Chicago Spanking Review

Husband Hunter

Newspaper and Magazine Gallery

We continue our mini-series of contributions from Alan (Ahonda on the CSR Bulletin Board) with what appears to be a story called "Husband Hunter" from an unknown magazine. We do have the writer's name - Ruth Bandao Ferrari - but we could find out nothing about her. We'd guess that a spanking took place somewhere in the story, and being naturally regarded as the highlight of the piece is the one the editor decided to illustrate with a photo. On the right side of the page all we can make out is "posed by professional models" - was the editor worried that readers might think the characters were real people? - but the male model bears a startling resemblance to a young Bill Clinton ("I did not spank that woman!"). Decent OTK positioning is probably the highlight here as we don't know how to describe the female model's expression. She seems rather unconcerned, which may mean the first spank has yet to be delivered.

On the left side the printing is in better focus: "When a girl with a temper turns into a tempter [this should have been "temptress" - Web-Ed], no man is safe". "Bill" there looks pretty safe to us, but never mind. We can't figure out what that blurb has to do with husband-hunting, unless the idea is that the girl so fills a man with desire for her that he proposes, which certainly dates this piece as coming from the time before the sexual revolution, nominally in the 1960s, really took hold around the middle 70s (we remember because we were there). Before we get too distracted by this subject, we should also note the style of the man's suit - indeed, the fact that he's even wearing a suit! - dates this story as coming from a less slovenly era than today's.

spanking in magazine story called husband hunter

Husband hunting apparently comes with some perils as this young husband hunter finds out. Screen print of an unknown magazine page taken by Alan from the internet. Posted by the Web-Ed on 03/17/2023 (click to increase in size).

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