Weekly Updates

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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

i like the first Ron/Kim drawing very much :D . Kim is well drawn and very shapely. i too like her OTK position and the camera angle. it's nice to have such a good view of her shapely bottom and still be able to see her face :D . i also like the way her panties have been drawn...........as if they were tight and holding her thighs together 8-) ...........or perhaps she's just holding those thighs together so as to avoid any more exposure than is absolutely necessary :lol: . from Kim's expression, i'd say she's highly irritated at being treated this way but her bottom is turning red anyway and from his expression i don't think he's planning on letting her irritation deter him :lol: . i also like the shuddering of her body when the spanks land in the animation and i especially like the way her cheek is depicted as flattening when his hand lands :D . these are both very well done. in the second Ron/kim spanking, Kim is again nicely drawn. it's too bad we didn't have a better view of her bottom though. you've already mentioned the problem with the OTK positioning and there is a problem with the coloring too unless Ron has been spanking her back instead of her backside :lol: . still the idea is a great one and i agree with you that workplace spankings are great fodder for fantasies :D . i do like her "oh shit!" expression in this one :lol: . your discovery of the Captain Triumph was a great one :D . not only have you solved all the mysteries about the first low quality scan but also, you've provided the story behind it as well as all the details about the artist, the character and the comic book, which i find fascinating :D . Alfred Andriola did a fine job of capturing all the action in this one...........kicking legs, flailing arms, flying hair......not to mention the action of our hero's hand landing on her bottom 8-) . yep, looks like a good, sound spanking to me...............just the way i like it. great find :D . you wrapped up SSS in exemplary fashion with this week's updates :D :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by daneldorado »

Yowza!!! Now THAT's what I been talkin' about! Not one, not two, but THREE M/F pictures for us to enjoy! Thanks a lot, Web-ed... I'm so glad to see this format again!

I will probably collect these three into my own files... but before I do, I will use Photoshop to eliminate the beaver shot in the first picture. (Ron Stoppable spanks Kim Possible.) You know me, Web-ed. Beavers belong in porn pics, not in a clean and innocent forum like the good ol' CSR!

Speaking of Photoshop: I used it just now, to correct the coloring of your beautiful picture from Crack Comics, showing Captain Triumph spanking some feisty fem over his lap, the way God intended. :lol: As I say, this panel is superb except that there is significant color overlap, the bane of the old letterpress method of printing. I worked in a print shop as a youth, and we all knew that the various panels -- black & white, red color, blue color, etc. must be "lined up" exactly right, otherwise you would get a picture where the colors overlap, as they do here. So I have taken the Captain Triumph spanking scene and re-colored it, trying to tame those overlaps and get the colors correct as they should be!


Alfred Andriola, you say? It seems strange that this guy would deliver a picture-perfect OTK spanking scene like this, and never again! In your commentary you say Capt. Triumph comics were in print from 1943 to1949. Wow, seven years. Hey, if it had been Lee Falk or Zack Moseley at the drawing board, they would have put at least a half-dozen spankings into their art! Those boys really felt the CSR "vibe," didn't they? 'Cause good OTK art is like Lay's potato chips: You can't have just one: they are so addictive, you've got to have more!

Anyhow, here is my "re-colored" version of Capt. Triumph spanking some cutie over his knee. Thanks a lot, Web-ed, for finding these terrific toons for us!

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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB-ED CSR!!!!! Nice find from a comic WEB-ED 8-) Captain Triumph sure knows how to deal with a bad woman :lol: really like this panel leading up to the spanking 8-) only wish they would have show Cairo rubbing her sore rear after :lol: also like the humor Mother alway told me to never strike a lady but she never told me not to do this :lol: nothing is more hotter than seeing a grown woman getting spanked especially a bad one 8-) The otk is good and Captain Triumph is really spanking her hard judging by his fast moving hand :lol: SUPER SUPER GREAT DRAWING FROM A COMIC!! THANKS WEB-ED 8-) Sad to see the Kim Possible spanking ending wanted to see Shego get it one more time maybe a double spanking of her and Kim by Ron Stoppable 8-) anyway this drawing of Kim being spanked by Ron Stoppable for saftety violation kinda have a throw back feeling to it Humorama! also the artwork remind me of Dan Rivera with Kim over Ron Stoppable knees clad in Stocking and highheels being spanked soundly with a spatula bottom up shapely legs bent :lol: GREAT DRAWING!!! the other drawing of her being Spanked bare bottom by Ron is also good! GREAT OTK position with Kim plump rear in full view :D
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by jimc »

Hi Dan , that is a great touchup of the spanking panel. you mentioned Alfred Andriola having only the one spanking it may have been that the comic book did change editors and the new editor did not allow the spanking. But Alfred Andriola was a definite spanko as he was the artist and writer for Kerry Drake and I know of at least four spankings in there (some Web-ed will not put in database as they were too young) and he did show a great talent for otk and pretty women getting spanked. Thanks for cleaning up the picture it does look like Aquaman spanking some under sea subject and when I 1st saw this that was what I mistakenly thought it was. ( I do wonder now that you mention the length that the comic ran if there was some battle about Aquaman and that may have changed some of the dynamic of the book as well)I am also glad about the kim possible spankings as the last ones were truly wonderful . One other note in one of the latest Prince Valiant there is a great picture of Aleta in her swimming costume that would have made it into web-ed's collection of great spanking positions. Thanks for the great summer series now I can look forward to fall. Have a great day everyone
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Re: Weekly Updates for 9/05/2014

Post by web-ed »

daneldorado wrote:Yowza!!! Now THAT's what I been talkin' about! Not one, not two, but THREE M/F pictures for us to enjoy! Thanks a lot, Web-ed... I'm so glad to see this format again!

I will probably collect these three into my own files... but before I do, I will use Photoshop to eliminate the beaver shot in the first picture. (Ron Stoppable spanks Kim Possible.) You know me, Web-ed. Beavers belong in porn pics, not in a clean and innocent forum like the good ol' CSR!

Speaking of Photoshop: I used it just now, to correct the coloring of your beautiful picture from Crack Comics, showing Captain Triumph spanking some feisty fem over his lap, the way God intended. :lol: As I say, this panel is superb except that there is significant color overlap, the bane of the old letterpress method of printing. I worked in a print shop as a youth, and we all knew that the various panels -- black & white, red color, blue color, etc. must be "lined up" exactly right, otherwise you would get a picture where the colors overlap, as they do here. So I have taken the Captain Triumph spanking scene and re-colored it, trying to tame those overlaps and get the colors correct as they should be!

Alfred Andriola, you say? It seems strange that this guy would deliver a picture-perfect OTK spanking scene like this, and never again! In your commentary you say Capt. Triumph comics were in print from 1943 to1949. Wow, seven years. Hey, if it had been Lee Falk or Zack Moseley at the drawing board, they would have put at least a half-dozen spankings into their art! Those boys really felt the CSR "vibe," didn't they? 'Cause good OTK art is like Lay's potato chips: You can't have just one: they are so addictive, you've got to have more!
jimc wrote:Hi Dan , that is a great touchup of the spanking panel. you mentioned Alfred Andriola having only the one spanking it may have been that the comic book did change editors and the new editor did not allow the spanking. But Alfred Andriola was a definite spanko as he was the artist and writer for Kerry Drake and I know of at least four spankings in there (some Web-ed will not put in database as they were too young) and he did show a great talent for otk and pretty women getting spanked.
Dan, Jim - as I said, I wanted to end Super-Spanking Summer 4 on a high note, meaning all M/F, and I'm glad you liked it. Dan, I'm going to add your version to the page as soon as I can and also note that, as Jim pointed out, Andriola did some other spankings, among them Kerry Drake #2 and very probably Kerry Drake #1.

By the way, Jim - it's great to have you back with us! :)
butch wrote: Sad to see the Kim Possible spanking ending wanted to see Shego get it one more time maybe a double spanking of her and Kim by Ron Stoppable
The Kim Possible Series went on for 21 weeks, making it one of the longest series I've ever done here, but alas, all good things must come to an end eventually. As a matter of fact, Butch, it's interesting that you would like to see a double spanking of Kim and Shego, because I came upon one too late to squeeze it into SSS4! The only drawback is that the spanker is not Ron Stoppable but rather Kim's mom Ann Possible. We'll see it eventually, perhaps next summer.
overbarrel49 wrote:i like the first Ron/Kim drawing very much :D . Kim is well drawn and very shapely. i too like her OTK position and the camera angle. it's nice to have such a good view of her shapely bottom and still be able to see her face :D . i also like the way her panties have been drawn...........as if they were tight and holding her thighs together 8-) ...........or perhaps she's just holding those thighs together so as to avoid any more exposure than is absolutely necessary :lol: . from Kim's expression, i'd say she's highly irritated at being treated this way but her bottom is turning red anyway and from his expression i don't think he's planning on letting her irritation deter him :lol: . i also like the shuddering of her body when the spanks land in the animation and i especially like the way her cheek is depicted as flattening when his hand lands :D . these are both very well done. in the second Ron/kim spanking, Kim is again nicely drawn. it's too bad we didn't have a better view of her bottom though. you've already mentioned the problem with the OTK positioning and there is a problem with the coloring too unless Ron has been spanking her back instead of her backside :lol: . still the idea is a great one and i agree with you that workplace spankings are great fodder for fantasies
hugob00m wrote:I really liked the two Kim/Ron drawings you posted this time! In both of them, Kim's backside is nicely curved and looks like something Ron would find tempting! In the first, it looks like he's just getting started... Her cheeks are just beginning to turn a little pink, and the look on her face is more annoyed than anything else. In the other, she's got a fire-engine red little tushie, and the look on her face is surprised... Is she surprised that Ron would have the nerve to turn her over his knee in the first place, or is she surprised that the spatula stings so much? Maybe a little of both.
Glad you liked these, Phil and b00m - I saved them for last as I felt that they, along with the other Ron/Kim spankings, were the best of the series. As to workplace spankings, I know they once existed because I gave one myself :lol: ! I also found an article in Mr. magazine I believe, in which a small business owner described the spankings he gave to several female employees. This would have been in the 60's, and while I don't take everything in Mr. at face value(!), I'm inclined to believe his story, and I will certainly present it eventually, whether as part of an article on spanking in men's magazines or not I haven't decided yet. I also have heard some quite believable stories from earlier decades, and I think it's fair to say that a number of young ladies found themselves OTK in the office back in the 20's and 30's when women began entering the non-farm workforce in greater numbers. Of course, we live in another era today, and workplace spankings are now almost non-existent, although it would be great to hear of one taking place :D !
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Weekly Updates for 09/12/2014

Post by web-ed »

First, let's get the August search report out of the way, which won't take long because I didn't find anything!

Pages searched: 1181
Total: 480242
Comic Spankings: 0 :(

Well, it was a low-volume month at only 1181 pages searched. The Humorama Search has been very slow as well due to the outrageous prices the digests and magazines are fetching. There are still about 65 digests from the prime period of 1956-1960 that I need to search. That doesn't mean 65 more spanking cartoons, alas, but there could be one or two undiscovered ones, plus we could finally nail down the first appearance of the some of the cartoons we know about.

September is going better so far, with Robin finding some suggestive Archie stuff, which inspired me to locate another spanking from Suzie (unfortunately, she's the spanker, not the spankee) - details next month.

Now let's get to this week's updates with our "Back to School" special. For links to this week's updates please go to the Home Page by clicking on "Chicago Spanking Review" at the top of this or any other Forum page.

Back To School Spanking Time! I have two drawings based on the classic spanking cover of National Lampoon:
  • First, when her report card indicates failing grades, this co-ed gets spanked by her father. This is the only spanking work we have seen from the well-named Jack Moon.
  • Then in a school for fairies and pixies, an ordinary ruler is used as a giant paddle to give swats to a student who failed her assignment. The inimitable Julius Zimmerman did this one.
  • Extra Bonus: CSR Resident Artist Dan Rivera went to the trouble of correcting the coloring errors in last week's Captain Triumph Spanks Cairo.
Next Week: I'll explain what kind of updates to expect for the next couple of months while I try to finish writing the last two chapters of "The Whys of Spanking".
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by sunflower309 »

hi Web-ed and everyone else!

I haven't posted for awhile but believe me I've been enjoying the updates! thanks again Web-ed for all you do to both entertain and educate us!

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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

it sounds like August was a bust from the comic spanking perspective. i'm glad that September is going better :D . it's very easy to see Jack Moon's inspiration and i would have recognized where he got his idea from without any comments :D . as you noted the National Lampoon cover is an iconic spanking illustration for sure ;) . the camera angle in Moon's drawing is a bit different and so is the OTK position. you also noted some other differences between the 2 pics but this seems like a tribute to the National Lampoon cover, not an attempt to duplicate it and i think Moon has done a great job of that. i like the OTK position as it appears that the spankee is trying to raise up..........probably from the sting of the hairbrush :lol: . this seems reasonable to me since it's obvious from the way he's holding her arm that she's already had that hand back in the way 8-) . when the spanker does have to hold her arm that means he has only his forearm to hold her down with and i have had girls raise up a bit when that hairbrush starts to really sting so this seems entirely plausible to me. the expression of the spankee is different too and while i love the expression of the girl on the NL cover, i think the one in Moon's drawing shows more pain and distress which is in line with her struggles ;) . i like all the details that Moon puts in the pic and i think it's an excellent drawing..........good find :D . the fairy drawing is a bit of a different take on all this. the ruler swatted her so hard it lifted her up off the ground and her breasts popped out of her top :lol: . Zimmerman may have also gotten some inspiration from Dave Wolfe too as i have several "tinkerbell" spankings done by him in my collection. thanks and a tip of the hat to Dan Rivera for his cleaned up version of the Captain Triumph spanking :D . it cleaned up very nicely and is much improved. good updates this week :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB_ED CSR!!! Good job Dan for adding great color to a fantastic spanking in comic THANKS 8-) Jack Moon Co-Ed get spanked by her father drawing do look like the spanking from National Lampoon :twisted: only this spanking take place at home :lol: the otk is good and the girl have a nice tush :D also like how the little dog is watching the action :lol: only I believe this drawing would have been much better if the father was seated on his daughter`s bed with her over his knees ! anyway GOOD DRAWING!! WOW that ruler do look like a big Paddle :lol: And that Fairy is well built :D bet she won`t get an F on her grade again :lol: Great drawing from Julius Zimmerman 8-)
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Weekly Updates for 09/19/2014

Post by web-ed »

For links to this week's updates please go to the Home Page by clicking on "Chicago Spanking Review" at the top of this or any other Forum page.
  • Two new revisions by Pablo of the classic Lex Luthor Spanks Supergirl. Pablo exchanged a paddle for the bare hand, and speaking of bare, that's what Supergirl's behind is once Pablo's had a go at it!
In coming weeks: As we enter the fall season, my priority is to complete the "Whys of Spanking" series. I know that many CSR readers might prefer that I dig out some of the spanking treasures I've been sitting on for years (in some cases). For example, I'd love to resume the Humorama Series but I can't afford the time it would take right now. The "Whys of Spanking" has not been a "fun" series of articles like the ones I've written on paddling techniques or spanking in comics, but it's an important series which frankly no one else in the spanking scene either could have or would have undertaken. And the really difficult chapters have already been written - we're down to two remaining, one of which, on spanking embellishments, is almost complete, and the second of which, the practical consequences of the theory, should be of considerable interest.

Therefore, to give me the time I need to finish this up, I'm going to update existing pages with new material instead of creating new ones. This typically means adding new scans of spankings already posted. I've got dozens of these ready to go and it's time they were added anyway. We'll probably have two of these updates per week (I only had time for one this week) until I'm done with "Whys of Spanking" - anticipated to be in October. I've also got a fair number of items for the Comics Spanking Data Base that won't be posted because of their orientation or because they involve juvenile spankees, and these need to be done also. After that we'll have to see. I'm thinking we might have one update and one new item per week.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by willjohn »

Is CSR running out of material?
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

Say it not so WEB-ED :cry: There got to be more spanking drawings!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the way Lex Luthor pick the perfect way to get his revenge on Supergirl :twisted: 8-) Pablo did a outstanding job on the over the knee position and what a very large rear the girl of steel have :D Luthor started out using that big Kryptonite paddle on her panty bottom only to enjoy himself by putting on the green Kyrptonite to finish his revenge :lol: the look on Supergirl face and the struggling shows she not liking this if only there was witnesses :lol: SUPER HOT DRAWING!!! HOPE TO SEE MORE!!! THANKS!!!!
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Therefore, to give me the time I need to finish this up, I'm going to update existing pages with new material instead of creating new ones. This typically means adding new scans of spankings already posted. I've got dozens of these ready to go and it's time they were added anyway. We'll probably have two of these updates per week (I only had time for one this week) until I'm done with "Whys of Spanking" - anticipated to be in October. I've also got a fair number of items for the Comics Spanking Data Base that won't be posted because of their orientation or because they involve juvenile spankees, and these need to be done also. After that we'll have to see. I'm thinking we might have one update and one new item per week.
hi web-ed,

this all sounds good to me. i'll be interested to read the rest of the "whys of spanking" series so it's not a problem if you have to do some easier updates for a while so you can finish them. needless to say, i like Walters revisions better than the original :D . for one thing, i like the use of his hand, outfitted with Kryptonite gloves, as the spanking implement because it goes better with the OTK position. also, i thought her panties in the original drawing looked a bit stiff. i much prefer the way Walters has depicted them while pulled down............not to mention that her bottom looks fuller and more spankable too 8-) . of course, the coloring on her bottom is much better too.........the Kryptonite may be green but her bottom is turning very red :lol: . thanks for posting these for us :D . phil
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by daneldorado »

I'll agree with Phil that the two revisions to the Luthor/Supergirl OTK scene are superior to the original... except, I think, he named Dan Walters as the author of the revised drawings. But it's really Pablo, isn't it?

Oh, this is one of the fun things about following spanking art. There is always some way that cartoons and other drawings can be improved on, and here we've got a CSR contibutor actively turning a "fun" OTK toon into a GREAT otk toon! :D Though I usually prefer that the panties stay UP on a spankee, Pablo does a great job here by lowering them, because in my humble opinion the original position of the panties on Supergirl looked somewhat clumsy. The "Superman" logo on her right cheek added nothing to the picture, plus Walters added spanking lines on her rump to show the red coloring. Much better -- in this particular case -- is to pull the panties DOWN and expose her bottomcheeks, then add a gentle redness to denote the spanking's effect. And sure enough, the bare hand is much better for this type of scene than any paddle or other implement.

I went ahead and downloaded BOTH revised toons rather than only one, because at this point I am not sure which one I like better. It's nice of Pablo -- and YOU -- to give us that choice.

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Re: Weekly Updates for 09/19/2014

Post by web-ed »

overbarrel49 wrote:i like Walters revisions better than the original :D . for one thing, i like the use of his hand, outfitted with Kryptonite gloves, as the spanking implement because it goes better with the OTK position. also, i thought her panties in the original drawing looked a bit stiff. i much prefer the way Walters has depicted them while pulled down............not to mention that her bottom looks fuller and more spankable too 8-) . of course, the coloring on her bottom is much better too.........the Kryptonite may be green but her bottom is turning very red :lol:
daneldorado wrote:I'll agree with Phil that the two revisions to the Luthor/Supergirl OTK scene are superior to the original... except, I think, he named Dan Walters as the author of the revised drawings. But it's really Pablo, isn't it?
Phil, Dan - Yes, it's Pablo's variation on Adam Walters' original drawing. Everyone seemed pleased with this, and I have some more examples of Pablo's work in the files. :)
butch wrote:Say it not so WEB-ED :cry: There got to be more spanking drawings!!!!!!!!!!!!
willjohn wrote:Is CSR running out of material?
Butch, Willjohn - sorry if I caused any panic or confusion :? . Perhaps it's the poor search reports for the past few months, and it's true, I haven't found much lately except a whole bunch of Archie material due to Robin's help, most of which is in the "near miss" or "pratfall" category. However, the searches go on, and of more immediate import, I still have a whole lot of material in my files - I can't even say how much, but it must be at least 1500 separate files. Not 1500 spankings, alas, but lots of stuff, including:
  • 7 more unseen Humorama spanking cartoons
  • A large number of new versions of Humorama cartoons we've already seen (in other words, updates)
  • About a dozen non-Humorama spanking cartoons from other humor mags
  • My long-promised revelation of the identity of the "Aces" artist
  • A very nice undiscovered spanking from a romance comic
  • Some other strip stuff I can't even remember now
  • A spanking from a long-running adventure comic
  • A jungle comic butt-whipping (only one stroke, though)
  • A fair amount of material salvaged from Underground-Animations.com - we've seen a few of these, but I've got a lot more
  • More from Kevin Karstens and Bawdy Bard - I regret that this has been sitting around for so long
  • Some video material, including a spanking from The Saint and a single butt-slap from the same series, more women getting paddled in bars, and Mary Tyler Moore getting a swat with a rolled-up magazine from Dick Van Dyke in his old show (we really need to get to that one). In fact, the last two were edited many months ago and have been ready to go for some time.
So, not to belabor the point any more - the good news is that CSR is not running out of material anytime soon! In fact, I actually addressed this concern a while back in The CSR Stockpile, although at the moment I can't remember what I wrote there! I've always been afraid of running out of material, but it hasn't happened yet and it's not going to for the next year even if I don't find anything new during all that time.

The bad news is that the ole Web-Ed is kind of worn to a frazzle, not at all burned out on doing CSR, but just under the gun all the time. It's been a tough year, what with the country's economy still in the tank and me barely hanging on by my fingernails without a decent job, and doing specials on CSR like Romantic Spanking Month and the Tenth Anniversary Blast. These were great fun to do but they took a lot of time. Therefore, to get enough breathing space to finish "The Whys of Spanking," we may have to forego seeing any of the really new stuff for the next 5-6 weeks and be content with new and better versions of spankings we've already seen. This spares me from having to code new pages and update the existing index pages. Besides, it's something that needs to be done.

So don't change the channel, anyone - I'll be done with Chapter 7 in a few weeks, I'm not going anywhere unless a higher power decrees it, and as long as I'm alive and kicking (maybe I should have said "alive and spanking" :lol: ) I expect I'll still be interested in doing CSR. In other words, we'll be back to "normal" (if that's the right word) before you know it! :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by sunflower309 »

hi Web-ed,

I am eagerly looking forward to your last 2 articles. you do whatever you need to do and whatever that is will be fine with me! and glad to hear your still alive and spanking. lucky ladies! remember to "just breathe"!

and again at the threat of being redundant.........thanks for all your hard work!

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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by web-ed »

sunflower309 wrote: I am eagerly looking forward to your last 2 articles. you do whatever you need to do and whatever that is will be fine with me! and glad to hear your still alive and spanking. lucky ladies! remember to "just breathe"!

and again at the threat of being redundant.........thanks for all your hard work!

Thank you very much, Sunflower - it's nice to know that my work is appreciated. And actually, I've been too busy to do much "live action" spanking the past few months, and there are some ladies who are definitely overdue for a session :lol: !
-- Web-Ed
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Weekly Updates for 09/26/2014

Post by web-ed »

Time to get caught up on some items that needed to go into the Comics Spanking Data Base. These will not be posted for the usual reasons. Anyone interested in seeing them can contact me and I'll send them to you.

1. There Oughta Be a Law (5/11 year unknown, McClure Syndicate), M/F, Carbuncle/Daughter, OTK, hand. By Shorten & Whipple. Knock-off of They’ll Do It Every Time.
2. Unknown mother/son, F/M OTK, hand. In the next panel, the boy says it hurts when Ma spanks him in his sailor suit.
3. Mr. Peabody and Sherman (comic book publication details unknown but probably Dell’s Four Color) – Sherman spanks unknown brat, M/M, OTK, Hand.
4. Gasoline Alley (Chicago Tribune Syndicate ) Sissy/Skeezix, M/M book, lying down – seems to be a war of practical jokes with Sissy having short-sheeted Skeezix’s bed. Skeezix retaliated, so Sissy resorted to whacking him with a book. Silly.
5. Popeye (King Features Syndicate), F/M, Olive Oyl / Poopdeck Pappy, hand, OTK – for scaring her and sinking Popeye’s ship.
6. Aquaman (DC, issue unknown but probably his own title) M/M, Ark (seal) / Son, hand, OTK – seal spanking – only from DC!

You wouldn't really have thought of Mr. Peabody and Sherman (of cartoon fame) to be a likely place for a spanking, but Sherman takes some brat over his knee in this one, which I suspect came from Dell's Four Color.

The Gasoline Alley spanking was one we'd seen before - we wish Skeezix had been the spankee a little less often.

Popeye had many spankings - we've documented a dozen so far - and we wouldn't be surprised if there were a dozen more.

Finally, the Aquaman spanking is of course a disappointment as we'd all have liked to see him spank his wife Mera. Instead, we get a typically-goofy scene from DC in which a seal spanks his errant offspring. Good night :o !

I didn't save much time this week by updating existing pages since Cowboy Love #1 took me several hours to write and code. But it's a fine spanking, so speaking of updates here are the ones for this week:

For links to this week's updates please go to the Home Page by clicking on "Chicago Spanking Review" at the top of this or any other Forum page.
  • We revisit the classic Chase and Sanborn Coffee spanking ad. New version from Lucas plus a re-creation by modern-day marketing students!
  • As long-time CSR readers know, while we do our best to track down the origin of every comic spanking we find, in some cases we have to present them without this information hoping to determine it later. That's what happened with a romance comic spanking we posted back in 2010 without knowing the details. So now let's take another look at Cowboy Love #1 - new scans tell us the whole story!
Next Week: Part 6 of "The Whys of Spanking" plus an update to one of the two known Beezy spankings.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

Mr. Peabody and Sherman :o ...................who'da thought it :lol: . the C&S ad is of course, a classic :D . the recreation is obviously a great senior project for a marketing major :D . the young lady who did this certainly had a great idea although i would have actually given her an A- because she doesn't look nearly as apprehensive and distressed as the original model :lol: . it's nice to know that she knew about this old ad and realized both it's sexual overtones and it's advertising value ;) . i love all the additional information and context you've presented in the cowboy love spanking :D . it's a great story although i totally agree with you that there should have been a second spanking ;) . i enjoyed the information about Kane and Moldoff. i find it interesting just how all this actually worked. as always, it's really nice to know the story that goes with this nice spanking drawing :D . it's a good OTK position and i also like the satisfied look on the spanker's face. considering the story and the position, i have to wonder if Moldoff had some experience as a spanker and interest in spanking in general 8-). good updates :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB-ED CSR!!!! Got to love spanking in comic 8-) and Cowboy Love 1 is great 8-) back in the golden days men sure knew how to deal with a woman :lol: The otk in Cowboy Love 1 is good with Clementine laid flat across Clint lap bottom up :D like her reactionand facial expression as she is being spanked soundly! also love the after panel where she is rubbing her sore tush as crowd laugh :lol: 8-) this is a GREAT spanking from a comic! there was plenty of spanking in the Old West :lol: Chase and Sanborn Coffee spanking Wonder how and ad like that would play out in this time?anyway I wonder why the spanking is shown from behind ? is it so we can`t see the Spanker`s face :lol: the over the knee is nice! Lucas did a good job on the spanking! and Richard Windsor photo is excellence 8-) THANKS!! 8-)
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