Weekly Updates

Let us know what you think about the site - what we're doing right or wrong, what you'd like to see, and any questions you might have. We'll toss some of our own thoughts and opinions in as well, including notes on the Weekly Updates at the main site.
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* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
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Re: Weekly Updates for 01/28

Post by hugob00m »

I just took a quick peek today, to see if you might've done this weeks's update slightly early... and there it was! WOW! Great as usual! I think I like the Humorama ones the most, and I see you've got an O'Brien cartoon I've never seen before. Thank you!

[Note: b00m posted this while I was writing the 01/28 Weekly Update topic, therefore it appears apparently out of sequence. I changed the subject line to add "for 01/28" in an attempt to avoid confusion, but instead I may have increased it! -- Web-Ed]
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Weekly Updates for 01/28

Post by web-ed »

[For links please go to the Home Page].

A rough week marked mostly by fighting spammers on this board, but I've still got a dozen updates:
  • Dan Rivera posted some new scans of two classic Dan DeCarlo cartoons in the "Spanking in Media" forum.
  • Four from Doctor Cylon featuring Jessica, and some of these pages themselves feature multiple images. That's a lot of spanking (and some corner-time) for Jessica!
  • Some more information on the Teacher Gets A Spanking page we posted last week.
  • Two more versions of the classic "Spanking in the Hills" cartoon by Dan DeCarlo, one a new scan from Mike's collection and the other a nicely colorized version.
  • b00m explains how he did the "Dagwood Spanks Blondie" cartoon.
  • New series! We look at spankings involving well-known characters from animated films. First up: Aladdin spanks Jasmine!
  • Humorama Series - This one's going along well, with a newly-discovered (from Mike's collection) birthday-spanking-new cartoon by Jack O'Brien.
  • Comic Strip Spankings - Steve Canyon #2. We almost got to see a caning here (in Steve's dream) but not quite. It's pretty hard to see what's going on, partly because of the way Caniff laid it out and partly because this is a scan of a xerox copy of the strip.
  • Modern Comic Spankings winds up with SPANK, a comic book that unfortunately failed to live up to its very promising title. There is one half-hearted smack (we're tempted to say half-assed, since it only lands on one cheek). "Spank" was actually the name of one of the characters, a doll who only comes to life when he's sexually aroused. This one's a little strange...
  • Golden Age Comic Book Spankings gives us a good spoiled-heiress-gets-spanked scene, from a back-up story in The Green Hornet. This is one of the titles that I'd like to look further into if I even have the chance, since three of the eight spankings I found in Harvey Publications came from this one title!
  • The first new article in two years was written by Michael Gray. "Spanked Daughters of the Slapstick" explores the history of comedic father-daughter spankings, with some visual examples provided by the author. I'm very glad to present this because the Articles Section is one thing that really distinguishes CSR from other spanking sites - very few other sites ever get into "how-to" articles, or psychological research, or historical essays like this one. Please take a look at it - you'll be glad you did!
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Re: Weekly Updates for 01/28

Post by web-ed »

hugob00m wrote:I just took a quick peek today, to see if you might've done this weeks's update slightly early... and there it was! WOW! Great as usual! I think I like the Humorama ones the most, and I see you've got an O'Brien cartoon I've never seen before. Thank you!
You're very welcome, b00m, and I thank you for your support. Like you, I've very excited about the Humorama Series, because some of these cartoons have never been seen on the internet before! These are some of the ones I was fortunate to have given to me by Mike, who also had new/alternate versions of some that we're already familiar with but may have only been available in not-very-clear scans (like the DeCarlo "General spanks WAC" cartoon). I wasted no time in making high-quality scans of these 63 Humorama cartoons, and together with some others that I already had in my files they gave me enough for a year-long series.

And one trivial matter: yes, I've been doing the Friday updates on Thursday in the spirit of delivering more than promised. Because I can't find a job, I've been able to get ahead of schedule with CSR and I have time to do the updates on Thursday - in fact, I've already got the new pages coded for the next two weeks, so now I can update more of the existing pages or (gasp!) actually get around to writing some more articles.
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Weekly Updates for 02/04/2011

Post by web-ed »

[For links please go to the Home Page].

Here in Chicago as I write this we're buried under 20 inches of snow and the temperature stands at 0 degrees, but the weather can't be allowed to stand in the way of our weekly updates, of which we have ten. First, it's Mermaid Spanking Week:
  • A very practical question - how do you spank a mermaid - to which this wonderful little cartoon has the answer. A mermaid finds that taunting a sailor wasn't such a good idea after all!
  • A similar theme - the problem of getting to a mermaid's bottom - is explored twice by Doctor Cylon.
  • Spanking Ariel (1 - 3) - More from Doctor Cylon as we update one of his earlier pages with animations in which a hand and wooden spoon are used, plus added captioning with the ruler!
  • Spanking Ariel (4) -a classic from Kevin Karstens and Bawdy Bard in which she finds that spanking, like many other things, is better out of the water.
Then we have our "regular" updates:
  • Humorama Series - a woman is surprised by the efficacy of Mr. Burbank's home remedy, in which a paddle is employed.
  • More scans from the Superman comic strip in which Queen Arda is spanked by her own adviser, Evad!
  • Strip Spankings - the third from Steve Canyon, in which Poteet asks to be spanked!
  • Golden Age Comic-Book Spankings - the only known spanking from Airboy, and it's a good one: a truly bad girl gets a just punishment from the man who loved her and whom she scorned. Two spanking panels, light bondage, and a sentence of 20 spanks make this one pretty much unique among all the comic-book spankings we have ever seen.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Tanner »

More good ones- they just keep turning up, don't they?
Re Mermaid spankings-didnt Darryl Hannah get some sort of a spanking in the movie Splash! when she was a amermaid, or am I thinking of something else?
The Queen Arda is my favorite Superman spanking, even though the actual spanking was done by someone else. However, there is a second spanking panel,one with horizontal "pain lines" above her bottom. Always like to see it shown that the woman is feeling the spanks and may be nursing a sore bottoom afterwards.
Agree that if the dress had been flipped up would have been even better(guess editorial standards at the time would not have permitted that). And the display of her legs when she was standing in the opening panels brought to mind that some stripes with a switch or cane applied to her naked legs would have been a bonus.
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by willjohn »

Tanner wrote:Another great week of postings. That Phantom one with the lady in the leopard dress I had not seen. It might well be fan art.
Hope you can find the last panels of the Marshall sisters one. Would assume it would be on a newspaper that ran the Sunday strip.
Years ago libraries actually had bound volumes of newspapers instead of microfilm. Thats where I came across these Phantom strips, all from the 1940s I believe. Wonder if there were any later spankings, like in the 1950s.
The Sky Band were a group of female bandits, who got captured by the Phantom. As we saw, the two leaders made an escape attempt and ended up with richly-deserved sore bottoms!
The Hill Girl one was interesting. I also seem to recall seeing another version of it where she is getting spanked over a pair of cheeky cutoff shorts instead of a Daisy Mae skirt.
Glad to finally see the jungle girl spanking. But I agree wholeheartedly with your comments about the bloopers in the story. Could he not see that this was a blonde, and not his girlfriend?
Wish they'd done a better job of showing Betty's bottom getting spanked in that abbreviated costume. Speaking of that,too bad that when Anne got spanked she had more protection, wearing Betty's clothes. She was the one that really deserved to be spanked in that skimpy outfit which would have provided but little protection.
On another subject, you mentioned Dell Comics(which later I believe became Gold Key). In the 50s they had a lot of Westerns and Adventure comics-Jungle Jim was one. Wonder if there might not be some spankings in some of them.
I remember Jungle Jim as black and white films made by Johnny Weissmuller when he put on too much weight to play Tarzan. I don't remember any spankings in the films, just how Johnny became miraculously dry after swimming fully clothed across rivers! :lol:
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Tanner »

There was also a Jungle Jim newspaper comic strip, 40s and 50s. Remember seeing one spanking, though it was not shown, just word balloons in a panel indicating what was happening, and another panel with the young lady holding to the seat of her shorts with both hands and saying some not very complimentary things about Jim'.
The argument that led to the spanking was about her wanting to go somewhere with that was too dangerous, She threw a tantrum, got spanked, and led to his observation in another panel that when women like children, it is necessary to treat them like children.
Maybe that one will turn up here someday.
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Re: Jungle Jim

Post by web-ed »

I don't have this one in my files, unfortunately, but it is on my search list.
-- Web-Ed
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Weekly Updates for 02/11/2011

Post by web-ed »

[For links please go to the Home Page].

Ten updates as we had another busy week:
  • Doc Cylon did another version of his "Shanna after spanking" in which she's in a mad mood.
  • The animated ruler finds its mark as the good Doctor once again amends a drawing by Julius Zimmerman.
  • Animated Film Spankings - The Emperor's New Spanking Groove by Kevin Karstens and Bawdy Bard.
  • A M/F OTK Spanking drawing by Eric Stanton - very rare, unusual item never seen before on the Web. From Jim Linderman.
  • Another Stanton Piece - quite different from the first (a rope is the implement!) but also rare and never before seen.
  • A Smacking Good Time - silly, old-fashioned spanking humor as a carpenter thinks of another use for the board he's working on.
  • Humorma series - Earl Engleman takes a young lady sailing where she encounters A Spanking Breeze.
  • Golden Age Series - Captain Easy spanks bad spy Helga while she's wearing only a bathing suit. "Oo, how he spank!" muses Helga as she rubs her bottom afterward. An outstanding scene!
  • Suzie, Like Skygirl - No spankings on this page, but in a display obviously influenced by Matt Baker's Sky Girl, Suzie repeatedly bends over, putting herself in perfect spanking position each time.
And I did not mean to forget: b00m recently posted more of O. T. Katie, the girl who never sees her next spanking coming, and Dan did likewise with that spanker of evildoers, Captain Woodshed. Really, you don't want to miss either of these!
Last edited by web-ed on Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Add mention of O.T. Katies and Captain Woodshed
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

I always eagerly await those weekly updates. My favorite this time was the Engleman cartoon. Engleman seemed to like drawing women with nicely-rounded bottoms! His men could've used some work, but then, they weren't the center of attention, after all. I also like that you include a bit of history with the cartoons.
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Tanner »

Some good ones this week, especially the Captain Easy and Mike Nomad.
That was certainly, for the times, a skimpy suit spy Helga was wearing in Captain Easy. Little protection and sure that her bottom underneath was as red as the suit itself. Sure she needed a soft cushion next time she sat down-too bad there wasnt a panel shpwing that!
One thing I'd like to point out. You say the bikini had not invented at the time of the strip. That is true insofar as the name "bikini" for a brief two piece suit, that was not until 1946 when it got called that by its designer.
However, women were wearing two-piece swimsuits in the 1930s and 40s, though not called bikinis. In fact, one of the Smilin Jack spankings shows a spanking over a two-piece. Of course, two-piece suits then more resemble short-shorts than the bikinis that came along much later.
Spankings over scanty or revealing clothes are very appealing,just as much as the traditional panties down scene. A spanker saying something like "you're getting a good spanking for appearing in public in such an outfit" is a terrific lin
Re the Shanna update, may I suggest that she get another spanking, this time with a paddle with holes, for the belligerent attitude she is displaying!
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by jimc »

All good ones although the Mike Nomad one it seems that the previous panel she is underwater, but when she is getting spanked she seems to be dry as a bone. I am glad to see your Humorama collection as this is another great resource you have discovered and as you said i had not seen that one posted anywhere before. Thanks again web-ed for all your hard work and all your information that you share with us. have a great day.
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Weekly Updates 02/18/2011

Post by web-ed »

  • Doctor Cylon's 100th anniversary page - see his techniques applied to a classical painting!
  • New Humorama scan of the Herc "Pulling Rank" cartoon (General spanks pretty Private!).
  • Humorama series - more Herc, this time a female sailor gets a spanking instead of the traditional 20 lashes!
  • Animated film characters - it's Pocahontas' turn to go OTK this week, courtesy of Kevin Karstens and Bawdy Bard.
  • Comic Strip Spankings - Susie Q. tells her father that experts are against spanking, only to find out that he's not impressed when he turns her OTK!
  • Golden Age Comic Book Spankings - Kayo Ward was an old boxing strip, and the pug finds he needs to tame the fiery star Rupy Lavez. Dan Rivera remembered this one so well (after a number of decades!) that I used his recollections for the accompanying narrative.
  • Unscheduled Video Extra - for some time, there has been talk about the two spanking scenes from the 60's spy shows I Spy and The Man from U.N.C.L.E. In answer to an actual request, we got out our old VHS tape (U.N.C.L.E.) and more recent DVD (I Spy) and rendered the scenes into WMV format. We don't get to actually see a spanking take place in either scene (although we do get to hear part of one in I Spy), but I think these are worth looking at. Because I'm familiar with both shows (unlike modern TV series, which I don't know at all), I give some background information for those who were not around back in the 60's. Fans of NCIS may enjoy seeing a young David McCallum come within inches of laying on the spanks, while the late Robert Culp does the honors in the other scene.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

Today I checked to see whether Friday's update was done a little early, and yesss! There it was! My favorites this time were the two Herc cartoons from Humorama. (It seems like the Humorama finds are usually my favorite) I haven't seen very many of Herc's drawings, but the ones I have seen always feature ladies with nicely-rounded backsides. Of the two this week, I had seen the military one before, but at a much lower resulution (probably the same one you had posted originally), and the one on a boat was new to me. I hope you have more Herc cartoons to post later in the year!
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animated Herc

Post by hugob00m »

This started out as one of Herc's cartoons. I cropped out the background, made the lady's panties a little skimpier, and added some color before I animated it.
herc 1b.gif
herc 1b.gif (88.08 KiB) Viewed 13222 times
I hope some of you will like what I did.
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Re: Weekly Updates: Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Post by hugob00m »

You mentioned the fact that David McCallum, one of the stars of Man from U.N.C.L.E., is now in N.C.I.S. There was a funny line in... I think it was the second season, where someone asks Gibbs (the central character of the show) what Dr. Mallard (McCallum's current character) was like as a young man. Gibbs's dry response was, "Illya Kuryakin." It's not often that a former character played by one of the actors is mentioned in a TV series, but it happens sometimes in N,C.I.S.
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Re: animated Herc

Post by willjohn »

hugob00m wrote:This started out as one of Herc's cartoons. I cropped out the background, made the lady's panties a little skimpier, and added some color before I animated it.
herc 1b.gif
I hope some of you will like what I did.
He sure got her bum jiggling. Very nice! ;)
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Re: Weekly Updates for 02/18/2011

Post by web-ed »

I have to agree with willjohn - the jiggling effect is quite pleasing! :) For those curious to see the original Herc drawing on which the animation is based, it may be found here. I think I should add your animation to the page, b00m!

I wish I had some more of Herc, but alas, that's all for now. What I do have are spanking cartoons by lesser-known Humorama artists such as Paul Hamilton, plus new scans of at least a half-dozen by DeCarlo (some of these have only been seen at most rarely, but I don't want to claim they've never been seen), plus two by Homer, plus at least three new ones from Bill Wenzel, plus more than a dozen each by Ward and Stiles. At least a few of the Ward cartoons and many of the Stiles ones have not been seen before.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by jimc »

great animation b00m. I love all the Humorama ones that you are posting Web-ed as i did find that many of these were in my collection that was destroyed in the house flood and it is always great to see them again. As for keeping them in a watertight box i will probally just enjoy them from the web from now on as another thread said what happens to your collection if something happened to you and your secret collection was discovered as no one in my family does share my passion for spanking and it would just get destroyed again. So thanks for sharing these treasures and showing what was around and why many of us are spanko's. have a great day
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Weekly Updates 02/25/2011

Post by web-ed »

For links please visit the Home Page.
  • Last week under another topic, b00m requested a superior-quality scan of a Bill Wenzel cartoon in which a psychiatrist spanks his patient. This week, it's posted in the Humor Gallery, although with another caption (luckily, this was among those original Humorama digest pages I obtained and scanned not long ago).
  • Doc Cylon - a young lady finds out that it smarts when you go to visit the good doctor. We're not surprised....
  • Picture Gallery - I think a lot of us have always wanted to see Tinkerbell get spanked (I know that Dave Wolfe feels that way, because he's gone ahead and drawn her). Why? Well, it doesn't really matter why for our purposes here. We've seen some Zimmerman-Doc Cylon works along those lines, and this week from Kevin Karstens and Bawdy Bard we get a look at her clutching her smarting bottom obviously right after getting spanked by Peter Pan. And if that's not enough, we also see Wendy still across Peter's knee!
  • One thing I never get tired of is Secretary Spanking - #17 this week, followed by #18 & 19 the next two weeks, all as part of the year-long series of Humorama spanking cartoons. These three are done by the lesser-known artists Gregory, Tosh, and "Bill Power" respectively.
  • Comic Strip Spankings - F/F Sergeant/Private spanking from Terry and the Pirates. There's going to be discipline in this man's - er, this woman's army, and it's a good thing, too!
  • More spankings by sergeants in Golden-Age Comic Spankings - Sgt. Boyle does his duty when faced with the willful General's daughter! One of the very few times a ping-pong paddle was used as a spanking implement in a comic book.
  • Video Extra - A young woman named Candace heard about the spankings at the Hofbrauhaus Las Vegas, and was so intrigued she went there to see for herself. Luckily, she took a cameraman with her to record the proceedings, which we've edited to remove the inessentials and add some explanatory sub-titles. Watch as the bartendress explains to Candace how the waitress brings your shot to you on a paddle, and what the paddle is used for afterward. Candace is fascinated by the idea (she's definitely got an interest in spanking), and is soon bending over, elbows flat on the table and bottom turned up, to receive two swats - she's our kind of girl! :)
Almost forgot to mention this - alert readers may have noticed that I promised to post a spanking from the British strip "Sue" last week, but never did (I posted "Susie Q., a different strip, instead). The reason is that after looking it over very carefully, I decided that Sue was only about fourteen years old. I had been thrown off originally by her mother's statement that "You're too old for this, Sue, but I'm going to enjoy it." It wasn't an abusive scene by any means, but even so I decided to pull it because of my "no children" policy. It will be logged in the Data Base, however.
Last edited by web-ed on Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Add "Sue" explanation.
-- Web-Ed
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