Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Spanking cartoons in the Humorama Digests and other men's magazines.
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Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Post by web-ed »

[07/04/2012 Note: I later added more items and expanded the general idea into Humorama Spanking Positions over in the Humor Gallery, which readers might want to take a look at also. -- Web-Ed ]

Over in the Comic Book Spanking Forum I've detailed countless wasted opportunities in comic books for some real spanking action. In searching over 100 Humorama digests for spanking cartoons, I've found some similar lost opportunities. Some of these are cartoons while others feature pin-up photos of various models of the day. Originally, I was going to hold off on these for awhile since the Humorama Search is not yet complete, but this week's Swimsuit Spanking Special makes the inclusion of those photos featuring swimsuit-clad models rather timely. Accordingly, here are some Humorama pin-up photos representing missed spanking opportunities:

1. This one, titled "Stop! Stare! & Whack Her!" is the only overt mention of spanking among the bunch, and the spankee even mentions her bikini. As poetry, it doesn't exactly rank beside Milton and Chaucer, but the unequivocal mention of spanking helps make up for it. In fact, it's only a missed opportunity because we should have seen the model taken over another (male) model's knee. (From the August, 1959 issue of Stare).

2. Bettie Page was one of the best-known pin-up and fetish models of the 1950's, and appeared in numerous bondage and spanking photo shoots for Irving Klaw. The spanking poses were terribly inept because Klaw didn't know anything about spanking, and it's a real pity because as we can see here, Bettie had a very spankable bottom, especially when bending over in a swimsuit (wish it were further). (From the July, 1962 issue of Comedy).

3. I don't think that fishnet stockings were ever generally part of a bathing costume, but I'm willing to overlook that point if the model is posed as this one is in the December 1958 issue of Stare.

4. The October, 1955 issue of Stare was well-named: we certainly stared when we saw this shot of model Nan White. Now where did I put that paddle....?
Nan White assumes the position.
Nan White assumes the position.
nan_white_bendover_stare_oct_1955_enh2.jpg (590.83 KiB) Viewed 15451 times
5. Hmm, this one looks strangely familiar...
Vicki Carpenter provides a fine target for the paddle.
Vicki Carpenter provides a fine target for the paddle.
vicki_carpenter_bend_over_3rd_enh.jpg (773.9 KiB) Viewed 15451 times
It's just possible that the same photographer took these last three shots. They have the same style, you might say. ;) Wonder if he was a relative... :lol:
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Re: Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Post by Tanner »

These are great! Always good to see the gorgeous Bettie Page, especially in a bathing suit like that.
The other 3-well, lets just say bending over in a bathing suit is the perfect position for a woman to be in when its time to get a paddle applied to that part of her anatomy Nature intended it to be used on.
Liked the poem with the double meaning of "tanned" in it. A little dated though-today's bathing suits do allow a woman to get tanned in that spot, the same spot she needs the other type of "tanning"!
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Some Humorama Spanking Verses

Post by web-ed »

In the first entry of the ongoing Humorama Series, I posted a Snappy cover with a spanking verse on it. There were several other instances in which editor Abe Goodman wrote spanking verses, one of which was posted just above. These are interesting if for no other reason than that they show Goodman had no moral objections to adult spanking the way say, Mort Weisinger did over at DC – in fact, they strongly suggest that Goodman liked the "spankers" he published and didn't do them solely for commercial reasons.

The quality of the poetry doesn't exactly challenge Milton or Shakespeare, but it really isn't bad when you consider how little time Goodman would have had to write these. In fact, although I have been seemingly critical of Goodman in the past, he really did a very good job, all things considered. It isn't easy to write or rewrite so many low-level gags every day. And at least he knew his spelling and grammar, something you can't always count on with today's editors.

Here then are three more examples of Humorama spanking verses:
My boyfriend loves to spank so when I pull a prank
I'm flopped over his knee in position --
For a time I can't sit 'though I'm forced to admit
It keeps me in the pink of condition!
I was spanked by my dad any time I was bad,
And I certainly got my full share –
I would be firmly tanned right where nature had planned
And the place was most generally bare.
And I'm spanked yet today in the very same way,
With my boyfriend performing the chore –
He seems perfectly sure it's the very best cure
So he spanks me when I make him sore.
Once he gets other good start he can sure make me smart
A lot worse than the spankings dad gave -
Though I can't understand why I only get tanned when I've made up my mind to behave!
One part to hug,
One part to kiss,
One part to pat,
But heed to this:
If she is cursed
With temper rank
The part you pat
You also spank!

Note: this last one is such a large image you'll have to save it to your computer to be able to view it completely. I could have made a smaller image, but I wasn't sure if the verse would still be legible so I didn't. Of course, now I see that most of the verse isn't shown anyway! Oh well...
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More Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Post by web-ed »

O.K., let's see some more nice Humorama cartoons that aren't really "spankers" but are in some way suggestive of spanking, at least if your mind is twisted the way mine is! :twisted:

1. "You can't tame this girl" proclaims the cover of the March, 1954 issue of Eye. The person who wrote that obviously never heard of spanking, which will tame even the wildest jungle girl, especially if you take down her loincloth and give it to her on the bare bottom!
So what's the connection to Humorama, you ask? I believe that Eye was published by Martin Goodman even at this time, and beginning in Jan. 1960, Eye was converted to the girls & gags format of the other bi-monthly Humorama digests. It only lasted six issues in this format, however, and disappeared completely after 1960. There were at least two spanking cartoons in Eye (I have 3 issues and Steve W. has 1), with two issues remaining rather hard to find.

2. A wife tells her husband that their daughter is getting "too big for her britches," apparently in a double sense given the size of the daughter's derriere:
The mother wants her husband to have a talk with their daughter, but I'd bend her over, stretching those britches even tighter, and express myself in a non-verbal way :) . The cartoonist is not known.

3. Steve W. sent this one along: it's a rare example of pure bondage in Humorama. I really can't make any sense of the gag - it looks like a pair of newlyweds, except they're dressed a little oddly, and the husband has tied up the wife, for what reason isn't clear.
I once wrote that for me, bondage without spanking is like bacon without eggs, and I still feel that way. I've no problem with light bondage, but I can't say it does much for me unless spanking is soon to follow. Perhaps it was here, but the artist, Camillo, whose work occasionally resembles Kirk Stiles' line drawings, never did any "spankers" that have yet been discovered although he contributed a fair number of cartoons to Humorama over the years. Steve found some evidence that Camillo's real name may have been Manfred Kreiner, but I couldn't find out anything more about him under that name, either.

4. I wanted to include one example of what I call the "Behind in Jeopardy" type, more of which we'll be seeing in a future article. This one is by Robert Q. Sale, who did that excellent Combat Casey/Torchy Finnegan spanking in Combat Casey #7 (see it in Comics Gallery 2 on the main site). Sale did a few Humorama cartoons, making him the only artist I can think of besides Dan DeCarlo who worked for both Humorama and Timely/Atlas/Marvel at the same time (possibly Jim Mooney did, also), but did no "spankers" as far as I know. This one is from May 1963, but I forgot to record which digest it was found in.

This is a funny gag, with the cigarette girl selling water pistols so the customers can shoot the chorus girls in the rear end, with targets on the seat of their costumes to guide one's aim.

5. The gag in the next one isn't too clear: a woman regrets having been talked into attending a costume party "dressed" (or undressed) as Lady Godiva, whose mythical nude ride on horseback has become legendary, and material for more than a few humor cartoons. The pantomime horse here is as usual manned, or horsed, by two guys who seem very pleased with themselves as the woman rubs her smarting bottom, an action that should bring spanking to the mind of any true spanko:

I think the gag is that they've been pinching her, although I suppose she could just be getting saddle-sore. The artist is Felix Andrews, who did a number of cartoons for Humorama but no "spankers" there, which is too bad because he could certainly draw sexy women. He did however do a spanking cartoon for Adam, which I've had in my files for a couple of year now and which we'll see sometime after the current Humorama Series has been concluded.

6. We'll conclude today's lesson with two "pinching" gags, not true spankings of course but at least they have the behind in mind. First of these is by Bill Hoest, best known for the comic strip The Lockhorns, and is set at the Corby carbon company.

No caption available - I forget why - but it was probably something like "I just got pinched by your father, too - you are a carbon copy!" I suppose I should mention for the benefit of younger readers that carbon copies are what we used back in the typewriter era, because it was cheaper than photocopying. Drat - now I feel old!

7. When sales are down, employees feel the pinch - literally in this cartoon by Bo Brown, who did the "Miss Gulick's Birthday" spanking cartoon for Humorama and was a more or less regular contributor to the line. He was a really good gag man, maybe the best overall, as we see here with "Miss Ashworth" about to feel the pinch right on her worthy ash! :lol:

From the September, 1961 issue of Comedy.
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More Missed Opportunities in Humorama

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Three more of these now, with girls who came this close to being spanked :!:

1. The closest the prolific Jefferson Machamer ever came to a true spanking cartoon was this one I found reprinted in the August 1978 issue of Funhouse. Striking a match across somone's behind is a gag that probably goes back to Burlesque - I remember seeing Benny Hill use it as a gesture of disdain on his old TV show - and since there is actual "hand-held implement"-to-behind contact, I almost ruled this one a spanking. But in the end, I decided it was closer to the "behind in jeopardy" genre.
I've mentioned Machamer before, and still don't quite understand why he never produced any spanking cartoons for Humorama. He was as prolific as any other Humorama contributor, even Bill Ward, during the 1950's, and he lived long enough (he died in 1960) to have seen the rise of the "spanker" there. He simply must not have been comfortable with the form, which is really too bad since he had a unique style but was generally weak in the gag department - a spanking gag would have helped him.

2. Kirk Stiles shows that Penny's boss is a "pennypincher" by having him pinch poor Penny - literally. Someone, either Stiles or Goodman, muffed the gag slightly - it should have read something like "...think our boss is no pennypincher?" It is nice to see Penny rubbing her bottom, though, and we can always pretend this was due to yet another secretary spanking at Humorama.

3. Stiles again: this is as close to a spanking as a cartoonist could possibly come without actually showing one, for if you don't read the caption it really seems like the boss is beckoning the secretary to turn over his knee. Alas, he's only importuning her to sit on his knee, not go over it, as the "sit-down strike" gag makes clear.

This was truly a lost opportunity, for a much better gag would be something like "So, you think you're going on a sit-down strike, eh? I'll see to it you don't sit down for a long time!" with of course an actual OTK position. Oh, well. :( Stiles does at least give the secretary a very beautiful face and an ample bust.
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Re: Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

these are a really good missed opportunities for sure. each one of them instantly brings spanking to mind :D . in the 2 drawings by Kirk Stiles, only the caption speaks of something other than a spanking. with a different caption, or ever without a caption, these would both be about spanking even though no spanking i actually shown :D . the pics seem to be just one right after a spanking and one just before she goes OTK. i wonder if Stiles actually had spanking in mind but the gag got changed ?? good finds. thanks, phil
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Re: More Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Post by web-ed »

Well, after almost two years I'd say we were overdue for some more of these since they keep piling up in my files. Today's theme will be: "In a pinch!" Now pinching is not as good as spanking, but at least it's still somewhat suggestive. Let's see some examples.

1. It's hard to come up with good pinching gags, but Bill Wenzel manages to do so here where a cop can't "pinch" a suspect until she can prove that he pinched her!
From Breezy, April 1955 - just before the first known true spanking cartoon from Humorama.

2. The desert island was one of the most commonly-used settings among humor cartoonists. There was typically a pretty girl and one or more men who might, for example, contrive to keep any help from arriving. Dan DeCarlo uses the setting for a pinching gag in which the man denies any responsibility. He would have made a good politician.
From the September 1964 ZIP.

The cartoon had actually appeared earlier (DeCarlo left Humorama around 1960), but strangely the caption at that time made no sense at all:
From the March 1956 issue of Snappy.

3. In the June 1958 issue of Breezy, a secretary complains about getting pinched by her boss. She didn't realize how lucky she was he didn't spank her, as this cartoon was published during the height of Humorama's best (spanking) years. The artist is Felix Andrews, who drew no known spanking cartoons for Humorama, although he did one for Adam that we'll see one of these days.


4. Another girl complains about getting pinched by the renting agent in the February 1962 Laugh Digest. Not much of a gag, but then again there's only so much you can with a pinch. The cartoonist is unknown.

5. You really have to be some kind of a rake to think about pinching a nurse when the dentist is drilling your teeth, but that's just what this guy does in the non-Humorama publication WHAM!, about which we'll learn more in the future. The artist is Martin Filchock, who also sold to Humorama, although he did no known spanking cartoons.
From the September 1957 issue of WHAM!

6. And of course secretaries always have to worry about getting pinched. This one should be grateful she's not getting spanked!
The artist is Paul Hamilton, who did a spanking cartoon we posted a couple of years ago.
From the April 1964 issue of Laugh Riot.

7. Nobody likes a penny-pincher, especially a girl named Penny! Bill Ward came up with this one and it was printed in the December 1957 issue of Gaze.

8. Finally, this cartoon from Bill Power, who did two "spankers" for Humorama, put us in a bit of a quandary. As you can't actually see what the tennis bum is doing with his right hand, it's hard to know whether it's a pinch or a spank, especially since the girl refers to his "backhand". I finally decided that the position of his arm made it look like a pinch, so that's how we'll record it. This one first appeared in the November 1960 issue of Snappy.
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Re: Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

well, at the risk of being cliche, i have to say that drawings that you've posted here aren't exactly spanking drawings but they'll do in a pinch :roll: :lol: . i l ove the first one by Bill Wenzel because the pincher is apparently running the risk of being arrested by hanging around, waiting to see it the young lady will raise her skirt to prove she's been pinched :lol: . i also like the action in the one by Paul Hamilton. our spankee is skipping around, hand back, dress flying around. what's not to like 8-) . i thought the tricky backhand was a good gag too :lol: . these are more good finds. thanks for sharing them with us :D . phil
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More Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Post by web-ed »

O.K., let's take a look at another half-dozen of these cartoons that in some way had the behind in mind, although with no actual spanking, alas.

This one is almost a pinching gag like we saw last time, but it's inadvertent. "Boy - talk about foam rubber seats!" And a nice soft seat like that one is eminently spankable :) ! Why the girl is sleeping in her car is not clear. The artist is not familiar; his name appears to be "Bosenman" and this cartoon appeared in the June, 1955 issue of Breezy.

2. The next two give me the opportunity to introduce CSR readers to the Wolf Books, one of the rivals of Humorama we'll be seeing more of in the future. There were four of them - this one is called "Pack O' Fun" and is of interest because its mascot, Packy, was designed and generally drawn by Bill Wenzel as we see here on a cover.

O.K., now on to the missed opportunity: most of the secretaries we have encountered seemed amenable to being spanked by their bosses considering how often this occurred, but there were a few cartoons (typically not Humorama!) where the girl for some strange reason resists being turned OTK or even (as here) getting a harmless, friendly pat on the rear.
This secretary has donned a spike in a strategic location for protection - poor Packy! But she did put it a little high, thus Packy still had a "clear path to victory" so to speak - let's hope he found it. ;) From the March, 1954 issue of Pack O' Fun.

The humor here remains obscure, but those burrs do have sharp points and it sure looks like they found their mark this time.
This is from Pack O' Fun, but the issue was incomplete and its date of publication is unknown.

4. This one may be the most suggestive of the bunch as it certainly appears this young lady wants and needs a good spanking :D ! No reason she shouldn't have gotten one as we all remember cartoons in which the psychiatrist spanks his female patient.
From Girlie Fun #17. This was another Humorama rival, although not one of the Wolf Books.

5. The gag here is that the wife's a nag :lol: !
Given the size of that rump, a few swats with a handy cutting board (since this scene takes place in the kitchen) would not have been amiss. :) L Harper is the cartoonist, and this appeared in the Dec. 1958 issue of Joker - right during Humorama's prime "spanker" era.

6. More equine humor as the young lady in the pantomime horse costume asks innocently, "Have you seen my rear end?" Almost all replies we can think of begin, "No, but..." :lol:
Like #5, this one came from Joker (Dec. 1958). The artist is the prolific Jefferson Machamer, who would do the occasional fanny joke but apparently disliked spanking as he never did one, and he lived through the prime years of the Humorama "spanker".
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Re: Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

interesting group of missed opportunities here :D . i think the lesson to be learned here is that, whether they are spankos or not, men are interested in women........and one of their fondest areas of interest is the bottom ends of the aforementioned women :lol: . thanks for posting these, phil
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Behind in Jeopardy/Pratfall

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Let's have some more Missed Opportunities now, with our theme today being what we have referred to in the past as the "Behind in Jeopardy" cartoon, along with a couple of pratfalls.

1. Our first two cartoons feature the trombone slide as the unlikely instrument of punishment - some of you may remember that Jack Cole did one along these lines which we've posted somewhere, probably on this forum, but we can't recall its exact location at the moment. The artist of #1? Bill Ward! This one appeared in the June, 1958 issue of Breezy.

This girl doesn't appear too bright, but she's learned not to stand too close to the bandstand in the future. :)

2. From an artist known only as "Hancock" comes a very similar gag, although this time the sore-bottomed victim of an "accidentally" applied trombone slide is herself a member of the orchestra!

We cannot help but note that the trombonist does not appear particularly contrite :lol: !

3. We saw Lou Magila's second "spanker" over in the Humor Gallery on the main site last week. Here's Magila with a gag that revolves around the double-meaning of "sticking a pin in Georgia". This is a fully-drawn cartoon not typical of Magila, who more commonly created collages of drawings and old Humorama model photos. It does make more sense than most of his cartoons, but it's still rather odd that Johnny is either a kid or a very short man, and that he's wearing a tuxedo for some reason.

From the June, 1957 issue of Stare.

4. Pratfalls are never as good as spankings, but they offer a moment's amusement. Here's one from an issue of Whiz-Bang. The publication date is unknown, but this is not from the short time it was being published by Humorama. For the ice to have cracked that way it must have been a really hard pratfall :o !

Artist unknown. Presumably from the Fawcett era, when this magazine was known as Captain Billy's Whiz-Bang.

5. What is it about very short men in offices that has such an appeal to cartoonists? Like Lou Magila, Stan Reid offers us a diminutive poindexter type whose solid work ethic gets him in Dutch with the boss, who's busy with working his secretary overtime ;) . He unceremoniously dumps her on the floor. Better he should have bent her over the desk for the paddle or turned her over his knee, but she won't be sitting down too comfortably for a little while even as is. :)

From the January, 1966 issue of Romp.

6. This last gag is straight out of Burlesque. Like the foot or swat to the behind, striking a match on someone's seat is a mark of complete and total disrespect - and we love it! Of course, the most refined form of violating a pretty girl's private space remains the spanking, but this will have to do for now.

From the September 1954 issue of Nifty, one of the Wolf Books. Nice bending-over position! :D
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Ambiguous Situations

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Let's take a look now at some cartoons where the situation presented is somewhat ambiguous - is this about spanking or not? We may surmise that spanking was not intended to be suggested by most of them, but there are a couple where I really wonder.

1. I'm not sure what exactly was going through Kirk Stiles' mind when he did this cartoon for Humorama (around 1956 I'd bet, although this is the reprinted version from the October 1961 Laugh Riot. Mr. Halbrook looks more like a lunatic than a lecher, having to use his right hand to restrain his left - from doing what? Knowing Stiles, we'd think groping her breasts, but from the way he's drawn her behind maybe Mr. Halbrook just wanted to give her a good solid swat. We know how he feels!

Art by Kirk Stiles.

2. This one's not from Humorama. It's the September 1954 issue of Picturescope and the model is Marian Stafford. What the position of her hands was intended to suggest I can't say, but stinging buttocks is sure a fun possibility! :)


3. Very similar to #2: here's model Joy Laine from the April 1963 issue of Gaze with her hands on her behind. Probably there was no intention to suggest a spanking, but the thought that Joy might have just taken a good paddle swat certainly comes to my mind rather easily! I even rewrote the caption... :D


4. I'm doing never-before-seen "spankers" by George Morrice this week and next over on the main site as part of the Humorama Series, so it's appropriate to present this one by Morrice here. It was sent to me by a fellow Humorama enthusiast who knows about CSR. Maybe Mirabelle the Maid has been sliding down the bannister, but I'd prefer to believe she's been spanked by the master :lol: !
Art by George Morrice. From Cartoon Fun and Comedy #6.

5. Here's another effort by Kirk Stiles, this time from the Wolf Book Nifty, to which he occasionally contributed. This female burglar is obviously a bad girl, and she's been caught red-handed, so a red-bottomed punishment would seem (to us at CSR) most condign. But the triumphant homeowner may have conventional sex in mind. No imagination - that's his problem! :lol:
From the September 1955 issue of Nifty. Art by Kirk Stiles.

6. A third example by Stiles now: The secretary says she doesn't think she can do "two laps before lunch," a play on the idea of running or swimming laps. But did the boss have in mind that she should sit on his lap or be turned over it? No way to be sure, especially since Stiles has done both spanking cartoons and ones where the secretary is just supposed to sit on the boss's knee, but I can't help but notice how she's bending over just a bit...
Art by Kirk Stiles. From the Feb. 1974 issue of Joker, but obviously originally printed during the 1956-60 period.

7. Very similar to the Stiles cartoon in #6 is this one by Bill Riley, who did one "spanker" for Humorama that we've seen. This time the secretary even refers to "the seat of the problem" as the boss reaches for her, but again, is he trying to spank her or just get her to sit on his lap? We'd say the latter (even though we'd prefer the former) based on his expression and the fact that he's pulling the secretary toward him back first.
Art by Bill Riley. From the January 1957 Comedy.

8. "He was light-headed and heavy-handed" complains this girl to her roommate. And there's the outline of his hand, but not quite low enough and the area light against her darker skin, suggesting it was resting there while she tanned at the beach. (Better it should have been the other kind of tanning, but that leaves a dark impression on a light background :D ).
Art by Herc Ficklen. I forgot which digest I found this one in.

9. This one's unique: there's no question that spanking is part of the subject when you take the hired girl to the woodshed with a paddle in your hand. But one of the female onlookers informs us that "she seems too damn willing to go!" Now is this because she likes bending over to receive swats with the paddle or because something other than paddling is going on in that woodshed? You tell us. :)
From the Feb. 1958 issue of Nifty. Art by Filchock, who did no known spanking cartoons but did contribute to Humorama and (as here) the Wolf Books.
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More Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Post by web-ed »

This is the last group I have at the present time. Our theme today is "Asking for it/Targeted behinds" :D

1. The cover of the April 1953 Charley Jones Laugh Book contains the clearest example of "asking for it" I ever expect to see :lol: ! This secretary should have been over her boss's knee for an extended spanking about 10 seconds later, but as far as I know it never happened (I wasn't able to obtain a copy of this issue but don't believe it had a spanking).

2. Paddle-ball paddles have been used for actual spanking, although they're really too thin and light (I have a lexan version, 1/4" thick, that remedies this deficiency!). Here it's used for the next best thing: hitting a girl in the butt with a projectile :lol: !
From the January 1957 issue of Gee-Whiz. Art by Henri Parmentier.

3. The classic device for speeding a projectile to the best possible target is the boy's pea-shooter, so named because it was traditionally used with (hard dried) peas. To make it even better here, the girl is wearing a bikini. Art by Martin Filchock, who did the "Hired Girl Paddling" we saw last time. Looks like she felt the sting - yes! :lol:
From Wise Cracks, April 1956.

4. "Touching Bottom" is the ambiguous phrase on which the gag in this one depends. Morely Burteen is the artist.
From Popular Jokes (May 1968) although it must have been printed earlier.

5. Combining both themes, "Asking for it" and "Targeted Behinds" (in a way) is this effort from an artist named Radigone:
I think the wife here is telling her new husband that he needs to take that paddle out of her hand and apply it firmly and repeatedly to her behind. ;)
From the October 1970 issue of Romp.
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Re: Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Post by hugob00m »

I'm not quite sure where to post this. It isn't a Humorama picture, but it sort of fits in the same topic with women doing pratfalls, getting goosed by trombones and getting shot with peashooters. This young lady, painted by Edward Runci, looks like she's about to get stung on her cute little backside by a bee.
beesting.jpg (223.7 KiB) Viewed 10048 times
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Re: Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:I'm not quite sure where to post this. It isn't a Humorama picture, but it sort of fits in the same topic with women doing pratfalls, getting goosed by trombones and getting shot with peashooters. This young lady, painted by Edward Runci, looks like she's about to get stung on her cute little backside by a bee.
hi boom,

i have no idea where this belongs either, except on CSR :lol: what i can state with certainty is that i like it :D :D . thanks for sharing it with us. phil
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Re: Missed Opportunities: Vikki Dougan!

Post by hugob00m »

In case any of you don't already know, Vikki Dougan was a model and an actress. She was best known for wearing a backless dress... cut clear down to her butt-crack. Her reason for doing so was that she didn't have the spectacular boobs to compete with Jayne Mansfield or Jane Russell... but her shapely bottom was a real attention-getter. Her acting talent wasn't all that great either... but WOW! All the male eyes would follow her whenever she appeared wearing an outfit that showcased her marvelous derriere!

Considering that she seemed to enjoy using her... "assets" to gain notoriety, WHY didn't anyone ever do a movie, an episode of a TV show, or even a photo session that featured Vilkki getting her lovely posterior spanked?

I hadn't thought about Ms. Dougan for quite a while, and then I ran across this photo of her:
vikki dougan 1.jpg
vikki dougan 1.jpg (112.23 KiB) Viewed 7649 times
Now THERE is a missed opportunity!
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Re: Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Post by willjohn »

I remember the Vicki Dougan song but did not realise she was a real girl.
"Vicki turn your back on me, come on darling just for me
"Cause there is something most appealing, that your eyes are not revealing.."
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Re: Missed Opportunities: Vikki Dougan!

Post by hugob00m »

Hi WillJohn.
willjohn wrote:I remember the Vicki Dougan song but did not realise she was a real girl.
"Vicki turn your back on me, come on darling just for me
"Cause there is something most appealing, that your eyes are not revealing.."
The Limelighters. I looked up that song and listened to it again. It had some funny lyrics and, of course I liked the topic!

Vikki Dougan was and still is real. Apparently she's still alive at the age of 91.
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Re: Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Post by willjohn »

She had a very nice arse. She made a few films, unfortunately I do not think any of those films involved a spanking.
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Joined: Thu Nov 04, 2010 9:57 pm

Re: Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Post by hugob00m »

willjohn wrote:She had a very nice arse. She made a few films, unfortunately I do not think any of those films involved a spanking.
It's a shame! She and her publicity agent wanted for her butt to be the center of attention, and what better way to do that than a spanking?
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