New Finds

Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
Forum rules
* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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Golden Age Search - I.W. and Key

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I.W. pages searched: 1017 Cumulative Pages: 236485 Spankings: 0
Key pages searched: 1531 Cumulative Pages: 238013 Spankings: 0

I.W. and Key were both small publishing houses, and in the limited number of pages I was able to search from each I found no spankings. I.W. seems mainly to have dealt in reprint material, and they did reprint the infamous Frontier Romances #1, but there were no spankings among the available scans.
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Golden Age Search - Magazine Publications

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Pages searched: 8023 Cumulative Pages: 246036 Spankings: 3

Magazine Publications had a fair number of titles, most of them Westerns, or so it seemed to me as I was wading through them all. I'm not a big Western fan to begin with, and there is only one known M/F spanking in a Western non-Romance comic book (Two-Gun Kid #5 - I consider the Western-Romance hybrids to belong to the Romance genre). Still, you never know what you'll find until you look. Unfortunately, when I did look, I found no M/F spankings in the Westerns or even the other titles. The totals:

M/F: 0
F/F: 0
F/M: 2
M/M: 1

I don't plan to post any of these. The M/M is standard slapstick, and only one of the two F/M scenes is at all notable, and then only because the art seems to have been by Dan DeCarlo (who did so many M/F Humorama cartoons as well as the Archie books) and a paddle was used. As usual, these are already in the Comics Spanking Data Base and details can be found by searching on "Magazine" as the publisher.
Last edited by web-ed on Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Accidentally included some MLJ stuff in discussion - will be reserved for a later post.
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Golden Age Search Results - MLJ (Archie) Publications

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Pages searched: 14760 Cumulative Pages: 260796 Spankings: 18

Although MLJ (Archie) wasn't a large company, a large proportion their public domain material is fortunately available, and it was both pleasurable to go through and extremely fruitful, with 18 spankings (not including two of Katy Keen's sister or the two of Betty and Veronica, or Veronica's two other known spanking situations, or the other suspected Veronica spanking with tennis racquet)! I won't say much about the line here since I'm sure to go on at length when I post on their missed opportunities, of which there were many. For now, let's accentuate the positive and just say that it was generally a good line, then review these 18, which is a remarkably high "spanking density" even if we confine ourselves to the adult M/F ones (5).

F/M: 0 - thankfully, there were none of these.
F/F: 0 - this remains the rarest type during the Golden Age.

M/M: 9 - these ran the gamut from men spanking boys to diminutive bad guys being punished to slapstick paddling to Archie getting paddled at an initiation ceremony. I probably will post three of them, but not anytime soon since I had my fill of this kind of material during the recent "Weird Spankings" last October. There were also a number of "implied spankings" received by Archie, Jughead, and Wilbur, usually from their fathers, but in Wilbur's case also by a group of his friends, which is a little disturbing. Thankfully, these were implied and not actually shown so I don't have to document them.

M/F: 9 - Four of these were Li'l Jinx being spanked by her father, which seemed to happen almost every issue. They won't be posted but I will document them all separately in the Comics Spanking Data Base where currently all I have is one generic entry. I don't particularly seek out the details of child-spankings, but when I stumble on them I will handle them in this manner.

The fifth was rather strange, with a squirrel using a miniature paddle on a pretty girl in a kissing booth! This came from a rather undistinguished strip called Snoop McGook. After reading the story, I can't say that it makes much sense, but one paddle-swat definitely finds its mark, so it counts!

#6 was Suzie as a governess getting spanked by a rich boy - this one was the best-known and was already posted last summer. This is still the only known Suzie-spanking, but she should have received many more and I would not be surprised if one more was still out there waiting to be found. I'll say more about this over on the "Missed Opportunities" topic.

#7 was Kayo Ward spanking Rupy Lavez. I had been alerted to the existence of this one by Dan Rivera, who remembered seeing it as a newspaper strip many years ago. Neither of us realized at the time that it had been reprinted by Archie, but of course I remembered Dan's description (which was remarkably accurate after so many years) as soon as I saw it. This is an excellent scene and I plan to present it as part of the Feb. 18 update.

#8 was Sergeant Boyle. This one is certainly known to, although they haven't presented a detailed discussion of it yet. It's a fine scene with good OTK positioning and a ping-pong paddle raised over the spankee's bottom! The only drawback is that the paddle doesn't actually fall (it sure as hell should have) when the spankee decides to comply with the spanker's commands. Still, I'm counting it as a spanking. Look for it on Feb. 25.

Lastly, #9 was perhaps the strangest of all, from a Shield story. The Shield was probably Archie's preeminent super-hero, predating the character of Archie Andrews who of course later gave the company its name. In this story, two living puppets are created by a mad genius and act out his mental commands. Exactly why he commanded the male to spank the female is not clear, but we'll take it! The OTK positioning is excellent with the spankee's bottom raised nice and high! I expect to post it on March 4.
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Golden Age Search - Novelty Press

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Pages searched: 8358 Cumulative Pages: 269154 Spankings: 5

Novelty Press was a small house with only nine titles. For the most part, I consider them run-of-the-mill, although there was a small number of L. B. Cole covers and some Simon & Kirby art. Unfortunately, all five spankings I found were M/M! The most unusual of these was probably Sgt. Spook, the ghost of a policeman, spanking Jerry to convince him that he (Spook) is real. This is a little strange, to say the least, and will certainly not be posted. Details as usual in the Comics Spanking Data Base.

At least we need not lament any missed opportunities. I suppose Toni Gayle had some possibilities, and I was curious to see if Walter Johnson did any spankings in The Cadet (he didn't, at least not in the available issues), but overall the stories did not tend in directions that would have made spankings plausible. Quite a contrast with Archie/MLJ, where with less than twice as many pages there were over three times as many spankings, half of which were M/F!
Last edited by web-ed on Thu Feb 10, 2011 6:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Correct cumulative total
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Golden Age Search - Orbit, Parents Mag., and Prize

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Pages Searched: 226
Cumulative Pages Searched: 269380
Spankings: 0

Parents Magazine Inst.
Pages Searched: 1310
Cumulative Pages Searched: 270690
Spankings: 0

Prize Comics
Pages Searched: 6768
Cumulative Pages Searched: 277458
Spankings: 4

Orbit and Parents Magazine were both small publishing houses, and I found no spankings in either one. Prize Comics on the other hand was a more substantial house, and I located 4 spankings there, none of which were exceptional. I will have more to say about the missed opportunities in (no surprise) the "Missed Opportunities" topic. I will only note here that there was some superior artwork from two famous teams, Joe Simon & Jack Kirby and John Severin & Will Elder. None of the spankings were done by them (Simon & Kirby do have one known spanking to their credit, but it was over in Harvey's Green Hornet and was M/M).

Now for the spankings details:
F/F - 0. Still very rare during the Golden Age.
F/M - 1. This is a mother/son scene from Dixie Dugan, fairly amusing, but will not be posted.
M/M - 2. Wish these were as rare as F/F! One is a disciplinary uncle/nephew scene, while the other is a slapstick paddle swat. Neither will be posted.
M/F - 1. This is from Young Romance #69, but is disappointing for a romance book - it's father/daughter, which would be o.k. except the father is not exactly the loving type. He seems rather brutal; nonetheless, this one will be posted.

The others will as usual be listed in the Comics Spanking Data Base.
Last edited by web-ed on Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Correct mistaken attribution.
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Golden Age Search - Other Avenues & Corrupted Files

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Just to prove I haven't been idle - if you call searching 1000 pages per day "idle" (my rate in February so far) - here's what else I've been doing to obtain even more comic-related stuff:
  • I'm expecting to receive some more material from another contributor (my thanks!), but I don't know exactly what this comprises.
  • I searched some old Green Hornet reprints, not the Harvey ones (which I think are well worth seeking out as high-potential sources) but some of the 1940 Helnit Publishing run - no spankings, though.
  • I've got printed versions of two probable spanking books on the way. Unfortunately, one of these is some weird alternate universe version of Marvel's Punisher which I'm afraid is probably F/M , while the other is Lois Lane spanking Super-Tot - not exactly what most of us would like to see (why didn't Super-Tot ever spank Lois?). I am genuinely weary of non-M/F material, but nonetheless there is a strong probability that both of these will wind up getting posted, of course with the now-standard F/M warning labels so readers can avoid them if they wish. [Later note - that Punisher thing was F/M, and it really stunk on all levels. No way it's getting posted - I may throw it in the trash.]
  • I have secured a copy of a known spanking issue (M/F, thankfully) of an old war comic book which should arrive any day now. You might have seen it before thanks to Spiritworks, but it's a good one, and in fact only the second known spanking (first chronologically) in a war comic. :)
  • I have located another Golden Age teen humor book which I have long suspected contains a spanking panel; however, this is as yet unconfirmed and I probably cannot afford this one since I'm broke. :(
  • During my (digital) GA search, I downloaded a number of apparently-corrupted files. You see, most digital comics are in the form of compressed folders, which I then decompress and search page-by-page. A number of these failed to decompress, giving error messages "no files" or "archive probably corrupted". I retained these folders thinking that I might write a program to spit out a list of them, but instead I later found out what the original users had done wrong (heroes all for scanning these books, and not to be disparaged because they lacked certain technical know-how) and am now in the process of going back over a lot of old files (at least 20 DVD's worth!) to search these issues. So far, the only new spanking to emerge from this auxiliary search is one more Captain Marvel M/M scene. No, I can't remember how many that makes, and I just don't have the heart to consult the Comics Spanking Data Base to find out since I'm sure the answer would depress me. :cry: I don't know whether I'll post it or not, but it will of course be logged in the Data Base eventually.
Last edited by web-ed on Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Add note on crappy Punisher book.
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Golden Age Search: Rural, Spark, and Star

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Rural Home
Pages Searched: 1340 Cumulative Pages: 278798 Spankings: 0

Spark Publications
Pages Searched: 510 Cumulative Pages:279308 Spankings: 0

Star Publications
Pages Searched: 1755 Cumulative Pages:281063 Spankings: 0

As you can see from the page totals, there weren't a lot of books available from any of these publishers, and as far as spankings went, I came up with a big goose egg. However, this was far from a wasted effort, because the last of these, Star (which does have two known already-posted spankings), proved to be a treasure trove of unbelievable sexual references and innuendos. :mrgreen: I'll have much more to say on this, along with examples, in the
Missed Opportunities topic.
Last edited by web-ed on Sat Feb 26, 2011 1:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Correct Star totals.
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Golden Age Search - Sterling and St. John - plus Silver Age

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Another week, another 9000 pages... Not much to show for it, though.

Sterling totals
Pages Searched: 609 Cumulative Pages: 281672 Spankings Found: 0

St. John totals
Pages Searched: 8434 Cumulative Pages: 290106 Spankings Found: 0

That's right - not a single spanking! :( Of course, Sterling was a very small outfit, but St. John had enough pages (and some good artists, too) that we might reasonably have hoped for one nice spanking. As a matter of fact, I suspect there is one spanking among St. John's titles, but I haven't been able to get a hold of that particular issue. With so many pages, we would expect some Missed Opportunities, and I'll be posting them under the topic of that name.

I'm nearing the end of my Great Golden Age Search, but before that it will reach 300,000 pages, more than I ever expected at the beginning. The Comics Spanking Data Base too is larger than I would ever have expected a year ago when I first began working on its design. In fact, it's so large (more than 350 spankings!) that I should add some new search features, but I can't undertake all that coding while the GA search is going on (sigh) - maybe later this year.

If that weren't enough, I've also embarked on a very limited Silver Age search for Superman-family spankings. I'd like to find out once and for all if there's any real possibility that the Holy Grail of superhero spankings (Superman/Supergirl) exists. So far, though, I haven't been looking in the most likely places, and all I've found is Bizarro-Lois trying to spank Bizarro Junior! This is basically another (bizarro) version of the super-tot "spankings" we've seen before. I'll post it eventually.
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Golden Age Search: Story, and Corrupted Files

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Pages searched: 1652 Cumulative Pages: 291758 Spankings: 0

Corrupted Files:
Pages searched: 13055 Cumulative Pages: 304813 Spankings: 9 Cumulative Spankings: 154

Story was a small house, and I wasn't too disappointed when I didn't find anything there.

What I'm calling "Corrupted Files" were compressed archives of comics from numerous publishers that I had been unable to read. Fortunately, I kept most of them, so when I discovered what the problems were I unpacked and examined them (the fine people who scanned these books occasionally wrestled with the technology when uploading them in archived form). Nine spankings, with a small number of files still beyond my power to restore or else deleted entirely. The details:

M/M: 5
F/M: 2
F/F: 0
M/F: 2

One of the M/F ones involves a child so will not be posted (Imogene is spanked again in Dixie Dugan), but the other is that wonderful old staple, a royal queen taken OTK! This one, from Jumbo Comics #17, appears to have been drawn by Nick Cardy and we'll see it next week.
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Golden Age Search: Toby-Minoan, Trojan, Youthful

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Well, this week's search has been a big bust so far - not one spanking from these three publishers! The totals:
Toby-Minoan - 1523 pages.
Trojan Magazines - 1119 pages.
Youthful Magazines - 896 pages.
Cumulative Pages Searched - 308351

These are all small publishers, which are all that's left now that I'm finished with the big houses. Of course, small doesn't mean there won't be any more spankings, and I do still have one more good M/F scene from a Golden Age romance comic, plus some others I haven't been able to identify but will post anyway if I don't find any new ones. And next week we'll have Combat Casey #7, which is Golden Age but wasn't technically part of this search.
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Golden Age Search - Miscellaneous Publishers

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Pages searched: 6725
Cumulative Pages: 316127
Spankings: 3 (all M/M)

The search is winding down now. There were a few interesting titles, but because there were few from relatively spanking-rich genres such as superhero, romance, and teen humor, I really didn't expect to find too much among these little publishing houses. The three M/M scenes are a reminder of the unhappy prevalence of this orientation during the Golden Age.

Next: on to Canada! There was a brief period during which comics flourished in the Great White North. Let's hope those hosers like spanking as much as they do back-bacon!
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Golden Age Search - Canadian Publishers

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Pages Searched: 2321 Cumulative Pages: 318448 Spankings: 0

Canadian comics flourished for a brief period during World War II when economic factors or government policy restricted the importation of American comics. This period is sometimes called the Canada Golden Age, although from what I've seen, much of the material consisted of reprints from American publishers anyway. What I didn't see was any spankings, American or Canadian - darn!

One interesting and genuinely Canadian find was a Mr. Monster story. I knew that Mr. Monster had first appeared in Canada, but I had never imagined I would run into one of his stories. I will reprint the splash page in the CSR Mr. Monster page (the one with Lyndal Ferguson's witch-spanking) so everyone can see what the character looked like in his first incarnation.

The Great Golden Age Search is winding down now - in fact, I've already begun two new searches for strip spankings and for The Holy Grail (Superman spanks Supergirl). My next entry will probably have the final tallies for the GA search, and discuss the question of where we go from here.
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Golden Age Search - The Final Report

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The Great Golden Age Comics Spanking Search is officially over. And what a time it’s been these past nine months: 320,529 pages and 158 spankings! :D As a search, it wasn’t particularly efficient, but it was thorough. In my active collecting days, I specialized in Silver Age and later books, so it was an interesting experience becoming acquainted with so many GA lines. On the one hand, it was rewarding to find some excellent art and excellent spankings, and on the other dismaying to see just how many of them were M/M.

Now I don’t mean that I’m giving up searching for GA (and other) spanking scenes, it’s just that there aren’t any more ready supplies of scans that can support a search rate of over 1000 pages per day downloaded and searched. Frankly, I don’t know how much longer I could continue this pace even if the scans were available. I’ll continue looking through what scans I can find, I hope with a more efficient approach (see the follow-up post, “Where Do We Go From Here?”), and I do still have a reservoir of comic strips to examine. For the most part, future searches will have to be conducted a bit differently.

I’d like to publish a list of all the titles and issue numbers I’ve examined to aid others who might be interested in carrying on the spanking search without duplicating my efforts, but while most of that information is still available, it’s not in a convenient form – it exists only in the folder names of what is now a 40-DVD comics collection! I might be able to write a program to create the list, but right now I haven’t got the time to think about it. (By the way, with my Silver Age search for the Holy Grail, such a list soon will be made available, because the nature of that search is far different – I knew most of the titles and issue numbers at the outset).

Could I have missed anything in these books? Yes, it could have happened in several ways:

1. I could have passed over some available scan. There could be sources I don’t know about, or something could have been added in one place while I was searching another. In fact, one of the reasons I kept up such a breakneck pace was to minimize the chances of this happening, but it’s going to be a real problem going forward.
2. Some issues do not have complete scans, usually because the books themselves are not complete, but occasionally because some of the material in a given issue is still copyrighted while the rest is in the Public Domain (e.g., Green Hornet). I don’t have records of which books were complete and which weren’t when I searched them, so any spankings in the missing pages may well go undiscovered forever. Fortunately, there probably aren’t many of these.
3. Since I allowed myself only two seconds per page, I could simply have passed over a scene without seeing it. Probably this did not happen, because if there was any question I stopped the page flow and went back, and I did catch some spankings in rather small panels.

The most significant thing to all of us who love comic spankings is that there are unquestionably a lot more out there waiting to be discovered. How many? If I covered half of all GA books (and it was probably less), then using Riley’s estimate of 1 M/F spanking per 7500 pages would mean there are another 40 out there that perhaps no one in the spanking scene knows about yet! And that doesn’t include Silver-Age and later stuff, or comic strips. I wouldn’t even care to guess how many unknown strip spankings there are, although the proportion of our desired M/F ones may be small.

Romance comics stand out as the single most likely source of future spankings, although of course many of these are not yet in the Public Domain. But that again is a subject I’ll take up next time.
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New Charlton Romance Spanking

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For some time, I had suspected there was another spanking in Charlton's For Lovers Only, and this week I obtained the issue in question. I'm happy to report that my suspicion was correct, and there is indeed a spanking (on bikini!) :) . Not a great scene (strangely, the spanking is only half-deserved) but not a bad one either. I don't know when I'm going to post it because so much is happening right now, but maybe for the beginning of summer since it's a bikini-spanking.
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1st Crime Comic and New Info on Debbi and Veronica

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More mysteries that seem to be yielding to my persistence:
  • New lead on the date of Jolly/Sulky spanking in Smilin' Jack.
  • I believe I've found the original issue in which the Boyfriend/Debbi spanking occurred. I'm trying to get a copy now. If I'm right, I'll have to revise the page extensively since I had classified it (with reservations) as part of Strip Spanking. :roll: [05/16 update: this is confirmed. The scene looks good in color - watch for it in a week or two.]
  • I'm almost certain I've located the Veronica spanking in which Mr. Lodge spanks her in front of a large group, saying "My daughter seems in need of a little parental discipline!" The panel itself is not new; it's appeared on Spanking Minnesota and here on CSR, among other places. But all we've had is the spanking panel itself. I'll have a copy of the issue soon, and then maybe we'll be able to put the spanking in context. But if it's what I think, Veronica may be less at fault than we'd imagined, and certainly less at fault than in the "Ming Vase" episode, where she definitely had a spanking coming. (The "Ming Vase" episode will be posted in an upcoming Archie series, by the way, although the spanking itself is not shown. In fact, I already posted portions of it on the forum some time ago.) [05/13 update: Positive identification. I've got the book in my hands, and it's great!]
  • I've positively identified one of the mystery spankings lurking in my files as coming from a Golden Age romance comic. I obtained a copy, made new scans, and it will be posted in due course.
  • A hot tip led me to the first known spanking ever in a Crime comic-book! This one almost turned up during the Great Golden Age Search, but the scan wasn't available at that time. Now I've got two problems: (1) I'll have to search out all the places I've written "No spankings are known in Crime Comics"; and (2) I have to backtrack over all the titles I searched during the GGAS to see if more issues were added after I'd finished with them, which is what happened in this case. This was a very unusual plot for a Crime Comic, so I haven't changed my mind about the overall probability of finding any more spankings in this genre.
  • 05/13 Update - ANOTHER NEW SPANKING DISCOVERED! It's Captain Terry Thunder, who gave a another one we posted last December. We have enough for another series now (this one, the crime comic and romance comic ones mentioned above, and one other I've had in the files for years), but I don't know when I can schedule it.
Anyway, all this is good news for comic spanking fans!
-- Web-Ed
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