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Chicago Spanking Review Special Presentation

2011 - A Year of Humorama Spanking Cartoons!

#12 - Wenzel Doctor Spanks Patient

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humorama bill wenzel doctor spanks patient

Another CSR exclusive, from Mike's collection. Scanned from the original 60's Humorama page by the Web-Ed and posted on 03/18/2011.

As one of the Humorama Big Five (Ward, Wenzel, Stiles, DeCarlo, and Homer - a designation coined by us), Bill Wenzel's work commands a lot of attention among spankos. In this cartoon, which has never been seen on the web before, a doctor spanks his hypochondriac patient:   "You probably won't like it, Miss Twipps, but this is my treatment for phony symptoms!"

This course of treatment is probably not approved by the State Board of Medical Examiners, but it is approved by us! We find the doctor's use of the word "probably" rather interesting - has he had previous experience with female patients who did enjoy the spanking treatment?

Wenzel provides us with an exceptionally good-looking patient-spankee here. She's more slender than his usual well-fed girls, and she's also positioned very attractively over the doctor's knee with her bottom raised nice and high. Regarding the quality of his cartoons, Wenzel is normally as consistent as DeCarlo, but he does make the compositional mistake here of spanking with the wrong hand. Still, this is a fine "spanker" (as the editors used to call them).

wenzel doctor spanks patient modified by oxken

03/25/2011 Update: When he saw the damaged paper, Oxken decided some restoration was in order. While he was at it, he changed things so the doctor is spanking with the right hand (in a double sense). This required flipping the image, re-reversing the right hand, and constructing a new left hand for the doctor - an amazing use of photoshop!

Our thanks to Oxken for providing this to us so quickly.

wenzel doctor spanks patient modified by oxken

From Gaze (June 1957, Web-Ed's collection). Click to double-size.

01/20/2012 Update: We have now obtained a copy of the June, 1957 issue of Gaze in which this cartoon made its first appearance. In fact, it was the splash page of that issue, and we can now see a few details that were in the missing, torn-off section of the reprinted version above.

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