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Weekly Updates for 07/29/2016

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 5:58 pm
by web-ed
Here we are already with our last updates in July. Before we get to them I'd like to talk about my (that is, Web-Ed's) mailbox for a bit.

The fact is, I've had a lot of stuff piling up in the mailbox and I want everyone to know I'm doing my best to get to it all. I'm signing on almost every day, which is truly difficult for me given my circumstances just now, and trying to clear through it all. I hope everyone will be patient as there is no way you're going to get a 24-hour turnaround when I'm under this much pressure. Also, some of you may be losing my replies due to your spam filter settings since CSR looks like a commercial web site that would send out spam (although really the ".org" should tip people off that this is not a commercial site). I suspect this may have happened to Dan (Dan - if you're reading this, I did send another reply today, so if you didn't get it, check your email client's spam folder).

I do appreciate the many contributions I get in the mail, and I'm even gratified by the requests for help. Alas, CSR remains pretty much a one-man operation and I'm usually buried in site-related work (I'm also badly overworked outside of CSR and its many problems, which doesn't help). In July I've also been trying to clear through about 200 Golden Age comics so as not to fall too far behind in the ongoing spanking search. So if you've sent me something, whether question or contribution, you will get a response eventually (if it's a bill, forget it - CSR doesn't have any money and neither do I :lol: ). I'm hoping to get through all the old mail in the next couple of weeks, and I am reading some of the current stuff as well.

As for contributions, they will all get posted unless there is some legal reason preventing me from doing so. You should at least get an acknowledgment from me if there's a legal issue.

Now on to this week's updates (for links to this week's updates please go to the Home Page by clicking on "Chicago Spanking Review" at the top of this page):

Super-Spanking Summer continues:
  • Last week we mentioned that Solar, Master of Magic was supposed to move over to Holyoke's Catman title but he never did. While we've never found a spanking in Catman yet, we do have this missed opportunity involving his teen-age sidekick Kitten.
  • The Teen Titans Series returns with a crossover spanking: Storm of Marvel's X-Men is the spanker and, yes, Raven is once again the spankee!
  • Teen Titans Series "Extra" (sort of): Starfire spanks Robin. No, the lack of a hyperlink is not a coding error on my part: Most CSR readers do not like F/M scenes and we have decided, on those rare occasions we're going to present them, not even to provide a direct link so no one will be taken there by accident, expecting X/F stuff. For those who want to see it, go to the F/M section at the bottom of Comics Gallery 1 and you'll find it. And F/M fans, don't say we never do anything for you - it's just that we're not going to pay much attention to this kind of material.
  • Batman Family Series Continues: Harley Quinn got spanked last week, so this week it's her turn to spank Catwoman.

Next Week: Super-Spanking Summer continues with Batman spanks Supergirl and Raven spanking Terra.

Re: Weekly Updates

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 7:43 pm
HI WEB-ED CSR!! Wasn`t that paper wet that hit Kitten on the bottom in Catman ? :o :lol: maybe that the reason it hurted :lol: also I think Mr. Peccary should have threating Kitten with a spanking for peeking at his door :lol: wonder how bad would it have hurt if Superman had thrown that paper :twisted: :lol: :lol: Crossover Storm Spanks Raven seem that Raven do need lots of spanking to control her emotions but why Storm :?: Maybe Professor X would been better :lol: anyway the otk is kind of off being Raven not fully planted over think they using the wrong type of chair for spanking :?: also wish Raven had a more fuller bottom :D plus she not feeling pain :x GOOD DRAWING!! Harley chose the right tool to Skin a CAT :twisted: :lol: A big HAIRBRUSH!!Like how Harley decided to spank Catwoman over one Knee making her top half lower and her bottom lifted up PERFECT :lol: also her hands are restrain! SUPER HOT SPANKING DRAWING!! 8-)

Re: Weekly Updates

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 5:27 pm
by overbarrel49
Hi web-ed,

Thanks for the information on your missed opportunity :) . As near as I can tell from all the history on such things that you've posted, It's all really convoluted and confusing so any information is good to have. Like you mentioned, I didn't know about Catman or Solar either.

It appears that Storm had Raven strip down to just her bra for this spanking :lol: . I guess the OTK position is pretty good when you consider how much larger the Storm is. She shouldn't have much trouble holding Raven in place even if the position is a bit off balance. Other than the fact that I would personally like to have seen Raven with a bigger bottom, I think the characters are well drawn and good looking :D . Raven seems to be uncertain about this method of emotional least if it's being used on her :lol: . Overall, a good spanking drawing although I wish it had depicted Raven struggling and kicking more.

Thanks for the history on the Harley spanks Catwoman drawing. You can't tell the players without a scorecard I guess :lol: You already mentioned the nice bent over position but this seems like a different take on it. Rather than having her bend over the back of a chair, Harley's putting her foot on a stool to raise her leg so she can bend Catwoman over her knee. I'm not sure her feet are even on the floor. It does seem to be working though, judging from Catwoman's gritting teeth, flying tears and the fact that her big, spankable bottom is so red 8-) . Harley has a look of evil delight, which I suppose is to be expected :lol: . If I was the Joker, I'd be standing nearby watching the action :D .

Good updates again this week :D . Thanks, Phil

Weekly Updates for 08/05/2016

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 10:37 am
by web-ed
First, the July Spanking Search Report:

Pages searched: 11,212
Total: 548475
Comic Spankings: 5

It's been a long time since I searched over 10,000 pages in a single month, but as I mentioned last time, I've been trying to get caught up on my Golden Age digital search and I'm almost there. Of some concern is that this comes out to less than one spanking every 2000 pages (and many of these were romance comics) and less than one M/F spanking every 5000 pages! The good news this month is one very nice M/F spanking in a romance comic, previously unknown, which I expect to bring you next February in yet another Romantic Spanking Month series. There are several spectators to this spanking, and later two boys taunt the spankee about it! :D

The other four spankings are pretty blah. They will be placed in the Data Base later today. The details:

1. Patches #6 (Feb. 1947, Orbit) M/M, Patches & Tubby / Mr. Stout, standing, paddle – silly slapstick involving a boat – Patches and Tubby accidentally cause a board to fly loose and whack Mr. Stout.
2. Captain Aero #1 (Dec., Holyoke ) M/M Rusty / 2 Nazis, bending over, paddle – this was the first adventure of Flag Man and his teen-age sidekick Rusty, a fairly obvious rip-off of Captain America and Bucky. Were there no female Nazis to paddle? Allen Ulmer, Ray Nillner.
3. Crack Western #70 (Jan 1951, Quality) F/M Two-Gun Lil / Bat McGrew, OTK, belt – symbolic scene as Lil doesn’t actually spank McGrew in the story although she subdues him by dropping a chandelier on his head. Art by CM Quinlan according to JVJ. It is interesting how many times spankings have been used symbolically as a kind of shorthand on the splash page of a comics story (The Spirit spanking Ellen Dolan on the cover being perhaps the most famous example, but there the spanking was actually carried out in the story itself). Other examples are the Ozzie and Babs one I found last month, and Suzie getting spanked by the kid she's acting as governess of. Perhaps I'll do a brief article on it some time.
4. Slick Chick #1 (publication details unknown due to damaged indicia, but Leader Enterprises appears to be the publisher) – M/F, boy/girl, broom, standing. Boy is paddling girl with a broom in the background of a scene featuring unruly children.

With two spankings in four issues (we saw the F/F one two weeks ago), Captain Aero would seem like a title to watch. Offhand I cannot remember how many more of his comics remain to be searched - probably not too many.

The F/M scene in Crack Western #70 was quite astonishing, as the last thing we would expect to see in a western comic would be something like this, even if it was symbolic! I may post it for F/M fans some time, but as I mentioned last week, I will no longer be providing links from "This Week's Updates" to F/M material - you want it, you'll have to look for it.

The swat in Slick Chick #1 would have been interesting if the characters had been teen-agers instead of kids. We don't feature the spanking of children by adults in CSR (except for the hideous aborted attempts to spank Super-Tot), but the spanking of one child by another was something I hadn't even thought about until I started seeing them in comics like Little Lulu. The F/M ones are of no interest to most of us, and my feeling is that even the M/F ones had better remain unposted. You can ask me about them or search the Data Base for them if you're interested, although there is no feature to allow searches by age. (I did write code allowing search by date (range), publisher, personnel, title, and type, which I'm rather proud of).

There are two other issues of Slick Chick, with very little being known about #2. Of course I will check them out if they ever become available.

Now on to this week's updates, as Super-Spanking Summer continues:
  • Teen Titans Series continues: Raven probably couldn't take getting another spanking, so let's see her give one to Terra.
  • Batman Family Series Continues: Why would Batman spank Supergirl? We have some ideas which we explain on the page.
Next Week: The Teen Titans Series concludes at last, and a female Robin gets spanked. As a bonus, we finally dug up an example from a published comic in which Zatanna is seen ruefully rubbing her behind - after a pratfall rather than a spanking, alas.

Don't miss it! :)

Re: Weekly Updates

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 3:47 pm
by overbarrel49
Hi web-ed,

The spanking you found in the romance comic sounds really interesting............what with it being M/F and with onlookers and taunting and all. I'll definitely be looking forward to seeing that one :D . I guess it's finds like that which make the whole process of searching worth while.

The Raven spanks Terra drawing is a bit more cartoony than I would prefer but still worth looking at and :D . I agree with your comments about Nelson 1977 giving our spankee a nice, round bottom that appears to be stinging and getting pretty warm 8-) . I too like the facial expressions. It's certainly an odd place for a spanking but, come to think of it, I may have given a few spankings in some odd places too :lol: . Considering the location, the OTK position is pretty good too :D .

Thanks for all the explanation about Supergirl. I used to read Superman and Supergirl back decades ago. I guess it's a good thing I stopped reading them since it seems unlikely that my feeble, little, pea brain could keep track of all this :lol: . You mentioned the camera angle in this one and I approve of it :D . A shot from this angle has the advantage of showing the spankee's face and really well, not to mention that the outline of a spankee's bare bottom is very attractive too :D . I don't see any tears but Supergirl's expression seems like she's squalling to me.......just the way I like it 8-). I don't even pretend to understand how Batman is able to sting her super bottom though??? Our boy, Batman, has a really evil grin on his face and it seems that he is enjoying the view and the spanking very much :D . I like her position in this one too. She's holding on to his leg, pushing herself up and probably kicking her feet against the floor. That plus her expression indicates that Batman is spanking the daylights out of her :lol: ..........again, just the way I like it 8-) . After reading what you had to say, I still have no idea what the gag is supposed to be but who cares :lol: . Good updates :D . Thanks, Phil

Re: Weekly Updates

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 7:05 pm
HI WEB ED!! leave it to the Batman to give Supergirl a good hard SPANKING!'' :twisted: 8-) hey he fought Superman and won :lol: anyway Nik Zula did a really great job on this drawing 8-) love how Supergirl with pain expression tries to get up off Batman`s lap :lol: meaning this is a hard spanking! Supergirl`s is in good position over the knee! don`t get the gag :?: is this Supergirl Superman cousin or daughter or the one Jimmy Olsen wish for in a comic once! GREAT DRAWing! surprise Raven can sit after all the spanking she received this Summer :lol: and who she giving a spanking to her rival Beastboy Girl Terra! the over the knee is hot with Terra`s bare bottom on display :lol: of all the young women in Teen Titan Terra is the one that needed a good spanking such a brat :lol: Jinx and Wondergirl is next :lol: GREAT DRAWING!

Re: Weekly Updates

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 3:11 pm
by hugob00m
Hi, Web-ed. I'm glad to see an M/F spanking in an update!
web-ed wrote:Batman Family Series Continues: Why would Batman spank Supergirl? We have some ideas which we explain on the page.
Actually my question isn't why would Batman spank Supergirl... it's How can he? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: It seems to me that the why would be obvious: She's pretty and she flies around it that ridiculously short skirt! ;) ;) ;) ;) Did she do anything to deserve a spanking? I don't know, but I'm sure he could think of something to accuse her of! (Or even make something up!) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Regardless of the fact that the picture doesn't make any sense... I like it! Finally a beautiful woman is turned over a muscular male knee getting her cute round posterior reddened! YAY! :D :D :D :D

Re: Weekly Updates

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 4:51 pm
by web-ed
hugob00m wrote:Hi, Web-ed. I'm glad to see an M/F spanking in an update!
web-ed wrote:Batman Family Series Continues: Why would Batman spank Supergirl? We have some ideas which we explain on the page.
Actually my question isn't why would Batman spank Supergirl... it's How can he? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: It seems to me that the why would be obvious: She's pretty and she flies around it that ridiculously short skirt! ;) ;) ;) ;) Did she do anything to deserve a spanking? I don't know, but I'm sure he could think of something to accuse her of! (Or even make something up!) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Regardless of the fact that the picture doesn't make any sense... I like it! Finally a beautiful woman is turned over a muscular male knee getting her cute round posterior reddened! YAY! :D :D :D :D
I hear you, b00m! There are four more updates for Super-Spanking Summer including this week's, and each of them will have a M/F scene :D !

As to how Batman could spank Supergirl and not break his hand, I really had no idea, so I delved into the "why" instead which allowed me to launch into one of my patented, clear-as-mud explanations as to who everyone was, thus obscuring the fact I couldn't explain the "how" :lol: . One thing's for sure: as a youth, I thought an awful lot about spanking Supergirl, and the fact that it was physically impossible was something I just never paid any attention to ;) !

Weekly Updates for 08/12/2016

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 5:06 pm
by web-ed
Some server issues today, so if things don't look right on the site, wait a little while and then try again. It seems one of the drawings did not get uploaded properly, but I'll keep trying.

For links to this week's updates please go to the Home Page by clicking on "Chicago Spanking Review" at the top of this page.
  • Teen Titans Series concludes: One of the pre-eminent superhero spanking artists, El Manto Negro, sees that justice is done to Artemis of the Young Justice cartoon series that features characters we'll always think of as the original Teen Titans.
  • Batman Family Series Continues: A female version of Robin gets spanked in this commissioned work by PariahExileWrath.
  • Extra Feature: Zatanna is seen ruefully rubbing her behind, unfortunately not from a spanking, but we can imagine what might have been. This missed opportunity occurred in an old comic book we finally dug out of our collection.
Next Week: We focus on Black Canary as she bares her own bottom and then gets bound and spanked, and we share a nice spanking threat from an actual comic that JimC. told us about a while back, plus BC is featured in a humor cartoon by Joe Gravel. In addition, the Batman Family Series just keeps going on and on as a female Robin gets her second spanking, this time from Batman himself, and Doctor Cylon returns to CSR with his coloring of a Batwoman Spanks Catwoman scene we saw earlier this summer. :)

Re: Weekly Updates

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 1:00 pm
HI WEB-ED CSR!!!! If only Zatanna was rubbing her bottom after a good paddling :D Love your version Better 8-) :lol: the kid should have knock some thing over having her bend over only to get a hard whack! :lol: Don`t like the choice of tool Kid Flash pick to spank Artemis with seen it use once in a cartoon once back in the days :twisted: Artemis have a good bottom can`t see why he just use his hand :lol: the otk is great and the color very bright ! Super Drawing from EL Manto Negro! looking at this drawing of Female Robin being spanked makes me think this is a parody of the spanking Robin got in a Batman tv cartoon :twisted: the woman reminds me of her :twisted: anyway the otk is good! the spanker have very big thighs :D also like that Robin not enjoying it making this a real spanking :D this drawing have a very vintage cartoon look! GREAT GREAT DRAWING 8-)

Re: Weekly Updates

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 3:13 pm
by overbarrel49
Hi web-ed,

Well, I did read your explanation of Wally West spanks Artemis. It's all entirely too complicated and would actually, put me off reading the comics just for that reason :shock: . After reading it, as you speculated, I am still confused :? . Fortunately, even though the information is interesting, I really don't care enough to try to remember any of it :lol: . I thought it was interesting that he was using "love arrrows" to spank her with and I thought that went nicely with his expression, which I thought indicated he had something in mind for our spankee after the spanking was over 8-) . Looking at her expression, I would say she has the same after spanking activities in mind 8-) . It's interesting that EMN can make the characters look "cartoony" without losing the erotic nature of the spanking........perhaps because of the nicely shaped, reddening bottom of Artemis :D .

As you mentioned, the Robin spanked drawing is very "cartoony". Still, the OTK is pretty good and the spankee has a fairly nice bottom. I like the expressions, especially the one on the spanker's face. She's the one who is obviously enjoying this :lol: . Good updates :D . Thanks, Phil

Re: Weekly Updates

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2016 12:09 am
by willjohn
Wasn't Artemis another name for diana of the Hunt?

Re: Weekly Updates

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2016 12:54 am
by web-ed
butch wrote:If only Zatanna was rubbing her bottom after a good paddling :D Love your version Better 8-) :lol: the kid should have knock some thing over having her bend over only to get a hard whack! :lol:
I'm glad you liked the feature and the altered version of the panel, Butch, but it was Hugob00m and not I who did the alterations.

I've long had a couple of good paddling scenarios in mind for Zatanna if I could ever raise the money to commission them, but I hadn't thought about your idea of a variation on this story where the kid somehow tricks Zatanna into bending over and then gives her a good swat, just like in the days of burlesque :lol: ! It's a good idea, though, and I'll add it to my commission notes if I can stay awake long enough.
willjohn wrote:Wasn't Artemis another name for diana of the Hunt?
In Greek mythology, Artemis was indeed the name of the Goddess of the Hunt whom the Romans called "Diana". It was an obvious choice for this character's name, but a confusing one (and not just for the reasons given on the page) given the garbled Greek mythology that was always part of the Wonder Woman strip even after DC retconned this character also. Some of the Greek goddesses were part of the Wonder Woman mythos, but I seem to remember only Athena ever actually appearing in the strip during the Golden Age.

Re: Weekly Updates

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 3:47 pm
by willjohn
Wonder Woman's mother was Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons and daughter of the Greek God of War, Ares.

The ninth labour of Heracles (Hercules) was to remove from Hippolyta the girdle/belt her father gave her. Heracles killed her, took the belt, beat off the other Amazons and sailed away.

Weekly Updates for 08/19/2016

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 3:02 pm
by web-ed
This is the ol' Web-Ed, bringing this week's updates to you from a secret location for the third or fourth year in a row thanks to laptops and wi-fi. I'm trying to remember how I handled being out of town before that - maybe I just put up a note saying the updates would be delayed a few days? I'm on a sort of working vacation and yes, I did remember to pack a paddle just in case I ran into any bad girls while I'm here!

Anyway, our focus this week is on Black Canary, but we've got some other great stuff, too, as Super-Spanking Summer continues!

For links to this week's updates please go to the Home Page by clicking on the link at the top of this page.
  • Black Canary gets bound and spanked.
  • Extra Feature: More Black Canary as she gets threatened with a spanking. This missed opportunity occurred in an actual comic book that Jim C. remembered and we tracked down.
  • Special Feature: Even more Black Canary as she and Wonder Woman can't find Plastic Man. Wait until you see where he's hiding in the this non-spanking superhero humor cartoon by Joe Gravel.
  • Extra Special Feature: After nearly a four year absence and a supposed retirement, Doctor Cylon returns to the pages of CSR, and we return to the Batwoman spanks Catwoman piece by Gene Espy we saw a few weeks ago to see the good Doctor's colorization of it.
  • Batman Family Series Continues: The Carrie Kelly Robin gets her second spanking, this time from Batman himself, as El Manto Negro, who did last week's Wally West spanks Artemis, strikes again!
Next Week: the Batman Family Series continues as Batgirl once again tangles with The Joker and winds up with only a sore bottom to show for her trouble. Then we start a very short new two-part series featuring Aquaman!

Re: Weekly Updates

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 3:44 pm
by willjohn
The Black Canary is on her way to being black and blue.

Re: Weekly Updates

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 7:28 pm
HI WEB-ED CSR!! Do you think it was Black Carnary`s Father who saved her from a SPANKING :o really think Larry was going to turn her over his knee only daddy stop him :x Good comic spanking threat 8-) the Black Carnary bound and spanked drawing is Nice wish I knew who the spanker is the otk is good showing Black Carnary`s shapely rear :D Finally DOC CYLON RETURNS :D :D :D !!!!!!!!!!! and what a Fantastic coloring he did on the Batwoman spank Catwoman drawing what shade of red is that hand print on Catwoman`s bottom :?: :?: :lol: :lol: HOT!! 8-) Hope to see more of his drawings! SUPER! SUPER! BATman Spanks female Robin Carrie Kelly 8-) the otk Great! the color WOW :shock: :shock: :shock: the spanking painful! she must have let The Joker escape to be getting a spanking this HARD! SUPER HOT!!

Re: Weekly Updates

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 6:01 pm
by overbarrel49
Hi web-ed,

I'm glad to hear that you are having a well earned vacation and I certainly hope there IS a young lady in your secret location who needs that paddle applied to her bottom 8-) . That's a nice drawing of Black Canary lowering her panties and that's a very inviting look on her face 8-) . Nice, round bottom too :D . In the other drawing, I see you have many questions and few answers :lol: . In any case, she's definitely in position for a spanking and she has the apprehensive look of a naughty girl who is very sorry she got caught doing whatever she did :lol: .

WOW! You're sure right about B C asking for a good spanking from Larry :o . It's really crummy of the writers to take it this far and then not follow through :x . If Larry didn't want to try spanking her in front of her dad, they could at least have shown him catching up with her later when she didn't have anyone around to protect her. I wish I had a nickle for everything I've read and every movie I've seen where it shows a build up to what should have been a spanking for a bratty girl and then it never happened :( .

The drawing by Joe Gravel is pretty funny :lol: . I not only like the grin plastic man is giving us but also the shock on BCs face :lol: .

I like the alterations Doc Cylon made to the Gene Espy drawing. I agree with you about the color increasing the eroticism and I think it also makes the focus of the drawing stand out a little. Nice hand print too :D .

Batman looks really pissed in the EMN drawing. No wonder Robin is squalling :lol: . It's a good spanking drawing although I would like to have seen Robin with a bigger, more feminine bottom......but that's just my personal preference 8-) . Thanks for the good updates, even while you're on vacation. Phil

Weekly Updates for 08/26/2016

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 9:37 am
by web-ed
Can you believe we're at the last update in August already? Only one more week of Super-Spanking Summer after this one :( . Anyway, here are this week's updates:
Next Week: Super-Spanking Summer concludes with a second Aquaman spanking, Robin spanks Catwoman, and the third spanking from The Spirit. I'm also going to post a non-spanking cartoon featuring some "unusual activity," shall we say, in Justice League Headquarters, and we'll have the August Spanking Search Report. You won't want to miss any of it!

Re: Weekly Updates

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 6:55 am
by willjohn
Aquaman comes to a watery end and spanks it.

Batgirl must go looking for the Joker to be spanked so often by him.