Anyone know these Popeye cartoons?

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Re: Anyone know these Popeye cartoons?

Post by jimc »

yes, i do remember seeing them, but i cannot remember why i did not save them either (although to be honest i never really liked olive oyl as a spankee) although there were several. I seem to remember the spanking to Olive as being done by someone named Castor Oyl and i could not remember whether it was her brother, her father or her uncle and i seem to remember that Olive was spanked for she was painting and she kept painting Castor in the face, the back or something and finally he could stand it no more and took olive otk. There were many spankings in Popeye and i think every charactor got spanked at least one time in the strip (Sea Hag, Jeep, Alice the goon, Olive, etc.) and i seem to remember that the porcupine one was either based on Bette Davis in the Bride Came C.O.D as the otk and having the needles (cactus) pulled out or vice versa. have a great day
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Re: Anyone know these Popeye cartoons?

Post by web-ed »

Wish I had these in the files! I've never run across them, only some Popeye M/M stuff I didn't want to post. Some of the old "Thimble Theatre" strips have been reprinted by Fantagraphics, but I don't have any of them. I've made a quick search for the animated cartoon of Popeye spanking the Sea Hag, but haven't had time (or money) to do more because of the demands of searching through Superman strips, Superman Family comic books, and old Humorama digests. Plus I'm still doing about 5000 pages of Golden Age books each month, even after concluding the Great Golden Age Search!

I've added these to my search list and I'll take them on when I can - they would be well worth seeing even if Olive isn't the ideal spankee (too caricatured to be sexy).
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Anyone know these Popeye cartoons?

Post by Tanner »

Also remember one where Popeye spanked a old witch-like character called the Sea Hag.
Never cared much for Olive Oyl as a spankee either-too skinny a butt.
Do you have any more info on the Bette Davis movie referred to with the otk scene? Having cactus spines in the butt is not exactly a spanking but still hilarious when you imagine it happening to some actress.
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Re: Anyone know these Popeye cartoons?

Post by Tanner »

Never mind,I tracked down the Bette Davis reference. Seems she really did get cactus spines in her butt while the Bride Came COD was being filmed and the studio decided to include it in the movie itself.
Didnt sound like it was much fun for her as a story said she was in agony and had to have 45 spines extracted by the studio physician. Said that she was eating her meals standing up.
Cactus spines in the butt is not a spanking, but have to say I like the idea of this movie being remade with some of the current crop of actresses. Could be fun to imagine who we'd like to see get the role. Maybe people could pick favorites.
What about Jessica Alba or Sandra Bullock with their ample derrieres full of cactus spines?
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Re: Anyone know these Popeye cartoons?

Post by jimc »

personally i liked the BRIDE CAME C.O.D. because i could imagine that she was getting a spanking when you saw her position and then when you her her yelp when a cactus spine was removed. (like it was off-camera)there were some great stills of that one and it was one that could be said that there was indeed an otk scene in it. Sorry i could not give you more information about the movie Tanner, but i did not see the reply you made about it until you posted the never mind. Sorry about that. On Popeye i think Popeye spanked a waitress one time for disrespecting the uniform and i thought she was a little more fleshier than most of the charactors ( i think web-ed does have that one posted somewhere, but i could not find it when i looked for it.) [Here it is, Jim - Web-Ed] I thought this panel and story was some of the best that the Popeye series produced. ( i say this because everyone got spanked and most of the charactor's were not what i would consider spanking exciting). Daisy Mae being spanked in Lil Abner; Cobra getting spanked in Buz Sawyer; Marcia Monroe in Batman and the almost spanking of Lana Lang in Superboy were some of the ones i considered the most exciting as far as otk position and quite ample in the best parts (bottom,.. etc.). Have a great day
Dave Wolfe
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Re: Anyone know these Popeye cartoons?

Post by Dave Wolfe »

I can't offer any help, Dan, but I do seem to recall seeing that last panel with Olive sitting in the ice! The porcupine incident I hadn't seen, and is hilarious! Thanks! (And kudos to Jim, I also thought of Cagney and Davis in "The Bride Came C.O.D!") There are reprints of the Popeye strips available at and other places, but of course, with seventy years or so of cartoons, one might need some hints as to when those particular ones appeared!
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