Weekly Updates

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* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
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Re: Weekly Updates for 05/18/2012

Post by web-ed »

On "New Nose Spanking":
overbarrel49 wrote:i have to admit that a new nose is a strange reason for a spanking :lol: this appears to be a comic strip. does the strip have a name that you know of? thanks again for all the hard work renovating the comic galleries and putting together another good update
You're welcome - once again, everyone seemed pleased with this week's update. As far as I know, "New Nose" was a one-shot strip and not part of a larger work. A pity, if it would have featured "maintenance" spankings to keep that nose looking good! :D
daneldorado wrote:Your scan of the Brandon Graham toon is cute, but WHY do you say that in the OTK position you provided, the lady's "hips are raised to an improbable height"...? I'm pretty sure I've spanked some girls who held their tails up pretty high.
butch wrote:The other drawing of a Woman who must be spanked to get a new nose is like I said nice and I love the otk position with the spankee bare bottom up high ! wonder did the guy order her to lift up her hips :D also notice the guy who is blue has his non spanking hand under her ribs maybe is he trying to grab her breasts :lol: Now what i don`t like is the spanker`s hand mainly his fingers kinda short and twisted !
It's a lovely sight if you can get it, Dan, and I certainly wasn't complaining! Some women would get tired, though, and have to rest their hips back down on the spanker's leg. I promise you, when I employ any of the bending-over positions, I make sure the spankee keeps her tail up nice and high, and sticking out as far as possible :D ! True, the spanker's fingers are rather short, but I think we can forgive that since the spankee has a nice butt :) !

On the DeCarlo Chairman of the Board spanking:
butch wrote:Love the animated version on Dan Decarlo`s Drawing Chairman Of The Board Spanks Secretary nice legs action!
hugob00m wrote:the animation of the boss and secretary cartoon was mine.
The page has now been updated to reflect your authorship, b00m.

On the DeCarlo Sugar Daddies spanking:
hugob00m wrote:The shading, especially on the "sugar daddy" cartoon is wonderful... something you lose in the low resolution scans.
butch wrote:Was Mr. DeCarlo`s drawing of Sugar Daddies Spanks Like Real Daddies was suppose to be a skit on stage judging be the stage door and background :? So this wasn`t a real spanking only a play :? Any way I really like this drawing because of the woman`s very shapely body mainly her large round panty`s tush :D Also think that she is made to turn around and bend over for her punishment by her Sugar Daddy!
daneldorado wrote:you have supplied us with the best and clearest scans I've ever seen. The "sugar daddies" toon is so sharp and clear, it almost seems lifelike! (Well, I did say almost.)
overbarrel49 wrote:i find myself hoping that this was just a warning swat and that he's gonna turn her over and show her just how much alike sugar daddies and real daddies are when he gets her home :D
I think we'd all like to imagine that "daddy" either turned her OTK when they got home or made her turn around and bend over for more swats right there! Butch mentioned the stage setting - I noticed that too, Butch. I'm convinced that DeCarlo did NOT intend it to be a skit on stage, but rather a private scene that takes place after the performance was over. It may be that DeCarlo had never spent much time in the theatre, because you would expect sugar daddies to wait for their chorus girls outside the stage door in the back of the theatre, or perhaps outside the dressing rooms backstage, but not onstage.

I'm pleased everyone liked the scans. These are done from the original digests in my collection, or from the pages Mike tore out of his digests years ago, by scanning in large-size bitmap format before reducing in size to 1100 pixels in height and the JPEG format. I do some color balancing to make up for the cheap paper browning with age. They are presented at half-size on the web page, but I code it so that you get the full 1100 pixels when you click on the image.

Next week we have DeCarlo's "WAC Whacked" as I call it. You've probably all seen it before, but I do have, yes, a fresh scan of this military spanking classic! Unfortunately, this is the last DeCarlo "spanker" I have in my collection, and I think the last one there is. :( I do have a few more updates on some of his cartoons that have already been posted.

Also next week we conclude Modern Comics Spankings and begin Super-Spanking Summer II with Stiletto,
The Paddler, and The Spanker, who take us to the 550th spanking in our DB! You won't want to miss all the butt-whackin' fun! :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Dave Wolfe »

Hiya, Web-Ed!

I've just been enjoying a late perusal of your work here, and thought I'd toss a couple of pennies in.

Thanks for introducing me to some new things; I hadn't seen "Yenny Lopez," for instance, and have now found her all over the InterWebs! I like Dave Alvarez's cartooning a lot; I seem to see a bit of influence from John Kricfalusi, but that might just be me.

Of course, Mr. DeCarlo has been a long-time favorite of mine; I even did a post or two in his praise at my old MySpace place. There are several books out now collecting his racy cartoons!

You and Dan and Company also came to the same conclusion I did regarding Bill Wentzel's Cop In The Park Cartoon, speaking of the Wolfie MySpace Page! It seemed obvious a night-stick had been whited out at the request of an editor who thought it might be a little harsh, but the cop's hand was not changed by the probably overworked and underpaid Production Guy, fixing a bunch of last-minute-before-press things, leaving it looking worse, like he was about to PUNCH her bottom! Ack!!

That cartoon, by the way, is featured in Tim Pilcher's volume "Erotic Comics-- A Graphic History from Tijuana Bibles to Underground Comics," along with this quote from Bill Wenzel's daughter Dorian: "Some say the women in the drawings look like out mother. Dad always thought women should have a little bit of a stomach, big hips, and a hiney."

For my part, mi amigo, I think your treatise on the Comics Code Conspiracy was afield; there's no real evidence that the now-gone CCA ever bothered censoring spankings, although it was notoriously inconsistent. Spankings or no would have been market-driven: Will the kids buy this mag? Stan and Jack occasionally had Marvel characters make spanking threats as a joke, but to actually depict 'em would have made it look like the "more juvenile" stuff going on at their Distinguished Competitors at the time. Nevertheless, it was an interesting topic, and I appreciate the work you put in poring over many a fragile newsprint page!

So, all in all, thanks again for your fine and very entertaining work every week, and congratulations once more on your anniversary!
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by web-ed »

Dave Wolfe wrote: You and Dan and Company also came to the same conclusion I did regarding Bill Wentzel's Cop In The Park Cartoon, speaking of the Wolfie MySpace Page! It seemed obvious a night-stick had been whited out at the request of an editor who thought it might be a little harsh, but the cop's hand was not changed by the probably overworked and underpaid Production Guy, fixing a bunch of last-minute-before-press things, leaving it looking worse, like he was about to PUNCH her bottom! Ack!!

For my part, mi amigo, I think your treatise on the Comics Code Conspiracy was afield; there's no real evidence that the now-gone CCA ever bothered censoring spankings, although it was notoriously inconsistent. Spankings or no would have been market-driven: Will the kids buy this mag? Stan and Jack occasionally had Marvel characters make spanking threats as a joke, but to actually depict 'em would have made it look like the "more juvenile" stuff going on at their Distinguished Competitors at the time. Nevertheless, it was an interesting topic, and I appreciate the work you put in poring over many a fragile newsprint page!

So, all in all, thanks again for your fine and very entertaining work every week, and congratulations once more on your anniversary!
Always good to hear from you, Dave, and thank you very much! And for anyone who isn't familiar with Dave's work, you can find it on his very own blog, Wolfietoons, one of the very few I still bother looking at on a regular basis :) . I think Phil said much the same recently.

On the Wenzel cartoon: yeah, the production guy really made a mess of it! He must have altered a photostat of the original art, because when the piece was reprinted the club was back in place providing the final proof we all needed.

On the Comics Code and censoring spankings: So you don't think there was much evidence, eh Dave? In the last five pre-Code years of 1950 - 1954, we had 19 M/F spanking scenes in comics; in the first five years after the Code, 1955 - 1959, we had exactly 2, a decrease of 90%. (If anything, this understates the case, for there are several more known or suspected spankings between 1950 & 1954). Obviously, something happened to comic-book spankings right around 1954, and it wasn't Bill Haley and the Comets singing "Rock Around The Clock"!

What happened in 1954 was the publication of Fredric Wertham's poisonous Seduction of the Innocent with its specific condemnation of "erotic spanking", and the creation of the Comics Code Authority. I find it impossible to believe that this timing was coincidental. Let's look at a brief run-down of some of the other evidence:
  1. In 1952, two reprinted version of Jungle Comics #89 had the spankings (there were two in this issue!) removed, even though this required a lot of work. Yes, this was two years before the Code, but comics had already been under fire from Wertham and others since about 1947. Fiction House wouldn't have taken the time and cost to suppress those spankings unless they were under some kind of pressure, and this pressure could only have gotten worse once the Code was actually in place and reviewing the books.
  2. In 1956, Candy #62 deliberately altered the final panel of a story so that Candy's boyfriend Ted was no longer whacking her backside with a tennis racquet! At a time when Quality Comics was on the way out, why would they spend the money to make this change (in a reprint, yet!) if somebody wasn't forcing them too?
  3. During Mrs. Trulock's ten years as Code Administrator (1956 - 1965), comics featured exactly one non-robot, non-parental M/F spanking! In subsequent years, there were rumors throughout the industry that Mrs. Trulock and her "code ladies" didn't like adult spankings, and if this rather shocking statistic doesn't prove it to your satisfaction, there's always
  4. The now rather obvious suppression of the Ben Grimm / Sue Storm spanking in Fantastic Four #38 in 1965. Somebody made changes to the artwork and the lettering - would Stan Lee have insisted on this when it made more work for him, raised costs, and risked getting the book to the printer late, if someone at the Code Office hadn't demanded he make the changes? I don't think so.
If any of the "code ladies" are still alive, I suppose one of them could write a tell-all memoir about her days reviewing comics at the Code Office, and we could get a direct admission that the Code suppressed spankings. But even absent that unlikely occurrence, I think the evidence I've amassed is pretty conclusive. ;)
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Weekly Updates for 05/25/2012

Post by web-ed »

This week: our last Dan DeCarlo spanking cartoon, and Super-Spanking Summer II begins.

For links to the updates please visit the Home Page by clicking on "Chicago Spanking Review" at the top of this or any other forum page.
  • Jessica claims she isn't really a bad girl, but Doctor Cylon seems unconvinced.
  • Humorama update: Secretarial school left this secretary unprepared for being taken over the boss's knee! New scans of this cartoon by Dan DeCarlo.
  • Humorama Series #90 - Military spanking as a WAC gets whacked on the seat of her army-issue panties! This is the last of our Dan DeCarlo cartoons. :(
  • We kick off Super-Spanking Summer II and finish Modern Comics Spankings at the same time with The Paddler #2! One of the first unique features we were able to share back in 2004 was The Paddler #1, and it took us seven years to find a copy of the second issue.
  • Another early feature was Howard the Duck, in which The Spanker spanks Beverly Switzler. We decided to rescan this one so we could zoom in on the spanking scene, which was part of a distance shot, without losing too much resolution.
  • Because of its heavy BDSM trappings, we almost decided not to post Stiletto at all. Yet when we considered that it features a bent-over cropping on its front cover, how could we not give it the go-ahead? (Its real weakness is that it's F/F instead of M/F.)
Now, I realize that these aren't the greatest comic-book spankings of all time, but nonetheless I feel they're well worth looking at. Was there any way I could do less than celebrate a character named "The Spanker" in a mainstream comic book, even if his OTK positioning of Bev was less than ideal? And in The Paddler we have not just a character but an entire title! Whatever its deficiencies (and they are many), there's no way I wouldn't bring this one to the attention of my fellow spankos, especially since I'm the only one who could.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

Thanks for the update!
web-ed wrote:Humorama update: Secretarial school left this secretary unprepared for being taken over the boss's knee! New scans of this cartoon by Dan DeCarlo.
Humorama Series #90 - Military spanking as a WAC gets whacked on the seat of her army-issue panties! This is the last of our Dan DeCarlo cartoons.
As is usually the case, the ones I liked the best were the Humorama cartoons.
web-ed wrote:These scans give us a better appreciation of DeCarlo's skill with the brush.
Definitely! I had seen both of these cartoons in a lower resolution, and they weren't bad... but a high resolution scan reveals a lot more detail (especially the shading that Decarlo used to give shape to de tail!) :D :D
web-ed wrote:We kick off Super-Spanking Summer II and finish Modern Comics Spankings at the same time with The Paddler #2! One of the first unique features we were able to share back in 2004 was The Paddler #1, and it took us seven years to find a copy of the second issue.
The drawing is crude and the women, as you point out aren't all that appealing, but I appreciate you finding and posting this comic for its historical significance.
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

well, Doc Cylon didn't believe Jessica as you mentioned.............and blazing behind is the perfect way to describe it :lol: . our secretary getting spanked does indeed look surprised which goes nicely with the caption :D . as you mentioned, she looks a lot like Veronica. i like her outfit with the hose and garter belt although i'm not too fond of the panties......even though they do have some nice flowers on them. fyi, i personally have no problem at all justifying the non consensual aspect of this spanking :D i'll be waiting to see just what your take is on this question next time. nice looking wac.............no wonder the general has such a grin on his face :lol: i can't help but wonder if the surprised look on her face is from getting spanked by a general or just because her skirt has been raised and she's feeling that cool air right there on the parade field :D . can't say i care much for the paddler but, from your comments, i doubt you'll find that unusual. there's just something wrong with knocking your spankee half way into next week. :( it seems reasonable that both the paddler and the spanker were short lived. i wonder if they would have fared better if they had done some reasonable spankings on some good looking young ladies. i guess that's probably just wishful thinking on my part. i will say that these aren't the only toons where the hero has a paddle in a holster. i have done a few where the hero, either a cop or a cowboy, wore a hairbrush in his holster :lol: . i did a birthday toon for my friend Springrose a few years back where a possibly recognizable character whose name was Clint Swingwood came in wearing the holstered hair brush and blistered her bottom with it :D . i can see your problem with the "Stiletto" pic. i will say it's a nicely shaped bottom on the spankee though. even if these last ones weren't too arousing, i agree with you that they were worth looking at. while it's nice to look at the shapley spankee and the sexy spankings, the web-ed-ucational aspects also make for great updates :D . thanks, phil

Re: Weekly Updates

Post by daneldorado »

Hiya Web-ed:

Another week, another great set of updates for the Chicago Spanking Review!

But I'll have to begin with a negative comment. Your first toon, featuring Jessica Rabbit being paddled, is not fit to be posted here, because it is immoral. Oh sure, I can just hear some of you saying: Get real, Dan. She is bending over with her panties down, so naturally her pussy has to show. I say no to that. I've seen dozens of bent-over spanking toons, -- hey, so have you guys -- where the ladies' genitals are discreetly concealed. I've even drawn some like that. It's clear that whoever drew this one was intentionally showing off Jessica's holiest of holies. This isn't a spanking toon, it's porn.

Fortunately, the world gets much sunnier with the two following toons. Here, you have provided us with the sharpest, cleanest scans I have ever seen, of two of Dan DeCarlo's best-ever spanking drawings.

The first shows a very young (about 19 y.o.?) lady in her first secretarial job, being spanked in her boss' office. She complains bitterly that she was never told, in secretarial school, that she would be spanked for making mistakes. The boss smiles silently and continues to spank her on her frilly panties. I downloaded the second of your three scans, as I find that to be the sharpest of them. And yes, she looks a lot like Veronica Lodge!

Although I already had a copy of the toon showing the WAC being spanked by the general, I just had to DL the second of your two scans of that drawing... because I think it is sharper than even my old original was, the first time I saw it. Hey, I was in the military (three years in the U.S. Army) myself, and I don't believe I was ever guilty of failing to salute an officer. Of course, we never expected an officer to physically spank us for such an infraction, but I would love it if I had ever seen a pretty WAC receiving such treatment! Here again, DeCarlo gives us a spankee who is a dead ringer for Veronica, his creation for the "Archie" comics... and it is a great toon.

The two color scans you have given us, from the "The Paddler" and "The Punisher" covers, look to be very professionally done. However, when we see the inside panels, which you've given us in black-and-white scans, they look positively amateurish. What's more, they appear to be drawn in pencil rather than finished in ink. Also, the captions -- and the words in the speech balloons -- are written in freehand rather than being properly spaced and framed. I suspect this is an amateur's work... though, whoever did it does seem to be committed to the principle of spanking naughty ladies. For that alone, he deserves our plaudits.

In "Stiletto: Adventures in Discipline" we are shown a rather unconventional device for keeping milady in the spanking position. You call it a "spanking horse." Okay. I would like it better if we could see the spankee's face, but the artist (Justine Blanco?) does a fine job with the rest of the body. As you said, we do tend to get tired of seeing so much F/F nowadays, but this is a good example of spanking with the crop.

Web-ed: You know something? Like virtually all of our spanko brethren, I have downloaded many pictures showing spanking action. But I have ONLY ONE pic that shows an F/F spanking. Know why? Because the two participants are well-know "switches," and both of them have been in the submissive position, many times. Mmm... that's MY kind of F/F! I don't much like it when a woman is exclusively a spanker, because that tells me she is usurping the man's position. But a pic of two switches, spanking each other? Blissful. It seems that you and I are on the same page, with that.

Another great set of updates, Web-ed. Keep 'em comin'!

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Re: Weekly Updates for 05/25/2012

Post by web-ed »

overbarrel49 wrote:our secretary getting spanked does indeed look surprised which goes nicely with the caption :D . as you mentioned, she looks a lot like Veronica. i like her outfit with the hose and garter belt although i'm not too fond of the panties......even though they do have some nice flowers on them. fyi, i personally have no problem at all justifying the non consensual aspect of this spanking :D i'll be waiting to see just what your take is on this question next time...it seems reasonable that both the paddler and the spanker were short lived. i wonder if they would have fared better if they had done some reasonable spankings on some good looking young ladies. i guess that's probably just wishful thinking on my part.
This was an update of a post from two years ago, Phil, thus my disquisition on the subject of "can the 'non-consensual' aspect of these cartoons be justified?" was taken up briefly in Secretary Spanking #11 where I suggested that "even when spanking discipline did occasionally take place in the office, we believe that the women who received it accepted it willingly" and at much greater length in my essay The Art of SP Anka and the Morality of the Spanking Cartoon. It's a fairly long essay, but in the end I concluded we could all sleep easily despite the "non-consensual" aspect of the spankings :) .

Yes, we have to wonder at what might have been had either The Spanker or The Paddler been better done. But The Paddler was a poor parody poorly executed - Dan commented on both the art and the lettering: "the captions -- and the words in the speech balloons -- are written in freehand rather than being properly spaced and framed. I suspect this is an amateur's work". On top of that, it was pornographic, which probably turned a lot of people off, and so poorly distributed that I couldn't find it when it first came out even though I knew it existed.

The Spanker was even more remarkable in a way, because he appeared in a mainstream book, Marvel's Howard The Duck (even though it was a special oversized edition and not an issue of the regular title). But he was always intended as a one-shot villain, and neither he nor his cohorts were ever seen again as far as I know. If I had been scripting The Defenders for Marvel in the 70's, I'd have found a way for him to come back (I'd have loved to have him spank Valkyrie, for instance!), but I wasn't, so he didn't :( .
-- Web-Ed
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Weekly Updates for 06/01/2012

Post by web-ed »

May went by so fast it's time for the monthly reports again. As you'll see, I have been nothing if not diligent in my searches lately.
May Comics Searches:
Golden Age Pages: 4517
Total: 371168
M/F Comic Spankings: 2

The odd thing is that the two spankings were not found as part of the GA search, but during two other searches I was undertaking at the same time! One of them is a modern comics spanking and the other - well, I'm going to keep it a secret for a while because it was so surprising! Besides, I don't have all the issue details yet. It will be a while before we see either because Super Spanking Summer II will have to be concluded first and it's only just started.

I'm also still searching through old Wonder Woman comics from the 1940's, but haven't found anything new yet.

Humorama Search: Every time I think this is over, I find a few more low-priced digests. Actually, a few months ago I predicted that any further spanking cartoons would probably be by Bill Ward or George Morrice, and in fact since then I've found one by Ward and two by Morrice. These are M/F of course, but I also found a new F/M by Ward which I may post without an update notice (if you want it, go look for it in a few weeks at the bottom of the Humor Page where I moved the F/M stuff so it would be as far out of sight as possible) and a reprinting of a Ward F/M I already had and will not post since the spankee is a boy of about 10. Underage spankees were thankfully rare in Humorama; the only other one I recall was from a photographic humor sequence featuring actor Alan Young of all things!

I also have gotten some better versions of known cartoons and they will of course be posted in due course. At this point, even though I'd like very much to have them all that may not be possible. We can console ourselves with the knowledge that there can't be many "spankers" left to find, and I'd be especially surprised to find any more by DeCarlo or Homer. We'll continue to have one update and one new cartoon per week until there aren't any left, which will take several more months. I definitely want to wind up the Humorama Series by the end of the year.

I mentioned last week that the Comic Spanking Data Base had reached 550 spankings, but I forgot to say anything more. At this point, it appears we'll eventually reach 600, maybe before the end of the year. Here are the latest additions to the DB that will not be posted in the galleries (search them out if interested):
  1. Bettie Page Queen of the Nile (Dark Horse, 2000) – Bettie spanks Cleopatra. Silly F/F fun. I don't feel like posting it, but you can find it on the Spanking Panels forum.
  2. Eternals #10 (April 1977) - Ikaris spanks Sprite (M/M) - with the wrong hand! Art by Jack Kirby and Mike Royer. I believe this is the third M/M spanking by Kirby, and I really wish he had given us more than the one Ben Grimm / Sue Storm M/F spanking (suppressed by the Comics Code) and a few other threats. Maybe there's still something out there.
  3. Popular Comics #134 (Dell, April 1947) – Gasoline Alley, Skeezix / Judy. M/F OTK but Judy is underage. Frank King's Gasoline Alley is a strip of some historical importance, but even knowing that I must say it's never really grabbed me somehow. How many spankings it had is anyone's guess. I'm not going to go looking for them, but occasionally they turn up as reprints in GA comics, and if I find them there I'll record them in the DB.
  4. Feature Comics #60 (September 1942) – Butch the Clown / Boss (M/M paddling)
  5. Feature Comics #95 (February 1946) – Another clown / Butch the Clown (M/M paddling)
  6. Feature Comics #103 (October 1946) – Tuba/Roscoe (M/M paddling). The biggest disappointment to me as I search through GA comics is how many stupid M/M scenes there were, usually intended humorously although there are a lot of father/son disciplinary scenes also.
  7. Tip Top #115 (November 1946) – Captain / Katzenjammer Kids (M/M). Art by Rudolph Dirks.
  8. Tip Top #153 (c. 1949, no indicia available). Ape / Captain (M/M). Same remark as for Gasoline Alley - I really don't want to know how many spankings there were in the Katzenjammer Kids (it was a lot), but if I happen to run across them I'll document them.
  9. Walter Lantz New Funnies #220 (Dell, June 1955) – Woody Woodpecker / boy & girl woodpeckers (M/MF). Not sure who the kids are - maybe Woody's niece and nephew - and I don't really care. I don't bother searching through funny animal books any more, but this one was on the cover and I think turned up during one of my general image searches.
For links to the updates please visit the Home Page by clicking on "Chicago Spanking Review" at the top of this or any other forum page.
  • A bad mommy get taken over a younger man's knee, and Doctor Cylon supplies some color where it will do her the most good. If this was intended to be a son/mother spanking, then of course it's a bit odd, but I really like the way it's done!
  • Humorama update: Only three weeks ago we updated Dan DeCarlo's Mr. Kringle birthday spanking cartoon, but since then we've come upon two more versions, and we don't want to make the "birthday girl" wait any longer for everything she's got coming to her!
  • Humorama Series #91 - And speaking of birthday spankings, one of the best gags Humorama ever did was this one by Bo Brown of Miss Gulick getting a mass birthday spanking from her coworkers at the office! Brand-new scan from our collection of a cartoon that Dan Rivera recently posted on the CSR Forum. I couldn't help but think of the gang here on the CSR forum, so I did this altered version with a key to help everyone identify the eager participants in Miss Gulick's birthday spanking:
    I goofed up here in one respect, though (so what else is new?) - I intended to put Butch in, but forgot at the last minute, which is what happens when you're working on only a couple of hours' sleep. Maybe I got distracted by the figure which looks so much like the one I'd assigned to b00m that I could only think to call him "b00m's brother", which is pretty odd. As I said, two hours' sleep - lucky I "work" for CSR and not SAC (Strategic Air Command)!
  • Super-Spanking Summer II continues with the only spanking Catwoman ever received in comics - at the hands of Alfred the butler! We've had this for years and never posted it because we don't get to see the actual spanking. But because the spanking was effective enough that Catwoman doesn't want to sit down afterward, we decided it was worth seeing even though it can't be counted as an official spanking, nor can it be put into the Data Base.
  • More Super-Spanking Summer II: an unknown superheroine/villainess spanking. We don't know who the spanker is, but she believes in spanking good and hard, and on the bare bottom, too!
-- Web-Ed

Re: Weekly Updates

Post by daneldorado »

Hiya Web-ed:

Nice job on the captions in the "Miss Gulick" cartoon, but the guy you have designated as "Dan" is too follicle deprived. I have more hair than that.

Other than that, of course, it's nice to get a nice clear enlargement of this rare "gauntlet" spanking cartoon.

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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

this week's Doc Cylon contribution is certainly interesting considering the ages of the participants.............it kind of reminds me of the drawings Dan did about Tommy spanking Miss Johnson :D . i agree that Doc has found some good source material this time. i also agree about the expressions.............especially the look of shock and dismay on the spankee's face :D . i can see that Mr. Kringle doesn't care if it's her birthday or not :lol: of course, since she's not really putting up much of a struggle, maybe she doesn't either ;) . i can just tell that the new version of Miss Gulick's birthday spanking with the CSR gang ready and willing to do the spanking is gonna be my favorite :D . i couldn't help but notice that our fearless leader is the first one in line :lol: . so Alfred spanks Catwoman :D...................... who said that good help was hard to find :lol: . it's too bad they didn't show the spanking but still the idea is there and at least we know she got it :D . i liked the supervillainess spanking. i agree with your observations about the spanking and would add that while the expression on the spanker's face is a bit sparse, she still appears to be mad. the spankee's expression is much better and she is obviously somewhat terrified at the whole process and in a great deal of distress :D . another good batch of updates. thanks for all of them and particular thanks for the altered "CSR" version of Miss Gulick's birthday spanking. if it wasn't for my grand kids running around here frequently, i might have used this for the wallpaper on my computer :D . phil

Re: Weekly Updates

Post by daneldorado »

Phil wrote:

this week's Doc Cylon contribution is certainly interesting considering the ages of the participants.............it kind of reminds me of the drawings Dan did about Tommy spanking Miss Johnson.

Thanks for remembering Tommy and Miss Johnson, Phil. When I began drawing cartoons of a young guy spanking a good-looking older teacher, I thought I must be the only person who could ever have such "perverted" thoughts. Boy, was I wrong!


Turns out, there is a thriving cottage industry in such toons. Dave Wolfe has given us some pics of a babysitter (nice-looking girl, natch) getting spanked by her young charge. Also, Nik Zula seems to specialize in that type of drawing.

It is utterly tantalizing to imagine oneself (if you're a guy) putting an older gal over your knee and whaling away. I did that, when I was a teenager, but of course the lady was only two years older than I. Still a big thrill.

Again, thanks for remembering.

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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Tanner »

I loved the Doc Cylon too. Can imagine it being a young man spanking his female boss at work. Or a college student spanking his female professor. Or maybe a "cougar" who picked up a young man at a bar is receiving a long-overdue spanking.Or the young man is spanking an older woman who lives in his apartment building and who has been coming on to him-and gets a surprise that she finds she enjoys, even though it may mean sitting on a pillow for awhile!

Re: Weekly Updates

Post by daneldorado »

True, but it does seem a shame that the lady has no left leg.

Last edited by daneldorado on Sat Jun 02, 2012 3:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Dave Wolfe
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Dave Wolfe »

web-ed wrote: ...I think the evidence I've amassed is pretty conclusive. ;)
Well, sorry, Web-ed, but no, all that that really proves is that there were no spankings depicted in those particular comics.

People not obsessed with spanking-- and there are some, poor slobs!-- won't think about it one way or the other.

If it occurs to them to include it for humor, say, they might; if it doesn't, or they think it might be distasteful to their target audience, they won't put it in. Very simple.

There are lots of reasons for not featuring spankings that have absolutely nothing to do with Outside Powers. For instance, I've done a huge batch of WolfieToons without any actual spanking, because it was more erotic or funnier to evoke the reader's imagination in that instance.

But, never mind, I know that no one fond of any conspiracy theory can be dissuaded, so we'll agree to disagree here, and I'll comment on other stuff!

Like, thanks for digging up and presenting all the cartoons from the mens' digests!
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Wolfie138 »

Your unknown OTK pencil art is from (yet another) artist called Wolf. he has a couple books out, and i've mentioned him to ed before
http://nakedjustice.com/Galleries/Hall- ... /i002.html

does lovely spanking/nudie superheroine stuff but far too much rape/misogynistic-feeling stuff and i kinds went off him.
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

Nice update! I especially liked the better scan of the Mr. Kringle one. I wasn't going to mention anything about the hair on the guys lining up for Miss Gulick's birthday spanking... but since Dan already spoke up to say that the character labeled with his name didn't have enough to accurately represent him, I might as well point out that I have more hair than the character you labled as "b00m", and most of it is white! Same goes for my brother. Hahahaha!
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Re: Weekly Updates for 06/01/2012

Post by web-ed »

On this week's Doc Cylon younger man/older woman spanking:
overbarrel49 wrote:this week's Doc Cylon contribution is certainly interesting considering the ages of the participants.............it kind of reminds me of the drawings Dan did about Tommy spanking Miss Johnson :D
Tanner wrote:Can imagine it being a young man spanking his female boss at work. Or a college student spanking his female professor. Or maybe a "cougar" who picked up a young man at a bar is receiving a long-overdue spanking.Or the young man is spanking an older woman who lives in his apartment building and who has been coming on to him-and gets a surprise that she finds she enjoys, even though it may mean sitting on a pillow for awhile!
daneldorado wrote:it does seem a shame that the lady has no left leg.... It is utterly tantalizing to imagine oneself (if you're a guy) putting an older gal over your knee and whaling away. I did that, when I was a teenager, but of course the lady was only two years older than I. Still a big thrill.
This one came in with the name "spank badmommy" but Tanner came up with plenty of fun and erotic scenarios that don't involve a son/mother scene, and I didn't want to emphasize that name because I thought it might turn some people off. Actually, my belief is that it would be far healthier psychologically for the son to spank the mother than the other way around, but of course that's not the way it generally occurs.

Phil reminds me that giving credit where credit is due, Dan is very probably the originator of this idea in a spanking cartoon with his Tommy and Miss Johnson. Good as they were, none of the Humorama artists ever thought of this (Bill Ward did a peculiar mother/son one that I'm not going to post). SP Anka along with Dave Wolfe and Nik Zula has done some interesting work along this line, but years after "Tommy and Miss Johnson". Dan is right, of course, about the spankee's left leg - I guess it was lost in the unusual solid black background.

We're also all in agreement about the thrill of what Dan calls "putting an older gal over your knee and whaling away". Alas, as I have observed before, I fear that for most of us who post on this board our days of being able to find any women older than ourselves may be pretty well behind us (so to speak), although come to think of it I did spank a woman earlier this year who probably had ten years on me! We may have to settle for spanking 20-something swimsuit models in the future :lol: .

On Miss Gulick's birthday spanking:
Dave Wolfe wrote:But, never mind, I know that no one fond of any conspiracy theory can be dissuaded, so we'll agree to disagree here, and I'll comment on other stuff! Like, thanks for digging up and presenting all the cartoons from the mens' digests!
Dave - it's cool. I love my conspiracy theories, and I always figured you for a member of the Knights Templar anyway! ;)
hugob00m wrote:Nice update! I especially liked the better scan of the Mr. Kringle one. I wasn't going to mention anything about the hair on the guys lining up for Miss Gulick's birthday spanking... but since Dan already spoke up to say that the character labeled with his name didn't have enough to accurately represent him, I might as well point out that I have more hair than the character you labled as "b00m", and most of it is white! Same goes for my brother. Hahahaha!
Everyone liked this one, too. By an interesting coincidence, while many of you were shortchanged in the hair department by my selection of the characters assigned to you, the character I assigned to myself has more hair than I do - not sure how that happened. ;)

On the unknown super-villainess spanking:
Wolfie138 wrote:Your unknown OTK pencil art is from (yet another) artist called Wolf. he has a couple books out, and i've mentioned him to ed before
Indeed you have Wolfie, and once again I'm in your debt. As a matter of fact, I did mentally note the resemblance to that earlier work of Catwoman spanking Batgirl but I wasn't sure, and I had that "Morpheus" notation in my records for some reason. The page has now been updated to reflect the information you provided. Thanks again. :)
-- Web-Ed
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Weekly Updates for 06/08/2012

Post by web-ed »

I was a busy bee this week and have 7 updates which I hope you'll like. Super-Spanking Summer II is in full "swing" now, and my plan is to bring you one scene from the "Batman Family" of characters plus something else every week. This week the connection to Batman is somewhat obscure with Jenna's Bane/Scandal spanking, but we'll be seeing Batman, Batgirl, and the usual gang of suspects most of the time. Kirk Stiles' "Spanking Optometrist" begins a new mini-series of his work which will take us through July as part of the larger Humorama Series.

For links to the updates please visit the Home Page by clicking on "Chicago Spanking Review" at the top of this or any other forum page.
  • Our favorite piece by Endart also caught Doctor Cylon's eye, and we'll see how he completely recolored and animated it.
  • Humorama update: New version of Dan DeCarlo's "Nurse Smiley spanked". Still don't have a really good scan, though.
  • Humorama Series #92 - An optometrist uses an unusual eye chart whose bottom line forces a female patient to bend far over in order to read it, and when she does - whacko! It's her bottom on the line! Brand-new scan from my collection of another cartoon that Dan Rivera recently posted on this Forum.
  • Super-Spanking Summer II continues with one of the best F/F scenes from an actual comic book in the past twenty years as Lady Death spanks Pariah to the point of apologetic tears! I've held this one back a couple of weeks now because I think I'm close to getting a copy of the original comic, but I finally decided not to hold it back again. Of course I'll update it when I do get that copy.

    It's an excellent scene with its only drawback being that it's F/F. Dan mentioned recently that unless both Top and Bottom in a F/F scene were switches, he felt that the Top was usurping the male's role. I guess I've always felt the same way even though I've never put it like that, because every time I see a F/F spanking I want to spank the female "top" to make sure she understands the order of dominance and knows just who the "alpha" figure is! In this case, I really want Lady Death over my knee or bending over for my paddle :) I don't think Lady Death was ever spanked herself though, so this delightful idea will have to remain the stuff of fantasy - or commissions.

    If anyone else (of the male sex) wants to chime in here, please do. How do you feel about F/F spankings?
  • More Super-Spanking Summer II: One super-villain spanks another in Jenna's Bane spanks Scandal.
  • Video Extra 1: This is another one that Robin pointed me towards. Jarrod threatens an unruly client with a spanking on The Big Valley. But the big fool wimps out, disappointing us all. :(
  • Video Extra 2: To ease our disappointment with Jarrod for not carrying out his threat, we also have an actual M/F bar paddling in which Melissa gets one good swat. :D
-- Web-Ed

Re: Weekly Updates

Post by daneldorado »

Nice collection this week, Web-ed. You do an expert job in mixing the greatest pics with those are not so, er, great.

The panel attributed to endart is appealing enough in its own way. Doc Cylon has added a background by way of Layers in the Photoshop system, but in my oh so humble opinion the pic is better off without all that ornate nonsense on the back wall. Better yet is the unadorned pic of milady in the bent-over position, obediently taking her swats. Good coloring by the Doc.

The "Nurse Smiley" toon has been around forever, and Web-ed's primary purpose is bringing us the best, brightest, clearest scans of it. You've made great strides in this regard, just as you have for other Dan DeCarlo spanking toons. Here you post two of the best I've ever seen.

The Kirk Stiles toon with the eye chart is one of the most audacious spanking drawings ever, although it shows us no spanking at all. Surely the optometrist doesn't expect to "get away" with whacking his comely patient on her delicious rear end, even though she is reading the line that says: "S-P-A-N-K-M-E." But it sure looks as if he's going to try. I would be all for it, if not for the fact that when his swat lands, he is sure to push his patient's face into the wall, sustaining multiple contusions and probably landing him in hot water with the law. When it comes to unexpected and even unprovoked spankings, I much prefer the lady to be lying comfortably across the man's lap, so that even if he swats her bottom cheeks hard, there will be no lasting damage, and possibly even a ladylike "thank you" when it's over :D

And that brings us to the cream of the crop, this week: The excellent cartoon by Richard Ortiz showing Lady Death giving a superb OTK spanking to a pretty girl known, for some reason, as Pariah. The artistry in this pic is unexcelled, and drawn with real passion. I would love to see the original comic -- in its entirety -- but I guess that it isn't in your files. Anyway, Lady Death's long (VERY long) hair is styled perfectly, and her repentant captive is just as beautiful, though her long locks are not to be compared to her punisher's magificent crowning glory. The OTK pose is close to perfect, though I agree with you that Pariah's body should be an inch or two farther to her tormentor's left.

In all, Web-ed, a great bunch of pics to launch your Super-Spanking Summer II.

Last edited by daneldorado on Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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