Humiliation during or before a spanking

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Humiliation during or before a spanking

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Here"s a topic I don"t hear anybody talk about more often an that is humilaition of the spankee.Now to me and feel free to weigh in nothing make a spanking more exciting than to see a misbehaving brat or a full grown woman get humble with a spanking especiaily if done in front of witnesses or made to submit to the spanker via a proud queen who have lost a battle or a bad girl who admit her guilt an accept her punishment thats why I always got the most pleasure from comic books or movies that feature women being humiliated before or during a spanking! CSR I would love to hear from you about this subject being that you covered almost every spanking topic yet and have shown plenty of comics books and strips and movies plus tv shows like Bat Masterson that had a great humiliation spanking of a grown woman who had no choice but to submit herself in front of witnesses to a good spanking to pay for her crime even though I wished the writers of that show wouldv"e let us seen the spanking being given to the shaply tail of Mrs. Wells and her cries and promising to behave from now on couldv"e made this scene much much better. But thats for another topic ;) But as I stated before nothing make a spanking more excitng than to add a little humiliation to it!!"" ps think about the climax of a movie called Mclintock :lol:
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Re: Humiliation during or before a spanking

Post by web-ed »

It's interesting you should bring this up, Butch. The update schedule I've been keeping for CSR has been so demanding that I haven't had the time I'd like to write some more articles, and the question of humiliation does figure in my theory of why we spank. I would go so far as to say that humiliation is the essence of spanking. I can't launch into a full explication here, but consider that the typical spanko is not at all interested in taking the strap or the cane to someone's hand, as used to be done in U.K. schools, or in whipping the soles of the feet as the Chinese used to do. Yet taking our hand to a deserving behind, or applying the paddle or cane to the well-positioned bottom, will transport us to Heaven! It seems clear that the particular humiliation that results from the sting being received upon the buttocks and nowhere else is a key part of the experience.

There actually has been some discussion of this in two CSR articles that went into considerable detail on the question of positioning: my own How to Paddle, Strap, and Cane; and Bethany's General Spanking Information.

Bethany said this:
"Not only is the bottom exposed and emphasized but the spankee feels they are willingly "sticking it out" and presenting it for its punishment in the same way as the condemned man who must place his head on the chopping block."
And I made a similar point:
"Psychologically, making the Sub present her bottom this way is valuable because it forces greater awareness of her natural female submissiveness. It is also a good way to teach humility (especially important with the “brat” type), since being made to stick her bottom up and out will be a humbling experience for her."

As CSR readers know, I'm a stickler for good positioning, whether it be OTK or bending over. Part of this is purely practical - to enable the swats or strokes to be applied evenly and effectively - but I'd say at least half is in making the spankee experience her submission. Before giving swats to my spankee, I may not actually use the words "Stick it out for me", but that's the feeling I want her to have. (One submissive willingly bent over and, arching her back nicely, offered without any prompting from me "to stick it out for you, sir" - that was a memorable paddling indeed! :D). Combined with the sting which follows, this produces a wonderfully satisfying feeling that the spankee is well and truly humbled by the paddling. This is the "taking her down a peg" kind of feeling that Lee Falk so excelled at expressing in his Mandrake and Phantom spankings (see especially the humbling of Queen Pera the Perfect).

I'll say it again: very, very satisfying!
-- Web-Ed
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