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Chicago Spanking Review Special Series

The Humorama Spanking Cartoons!

#132 - Secretary Spanking #35 (Homer Shorthand Spanking)

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From Comedy (March 1960, Steve W.'s collection). Posted by the Web-Ed on 03/22/2013 (click to triple-size).

During the course of this series, we have seen thirty-four previous examples of a secretary being spanked for a variety of solid reasons such as misspelling one single word. This time, our spankee didn't even make it out of Secretarial School before getting her fanny whacked as her shorthand instructor drives home Lesson #4 using the textbook - and probably not the way the author intended! Homer Provence almost borrows from Dan DeCarlo here - with DeCarlo, the secretary never does understand that her mistakes are not the true reason she winds up over her boss's knee - but this one has a highly skeptical expression on her face indicating she's not quite buying that this is really what Lesson #4 is supposed to be about. As for the "flying colors" female students are expected to pass with, this would seem to be a reference to the flaming color that soon appears where the lesson-book is applied.

To the best of our knowledge, this is the last of Homer's Humorama spanking cartoons (he did at least one for another publisher, but it was not M/F). When Steve W sent it to us, we immediately remembered it from somewhere in pre-internet times, but we don't recall ever seeing it since, so we're going to regard this as another CSR first. Except for the gag, it has all of Homer's usual characteristics: slender spankee with long lower legs and an expression indicating some intelligence, upraised skirt, reasonably good OTK positioning, and a spanker who certainly enjoys what he's doing!

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