Return of the Captain

The cartoons of Dan Rivera. Reader comments strongly desired!
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Return of the Captain

Post by daneldorado »

Here's an oddity from the 1990s. A black & white adventure with Captain Woodshed comes to you now, in Living COLOR!



By the way: The Captain just told me: There will be no more panels of this story... unless he receives some REPLIES!

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Re: Return of the Captain

Post by jimc »

Wow coloring Captain Woodshed. What a great concept. I really enjoy his costume and the Bank Manager's attire is great too. I have to admit I seem to remember this story and cannot wait to see the colorized version as I am quite interested in how the spankee's clothes will change in the colorized version. Although I have an inkling of who the boss is I also think the female bystander is quite spankable too. So you may have to make an added scene so all the females get some otk attention. Great start. Thanks for putting Captain Woodshed out there again. Have a great day.
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Re: Return of the Captain

Post by willjohn »

So far no female miscreant has been spanked but i feel the bank manager lady is not what she seems.
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Re: Return of the Captain

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi Dan,

this is a pleasant surprise to wake up to this morning :D . the beginning of this story seemed familiar to me so i checked my "Dan" folder and sure enough, i found my original black and white that copy i saved sometime in the past. the black and white version is much smaller though so your updated and colorized version has much better detail. it's much easier to see the determined expression on cop's face and the shock on the faces of the other onlookers, not to mention the flying teeth that our hero has knocked out of the mouths of the robbers :D . i have to agree with Jim's comments that the color just really makes CW's uniform stand out and the band manager's clothing too. i especially like the little peek we get of her slip underneath her skirt 8-) . the coloring also emphasizes other details such as her white sleeves sticking out from her jacket, her ring and the jewel that holds her scarf in place. these are almost lost in the black and white version but really stand out do to the coloring :D . i love the angry, hateful expression on the face of the crook being taken in by the police and also the expression on the face of the other female bank employee as she listens to the manager offering her personal thanks. i'm not sure just what you were intending here but it almost seems like an "oh, brother" expression as she hears this :lol: . i peeked ahead in the story on my black and white version and i can't wait to see the colorized panels to come :D . thanks for sharing these. phil
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Re: Return of the Captain

Post by web-ed »

Dan - I'm glad to see it looks like you've got your computer problems under control as these two pictures seem to be uploaded correctly to Image Titan, your old picture host.

And of course I'm very pleased to see Captain Woodshed back in action, and in full color :D ! As I've said before, I think color is a great enhancement and loses nothing compared to the original B & W. I understand B&W is a legitimate artistic medium, but all I can say is I've always preferred color. And in comics, I can't think of a single example that was better in B&W (there was a view that the Alan Moore/David Lloyd V for Vendetta was better in the original B&W back in the old Warrior magazine, but I didn't agree). In some cases, if a B&W reprint is all you can get, for example the old Russ Cochran EC reprints, then you take it (I treasure my bound edition of Two-Fisted Tales), but color is better if you can get it.

I say all that because I know it's a lot of work to colorize something even if it's your own art, and the effort here is appreciated.

Anyway, this CW story seems familiar to me although I can't find the B&W version in my files. Perhaps I saw it wherever it was originally published (Stand Corrected or Spank Hard?). From the style this appears to be one of the Captain's early adventures. Early or late, our story begins with CW doing what super-heroes do best - whaling the tar out of the bad guys! What a seedy-looking duo they were, too.

In the second panel, I'm reminded that the bright red color of CW's boots, which you chose some time ago, does lend some zip to what could otherwise be a rather drab union-suit. Some super-heroes and villains wore extremely colorful costumes while others, like Mr. Terrific or Dr. Mid-Nite, wore fairly drab ones. CW is not trying to scare the bad guys like Batman as a creature of the night (he reforms bad girls by spanking, not fear :) ) so he can afford to be more colorful.

I'm remembering who the criminal boss is in this episode, but I'm eager to see it again anyway in its newly-colorized form! :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Return of the Captain

Post by daneldorado »

Thanks a lot, jimc, willjohn, overbarrel49, and Web-ed, for sending replies to our new full-color Captain Woodshed panels.

The story resumes now, with the Captain making a shocking discovery.



But wait! The story doesn't end there. More panels on the way, if we get some more replies. :D

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Re: Return of the Captain

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CLASSIC! beautiful female villainess with a knife inside her Garter 8-) THANKS DAN!
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Re: Return of the Captain

Post by willjohn »

Had a feeling Ms Bank Manager was the chief crook.

Captain W smacks the asses of girls who wear glasses.
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Re: Return of the Captain

Post by web-ed »

willjohn wrote: Captain W smacks the asses of girls who wear glasses.
Not bad, Willjohn - perhaps that could become his new slogan :lol: !

I remembered the identity of the mastermind but I had forgotten the bit with the knife. That was classic, Dan, reminiscent of three great comic book villainess spankings of the past, Buz Sawyer spanks Cobra, Firebrand spanks Helga, and the Saint spanks Princess Iona (all available in Comics Gallery 2) in which very bad girls try to use a knife against the good guy - big mistake! So here our bad bank manager gets turned OTK (fine positioning with fanny up and over CW's right leg) for a memorable spanking.

The color is once again a welcome enhancement to the art.

Honestly, I can't remember what comes next, so I eagerly await our next episode. :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Return of the Captain

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi Dan,

i was just looking at the newly colorized pics you posted. i love the contrasting expressions you have given the players in the first panel. CW with an expression that is a bit naive as it occurs to him this might be an inside job and her evil grin as she reaches for her knife :lol: . then their expressions change as he disarms and confronts her. i also love the peek up her skirt so we can see her hose, garter belt, panties and slip :D in the second panel, the OTK position is perfect of course and her bottom is just so shapely and spankable but none of that is my favorite part. what i like best is the her expression of stunned disbelief :lol: . i have the black and white version up too and the expression is the same but the blush you gave her in the colored version just really takes it to the next level :D . of course, the same can be said for her upturned bottom 8-) . i always like the way your spankees are dressed, especially under their skirts ;) . i guess for old timers like us, it all seems very enticing :D . i noticed that you have used a classic position for her hands too, indicating that this spanking hurts :lol: . the colorization process is difficult and takes lots of time but i think it's well worth it :D . thanks for sharing. phil
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Re: Return of the Captain

Post by jimc »

Thank you Dan, This was an excellent start of Captain Woodshed in color. I like how you made the bottom glow and the coloring did add some definition to the art that I had missed before. So I thank you for the time to color it as it is a long process I am told, but we reaaly do appreciate the effort. I enjoyed the original story, but I enjoy this version better. Thanks again and have a great day.
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Re: Return of the Captain

Post by daneldorado »

jimc wrote:

Thank you Dan, This was an excellent start of Captain Woodshed in color. I like how you made the bottom glow and the coloring did add some definition to the art that I had missed before. So I thank you for the time to color it as it is a long process I am told, but we reaaly do appreciate the effort. I enjoyed the original story, but I enjoy this version better.

Youre very welcome, Jim. But you said "this was an excellent start of Captain Woodshed in color." Did you miss seeing the earlier stories? There was one in which CW is confronted by a sexy foreign spy, and another where he spanks a naughty shoplifter. Those were posted here too, and in color.

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Re: Return of the Captain

Post by jimc »

Yes, while I did see the spanked shoplifter one in color I must have missed the spy one in color. Sometimes like I was telling Phil that I would have time to just glance at some of the things in CSR as I shared a computer and I would not remember seeing it or reading about even though I see I had commented on it. So I will try to see the others in color I do think it does add to the experience of Captain Woodshed and I do enjoy them more in color I think because the colors you have chosen for everything is more vibrant and I do think enhances some of the definition that I may have missed before. I enjoy your lettering in the speech balloons as it does tell the story better and I always enjoy a well turned phrase (Your Spy's comment (He gave me a warming) was to me one of the highlights of the strip. I enjoy spanking esp. otk so I enjoy the stories, but cannot comment on them sometimes as I had commented earlier and just did not remember it or my computer was down and I missed it entirely. Have a great day.
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OK, time for the geeks

Post by daneldorado »

As you know, I am NOT a computer genius. For the past weekend, I have been trying -- and trying -- to post the final color panels of my Captain Woodshed and the Bank Robbers episode. And I am being rejected by this infernal machine. Can somebody please remind me how this is done? The pictures are already colorized and ready to be posted. But I am drawing a complete blank on just HOW I can post them to the CSR board.

Anybody want to help?

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Re: OK, time for the geeks

Post by web-ed »

daneldorado wrote:As you know, I am NOT a computer genius. For the past weekend, I have been trying -- and trying -- to post the final color panels of my Captain Woodshed and the Bank Robbers episode. And I am being rejected by this infernal machine. Can somebody please remind me how this is done? The pictures are already colorized and ready to be posted. But I am drawing a complete blank on just HOW I can post them to the CSR board.

Anybody want to help?
Hi Dan - you did the first part of the episode the way you always did - you uploaded the images to Image Titan and then linked to them using the "Img" button that appears when you write the post. The button generates this code in the body of your post:

where I have replaced the square brackets with curly ones to prevent any BBC (Bulletin Board Code) from being executed. The next step is where BBC drives me crazy with its inconsistent syntax! You put the URL of the image in between the first and second pair of brackets, which is different from the way you do hyperlinks. Thus as an example:

{img} ... e.jpg{/img}

where you get the directory name from Image Titan after you upload the file, and the file name is of course whatever you chose. Since your files have been JPEG, I put the ".jpg" extension in as a reminder that it is necessary - if you list the file name without its correct extension, the file will not be found and the resulting page here on the board would show the "img" tags but not the picture.

It is also possible to attach the files rather than link to them, but that is an entirely different procedure. I usually link them myself, but then I have the advantage of being able to be my own host so I don't need Image Titan :) . If your problems continue, you can email your files to me and I will host them myself, providing you with the URLs you need for your post here. :geek:
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Return of the Captain

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi Dan,

i was just reading the instructions given you by web-ed. GEEZ! that all sounds really complicated to me :? and i doubt i could even figure it out :lol: . i always just open an post and then just attach the files to it. all you have to do is go to your gallery and hit reply. when it opens, click "add files", then find the pic on your computer, click on it and then click open. it will download and you just click on place inline before you submit it.


having told Dan all this, i did encounter a possible hybrid problem when i attempted to do this. once i hit reply, the old version opened first which has the "browse" button on it. when i tried to use that, it brought up a page with an error message. if you just wait a bit after the original reply page opens, it will go ahead and change to the new version??? i didn't actually try to post a pic but i will be in the morning. i'll let you know if i have any "issues" phil
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Re: Return of the Captain

Post by daneldorado »



Thanks again, to Web-ed and overbarrel, for their invaluable contributions to my computer knowledge.

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Re: Return of the Captain

Post by willjohn »

Caught the crooks, turned the mastermind's ( or should that be the mistressmind's ) arse scarlet and won a heart all on the one day.
A good day's work! :lol:
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Re: Return of the Captain

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi Dan,

i was pleasantly surprised to find the end of our Captain Woodshed story this morning :D . in the first part of the first panel you posted, i thought you captured the action very nicely 8-) . her legs are kicking and her fists are clenching as she realizes that getting a spanking HURTS :lol: . i also think you have captured the moment when our naughty bank manager is just beginning to lose her composure. she stares at her stinging bottom in pain, distress and disbelief as a single tear rolls down her face. i like all the little details you take the time to add such as the garters tugging at her hose and her slip showing a bit from under her raised skirt 8-) . in the second part of that panel, we change to the next phase of the spanking as her submission is complete. she is lying limp over our hero's lap, bottom up high, head low and she is squalling as CW applies the finishing swats to her bottom :D .

in the second panel, i love the way she is rubbing as the police take her away :lol: . i also love the peek under her skirt giving us a last look at her slip, garter belt and hose.............such interesting things for for a man my age to view 8-) . again, i like the little details...........a single tear still on her face and her glasses cocked sideways on her face :lol: . i also like her expression. i don't think she likes our hero :lol: . on the other hand, the other bank employee appears to be looking longingly at CW. i think she wants him to spank her bottom too..........and maybe do some other things to her 8-) . the new colored series has all the fun and action of the original black and white but the color takes it to a new level. thanks for taking the time to do this and share it with us :D . phil
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Re: Return of the Captain

Post by jimc »

Hi Dan, I am glad you got the computer problem worked out. I really enjoyed the 2nd panel of the spanking action as the coloring on her bottom, her expressions and esp. her positioning were really outstanding. I enjoy the Captain Woodshed groupie as well and wish she would ask for a demonstration of how he saved the day and brought the mastermind to justice. I enjoyed all the hair styles to the bank manager and the groupie. Great story. Thank you and have a great day.
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