucky) is either looking at her butt or her strange hairdo.
Captain Marvel, 2nd (and female) version.  No relation to CM #1 or Ms. Marvel.
Captain Marvel, 2nd (and female) version. No relation to CM #1 or Ms. Marvel.
captain_marvel_female_version.jpg (39.31 KiB) Viewed 12582 times
This is a later heroine of the same name as the original Captain Marvel, who appeared after his death and bore no relationship to either him or Ms. Marvel. She's gone through a couple of name changes at least since then, further adding to all the confusion.
Marvel Girl (of the X-Men), before she was Phoenix.
Marvel Girl (of the X-Men), before she was Phoenix.
x-men-008.jpg (57.53 KiB) Viewed 12582 times
Marvel Girl, of the original X-Men, before she became Phoenix. No relation to Ms. Marvel or anyone else shown here!
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Lesser discussed heroines.

Post by jimc »

well done i appreciate seeing all the different marvel heroines like this.
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Re: Lesser discussed heroines.

Post by jimc »

i just found some new candidates for some otk. MS Mystic in Pacific Comics; Dragonfly in Americomics;Element Girl in Dc comics;Nightingale in eclipse Comis and Eclipse and Vega also in Eclipse comics. The cover for Dragonfly at mile high comics is outstanding.
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Re: Ms. Mystic, Dragonfly, Element Girl, and others

Post by web-ed »

Ms. Mystic
Ms. Mystic
ms_mystic_1_1.jpg (80.72 KiB) Viewed 12563 times
dragonfly.GIF (31.13 KiB) Viewed 12563 times
Dragonfly - tight-fitting costume, good for spanking!
Element Girl, who had the same powers as Metamorpho
Element Girl, who had the same powers as Metamorpho
metamorpho13_trapani.gif (47.67 KiB) Viewed 12563 times
Nightingale - she does look naughty!
Nightingale - she does look naughty!
nightingale1.gif (44.13 KiB) Viewed 12563 times
Eclipse & Vega
Eclipse & Vega
eclipse-vega1.GIF (44.16 KiB) Viewed 12563 times
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Wonder Girl and Dumb Bunny

Post by web-ed »

Andy Price did those three wonderful pieces with both Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl, but let's take another look at WG as a potential spankee. In the first Teen Titans comic, Nick Cardy generally drew her with such a sweet expression she didn't seem to deserve a spanking. But on one cover, she acted like a real witch:
Teen Titans #34.  Art by Nick Cardy
Teen Titans #34. Art by Nick Cardy
teen_titans_no34_cover.jpg (121.04 KiB) Viewed 12533 times
Now I just today posted a Mr. Monster cover showing a good way to deal with witches - spank them! Wonder Girl's male colleagues (Robin, at least, should know how to spank by now) should have done the same thing here - yes, it would have been a tough job, but it needed doing, and in the end she'd have thanked them for restoring her to normal.

I know we've mentioned Dumb Bunny earlier in this topic, but she's really one of my all-time favorite spanking candidates, so let's take another look:
Dumb Bunny rabbit ears gag, revised from her first appearance with the rest of the Inferior Five back in Showcase.
Dumb Bunny rabbit ears gag, revised from her first appearance with the rest of the Inferior Five back in Showcase.
Dumb_Bunny_14.JPG (103.17 KiB) Viewed 12533 times
I think everyone will agree with me that once you get that cottontail out of the way, she's one exceptionally spankable superheroine!
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Re: Lesser discussed heroines.

Post by jimc »

I do admit dumb bunny was esp. spankable, but we are forgetting the other blonde DC heroine that had her own magazine as well. ANGEL O'DAY of ANGEL AND THE APE. Other DC comics that also had some spankable charactors BINKY, THAT WILKIN BOY AND SCOOTER. there were also the comic books that were based on tv series (BEWITCHED AND I DREAM ON JEANINE ) come to mind and in the Archie line Melody in Josie and the Pussy Cats as well as Cheryl Blossom are on my mind Any others anybody remembers.
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Angel O'Day

Post by web-ed »

You're right, Jim, we have forgotten about Angel here, and as it happens, she ties in nicely with our discussion of Dumb Bunny because we learned in 1991 that Angel and DB are actually half-sisters. Here's a few panels of them together:
Angel O'Day and Athena Tremor (Dumb Bunny) from Angel and the Ape #2 (April, 1991)
Angel O'Day and Athena Tremor (Dumb Bunny) from Angel and the Ape #2 (April, 1991)
angel_and_the_ape_1991_02.jpg (374.51 KiB) Viewed 12514 times
I've remarked many times on what a wonderfully weird place DC was in the 60's. No series better exemplifies that than the original Angel and the Ape: Angel and Sam were partners in a detective agency! Here we see the cover of Angel and the Ape #3 (March-April 1969), which as it happens (would you believe by pure coincidence?) features Angel in a semi-spankable pose with hands on knees:
Angel and the Ape #3, March-April 1969
Angel and the Ape #3, March-April 1969
angel_and_the_ape_1969_03.jpg (101.27 KiB) Viewed 12514 times
Angel would indeed make a good spankee, although I'm not sure that Sam is the ideal spanker, being a gorilla and all. But on the other hand, I can't think of anyone better off the top of my head, so it will be added to the commission list that way. If anybody has any other ideas, I'm sure we'd all love to hear them.
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Re: Lesser discussed heroines.

Post by jimc »

your comment about the gorilla spanking makes me remember in the movie THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH one of the acts did feature a gorilla and he did spank his female handler. So i do not think it is beyond the realm of possibility and i seem to remember some Tarzan movies where the gorillas did seem to spank as well. I never thought about them being half sisters (both got the beauty, but one got the intelligence and one got the strength) now makes me think that their mother certqainly should be somehow involved in their spankability.
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Post by web-ed »

Here's a Golden Age superheroine I don't remember seeing before - Wildfire!
Wildfire - in need of a good seat-warming!  Art by Jim Mooney.
Wildfire - in need of a good seat-warming! Art by Jim Mooney.
smash_comics_no_34_wildfire.jpg (84.19 KiB) Viewed 12383 times
This panel is taken from Smash Comics (July 1942), one of the titles I've been searching through on my Golden Age spanking quest. While she never got spanked in the issues I reviewed (which I think included all her appearance), it's easy to imagine her in this role - with her red hair and costume (which is naughtily provocative), and her ability to control fire, applying some heat to her seat seems rather too obvious - yet still fun! :)
Last edited by web-ed on Sat Jul 17, 2010 12:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Didn't finish reviewing all her issues until after original post. Confirmed there were no spankings.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Lesser discussed heroines.

Post by Tanner »

Josie of Josie and the Pussycats was mentioned. I recall seeing a panel once in that where her mother was asking her "to sit down and show her her report card." Jose replies "I can't sit down,Mom, I should got through showing it to Dad". She is standing there a hand on the seat of her slacks, with the "pain lines" and stars that indicate a spanked bottom in the comics.
There was a Cheryl in the Archie Comics(Cheryl Blossom?) who was rather a brat I recall. Remember one where she upset Betty and Veronica by appearing in a tiny string bikini(that must have took some doing as neither of those who were exactly conservative in the bikini department).
One problem with the Archie comics though-they're in high school, wouldn't that go against your policy of not posting juvenile spankings? Or does that mean only real young kids, and not nubile teens? For instance, could see how the panel of Weatherbee paddling Betty and Veronica bare might not go over too well with some.
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Josie, Archie, and the No Juveniles Policy

Post by web-ed »

I've added the Josie one you mentioned to my search list. This doesn't mean I'm actively searching for it; the list is just there to keep me from forgetting about things so that I may be able to find them someday.

Your question about the Archie teens serves as a reminder that I've never really fully articulated the reasons for my "no juveniles" policy. I don't generally post spankings involving children for reasons both moral and legal, the moral concerns being paramount. Legally, it would be very difficult for either the State or Federal governments to attempt to prosecute CSR for obscenity, but I don't believe in taking chances - with no minors involved in the depicted conduct, even hard-core sex is generally not considered obscene. Morally, because some (not all) of the M/F spankings have erotic overtones, I do not want anybody to misinterpret the spanking of a child as being eroticized in any way by the overall (that is, site-wide) context in which it would appear, nor would I want anyone to get the idea that I endorse child abuse or even child spanking for that matter. The simplest way to prevent this is not to post child spankings in the first place. It's certainly not the only way: some sites segregate the material involving children from all the rest, but I prefer a more cautious, more certain approach.

Years ago, I did post a Dennis the Menace after-spanking gag cartoon that was sent to me by Miss Sweet Tooth, but I believed then and now that nobody could reasonably think that one fell in the "erotic spanking" category. Perhaps I could proceed on that basis with all non-abusive parental discipline spankings, but I've chosen not to, partly because I don't want to make a mistake, but mostly because I'm not interested in them except as sociological documents. Like the vast majority of CSR's readers, what I like to see is adult M/F disciplinary or romantic spankings.

The few Super-Tot spankings are also an exception to my general rule, but here I feel they're justified by my interest in super-hero spanking generally and the prevalence of spanking within DC comics in particular, as well as the fact that these spankings are neither effective (hence non-abusive) nor erotic.

And that brings us (at long last) to spankings in Archie or (potentially) other teen humor and romance mags. My guideline here is whether the character could plausibly be taken for a legal adult. Obviously, a 13-year-old girl would not qualify, but the Archie gang could easily be 18 while still in high school (just as I was 18 in high school many, many moons ago). In other words, if the character could be a legal adult, I proceed on the assumption that he/she is a legal adult. This seems satisfactory to me for both moral and legal purposes, and I have occasionally made this explicit declaration where there could be any doubt.

This is pretty close to what you suggested: I'm o.k. with "nubile teens" getting spanked as long as they're within spitting distance of the age of majority. Betty and Veronica are in; Lillian (at 15 in Young Witches) is out.
Last edited by web-ed on Sat Jul 17, 2010 4:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: 07/17 clarified two sentences.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Josie, Archie, and the No Juveniles Policy

Post by jimc »

it is always hard to tell ages of comic strip charactors as i always thought lillian was much older than 15 and most of the archie charactors are supposed to be in their mid teens (they drive, etc), but sometimes seem to be acting younger than they are or for that matter are older than they seem. Archie and his buddies are a touring band as well as josie and the pussycats or scooby-doo so they of course travel without chaperones even though they are still supposed to be in high school as well as teen titans and the legionaires are not supposed to be older than 25 i think, but supergirl is just supposed to be 15 when she joins the legion and of course lana and superboy are still in high school as well, so i am glad about your standards, but also have to admit i think almost any spanking is going to fall into either too young for a spanking or too old for a spanking list and while i agree with the legality and morality i think it is many times too close too tell.
Last edited by web-ed on Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Josie, Archie, and the No Juveniles Policy

Post by Tanner »

Interesting points Jim. However, I disagree on one point. There is no such thing as a "too old for spanking list!"
Now I'm not saying I'd want to see Mrs Grundy from the Archie comics spanked -EWW!. But attractive, sexy mature ladies like Wonder Woman, Sue Storm, etc- bring it on.
Last edited by web-ed on Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lesser discussed heroines.

Post by willjohn »

How about Doctor Freeze getting annoyed with his cell mate Poison Ivy and spanking her bare bum?

Surely some skilled artist could manage this (says the man who could not draw a straight line).
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Mr. Freeze and Poison Ivy

Post by web-ed »

A good suggestion! Although Poison Ivy has turned up now and again on the receiving end of a spanking, I haven't seen one yet that fully captures this arrogant and villainous female getting the true punishment she deserves, and getting taken down a peg in the process!
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Re: Lesser discussed heroines.

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

How about Rogue of THE X-MEN Loved to see this southern bell taken down a peg maybe a good switching from Gambit or The Professer should humble her :oops: Jean Grey also need to be spanked especailly in the Phoenix Saga where a spanking wouldv"e done her some good!!!
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Rogue and Phoenix

Post by web-ed »

I don't have any spankings of Jean Grey, but I've sent you an email with ones of Phoenix (by Jean Grey!) and Rogue (by Mystique) that you may not have seen before. I used to have them posted in Comics Gallery 1, but I removed them about a year ago at the artist's request. The "shell" pages are still in place there.
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Post by web-ed »

Early in this topic, JimC mentioned Isis. I could not lay my hands on my few issues of Isis at that time, however, so some CSR readers who may not have known who she was would have no idea what she looked like. Issue #6 is passing through my hands at the present time (I'm selling it for someone), so here's a scan of Isis taken from that issue:
Isis, art by Mike Vosburg and Vince Colletta
Isis, art by Mike Vosburg and Vince Colletta
isis_no_6_small.jpg (118.57 KiB) Viewed 8982 times
Based on the Egyptian goddess of the same name, Isis was one of DC's TV tie-ins (she had a cartoon series at the time). As you can see, she was definitely spankable, and Mike Vosburg had a talent for drawing her mini-dress in a way that made it look as though it were made of some impossibly-light, gossamer-thin fabric. With that dress flipped up out of the way, Isis would have been a fine candidate for an OTK spanking on her panties, but so far no spanking "fan art" has turned up, and of course she wasn't spanked in the comic itself.
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Sun Girl Uses Her Assets to Advantage

Post by web-ed »

The first Sun Girl was one of three superheroines that Marvel was pushing back in the late 40's, the idea being to appeal to girls. I searched her own short-lived comic some months ago along with that of Namora and found no spankings, but she did later appear in three other titles that I'm going through now, one of them being The Human Torch. In issue #32, she demonstrates a strange method of criminal apprehension:

Sun Girl uses her head, or another part of her anatomy, in The Human Torch #32 (Sept. 1948). © Marvel Characters Inc.

Offhand, I can't think of another scene where a superheroine deliberately lands butt-first on top of a villain, but perhaps in these early days the editors were concerned about having a female slug it out with a male. That doesn't really make sense since Black Canary (a known judo expert) was around by then, and in fact I think Sun Girl at some point also demonstrates a knowledge of judo, but we won't spend too much time worrying about it. It occurs to me that if this were to become her SOP (Standard Operating Procedure), criminals could easily counter the technique by spanking her until her rear end is too sore to allow her to use it! :lol:

Some documentation has been found indicating that Bill Woolfolk was the writer, and Nick Caputo believes the the artist may have been Mike Sekowsky whom I'm pretty sure I mentioned in the context of the comic book version of McLintock!. We won't spend much time on that either other than to say that Woolfolk was a very successful writer, which makes me wonder about this very odd story ("Double Cross in Death"). No explanation is given as to how Sun Girl suddenly shows up as the Torch's partner, and we only find out later that in her secret identity she's the Torch's secretary! (And why does a super-hero need a secretary? To make appointments for the villains? Oh well, never mind.)

Now, that opens up two possible avenues for a Torch/Sun Girl spanking if she screws up in either vocation! I'll check the rest of the comics but I don't expect it actually happened; still, it's a fine idea for some independent artist to run with, or for a commission (if I had any money :( ).
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Re: Lesser discussed heroines.

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

Givig Sun Girl a hot bottom would be an amazing feat but also enjoyable to watch :twisted: :D :D ! do you think it more spanking in DC comics than Marvel :?: :?: Nice fine
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