Homer Composite Boat Spanking

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Chicago Spanking Review Special Series

The Humorama Spanking Cartoons!

#216 - Paddle A-Stern!

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composite boat spanking by homer

Posted by the Web-Ed on 11/19/2010

For the final entry in our series on the work of Homer Provence we have another composite work, by whom we don't know. It may well be whoever did that F/F composite spanking. This one was probably inspired by the earlier boat spanking, but both figures are considerably different here. We went over our collection of Homer's cartoons and still aren't sure how the artist did this one - he may have reversed and otherwise modified the figures. The Captain's face reminds us of a shark's head, but whether this was intentional we can't say. If so, it's a pretty subtle joke.

In any case, we're pretty satisfied with the results - a nice bare-bottom spanking!

This is the last of Homer's spanking cartoons in our files. Needless to say, if we find any others, we'll present them right here in this gallery.

original boat spanking by homer

Posted by the Web-Ed on 06/24/2011

06/24/2011 Update: here is the original version of the cartoon. Once again, it turned out not to be an actual composite of Homer's figures as we had at first thought, but the cartoon above was extensively altered. The observer was removed and the captain's head only was reversed with his eye changed, why we don't know, and of course the spankee's bottom was bared. Also unknown are the original caption and date of publication. Perhaps the gag was another "she told me to paddle her out in the middle of the lake" type, or perhaps the boat's name, "Miss Take," came into play. Boating may not have been Homer's thing, since he didn't seem to realize that 12-foot rowboats aren't generally named.

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