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Chicago Spanking Review Special Presentation

2011 - A Year of Humorama Spanking Cartoons!

#22 - Spanking the (Upstairs) Maid

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What is it about maids that makes us want to spank them? We ponder that deep philosophical question as our Bill Ward F/F mini-series continues with an upstairs maid whose scandalous behavior leads the lady of the house to apply some much-needed OTK punishment. Good positioning, and the spanker has a pleasant expression on her face that somewhat belies the stated reason for the punishment ("You were made downstairs by the water-meter man"). A Maid's uniform has long been seen as a sexy costume, but only Ward would make one out of silk satin!

We have two versions: on the left is a photostatic copy of what must have been its first appearance, from the December 1957 issue of Gaze; on the right is a high-resolution scan we made from Mike's collection that probably appeared in the November 1964 Romp.

humorama bill ward f/f a girl spanks the upstairs maid

Posted by the Web-Ed on 05/27/2011.

humorama bill ward f/f a girl spanks the upstairs maid

From Mike's collection, scanned by Web-Ed. Click to double-size.

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