Web-ed's great commentaries

Let us know what you think about the site - what we're doing right or wrong, what you'd like to see, and any questions you might have. We'll toss some of our own thoughts and opinions in as well, including notes on the Weekly Updates at the main site.
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* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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Re: Web-ed's great commentaries

Post by web-ed »


Thanks so much for your words of praise and many contributions to the spanking cause. [Readers are probably familiar with Dan's cartoons such as Sam Swatt, Spanky Sal, and Captain Woodshed; his Cinema Swats series may be less familiar but I believe is still available from Bill Sova.]

I do work fairly hard on some of my commentaries so of course it's nice to have them appreciated. I certainly hope and expect to keep CSR going. I wish I could bring everyone "all the great spanking scenes from everywhere" although I fear that may be beyond my powers. I think I'd settle for just being able to provide all the adult M/F scenes from comics! But I'm pleased to offer the occasional foray into video where I can re-edit some especially good spanking material from a commonly-available source like YouTube, or where I seem to be the only spanko with both access to the material and the ability to re-format it, as for example with this week's spanking scenes from The Man From U.N.C.L.E and I Spy.

Speaking of video, next week I'll present the true story of an attractive young woman who seems, shall we say, very interested in those stories of people getting spanked when they order a shot at the Hofbrauhaus Las Vegas. Deciding to find out first-hand (or first-bottom), she orders two shots and takes two swats! She also gives us a framing sequence for the narrative in which she wears what looks like a genuine Bavarian dress. Look for it on the CSR Video Page - it's fun!
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Web-ed's great commentaries

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

Web-ed thanks for posting many great spanking scenes from comic books strips tv shows and movies but I was wondering do you have any spanking arts by Eric Stanton? the reason I ask this is because back in the "80s I brought a magazine called Stantoon by Eric Stanton now this magazine did feature a lot of strong dominant curvy females characters that turn the table on their male counterparts binding and spanking them until they submit. Now these was somewhat funny to see tough gangsters outlaws and husbands being taken down a peg by equally stroung beautiful women who took great pleasure in beating them to a pulp or turning them across threir knees and spanking them until they beg for mercy but the thing that made this magazine good was when it was the ladies who gotten spanked!! Just like Bill Ward and Gene Bilbrew Stanton also had a flair for drawing a sexy woman I never forget a short comic strip by Stanton called Mother Day where a grown daughter who was married suffered a humiliating spanking from her mother while her husband watch :twisted: Now I have saw pleny of spanking arts from Bill Ward on CSR but have never seen any of Eric Stanton works maybe in the future you might do a series of drawing from Stanton that would be really great!! As I said before thankyou Web-ed and CSR for doing a wonderful job of finding exciting spanking arts and for having this forum so that people like me who are in the scene can talk about our love of spankings! THANKYOU WEB-ED!!!!!!!!!!!!!""""
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Re: Web-ed's great commentaries

Post by jimc »

Yes indeed web-ed. We do love all your finds and commentary on your finds. Stanton has not really been one of my favorite artists as i much prefer m/f or even f/f not any f/m even though i do do know they are out there and while not my taste i do know web-ed does try to be fair and show those f/m even though he would prefer not to himself. Have a great day
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Re: Web-ed's great commentaries, and Eric Stanton

Post by web-ed »

Jim, Butch,

Thanks to both of you for the kind words. It's my pleasure to provide you with the best spanking material I can find here on CSR.


I do have two very fine (and very rare) Stanton M/F drawings that were sent to me by Jim Linderman. You can find them in the Picture Gallery here (the linked page contains a "Next" link to the 2nd). I don't have any more of Stanton in my files right now, but of course there's much more to come from the Humorama Big 5 (Ward, Wenzel, Stiles, DeCarlo, and Homer) plus lesser-known Humorama artists. Watch the Humor Section for two of these each week from now through the end of the year. And of course it's always possible I'll get my hands on that Mother's Day spanking or other Stanton works in the future.
-- Web-Ed
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