The Humorama Spanking Cartoon Data Base!

Spanking cartoons in the Humorama Digests and other men's magazines.
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The Humorama Spanking Cartoon Data Base!

Post by web-ed »

I actually designed and built this new data base over a year ago, but I'm only unveiling it this week because I found it easier to add each new cartoon right after I posted it in the Humor Gallery, which means the DB wasn't "complete" until very recently. Here is a link, and you can also get to the DB from the Humor Gallery page.

The design is a little different from the Comic Book Spanking Data Base, which by default dumps the entire DB and which only takes you to the special search page where you can specify your search criteria when you press a button. In contrast, the Humorama DB does not dump its contents by default: you have to put in the cartoonist's last name (should only display the cartoons by that artist) or leave it blank (this should dump the entire contents, which at the moment is 207 cartoons!) and then press the "Submit" button. Here are some screen prints:

Leaving the cartoonist's last name blank results in a complete dump of the entire DB. The output is arranged by cartoon name (assigned by me) within artist's last name. Each artist will generate his own subtotal, and the total number of cartoons will appear near the bottom.

Searching on a particular cartoonist's last name will bring up a list of cartoons by that artist only.

Below is the result of the query on "Wenzel". You can see that there is a total as well which gives the number of confirmed "spankers" this artist has done:

Another difference between this DB and the CSDB is that I have provided thumbnails here of each cartoon, and in fact these thumbnails will take you to the detail page for that particular cartoon. I didn't want to do that with the CSDB because of all the kid spanking I have documented in the DB and which I didn't want to post. Thus you can find the complete page for a particular cartoon by clicking on the thumbnail from either this DB or from the Humor Page.

I hope everyone who enjoys the Humorama Spanking Cartoons will take some time to check out the new DB. Even if you already have the cartoons in your files somewhere, you might be curious about a typical artist, or want to know how many cartoons he did. This DB has the answers! (Or at least most of them). :)
Last edited by web-ed on Tue Aug 27, 2013 2:11 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Change to sticky
-- Web-Ed
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Re: The Humorama Spanking Cartoon Data Base!

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

this looks great :D . i can think of several uses for it right off. if i want to study the evolution of one particular artist through time, it should be easy to do since you have included the dates of publication that you have ;) . i can also go back and forth between artists in order to study differences and similarities between them. you have included not only the thumbnail but also a brief synopsis under comments which will make it easier to find similar drawings by different artists. you've obviously done a great deal of work here and it had definitely paid off for CSR members :D . thanks so much for providing this great resource for us. phil
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