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Chicago Spanking Review Special Presentation

2011 - A Year of Humorama Spanking Cartoons!

#52 - Swatting More Flies

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Bill Ward used the "swatting flies" motif for the second and last time (as far as we know) in this cartoon, which was provided by Overbarrel. This time, the spanker uses the resemblance to flies of the pattern on the spankee's dress to justify giving her a good whack on the fanny - better than just making up an imaginary fly as the fellow did last time, but not wholly convincing, either.

This cartoon probably made its first appearance in the November, 1956 Comedy, the cover of which is also reproduced below. It's definitely on the cover (reversed image) and was probably inside as well.

humorama bill ward fly spanking

From Overbarrel's collection.

humorama comedy cover with bill ward fly spanking
bill ward fly spanking colored by todd

Colored by Todd.

04/13/2012 Update: Here's a version that Todd colored and posted on A.S.S.

bill ward fly spanking cartoon from laugh digest

From Laugh Digest (Oct. 1962, Web-Ed's collection.) Click to double-size.

11/23/2012 Update: A hard copy of this cartoon eluded us for a long time, but we finally found one in the October, 1962 issue of Laugh Digest which would have been its second printing. The wealth of new detail really improves the cartoon's appearance, and this is certainly one of Ward's better non-OTK efforts. It's no surprise that it came from Ward's early (pre-1960) period. The spankee does of course have an extra-large bosom, but she also has a beautiful face and a very well-proportioned fanny.

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