The Humorama Tote Board

Spanking cartoons in the Humorama Digests and other men's magazines.
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The Humorama Tote Board

Post by web-ed »

Last Updated 10/07/2021

I thought I was making too many Humorama posts, so I decided to create this Tote Board as a sticky to keep track of where we are instead of posting a reply each time I made a new discovery. I'll update this post whenever there is significant new information regarding Humorama spanking cartoons.

Humorama X/F cartoons already posted - 229 (as of 02/26/2021)

New cartoons waiting to be posted - 0

Known to exist and positively identified as Humorama but no good scan available - 3

Not counted because identity as Humorama is not known with certainty - 2 (these are by Bill Wenzel and believed by me to have come from other as yet unidentified magazines in the 1950s)

Total Humorama - 232 (up from 229)

2020-21: Humorama Series resumes with 14 additional cartoons.

2019: The only spanking cartoon by Bill Cellers is discovered, "Summertime Spanking" from 1959.

2017: New George Morrice discovered from 1959.

2016: New cartoons discovered from all three periods: a George Morrice probably from 1956 (found the 70's reprint); several by Ward from the 1960's, which is important because none had been known from that period; and two more by Wenzel from 1973.

2015: I recently confirmed the authenticity of Mayer's "Home Remedy". That leaves us only the one by Bill Wenzel that Dan Rivera posted. It was probably Humorama and will be added to the Series once I have proof. At the time I first put the Humorama Series on hiatus because I had run out of cartoons (August 2013) I estimated there were 10 more cartoons from the classic period (1955 - 1960); eight of these have since been discovered and posted and five more discovered since then. That means I really don't expect to find anything more from the classic period, but there are still about 35 digests to examine and of course something could still be out there. There are also an unknown number from the 1970's still waiting to be discovered, my guess being any remaining date from early in Humorama's last decade, say 1972-73.

The Humorama Spanking Cartoon Data Base will generally have the latest numbers broken down by cartoonist, as well as a search facility to help you find the cartoons of any particular artist. However, cartoon in my files but not yet posted are not in the DB either.
-- Web-Ed
Dave Wolfe
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Re: The Humorama Tote Board

Post by Dave Wolfe »

:D I'll be a monkey's uncle! I just asked a question about this in another thread! Thanks, Web-Ed!
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Humorama Spanking Cartoon Breakdown

Post by web-ed »

As it looks like the Humorama Series is coming to an end (for now) on August 30, I wanted to do a few posts describing where we stand and what the future might look like, spanking cartoon-wise. For now, let's talk about the breakdown by artist, beginning with The Big Six:

Bill Ward - 38
Bill Wenzel - 21
Kirk Stiles - 38
Dan DeCarlo - 17
Homer Provence - 18
George Morrice - 27
Total - 159

The Big Six between them, then, are responsible for over 3/4 of all Humorama "spankers", fully justifying their designation.

As for the rankings, some might be surprised that Stiles ended up tied (for now) with Bill Ward, although I think there are probably more undiscovered Ward cartoons than those of Stiles (more about this in another post). Something that really came as a surprise as my search progressed was the sheer number of Morrice cartoons - 27 - landing him in second place behind Stiles and Ward.

The current Humorama numbers by artist can always be found in the new Humorama Spanking Cartoon DB, which will be officially revealed when the series concludes.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: The Humorama Tote Board

Post by web-ed »

It has occurred to me that when I update the Tote Board, because it's the first post and not a new post, no one would realize I've updated it. Therefore, I am appending this new post and will probably delete and replace it with another new one in the future as necessary.

I discovered a new George Morrice "spanker" today from 1959. :D That brings us to an even dozen cartoons waiting to be posted and increases the total number to 229. I have about 16 digests left to search from the classic period of 1955-60. They are getting very hard to find. Some others may possibly exist but no one is certain at this point. I will certainly resume the Humorama Series when I have searched these 16 if not sooner.

My original estimate of 10 unknown cartoons (from the classic period) has been surpassed and I believe now stands at 14. I have also discovered some newer ones from the 70's but do not have good copies of them yet.
-- Web-Ed
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