Putting you in the pink

Spanking cartoons in the Humorama Digests and other men's magazines.
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Putting you in the pink

Post by daneldorado »

Hiya Web-ed:

A couple of weeks ago you posted a toon by someone named "Hamilton," but you said that there was some strange "verbiage" at the top that didn't seem to belong. I went into my files to look for that pic, and sure enough here it is! (Sans verbiage, plus this copy is a bit longer than the first one.)



New old finds

Post by daneldorado »

Hiya Web-ed:

While rummaging through my old files, I found two more that I don't believe have been posted here, yet.



Sorry the picture quality couldn't be better. These were taken from old Xerox copies.

The pic with the young woman in the sailboat shows her in high heels. Should be a no-no in navigation, right? Ahh, but her legs look so much better in heels! :D

Any comments?

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Re: Putting you in the pink

Post by web-ed »

As always, thanks for posting these, Dan. Your version of Paul Hamilton's "In the Pink" is indeed more complete than mine (which came from Mike's collection), and it has Hamilton's signature, which I was forced to do without (luckily, it wasn't that hard to identify his style based on other cartoons in my possession). I will add this one to the existing page.

I found and posted an altered version of Homer Provence's Boat Spanking Composite, as I named it, a couple of years ago. Then later I got the complete art, but still lacked the caption, which you have now provided. This one, too, will be added to the existing page. I don't believe there are any new Homer "spankers" still out there.

Finally, I had suspected there was at least one more spanking cartoon of Kirk Stiles out there, so I'm very glad to have this one. We'll have to wait for the totals, but this one may put Stiles in a tie for most Humorama "spankers" with Bill Ward! I expect it dates from the late 50's, and it has Stiles' usual characteristics, plus the unusual addition of the spankee's mother to the cast! The broken bra strap is a Stiles spanking motif we've seen before, and it was about as far as Abe Goodman seems to have been willing to go - Playboy had just started featuring bare bosoms, and Goodman didn't seem too eager to push the envelope at Humorama, although in a few years things would change dramatically. By that time, Stiles had moved to Florida and apparently retired from cartooning, so he missed his chance to do the bare bosoms I'm certain he always wanted to.

I'll certainly add this one to the Humorama Series, probably near the end. I still hope to finish with an OTK cartoon no one has seen before, but I don't have too many possibilities left.
-- Web-Ed
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