Chicago Spanking Review

Mary Worth Spanking #3

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With two known spankings from Mary Worth (not counting the one from Apple Mary, even though it is now known the two characters are one and the same), it was always possible there would be a third, and sure enough, CSR Chief Researcher Sweetspot has discovered one. It's not as good as the earlier two - just a rather playful swat - but it counts. We don't have any background for it so here it is without further ado.

lena pry spanks jane arden's receptionist in the jane arden comic strip

Laddie swats Dollie in the Mary Worth comic strip of January 17, 1965. Scan by Sweetspot. © Publishers Syndicate.

mary worth laddie swats dollie

The spanking panel, such as it is. Scan by Sweetspot. © Publishers Syndicate. Posted by the Web-Ed on 03/15/2019.

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