New Finds

Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
Forum rules
* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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New Finds

Post by web-ed »

I've already talked about some of my summer plans for the site, but I thought I'd get a little more specific about the comic stuff here. This topic is a stickie with a 60-day expiration period.

First, with the assistance of JimC, I've recovered a lot of strip spankings from Yahoo groups, including Brenda Starr, Captain Easy, Flash Gordon, Mandrake the Magician, Mary Worth, Steve Canyon, and Steve Roper.

Second, I've gone over 25 years' worth of the Li'l Abner daily strips from 1934 - 1959. This is everything in my personal collection (I don't have any of the Sunday strips). I found three more spankings, but only one was of Daisy Mae, which I've already posted.

Third, I've been going over a lot of golden age scans from non-spanking sites, and have made a few discoveries there:
A Moon, A Girl, Romance - Shadow Lane had this some years ago. I've got both color and B & W versions of the spanking panel.
Patsy Walker - I've got two spankings from this, although one came from Richard Windsor. The other, coming from issue #5, was a complete surprise.
Hit Comics - a sailor spanks a bar girl.
Popular Teen-Agers - issue #14 is one of The Seven Spankings and will be posted this week, but I've just discovered there was another spanking, four issues earlier in #10!
Crimes by Women - illustration of a law permitting a man to spank his wife!
More Fun Comics - actually, the original was one of the Yahoo finds, but I came upon a reprinted version from the 40's. This was done by Siegel and Schuster, three years before they created Superman!
Mary Marvel #1 - Can you believe there was a spanking in the very first issue of this comic? Unfortunately, it isn't Mary who got spanked (which a lot of us would have loved to see); rather, Mary spanks an unruly teen-age boy in school.

I also found my copy of Spank #1 (yes, there was such a comic!) - it's not good, but I'll post it.

Finally, although I know we're all keenly disappointed in not being able to afford new superhero spanking commissions, I do still have a couple of Teen Titans from Kevin Karstens and Bawdy Bard, plus the Enchantress swatting Valkyrie and Hawkeye spanking the Scarlet Witch!
-- Web-Ed
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Re: New Finds

Post by jimc »

Why does the stickie have a sixty day expiration period. Does that mean you only have 60 days to get everything in before you cannot post anymore or does that mean you only have 60 days to code them for the site because you will be taking a vacation. I thought LI'L ABNER had 3 spankings of Daisy Mae (i am also including a off-panel spanking in this list) There is 2 of Abner spanking her and 1 other that you recently posted. Plus Mamie Yokum spanking several people. I hope some others surface as i saw another one about a town where the kids were the officals for the day and the main charactor was a girl named Jane Dribble who gets spanked by her father in the courthouse. She is a blonde with a ponytail like Betty Cooper in Archie, but the charactors have different names (Peanut, corky, pepper and rocky i believe). Yes i had seen the Mary Marvel spanking, but had forgotten it. There is another where Captain Marvel Jr. is getting spanked as well. There were several in that series. I do hope that all your finds were exciting even if they are not that good.
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Re: New Finds

Post by web-ed »

Actually, the 60-day expiration date is completely arbitrary - I just chose it because I thought no one would much be interested in this topic after a couple of months, during which time I hope to get most of the items posted anyway. My thinking was to keep the forum "clean" be removing irrelevant topics (like this one will be). Actually, I've never set an expiration period on a stickie before, so I don't know if it will automatically disappear after 60 days or if it will just be demoted from stickie to ordinary topic (in which case I'll remove it manually). But CSR isn't going anywhere, and I will continue to be able to post updates, I hope forever!

I'm pretty far ahead with new pages now, which means I should get a whole lot posted in July. My vacation will probably be broken up into separate short vacations, so the only effect on the updates may be to delay them a few days or reduce the quantity in the weeks in which they occur.

You're right about Li'l Abner - there was an off-panel spanking of Daisy Mae in 1943. Because it was off-panel, I obviously couldn't post it, and I also don't count such events as true spanking for the purposes of the Comics Spanking Data Base. In fact, now that I think of it there was another off-panel (birthday) spanking of Wolf Girl by Abner also. I did document one spanking by Mammy Yokum of a politician in the DB, but I didn't post it since it was F/M. If I get a lot of requests, I suppose I could do it later. My daily collection doesn't extend beyond 1959, so it's possible that there were some other spankings during the next 18 years, or during the Sunday editions, none of which I have.
-- Web-Ed
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New Marvel Family Spankings

Post by web-ed »

I've just found three more spankings involving the Marvel Family. Unfortunately, although I've never seen them posted anywhere, I can't get too enthusiastic about them. One of them is M/M (Captain Marvel spanking some guy), the second is a cruel stepfather spanking his stepdaughter (I probably won't post this one), and the third is Mary Marvel coming to the rescue and spanking the stepfather!

Oh well - back to the old scanning board...
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New Finds - M/F at Last!

Post by web-ed »

After going through thousands of more pages from various Golden Age titles, I was finally rewarded with a new M/F spanking in an old adventure strip called "Rusty Ryan". It will be posted as soon as I attend to some other, more pressing concerns. It's a pretty good scene, with Rusty turning the headstrong queen of a tribe of women OTK for a good bottom-warming, and I have never seen it anywhere on the net. Finding this really came as something of a relief, after a disturbing number of M/M scenes kept turning up (most of these will be listed in the Comics Spanking Data Base but will not be posted in the Comics Gallery).
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Nice Spanking Threat

Post by web-ed »

As my Golden Age search continues, I keep finding more spankings, although most of them are M/M or F/M. I also came across this spanking threat from a feature called Midnight in Smash Comics (May, 1944). The art here is by Paul Gustavson, who did that Rusty Ryan spanking I mentioned earlier.
I'm gonna beat bumps on your bustle!
I'm gonna beat bumps on your bustle!
smash_comics_53_spanking_threat.jpg (91.64 KiB) Viewed 8467 times
Normally, I find spanking threats that aren't carried out to be extremely frustrating, but in this case the lingo is so unique it made me laugh out loud: "I'll give you one chance to get out of here before I beat bumps on your bustle!" I can't imagine saying anything like that nowadays - "If I catch you driving without your seat belt one more time, I'm gonna beat bumps on your bustle!" She'd probably respond, "Wha - ?"

Still, fun as it was, this was another wasted opportunity. Midnight (in his civilian role as Dave Clark) had every reason to spank Darla, a criminal mastermind, either here or at a later scene, but he didn't (sigh). I'll keep on trying, but I'm near the end of my search for now.
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Statistics From Golden Age Search

Post by web-ed »

The Great Golden Age comics spanking hunt is winding down, mainly because I've run out of source material (for now). I thought some readers might be interested in the approximate numbers because of what it tells us about comic-book spankings during this period:

Total pages searched: 34, 600 (!)
Total spankings: 30 (By type):
F/F - 0
F/M - 5
M/M - 20
M/F - 5

This works out to about 1 spanking per 1200 pages. It's interesting that I found no F/F ones in these titles (mainly adventure and a few romance ones published by Quality and Fawcett), perhaps because F/F would normally be mother/daughter or big sis/little sis, and we would expect these to be few in number except in humor or romance books. Also interesting (or disturbing) is that there were twice as many M/M as all others combined!

Why so many M/M? I can only conjecture during the Golden Age, both adult and child spankings were used primarily for humorous effect, and M/M seemed funnier, at least to the creators, than the other orientations.

The F/M I found were typically either genuine discipline (Mary Marvel) or humorous discipline (as when a stuffy society matron type spanked one of Lady Luck's assistants, a short man disguised as a boy).

Even one of the coveted M/F spankings was unusable because it was of a child (another was with Captain Marvel, which was already known and only yielded publication data as new info). So after all this work, I ended up with 2 new spankings (I got "scooped" on one of these, with Firebrand, anyway) and 1 color version of a spanking which had been previously available in B & W only (A Moon, A Girl, Romance).

Was it worth it? Yeah, I guess so - 3 M/F spankings are 3 M/F spankings even if I'd hoped to find more. The prize catch, the new one from Rusty Ryan, will be posted next week. For the F/M and M/M ones, I've kind of settled on a rule that I will post them only if a superhero is involved; otherwise, they will be added to the Comics Spanking Data Base but not posted. Actually, the ones that will not be posted as separate web pages are already in the DB (do a search using "Quality" and "Fawcett" in the Publisher field if you want to identify them). The ones that are not yet posted will be added to the DB at approximately the same time the individual page is posted. Of course if I get requests for something, I can always change my mind and post it later.
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New Brother/Sister Spanking!

Post by web-ed »

I probably shouldn't be continuing my Golden Age search just now considering everything else that's going on, but I have been, and I've been rewarded with another M/F spanking from Quality Comics. Beezy spanks his sister in this fine issue of Crack Comics from 1945. I've already coded most of the page, and hope to post it next Friday. This is an original discovery of mine that I believe has never been seen on the internet before, and it's a pretty good one. Don't miss it! :D

Update: discovered another M/F, this time from a filler strip called Kiki Kelly, and it's not bad either. It's the more familiar Father/Daughter rather than Brother/Sister, but I'm sure we'll take it.
Last edited by web-ed on Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Add Kiki Kelly
-- Web-Ed
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Re: New Finds

Post by Tanner »

Have to commend you for your dedication in searching all those comic books. It does seem like spanking is a lot more prevalent in newspaper comic strips. But old newspapers are probably even harder to find, unless you have access to a big library that has lots of them on microfilm. However, old microfilm is often of very poor quality and sometimes unreadable when copied.
You mention the Sunday Lil Abner. I recall at least 3 involving Ma Yokum. Unfortunately two are F/M(and one a child). But there is one that is F/F. Ma spanks a blonde bimbo who has been coming on to Pa. The actual spanking was not shown, but there is a panel where the girl is clutching the seat of her tight skirt and there are the "pain stars" above her bottom. Thats all I remember, no date I recall.
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Re: New Finds

Post by web-ed »

Thanks, Tanner - I've decided to continue my Golden Age search, but perhaps at a slower tempo. I also have quite a few more newspaper strips, most of which I think have been posted elsewhere, that I just haven't been able to get to since I acquired them 6 months ago. If I ever get the Sunday Abner strips, I'll look for the after-the-spanking panel that you mentioned. Even though it's not an actual spanking, I think most of us would like to see it.
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Kid Eternity Spanking

Post by web-ed »

Found a 2nd spanking in Hit Comics (the first, from Bob and Swab, was already posted on a non-spanking site when I located it). It's not great, but not bad either - in fact it's a double spanking of two villainesses in Kid Eternity, one of Quality's better-known superheroes. These will be posted soon, I hope, but I've got a lot of strips that really need to get out there.
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Results from Phase 4 and Phase 5

Post by web-ed »

My great Golden Age comics search has resumed, and since it's going on so long I decided to give the results by phase, although I haven't kept as strict track of the numbers as I did earlier.
Phase 4 (Quality Publications) - nearly 8,000 more pages did yield several spankings, including this week's Kid Eternity and several from their teen humor line, which I'm going to hold back until has had a chance to present their versions.

Phase 5 (Quality and Ace) - 8500 more pages didn't yield anything usable, only missed opportunities. Disappointing, but then you never know what you're going to get. I'm discovering just how many comics were published during this era, and that spankings in them were not as common as they might once have seemed to be. The Comics Spanking Data Base is now up to 175, but that includes strips, and when you consider the vast number of comics pages out there, the occurrence of spankings is probably less than the 1 per 1200 pages we reported earlier.

Phase 6 is ongoing, but has only produced one spanking so far.
-- Web-Ed

Re: New Finds

Post by daneldorado »

Web-Ed, know that I consider you a hero for all the research you do into TTWD. In my younger days, I too was a tireless researcher -- not only for spanking pictures, but also for pics of another fetish of mine. (See below.) And I found, literally, hundreds.

Most of my finds came from scouring the inventories of old book stores that had a lot of old fan magazines. Now, I didn't go the microfilm route, as you have; but searching through hard copies of old mags is exhausting in itself.

Keep up the good work, friend!

Dan N.
The Lovely Patrice Wymore at Warner Bros., circa 1951.
The Lovely Patrice Wymore at Warner Bros., circa 1951.
Patrice3.jpg (34.48 KiB) Viewed 5260 times
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Re: New Finds

Post by web-ed »

Thanks, Dan! Like the leggy photo, too!
-- Web-Ed
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Phases 6 and 7, and Two Unrelated Discoveries

Post by web-ed »

Phase 6 is concluded with only 1 spanking; Phase 7 is currently underway. It's quite amazing how many comics were published during the Golden Age - I've only been able to get to a small fraction of them, and even so this represents over 60,000 pages with no end in sight! This phase covered Ace, Ajax-Farrell, American Comics Group, and some Charlton. The War books had few women, but the Westerns did, and the Crime ones, and of course the Romance - but no spankings. I was only able to get to some and not all the issues of particular titles, which may be part of the problem. So far Fawcett and Quality had more spankings than the companies I've looked at since. I'm disappointed in finding so little, especially in Romance comics, but there's a silver lining to this cloud.

Even though I've had to put most of my regular search activities on hold to make time for the Great Golden Age Search, I did manage to find actual copies of four Charlton Romance comic books with spankings. Two of these have already appeared on the Web (with low-quality scans, however, and they are not currently on CSR) and two (to the best of my knowledge) have not. All four of these are, as I write this, en route to me by USPS. So if the Post Office can make only one delivery this week, let's hope it's this one! I will make some good scans and post all four as a series probably in October.

For the benefit of other spanking scholars, so they can avoid covering the same ground I've already gone over, I'd like to make available all the titles and issue numbers I have searched, but as it must be about 3000 books (and still increasing) it would be far too much work by hand. Maybe I can write a Java program to read through all the folders and output the list, but such a project will have to wait.

[Aug 25 update] - Phase 7 finished with only one spanking, and it was one I already knew about. I'm somewhat disappointed at not finding anything in thousands of pages of Charlton comics, including a few romance books. I'd have thought there would be at least one or two. I'm more familiar with the Charlton of later years, and was surprised at how many titles they had during the 50's. Still, less than half of their output was available for searching, so something may yet surface, probably years from now.
Last edited by web-ed on Wed Aug 25, 2010 11:37 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Revised existing and added new paragraph.
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Golden Age Search Phase 8

Post by web-ed »

Found another source for Fawcett comics, so resumed searching there, while Ziff-Davis (who published the Little Al spanking) and Standard/Pines are winding up. Here are the final totals:

Pages searched: 9200
M/F - 1 (From Judy of the Jungle, but alas it's an heiress and not Judy who gets turned OTK)
F/F - 1 (will not be posted - Alice spanked by her own rag doll - but will put into DB)
F/M - 2 (Mary Marvel is at it again, one good OTK and one badly-positioned with a switch!)
M/M - 2 (#1 was close to another Mary Marvel spanking, but the boy's father got there first; #2 is Captain Future and the issue's villain)
Last edited by web-ed on Mon Sep 06, 2010 5:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Updated with final totals after Phase 8 was completed.
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Golden Age Search Phase 9

Post by web-ed »

The final totals are:

Pages searched: 9286
M/F: 2 (Captain Marvel, which was already known, and CM Jr., which is new but doesn't involve CMJ himself)
F/F: 0
F/M: 0
M/M: 3 (from Captain Marvel Jr; unique in that the spanker/spankee roles are reversed on the same page! The third is also somewhat unique in having Sivana Sr. spank Sivana Jr. for not being evil enough. This one I've put in the data base but will not post, while the first two will be posted since they both involve CM Jr. himself).

I was disappointed in finding nothing more from Standard/Pines; not Miss Masque or even their #1 superhero, The Black Terror (refer to the "Missed Opportunities" topic to see what these two look like if you're curious). From Fawcett, I was able to find the original source for the "Captain Marvel spanks Wildcat" panel I posted in June, while Captain Marvel Jr. proved a rich source of more spankings (4 of them), but with only 1 M/F.

Still no M/F pairing involving CM Jr. personally, which is a great shame since he was drawn more realistically than CM Sr. In fact, CM Jr. was rather handsome, which could make for a sizzling M/F spanking panel, but I don't think this was deliberately intended to draw more young female readers (whom Fawcett probably expected to read Mary Marvel instead), although it may have done so.

The Fawcett search continues in Phase 10, however, so perhaps something more will yet turn up. As to the non-M/F spankings that involve superheroes, the F/M ones will appear in due course, probably in the next "Marvel Family" series, while the M/M will be placed there or relegated to another series of "Weird Spankings".
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Golden Age Search Phase 10

Post by web-ed »

The final totals (09/14) are:

Pages searched: 9000 Cumulative pages: 93 907
M/F: 0
F/F: 0
F/M: 0
M/M: 8
1. Captain Marvel Jr. spanks a giant boy.
2, 3. Uncle Sassafras canes Mike in Buck Jones, Frontier Marshal - twice!
4, 5. CM Jr. spanks Nazis on cover and two different Nazis inside the book.
6. CM Jr. spanks a young male criminal named Jolly Roger.
7, 8. CM Jr. spanks some midgets and, for good measure, teaches some giants how to spank the midgets as well, which they do. This one's going in "Weird Spankings" for sure!

I don't "twitter" or "tweet" or whatever it's called, but my mood right now is FRUSTRATED! Did CM Jr. HAVE to spank so many males? Is there some good reason why I haven't been able to find a single example of him spanking a female? :x

I'm not quite done with the Marvel Family even yet, so we may get something more there. Two strips disappointed with their total lack of spankings, Bulletman and Nyoka the Jungle Girl. I think I've finally seen the last of Bulletman, but Nyoka had her own book for a while and I haven't gotten to it yet. Let's see two examples from these strips.

First, Nyoka the Jungle Girl throws a paint can or jar, hitting a woman on the butt and thereby saving her from a deadly dragonfly! This is one of the sillier near-spankings we've come across.
Nyoka throws a can of paint, resulting in can-to-can contact.
Nyoka throws a can of paint, resulting in can-to-can contact.
master_comics_no_70_nyoka.jpg (212.7 KiB) Viewed 5221 times
I've got another one of Bulletman I'm going to put under the "Missed Opportunities" topic, but let's take a look at him and his female companion Bulletgirl:
Bulletman and Bulletgirl enjoy a good cigar.
Bulletman and Bulletgirl enjoy a good cigar.
master_comics_no_75_bullet_cigar.jpg (104.57 KiB) Viewed 5221 times
About to be knocked off by exploding cigars(!) - they sure don't seem like the brightest rounds in the clip, do they? Bulletgirl was never high on my spankability list, but after seeing her get coshed on the head (her least vulnerable area) time after time, I couldn't help wondering why the bad guys didn't go after a certain less-protected portion of her anatomy.
Last edited by web-ed on Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Finalized totals and added pictures.
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Golden Age Search Phase 11

Post by web-ed »

Pages searched: 6392 Cumulative pages: 100 299
M/F: 0
F/F: 0
F/M: 1
M/M: 3

This phase covered Centaur and the rest of Avon. No M/F scenes at all, which is disappointing. None of the others will be posted, but they have been duly logged into the Comics Spanking Data Base. I should mention that comparatively little of Avon's output is available, and I'm nearly certain that there's another spanking to be found within Avon somewhere. Centaur was always less likely to prove fruitful, because they were from an earlier era with no Romance books.

Back to Fawcett now for Phase 12 - there are still quite a few strips with the members of the Marvel Family as well as some other books to review.
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Golden Age Search - Phase 12

Post by web-ed »

Pages searched: 10 179 Cumulative pages: 110 478
M/F: 0
F/F: 0
F/M: 2
M/M: 3

This was all Fawcett. I still have some Whiz Comics with Captain Marvel to go over, but I think I'm done with Mary Marvel and Capt. Marvel Jr. CM Jr. yielded only one M/F spanking (in phase 11), and that's one he wasn't involved with himself. Nyoka the Jungle Girl has potential, although it's unlikely that any jungle girl would get spanked in her own title, more's the pity (the Judy of the Jungle spanking we discovered was a spoiled heiress rather than Judy herself).
-- Web-Ed
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