Some art

The cartoons of Last Transistor Hero. Reader comments strongly desired!

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Some art

Post by lasttransistorhero »

Hey I'm lasttransistorhero, some of you might recognize my work from animeotk. I also did the Hawkwoman spanking Wonder Woman picture thats up in one of the comic galleries. I take commissions if anyone is interested, just drop me a Private message.

More art to come as I do it!
filia_spanking_LO.png (295.92 KiB) Viewed 17788 times
nina_ursula.png (611.79 KiB) Viewed 17788 times
bowser_spank.png (388.21 KiB) Viewed 17788 times
com_macross.png (382.86 KiB) Viewed 17788 times
Last edited by web-ed on Wed May 09, 2012 7:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Add hyperlink - Web-Ed
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Re: Some art

Post by overbarrel49 »

lasttransistorhero wrote:Hey I'm lasttransistorhero, some of you might recognize my work from animeotk. I also did the Hawkwoman spanking Wonder Woman picture thats up in one of the comic galleries. I take commissions if anyone is interested, just drop me a Private message.

More art to come as I do it!
hi lasttransistorhero,

i have seen anime before both spanking and non spanking but not really a lot so you'll have to forgive me if i'm a little ignorant here. for example, in the first pic you posted here it appears to me that the girls is being spanked by her own hair :?: . the drawing is good and i like the way her panties are being pulled at. i just don't know what's going on. same thing with the girl with the tail.....good otk position on that one btw...... and the one getting spanked by some kind of monster. the drawings are well done and i like the expressions of pain and anger with the indications of tears, however. my tastes in spanking drawings run more toward the ordinary. the last pic is a little closer to what i generally like to see with one girl spanking another..............from the outfits, perhaps they are school girls.......still, i mostly stick to M/F spanking. i personally can't draw anything recognizable which is why i use Poser 7 and Photoshop 7 to do my pics. if i could draw as well as you can i wouldn't have to fool with that so i have no complaints with your drawing ability at all. from the samples you have posted here i have a hunch that much of isn't going to be the kinds of spanking pics i like best but even at that i can still appreciate your talent and i'll make sure to look at all your work that you post and make comments about anything i like or have questions about. hopefully i'll even figure out what's going on with some of them :lol: . are these part of a story or just single drawings? i find spanking pics are more exciting if i know the whole story :D anyway, welcome aboard and thanks for posting these. phil
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Re: Some art

Post by web-ed »

Welcome to CSR, L.T.H.! We're very pleased that you will be favoring us with some of your work in your new gallery as you join our distinguished resident artists. I've seen much of your work and in fact had slated Nina & Ursula for posting at some future date. I hadn't seen com_macross before, but it's a fine example of M/F spanking :) .

I hope you won't be disappointed if many of us who post regularly on this board don't recognize some of your characters. The fact is that many of us who post regularly here are a little more, shall we say, seasoned :lol: than the average member over at Anime OTK, and we probably won't recognize a character from Manga, Anime, Role-Playing, or Video Games (except for Lara Croft, who's always near the top of my "needs to get spanked repeatedly" list). On the other hand, CSR has a lot of "lurkers," so your work will be seen here, even if comments are few (the bane of Dan's existence).

I hope you get some commissions through the site. I'd commission you myself to do something for the main galleries, but after three and a half years of waiting for an economic recovery that's never come, I'm so broke I can barely scrape up the necessary 4 or 5 bucks when I find a low-cost Humorama digest. If the country ever does recover and I'm not updating CSR from a cardboard-box home near someone else's Wi-Fi (and I won't make any more overtly political statement here than that), I'm sure I'll be asking you as well as our other Resident Artists Dan, Phil, and b00m to do something for us.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Some art

Post by willjohn »

Good stuff! Welcome to the boards.
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Re: Some art

Post by hugob00m »

Welcome, Last Transistor Hero! It's nice to see your first posts to this forum, and I hope there will be more. Being an M/F fan myself, I liked your fourth one the best... although the one with a dragon is rather charming too!

Just a little question on technique: It looks like your coloring is done by computer. Are your outlines done on the computer, or by hand? Or a combination of both? Whatever you use, the results are impressive.
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Re: Some art

Post by lasttransistorhero »

These are all commissions, I get mostly requests for anime and video game characters. Which isn't too surprising considering I just posted on AOTK before this.

And these are all digital, from the sketch to the finished image.

Re: Some art

Post by daneldorado »

Web-ed wrote:

I'd commission you to do something for the main galleries, but after three and a half years of waiting for an economic recovery that's never come, I'm so broke I can barely scrape up the necessary 4 or 5 bucks when I find a low-cost Humorama digest. If the country ever does recover and I'm not updating CSR from a cardboard-box home near someone else's Wi-Fi (and I won't make any more overtly political statement here than that), I'm sure I'll be asking you as well as our other Resident Artists Dan, Phil, and b00m to do something for us.

Message received, Web-ed. If I may interject something in here, I already have a terrific idea (well, I think it's terrific) for a multi-panel spanking cartoon that will fry your gonads. But there's that pesky issue about getting paid for one's work. I used to get paid for my Captain Woodshed, Sam Swatt, and Spanky Sal cartoons. Here on the CSR site, I have uploaded original copies of those toons, FOR FREE, hoping that at least someone would compliment my artistry. But the lurkers are in no mood to comment. They may well enjoy looking at my work, but they sure won't take a minute or two to send a nice comment... or even a nasty one. Very frustrating, working here. So, I have stopped contributing my work.

HOWEVER... if you are ever in a position to offer compensation for these and similar cartoons, Know that you can trust me to deliver the goods. Just let me know when.

I too am hopeful that you won't always be updating CSR from a cardboard box. When you get your act together, I will be happy to supply the artwork. I just want to understand the deal.

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