Humorama Spanking Cartoons

Spanking cartoons in the Humorama Digests and other men's magazines.
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The Bottom Line and other Spanking Publication

Post by web-ed »

Yes, I remember The Bottom Line, but I'm not sure if I actually ever owned a copy. Pre-internet, the best we could do was search for fetish publications in adult bookstores, and some of these would have ads for spanking-focused newsletters like The Bottom Line. I bought a number of bad spanking mags in the 80's, and also some of the cheap newsprint stuff like Bizarre and Fetish Times (which occasionally would have a Bill Ward cartoon) hoping to find some decent spanking material.

I think I was afraid someone would find my stash, so I threw it all out years ago, including (unfortunately) a collection of spanking cartoons I bought at Kinematics in New York in the early 90's. The only print stuff I have left are a couple of issues of Spank Hard, which being edited by Eve Howard was a little better than the others, and some issues of Shadow Lane's (Eve Howard again) Stand Corrected when it was still a printed magazine.
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Re: Ward Sorority Spanking Pic on Ebay

Post by Wolfie138 »

nice to see the set of these pics on the latest update. i can kinda see the point about leg positioning in some of the pics, but to be honest i like seeing legs kicking and scissoring, it gives the impression that the spanking is really doing its job.
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Re: Ward Sorority Spanking Pic on Ebay

Post by web-ed »

You're quite correct to point that out, Wolfie, since I should have done so myself and didn't. In fact, there is a trade-off to drawing kicking legs, and I only noted the disadvantages (bad line to the body, can't really spank properly like that) while ignoring the advantage (conveys that spankee feels the spanking). Which one is more important depends upon your point of view - I like to see the spankee's body positioned as attractively as possible, and to have facial expressions convey how much the spanking stings - but opinions differ.

When using a large paddle in actual practice, sometimes my spankee will move around a little after the swat, which is fine. But I always make sure she's back in position with her thighs parallel (this would be bent over, not OTK) before I apply the paddle to the target again.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Ward Sorority Spanking Pic on Ebay

Post by jimc »

I've got to say i like seeing the movement on ward spankings even though they are incorrect for a true spanker for me it is great to see it all facial expressions, otk, movement, clothing etc. So i like them because i am a otk lover and it satifies my needs so that is all i look for. The strange positions are a distraction i admit as well, but almost any spanking makes me smile.
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DSD hillbilly spanking on Retrosleaze

Post by hugob00m »

I've seen this cartoon on several sites, including CSR, but never before at this resolution!
dsd 09b.jpg
dsd 09b.jpg (251.13 KiB) Viewed 12395 times
You can actually see Decarlo's brushstrokes where he used an ink wash to add his shading! Of particular interest are the cutoffs the girl is wearing. Decarlo's shading makes her butt look three-dimensional! I think if I was in Clem's place, I wouldn't be just leaning against that tree!

I found this on the Retrosleaze website. Unfortunately, the caption and signature are missing, but there are plenty of other copies that retain the DSD signature... and even if there weren't other copies with the signature intact, Decarlo's style would be instantly recognizable.
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Re: DSD hillbilly spanking on Retrosleaze

Post by web-ed »

Boom, this is superb - thanks for posting it! I'll add it to the CSR page where I had a xeroxed version along with Funbun's bare-bottomed enhancement (I wonder what Funbun could have done if he had started with with this one!).

For the first time, we can see that DeCarlo intended the buttocks to provide a really well-defined, tempting target. :o I wonder if that was true with any of his other spanking cartoons?
-- Web-Ed
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Re: DSD hillbilly spanking on Retrosleaze

Post by jimc »

there was this article in my local paper before Dan De Carlo passed away and the author mentioned secretaries and hillbillies getting spanked and i always liked the captions (this one "i know i deserve a spanking, but can't cousin clem give it to me"and another where a blonde hillbilly woman in a flour sack is getting spanked by her Paw for eloping after he had bought a new shot gun for the wedding and boom's favorite where the secretary says"they never told me i could get spanked in secretarial school if i made mistakes") I am such a big fan of his otk (positioning, captions, models etc.) that even though i might have seen that picture a dozen times any time a new perpective is posted i still get excited by it like it was a new find. thanks for posting it.
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Re: DSD hillbilly spanking on Retrosleaze

Post by web-ed »

You'll be glad to know, Jim, that the blonde hill girl spanked by her Pa for eloping plus seven other DeCarlo spanking cartoons are in my files and will be featured as a series. I'm thinking I'd like to clear out my miscellaneous humor cartoons first, though.
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Re: DSD hillbilly spanking on Retrosleaze

Post by jimc »

i appreciate all your finds web-ed and i like that you share them with us. It seems like there were many of the the teenage-tennis meets. I remember archie giving Veronica a mighty swat and i seem to recall several others that involved spanking with a tennis racket (of course as a humorous side bar not a true spanking(pity).and it seem there were some fetching tennis outfits that certainly had many thinking of another use for them.)
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Re: DSD hillbilly spanking on Retrosleaze

Post by Tanner »

Jim, your remark about "fetching tennis outfits" brings to mind something I may have mentioned before. I once saw a comment that "there was nothing like a tennis dress to make a woman look sexy." I say that a tennis dress is a perfect outfit for a woman to be wearing when she gets a spanking.
Short skirt flipped up, her tennis panties soundly spanked-until they are lowered for a spanking on the bare.
Years ago in the fetish mag Nugget I saw a cartoon depicting a very different outcome of the famous Battle of the Sexes tennis match between Bobby Riggs and Billy Jean King.
As we know she won the match. But in the cartoon he won and the deal was loser gets spanked.
It shows her over a grinning Riggs' knee, panties down, getting spanked on her bare bottom with a tennis racket. Her facial expression shows that it is a painful one indeed.
I'd guess this was from the late 70s or maybe early 80s. What a great addition it would be here if it could be found.

New scans of familiar toons

Post by daneldorado »

Hi... Here are two DSD toons we have probably all seen before, but I have never seen them in such good scans. Hope you enjoy.

If you DO enjoy them, let me know. Even if you DON'T enjoy them, please let me know that too.



Check out the badge number on that cop. Remind you of anyone?

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Re: New scans of familiar toons

Post by hugob00m »

These are great! Thank you for posting them! I have seen both of those cartoons before, but not such high-resolution scans. The ones you found show the original brushstrokes, and most important, the appealing roundness of the ladies' backsides the way DeCarlo drew them!
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Just the Facts, Dan ...

Post by web-ed »

[Note: moved this topic over here from "Comic-Book and Superhero Spanking"]

These are great, Dan - two from your namesake, Dan DeCarlo, who may have been the most consistently excellent of the Humorma "Big Five" spanking cartoonists (Ward, Wenzel, Stiles, DeCarlo, and Homer).

First, the Cop Spanks Speeder one is a much clearer scan than the xeroxed copy I had posted in the Humor Section years ago, to which this version will now be added. Always watching for the possibility of creating secondary gags in your own work, you have alerted us all to another in DeCarlo's as well: the cop's badge number, 714, will always be remembered by those of us past a certain age as belonging to Sgt. Joe Friday on the Dragnet radio and television shows. (Actually, I don't suppose the badge# could have been on radio - I'm not old enough to have heard the program on radio, although I know it was there). The first of the three T.V. versions came out in the early 50's, and DeCarlo must have had it in mind when he did this cartoon. Dragnet was so unique in its way that humorists have never been able to resist poking fun at it. (The famous phrase, "Just the facts, Ma'am" is attributed to Jack Webb playing Friday, but I don't know if he ever actually said it).

The Principal Spanks Teacher appeared in Humorama with a couple of different captions. I have both versions in the files, and they will be posted later this year as part of the Humorama series. I do have one excellent scan I made from Mike's collection, but it was torn from whatever digest it appeared in and is slightly less complete than this version. Anyway, you can't go wrong when a female teacher is on the receiving end of corporal punishment for a change!

Thanks for contributing these. It bears repeating (and I'm sure to repeat this over the next year) that having a good-quality scan makes a great deal of difference. The artist's intention (and skill) become much more apparent, and in some cases the drawings become more erotic as well.
Last edited by web-ed on Thu Jan 20, 2011 1:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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-- Web-Ed
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Re: New scans of familiar toons

Post by jimc »

yes, they are great original scans. I never paid any attention to the cops badge # until you brought it up. And yes Sgt. Friday was a memorable charactor of the times. I do think that i did watch the episode where he did say "just the facts,maam" and did remember that after Dragnet was Emergency (where his ex-wife Julie London and her current husband Bobby Troup were in it.) and Adam-12 and i wrote a fan fiction story about it. i think i was 12 or 13 at the time and this was this line in it that just seemed to make my heart race when i heard it and i carried out the scene to its logical conclusion even though it did not happen in the show. I alwys liked this particular model of Decarlo as it is Veronica from the Archie comics and i always thought Veronica was the most spankable of all the comic book stars. Although i did often think of almost all the comic strip women as being spankable (there were always some that i wanted more than others to be spanked and did trace them getting spanked in a composite way {a spanker from somewhere else spanking a posed other figure})and Veronica was one i used the most it seems. Have a great day.
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Humorama Spanking Cartoons

Post by web-ed »

I'm creating this topic so I can merge the various Humorama-themed posts underneath it, with the object of beautifying the board a little.

I'll also take this opportunity to mention that although I have enough Humorama cartoons to run one each week through the remainder of 2011, I've still been researching further into these "spankers" as the editor called them. The most significant question is, how many more "spankers" are there that we don't yet know about? By straining my eyes examining all the available thumbnailed cover scans, I believe I've identified two cartoons that haven't been seen before. Unfortunately, I don't have any details, except the publication dates of the digests, which may not have been the first time the cartoons appeared. I can't even make out who the artists are, although in other two cases I recognized Bill Wenzel cartoons which either have already been posted on CSR or will be shortly. Needless to say, I will continue to hunt for these two cartoons and any others which may turn up.

[05/09/2011 Update: I was surprised when I recently found one of the two mentioned, because it was another F/M scene by Kirk Stiles! That makes two, and it's certainly enough for me. I will probably post it, but not as part of the current Humorama series which is purely X/F. I still haven't found the other cartoon. Also, I believe the first ever Humorama spanking cartoon is still out there, but I'm not sure - all I have is a description. So at this time, I believe there are still at least two cartoons waiting to be found, and there may of course be more, especially from Bill Ward. When the series is concluded, I'll tally up the posted cartoons along with any others I know about and see where we stand.]
Last edited by web-ed on Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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-- Web-Ed
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Re: Humorama Spanking Cartoons: Wenzel

Post by hugob00m »

Besides Dan Decarlo, a cartoonist I really like is Bill Wenzel. There is one of his cartoons that I used to have a really good copy of and now all I have is this...
Wenzel 04.jpg
Wenzel 04.jpg (176.39 KiB) Viewed 10190 times
Even at this resolution, you can see how good he is at drawing women's curves and suggesting the drape of their clothing (when they're wearing any) with a few penstrokes and an ink wash. You can see that this lady's dress is made of some kind of slinky, semi-sheer, curve-hugging fabric, and that she isn't wearing anything under it. PLEASE! Does anyone have a copy of this that was scanned at a higher resolution?
Last edited by hugob00m on Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Humorama Spanking Cartoons: Wenzel continued

Post by hugob00m »

Here is another Bill Wenzel cartoon that I enioy...
Wenzel 01a.jpg
Wenzel 01a.jpg (117.71 KiB) Viewed 10190 times
I don't think Wenzel ever drew his spankees with their skirts raised, but this girl's dress, stretched so tightly across her backside that it could almost burst, makes her look incredibly erotic, even though she's fully-clothed!
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Re: Humorama Spanking Cartoons: one more Wenzel

Post by hugob00m »

I just ran across this one recently...
Wenzel 25a.jpg
Wenzel 25a.jpg (64.87 KiB) Viewed 10188 times
The positioning is terrible! It looks like the woman is about to slide off the man's lap and fall on her face! However, the shading more than makes up for this cartoon's faults. Again, with just a few well-placed penstrokes and some masterful application of an ink-wash, he's made the dress look like it's made of some kind of shiny gossamer fabric with nothing but skin underneath.
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Re: Humorama Spanking Cartoons by Wenzel

Post by web-ed »

Ask and ye shall receive! As it happens, I recently came into possession of copies from the original Humorama digests of both these Wenzel cartoons (and 60 others!). I spent a whole day scanning them at high resolutions, so now it's only a question of when I can get them all posted.

As for the General spanking one, yes indeed, that dress was stretched nice and taut across her backside! Bare bottoms were rare in Humorama during the 50's and 60's (the recent Earl Engleman "Spanking Breeze" being one) so this is the best we could reasonably hope for. This one has only rarely been seen on the web, so thanks for posting it here. [Later note: the bare bottom in Engleman's "Spanking Breeze" was found to be a later, altered version of the original, which had tight-fitting shorts - Web-Ed.]

The other one has appeared with two captions: the one on this version, which I believe to have been the original, and a later version which reads "A well-rounded education begins from the bottom up!". I came upon your version earlier this year, confirming what I had long suspected about the existence of an earlier caption, while the new scan is of the version with the "education" caption (but it does have the complete art).

In the future, the new high-quality scan of the "education" version will be added to the page linked to above, while the "General" one will get a new page in the ongoing "Humorama" series. When? I've been thinking I should mix up the new scans of The Big Five (Ward, Wenzel, Stiles, DeCarlo, and Homer) with the lesser-known artists, which is what I've been featuring so far. I promise to make an effort to get the "education" one out there soon. [12/09/2011 Update: I added another scan, this one from the cartoon's first appearance, to the linked page above - Web-Ed.]

I have three other Wenzel cartoons that have never been seen before, so stay tuned!
Last edited by web-ed on Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Humorama Spanking Cartoons Through 2011

Post by web-ed »

I've come into possession of a few more Humorama "spankers" - not of the same quality as Mike's collection, unfortunately, but still of interest. The new totals by artist are:

Ward - 18
Wenzel - 2
DeCarlo - 8
Homer - 5
Stiles - 19
Morrice - 6
Ficklen - 1
Misc - 7
Total - 66

And this doesn't include alternate versions of cartoons already posted!

I figure I'll have to post two per week to get through them all by the end of the year, so beginning May 20 that's what I'll do.

I also found four more F/M ones - three by Ward and one by Stiles whose existence I had suspected from my examination of various Humorama cover scans. I'm not going to pollute the Humorama series with these, but I may post them eventually.
-- Web-Ed
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