Threats and Missed Opportunities

Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
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* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by overbarrel49 »

Sweetspot wrote:Doing the dishes always seem to be a bone of contention between teenage daughters and their comic strip parents. In one S.Q.S. strip her mother passes out when Susie volunteers to do the dishes. Later this year, I guess, we'll see how the chore of doing the dishes leads to another older teenager being spanked. I suppose showing a stack of dirty dishes was visually appealing to the artist who wanted to convey that a particular chore needed done and done right now. When Ella Cinders complained about the drudgery her step-mother tasked her with, it was often demonstrated to readers by showing her washing the dishes.
Hi Phil,

I thought your comments were interesting. web-ed indicated that this strip was done in 1951 and perhaps this was a time of change, that is a time when some parents were becoming more lenient while others were still more strict and required chores were still routine. I graduated in 1967 and dated a girl for my last year in high school whose parents both worked. Not only was she expected to take care of her little brother but she also had to do many of the household chores, including dishes and laundry. Considering that her dad had wooden hairbrush that her bottom was intimately familiar with, I doubt that she would have ever let the dishes get very far behind and she certainly wouldn't have argued about doing them :lol: . Phil O
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by Sweetspot »

Hi Phil!
Thanks for the comments. Your girlfriend learned, and with good reason, not to argue over doing her chores - as onerous as they might seem to her - on the other hand, Susie Q seemed to never learn.
susieqsmithAugust4,1956.png (43.94 KiB) Viewed 5817 times
I graduated from high school in 1971 in the midst of the mini-skirt fashion craze. Times were good for the high school boy. I overheard my school-newspaper sponsor/journalism teacher tell some younger girls, "Do you know who Heidi L... is?" [heads nod - Heidi was the head of the spirit squad and a very bright girl] "She gets a spanking if she gets a grade of C or worse." I don't know how that conversation took the turn it did but it's a statement I've never forgotten. The mini-skirt makes the fantasy all the better.

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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by Sweetspot »

In the last year of the Susie Q. Smith strip (1959) at a time when the Walter's marriage was breaking up, Linda Walter drew a strip that was a variation on the 1951 strip above. I had thought that given the opportunity of a multi-panel strip the Walters would have handled the gag differently. We would have been given "Popsie's" reaction to Susie's blatant disregard for her father' authority, an attitude that often resulted in the older teen-ager being spanked with a hairbrush. In the newer strip [Susie Q. Smith went from single panel to multi-panel in 1953] her father's initial response to Susie's refusal to start her homework, with a declaration that her father can't boss her around, is to contort into a startled, cigar dropping facial expression.
He didn't like his authority challenged and he put high-stock in his daughter doing her homework. On one occasion he literally tied her to her chair with her homework in front of her so she couldn't get to the phone, etc. Certainly we can conclude that Miss Smith was once again soon to find herself across her father's lap being spanked with that hairbrush.
susieqsmithMarch13,1959.png (44.61 KiB) Viewed 5808 times
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities Susie Q

Post by web-ed »

Another interesting one here, Phil, that as you mentioned strongly resembles the 1951 strip. Thanks for digging it up for us :D !

Ah, high school days: girls getting hit in the butt with snowballs, girls getting spanked for "C" grades, girls getting whacked with paddles - mem-or-ies, mem-or-ies... :lol:

Actually, mine weren't very good at all, except for the snowball part :D , but we won't dwell on unpleasant things here at CSR; we'll leave them for my as-yet-unwritten novel where they belong! Meanwhile, everyone can rest assured that Phil S. has found lots of other missed opportunities and I had quite a few others in my files already, so we'll be seeing more of them in the future. :)
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Sweetspot. I've really been enjoying your new finds in comic strip spanking!
Sweetspot wrote:Note that Mr. Smith appears to be preparing to spank Susie with his left hand. This is of some note to me because I'm left handed. Because I'm O.C. about this sort of thing you now get of a list of famous left-handed spankers in the strips and comic books. I'm so proud! Roy Rogers, Tarzan, Popeye, Harold Teen (sometimes), Cole Oyl, Hiram Lodge, Superman! (sometimes), Superman's robot, Phantom, Mandrake the Magician, Mammy Yokum, Captain Marvel and Lois Lane.
I didn't know there were that many. I wonder if it's because of the cartoonists being lefties, or if there's another reason.

In my O.T. Katie strip, I made Bullmoose Armstrong lefthanded for compositional reasons at first. (Two women were spanked in one panel and in order to make them face each other, one spanker was a righty and the other was a lefty. After that, I decided to make Bullmoose be permanently lefthanded. I also made Mr. Argyle, Katie's boss at the spy agency a lefty, just so that the lefties would be adequately represented. I think Katie herself is mostly lefthanded, but she switches sometimes. (That's because there are times when she has to face the other way and I just reverse a picture I've already drawn, without making the necessary adjustments.)

Also,one of my favorite movie spankings was done lefthanded. At the end of Frontier Gal, Rod Cameron vigorously applies his left hand to Yvonne Decarlo's gorgeous posterior! Yummmmm!
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by Sweetspot »

Hi Hugoboom -

I was revisiting your O.T. Katie cartoons just a few days ago. Thanks for giving me something to smile about. Thanks also for paying attention to the need of diversity in spanking scenes. A left-handed spanker is always welcomed by us southpaws. But! I appreciate a right-handed spanking because from my perspective in the "audience" I can more easily visualize myself sliding my lap under the girl being spanked in front of me. Hope that makes sense.
As you say, I would think that composition has the most to do with a right-handed top being drawn to spank with his left-hand. I agree with web-ed who holds in disdain the cartoonist who ends up allowing the top to spank "with the wrong hand". To paraphrase him - it's OK to spank with the left hand!
Yvonne De Carlo made for a beautiful sight over Rod Cameron's knee. You obviously have great taste in spanking scenarios.

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Threats and Missed Opportunities - Alley Oop

Post by web-ed »

Although there is always a certain disappointment in scenes of spanking threats that were never carried out and missed opportunities that were, well, missed, there's a certain amount of fun in them also. Ironically Phil Sweetspot, who has found about 40 of these things during his search for more comic strip spankings, isn't that crazy about them, but he has been good enough to forward them to me so I'm adding them to my own collection of about 30 and will start presenting them over the next few months - at least, that's the plan. We won't have something every week - I can't manage it and I don't want everyone to get tired of the feature - but I hope it will be a regular part of this "Year of the Comic Strip".

I'm going to present them mostly alphabetically except in those cases where I have an actual spanking from the same strip - then we might as well see both together. Accordingly, although there are no further known spankings in Alley Oop (the one known spanking may be found here), let's see this spanking threat from November 15, 1950:

Alley Oop, 11-15-1950. Scan by Sweetspot, touched up by Web-Ed. © Newspaper Enterprise Associates

I interpret the last panel to mean that Oola has slapped Oop or perhaps even slugged him in the eye. This truly was a missed opportunity as well as a threat, for Oola is clearly too rebellious (to the point of physicality) and needs a good spanking to remind her that Oop is the one wearing the pants.
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by overbarrel49 »

Hi web-ed,

You are indeed correct when you say this was truly a missed opportunity. You speculated that she may have slapped or hit him in the eye but I actually didn't even need that information. Just the fact that he threatened to turn her over and she says she'd like to see him try is sufficient provocation in my estimation :lol: . In any case, she does indeed need a good spanking :D . Thanks, Phil
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by Sweetspot »

My interpretation would be that he tried but without any success. Oola evidently got the best of him and socked him in the eye when he attempted to turn her over his knee. I find that hard to swallow considering Alley's physical prowess, at this point in the strip's history, was well established as being exceptional in nature [example given below]. Perhaps he made a playful attempt to spank her and it wasn't well received which caught him off guard and he ultimately decided not to force the issue.

By the way, that girl lurking behind Ooola's back will be spanked in the strip just a few days later.
AlleyOopApril14,1949.png (46.45 KiB) Viewed 5664 times
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by web-ed »

Sweetspot wrote:My interpretation would be that he tried but without any success. Oola evidently got the best of him and socked him in the eye when he attempted to turn her over his knee. I find that hard to swallow considering Alley's physical prowess, at this point in the strip's history, was well established as being exceptional in nature [example given below]. Perhaps he made a playful attempt to spank her and it wasn't well received which caught him off guard and he ultimately decided not to force the issue.

By the way, that girl lurking behind Ooola's back will be spanked in the strip just a few days later.

Phil S
That's how it looks to me too, Phil. Thanks for including the strip. So that's Princess Zee, soon-to-be-Spankee, in that first panel :lol: - she's got it coming to her.
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Oaky Doaks: Queen's Behind in Jeopardy

Post by web-ed »

This month we're presenting "The Oaky Doaks Spanking Storyline," a very long series (21 days' worth of strips) that revolved around spanking, and during its course not one but two different queens got spanked! So this would be the time to present a third queen in Oaky Doaks, not getting spanked, alas, but whom we'll shortly see gets a sore behind anyway :D .

I found this reprinted in the November, 1946 issue of Famous Funnies during my ongoing Golden Age comics search and later identified it as having been reprinted from the Oaky Doaks strip of Sunday May 30, 1943. The story is pretty self-explanatory; Oaky throws a rock through Queen Nicotina's window and, unlikely as it sounds, manages to hit her in the butt with it:



No, it's not as good as a spanking, but it's always fun to see a pretty young queen with pain stars (it's really only one star here) that show she's still feeling the effects some minutes later! :)
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by Sweetspot »

Web-Ed -
Be it a snowball, loose floor slat, side of a shoe whatever brings stars - I'm all in!

When it came to spanking it seems, a not-under-a-spell Oaky Doaks had mixed feelings.
OakydoaksMarch14,1956.png (43.37 KiB) Viewed 6810 times
OakyDoaksSeptember24,1960.png (39.26 KiB) Viewed 6810 times
OakyDoaksSeptember26,1960.png (53.21 KiB) Viewed 6810 times
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Re: Oaky's Ambivalence

Post by web-ed »

It's really funny to see Oaky so reluctant to spank Princess Pomona, considering how many other women he spanked over the years. Of course, we only have one scene where he's not drugged and still gives the spanking, but he does sort of threaten Pomona in that other scene you discovered - one we're going to share on CSR in May since it clears up the mystery of another spanking panel I posted back in 2010.

I've been very busy coding the Oaky strips through next week's update plus other stuff, but I'm going to have to find a few minutes to consider the question of exactly what writer Bill McCleery's attitude was toward spanking even though our current series seems to leave little doubt. (So far I have found no evidence that anyone else ever took over the writing, but I still have another source to check).

Interesting strips, Phil - thanks!
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by overbarrel49 »

Hi web-ed,

A rock thrown through a window certainly isn't as good as a spanking but, like you, I do like the pic of her with the pain stars around her bottom :D . It appears that the strips posted by Phil S. are from 2 different time periods and even if there isn't any actual spanking, spanking is mentioned in all 3. That, along with all the other spankings, sure makes me think that the writer is a spanko and I'll be interested in hearing your thoughts on this subject next week. Of course, I guess it could be that he just understands that other folks like to see a naughty girl getting a spanking but my money's still on him being a spanko ;) . Thanks, Phil O.
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by Sweetspot »

As the recently named C.S.R. [Chief of Strip Research] of CSR I thought I'd better start living up to that lofty title so I did some looking about for birthday spanking mentions in the newspapers which I'll wait to share until Web-Ed has finished up his Special Series :P (to avoid duplication). I've also given the strip of the month more attention, yes I've clipped a few more Oaky Doaks.
It seems that a female's rear end is never fully safe from being smacked in this fantasy strip. Although I would never endorse striking another person with a whip, I don't cringe at the idea of a pretty girl getting a light taste across her bottom.
OakyDoaksMay13,1940.png (72.7 KiB) Viewed 6354 times
In this Sunday strip from 1946 a well intentioned Sir Oaky is rudely introduced to a couple with an ah...shall we say alternate medieval life-style.
OakyDoaksJune23,1946.png (203.37 KiB) Viewed 6354 times
Phil S.
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

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Maybe Oaky should have shown him a very fun way to hit a woman spanking :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Two Oaky Examples

Post by web-ed »

Two more interesting fruits of your research, Phil. Like Butch, I think a spanking-good opportunity was missed in the second one where the woman slaps Oaky after he was only trying to help her. Also, this is the kinkiest scene we've looked at so far - the female wanting to be slapped (or better, spanked) does cross a psychological line, and as you know we'll see hints in the Oaky Spanking Storyline that three of his spankees appreciated the OTK treatment. I believe this to be highly significant, and we'll return to the subject as the storyline concludes.
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Spanking Threat in Ayer Lane

Post by web-ed »

CSR Chief of Strip Research Phil Sweetspot has not only found a lot of new spankings, he also came across many a new spanking threat! I think Phil is lukewarm about these, and I admit to a certainly ambivalence as well - it's always going to be frustrating to see someone throw away a golden opportunity to turn a comic strip lass over his knee, but it can be interesting and the threats are more fun :lol: . We'll be seeing quite a few of these in the future, where possible during the same week we feature an actual spanking from the same strip.

This week that's not possible, so let's take a look at the obscure strip Ayer Lane. There's some cute dialogue here as we will see:

Ayer Lane from 12/28/1946. Scan by Sweetspot modified by Web-Ed.

Ayer threatens (actually he promises, which makes it more interesting) Debby with a spanking, and she replies "It's worth it!" You have to wonder if periodic spankings are part of their lives together...

Actually, if I found myself in a life-or-death situation with almost any woman, I'd probably say the same thing Ayer does here :D ! What do you have to lose when there's a fair chance you're not even going to live through the typhoon, or the earthquake, or the episode of Ally McBeal, or whatever the disaster is anyway? And if you do survive, she'll probably be so grateful she won't even protest that trip over your knee...

There are no known actual spankings from Ayer Lane, alas. :( Had Ayer followed through, the strip might have been more popular. :lol:
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Brick Bradford Threatens Beautiful Brat

Post by web-ed »

What can I say about Brick Bradford? The strip was around for 54 years(!) yet I believe it's almost forgotten today. It was basically a sci-fi/adventure strip with Brick sometimes traveling to the future, which was a novelty at the time it debuted. The cover below, from a collection of reprinted strips, perhaps suggests the nature of the series:


No spankings are known to have occurred in the strip, but Phil Sweetspot found this very explicit threat from 04/14/1941:

Brick Bradford, April 14, 1941. Scan by Sweetspot; modified by Web-Ed.

"Stop grinning or I'll let go these controls and give your the spanking you deserve!"

Now it's just possible that ol' Brick's brawn was more effective than his brain - it's a futuristic space ship that has to be piloted with manual controls? For Heaven's sake, Brick, throw on the auto pilot and throw that brat over your knee :lol: ! And I think we have to deduct a few points for the creative team's (William Ritt, Clarence Gray) failure to find any double-entendre in their title, "On the Throne of Titania" (what I could have done with that one :lol: !). The suggestive possibilities are endless.

But at least Brick comes right out and says that June deserves a spanking. :)
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by willjohn »

Bloke I worked with in the 1960s who was probably born in the 1920s used to talk about someone being "in more trouble than Brick Bradford."

I never knew who Bradford was.
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