Old-fashioned remedy

The cartoons of Dan Rivera. Reader comments strongly desired!
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Old-fashioned remedy

Post by daneldorado »

Hi... I've always been aware of a spanking toon from 1941, showing Superman spanking the lady known as Lil Danvers. As I say, I know the toon exists, but I have never been too excited about it, because it shows Supes spanking her, not on her fanny, but on her HIPS!

I'm not kidding. Take a look for yourself. Here is the 1941 original.


What the Man of Steel is doing here, is spanking her sacrum. That's the large bone at the base of the spine which connects to the coccyx. I have no idea why Siegel and Shuster chose to publish this picture as it is, for we all know what a gluteus maximus is... and this ain't it!

There is a lady called Claire Fonda, who is as much an expert on spanking as anybody is. In a Shadow Lane video, we see Claire answering the question: WHERE should a proper spanking land? She cheerfully replies: Right on the jeans pocket. And ya know, I think she's right.

Long story short: I've decided, after all these years, to take that 1941 cartoon and re-draw it to show Superman's hand landing more properly, on Lil Danvers' rump. Here's what I came up with:


I hope you will look at this, and either agree with me that the second rendering is better than the first... or else tell me that I'm an ugly old foof for raising this question so late in the game.

I hope I don't get sued.

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Re: Old-fashioned remedy

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi Dan,

your "new and improved" version is much better :D . i think the spankee in this case is much more likely to have a sore bottom than broken bones.............just as it should be :D . apparently the original artists were not experienced spankers or perhaps were just unable to locate the lady's bottom through her dress :lol: . i'm going with the former since the scene would have been better depicted if Superman had just used a proper OTK position to begin with. anyway, i approve of your modifications to this pic. it is greatly improved :D . thanks, phil
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Old-fashioned remedy

Post by web-ed »

Hey Dan! No, I certainly don't think you're an old fool for revisiting this classic strip spanking (available on the CSR main site here, by the way), and in fact I consider your version a vast improvement. I will certainly be adding it to the existing page over in Comics Gallery 2, but as usual it will probably be some time before I can get around to it. Don't worry about being sued: we can assert a very plausible "fair use" claim here because of your alterations, and besides, Warner's lawyers have bigger things to worry about.

The question you posed remains: why was this scene done so badly? Siegel of course wrote the spanking in while Shuster supervised the art. By this time his eyes were already causing him trouble (that might be part of the explanation right there) although he continued to draw for many more years (even doing two Humorama spanking cartoons in 1960, as we have seen in the Humor Gallery). As I discuss over on the page linked to above, I think most of the art in this panel is by Paul Cassidy, who if I'm correct pencilled it and is therefore responsible for the mistake, and Wayne Boring, who probably inked over Cassidy's pencils (with Shuster inking only Superman's face and maybe Lil's). Cassidy was a good artist, so I'll have to join with Phil in opining that he just didn't know very much about spanking. :roll:
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Old-fashioned remedy

Post by Aoba »

Great work here! This new version is certainly a big improvement, now it looks just like it should. Excellent! Now this is a proper, real spanking, and this naughty lady also got a bigger, lovely, round behind. Thanks for improving this old cartoon, i loved this new, proper and excellent version that You've done.
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Re: Old-fashioned remedy

Post by daneldorado »

Thanks a lot, Web-ed, overbarrel49, and Aoba, for your friendly comments on my re-do of that old Superman comic. It has bothered me for years that such a stellar comic strip as Superman could carry a mistake of this magnitude for -- what is it? SEVENTY-FOUR (74) years!


I'm reposting it here now, because I noticed a tiny flaw in the version that made it to the CSR forum. So I corrected it and now it's yours, if you care to download it.

Web-ed, you certainly can claim the prize for Super Searcher in the annals of comic strips. It's amazing to me that you could know all that stuff about what artist, Joe Shuster, Paul Cassidy, or Wayne Boring, was involved in the original creative team for this comic. You sure know your stuff.

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Re: Old-fashioned remedy

Post by jimc »

an excellent modification I actually did not like most of the spankings in the DC line with one notable exception Batman spanking Marcia Monroe was a very good spanking and it too had been modified by some other artists to give the bottom more definition and also to correct another obvious defect it was not on the bare bottom. Funbun did do several in correcting Cobra getting spanked and also the Marcia Monroe one. So thank you Dan the modification also seemed to show the impact a little better as well. Thanks for sharing these. Now if somebody could do that to the Lois Lane spanking as well or make the spanking better. Have a great day.
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