Chicago Spanking Review

Extasis #4

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extasis #4 from spankcitement blog

Posted by the Web-Ed on 05/27/2022 (click to increase in size).

"Big Stories for Adults" promises the cover of Extasis (Ectasy) #4. We don't know how big the stories may have been inside this issue, but the cover certainly features a nice big butt! It takes up basically the entire width of the cover, and offhand we can't remember seeing a bigger one in a comic book, not even R. Crumb's preposterous Big Ass Comics. Best of all, it's getting spanked, and we're "ecstatic" about it!

We couldn't find out anything about Extasis or locate any physical copies of the book, but it would appear to be a title worth looking into if the opportunity to do so ever arises. Our notes credit this one to Spankcitement Blog, but we can't find any indication that this site exists or that it ever did. Thanks to whomever put this one out on the internet where we presume we found it.

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